Collaborative Provision Pro Forma for Initial

Collaborative Provision Pro Forma for Initial Consideration
and Decision Form
This pro forma should be completed and submitted to the Academic Support Office the first step towards the
approval of a proposal for collaborative provision involving a taught programme of study or research degree
at the University of York (‘the University’).
Further details about the University’s approach to collaborative provision involving taught programmes of
study are available at: .
Please contact the ASO at 01904 323849 to discuss your proposal.
Completing the pro forma
 Please complete all sections: the white boxes will expand as you type
 Responses should be self-contained and concise
 If more than one University department is involved, each department should contribute to the
relevant sections
 If there is more than one proposed partner please adjust the responses accordingly
 If you have any questions about completing the pro forma please contact your contact within the
Academic Support Office at:
Contact details of the proposed partner organisation
Name of proposed partner organisation:
Full postal address:
Name and status of main contact for the proposal:
Email address and telephone number of main contact:
Name and status of secondary contact for the proposal:
Email address and telephone number of secondary contact:
Contact details of the relevant University department
Name of main contact for the proposal:
Email address and telephone number of main contact:
Name of secondary contact for the proposal:
Email address and telephone number of secondary contact:
1 Proposing body
Who initiated this proposal?
Type your response here
2 Departmental consultation
Please confirm that the proposed collaborative venture has the full support of the Head of Department and
Chair of the Board of Studies (or Graduate School Board if this has appropriate delegated powers) of the
relevant department(s) in the University. Please indicate if the proposed collaborative venture been
discussed by the Board of Studies.
Type your response here
3 Proposed collaborative partner (1)
Please provide brief details of the proposed collaborative partner. Unless the proposed collaborative partner
is a recognised UK university and/or has already undergone full due diligence proceedings with the
University (e.g. a Higher York or WUN member), the particulars should include the type of organisation (e.g.
private/public, commercial/charitable etc.), its educational remit and experience (e.g. HEI with/without degree
awarding powers/FE college with/without HE provision etc.) and its standing/rank.
4 Proposed collaborative partner (2)
Please provide details of any existing or former links between the proposed collaborative partner and the
University at institutional or departmental level. Could any links pose a perceived or actual conflict of
5 Nature of the proposed collaboration venture
Please provide brief details of the proposed collaborative venture. Please note that if the venture is a joint
degree the prospective partner(s) must have the powers to award such a degree. A topology of collaborative
provision is available at:
Please include: (i) whether students would be eligible for a University of York award, (ii) the number of
credits that would be involved and at what level, (iii) the location of taught provision/academic support, (iv) if
the language of instruction would be other than English or the mode of study other than full-time and face-toface, (v) if a programme which has (or might in the future have) professional, statutory or regulatory body
approval may be affected.
6 Timing of the proposed collaborative venture
Please indicate when the proposed collaborative venture would commence.
7 Rationale – proposed collaborative partner
Please explain what the proposed collaborative partner stands to gain from the proposed collaborative
venture. What experience does the proposed collaborative partner have in the relevant field?
8 Rationale – University of York
Please explain, with reference to the University Plan: , why the University should participate in the
proposed collaborative venture.
Is the collaborative venture in an area which aligns with or complements an existing academic strength
within the University?
9 Rationale – University department(s)
Please explain, with reference to the departmental medium and long term plans, why the relevant
department(s) should participate in the proposed collaborative venture.
Is the collaborative venture in an area which aligns with or complements an existing academic strength
within the department(s)?
10 Previous experience of collaboration
What previous experience, if any, does the proposed collaborative partner, the University and the relevant
department(s) have of this sort of collaborative venture? (Please note: for research degree collaborations
you must confirm that the PhD exists at the partner institution.)
11 Resource implications
What are the resource implications (direct and indirect, including staffing) of the proposed collaborative
venture for the University as a whole and/or the relevant department(s)?
12 Risk (see also 13)
Please indicate what risks (reputational, financial, other) the relevant department(s) and the University might
be exposed to if the proposed collaborative venture is approved. What is the likelihood of these risks
occurring? How could these risks be controlled?
13 Sustainability
How sustainable is the proposed collaborative venture? For example, does it rely on a single member (or
small number) of staff? Does it rely on a source of funding which has not been secured or might run out in
the short term/at short notice? What would be the consequences of early/unexpected termination of the
collaborative venture (financially and on students)?
14 Please detail any comments from your contacts in the Planning Office, the International Relations Office
and with the Student Recruitment and Admissions Office in the case of international collaborations.
Collaborative Provision Decision Form
Stage 1 - initial consideration of a proposal for collaborative provision
Comments from the ASO on the proposed collaborative partner (normally the Assistant Registrar
and Senior Assistant Registrar)
Decision of the PVC for Learning and Teaching as to whether further development of the proposal
should be permitted
yes/no/consultation with University Teaching Committee required
Reason(s) for decision:
Stage 2 – detailed consideration of a proposal for collaborative provision involving a taught
programme of study (once permission to proceed with development has been granted)
(a) Approval of the proposed collaborative partner
Due diligence report to be filed by proposed collaborative partner?
Reason(s) for decision:
Site visit to be carried out and, if yes, by whom?
yes/no and by department/UTC
Reason(s) for decision:
Site visit to include:
Comments from the ASO on the proposed collaborative partner (normally the Assistant Registrar
and Senior Assistant Registrar)
Decision of the PVC for Learning and Teaching as to the risk posed by the proposed collaborative
Reason(s) for decision:
Approval to be granted by:
(b) Approval of the proposed collaborative venture
Business case to be submitted to Planning Committee?
Reason(s) for decision:
Site visit to be carried out and, if yes, by whom?
yes/no and by department/UTC
Reason(s) for decision:
Site visit to include:
Input of an external assessor to be sought?
Nature of input?
Reason(s) for decision:
Further information to be submitted for full approval:
Comments from the ASO on the proposed collaborative venture (normally the Assistant Registrar
and Senior Assistant Registrar)
Decision of the PVC for Learning and Teaching as to the risk posed by the proposed collaborative
Reason(s) for decision:
Approval to be granted by: