biosketch - Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center

Principal Investigator/Program Director:
Meyskens, Frank L.
Provide the following information for the Senior/key personnel and other significant contributors.
Follow this format for each person. DO NOT EXCEED FOUR PAGES.
Mercola, Dan
Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
eRA COMMONS USER NAME (credential, e.g., agency login)
EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing, include postdoctoral training and
residency training if applicable.)
(if applicable)
University of California, Los Angeles
University of California, Los Angeles,
University of California, Los Angeles,
University of Southampton, England
A. Personal Statement
I am a Professor of Pathology and direct the Laboratory of Translational Cancer Biology and am P.I.
for the NCI UCI EDRN (Early Detection Research Network) UO1 consortium of which UCI is a
designated “Biomarker Discovery Laboratory”. Within the Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer
Center I am Co-Leader of the Cancer Prevention and Surveillance Program with Dr. Christine
McLaren and am a member of the Senior Leadership Council.
B. Positions and Honors
Positions and Employment
University of Oxford, postdoctoral fellow with Prof. Dorothy Hodgkin (Nobel Laureate)
University of Oxford, Member of Faculty of Agricult. & Biol. Sci., (M.A., 1974) and Wolfson
1982California State Medical License, M.D., No. A 40362; DEA No. BM3561467
Resident, Pathology, University of California at San Diego, Board Certification: 1985; F.C.A.P
Assistant Clinical Professor, University of California at San Diego, Pathology Department
Associate Adjunct Professor, University of California at San Diego, Pathology Department
Staff Physician, DVAMC, San Diego, CA
Professor, Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center, University of California, San Diego, San Diego, CA
2005Professor, Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA
2005Director, Translational Cancer Biology, University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA
Other Experience and Professional Memberships
1995Member, NIH Site Visit Review Committee, Program Project Grant Application
1992Editorial Boards: Antisense and Nucleic Acid Drug Development; Cancer Gene Therapy
Member, Organizing Committee of the Am. Assoc. Clin. Chem. Annual San Diego Conference
NIH Ad Hoc Reviewer, Study Section, RFA: "Cancer Therapy with Biological Response
Member, Grants Review subcommittee for Oncology, 9/93-10/99, U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs
1999Associate Member, UCSD Cancer Center
NIH Study Section member, ZCA1, June 7-8, 2004, Dr. T. Meeker, SRA.
NIH site visit to NIH Cancer and Cell Biology Branch, Sept. 21-23, 2004, M. Johnson, Exec.
NIH, member, Research Evaluation Panel, the NCI CPCTR, Canc. Diag. Prog.
NIH study section, 'EDRN: Biomarkers Development Laboratory', Review panel.
NIH Study Section member, ZCA1 SRRB-E, CMCAR, 6/20/05, Tim Meeker, SRA.
Department of Defense, Breast Cancer, Study Section.
Department of Defense, Prostate Cancer, Study Section, Panel for Molecular Biology
PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 06/09)
Biographical Sketch Format Page
Meyskens, Frank L.
Department of Defense, Breast Cancer Grants Review Panel, CBY-1, B. DiVenney, SRA.
SWOG SELECT / PCPT biorepository Study Section, annual, F. Meyskens, organizer.
Study Section, NCI, Cancer Diagnosis Program, Special Emphasis Panel, Clinical Assay
Development, Barbara Conley, Associate Director.
Principal Investigator/Program Director:
Science Citation Classic, Blundell et al, Insulin, its structure, biology, and activity. The Proteins
Oxford University, matriculated as M.A. status
San Diego Padres Medical All-Star for 2004 presented by M. Milkin
C. Selected peer-reviewed publications (Selected from 130)
1. Jun Hayakawa, Shalu Mittal, Yipeng Wang, Kemal Korkmaz, Mashide Ohmichi, Eileen Adamson, Michael
McClelland, Dan Mercola. Identification of genes bound and regulated by ATF2/c-Jun following genotoxic
stress. Molecular Cell 2004;16:521-535. PMID 15546613.
2. Anja Krones-Herzig, Shalu Mittal, Kelly Yule, Hongyan Liang, Chris English, Rafael Urcis, Tarun Soni,
Eileen D. Adamson, and Dan Mercola. Egr1 acts as a tumor suppressor in vivo and in vitro via regulation
of p53. Cancer
Research. 2005;65(12):5133-43. PMID 15958557.
3. Maryla Krajewska, Alan H.Olson, Dan Mercola, John C. Reed JC, Stan Krajewski.
immunohistochemistry for distinguishing malignant from benign epithelial lesions of prostate. Prostate.
2007 Jun 15;67(9):907-10. PMID 17440968.
4. Krajewska, M., Kitada, S., Winter, J. N., Variakojis, D., Lichtenstein, A., Zhai, D., Cuddy, M., Huang, X.,
Luciano, F., Baker, C. H., Kim, H., Shin, E., Kennedy, S., Olson, A. H., Badzio, A., Jassem, J., MeinholdHeerlein, I., Duffy, M. J., Schimmer, A. D., Tsao3, M., Brown, E, Sawyers, A., Andreeff1, M., Mercola, D.,
Krajewski, S. & Reed, J.C. (2008). Bcl-B Expression in Human Epithelial & Nonepithelial Malignancies
Clin.Canc.Res., 14:3011-3021. PMID 18483366
5. Yu, J., Zhang, S.S., Saito, K., Williams, S., Arimura, Y., Ma, Y., Ke, Y., Baron, V., Mercola, D., Feng, G.S.,
Adamson, E., Mustelin, T. (2009). PTEN regulation by Akt-EGR1-ARF-PTEN axis. EMBO J., 7;28(1):2133. Epub 2008 Dec. PMID 19057511. PMCID 2633077
6. Koziol, J.A., Feng, A.C., Jia, Z., Wang, Y., McClelland, M., Mercola, D. (2008). The Wisdom of the
Commons: Ensemble Tree Classifiers for Prostate Cancer Prognosis. Bioinformatics, 25:54-60. PMID
18628288. PMCID 2638928
7. Arora, S., Wang, Y., Jia, Z., Vardar-Sengul, S., Munawar, A., Doctor, K.S., Birrer, M., McClelland, M.,
Adamson, E., Mercola, D. (2008). Egr1 Regulates the Coordinated Expression of Numerous EGF Receptor
Target Genes as identified by ChIP on chip of Prostate Cancer Cells. Genome Biology, 9:R166 (Epub
ahead of publication). PMID 19032775.
8. Hewitt, R., Watson, P.H., Dhir, R., Aamodt, R., Thomas, G., Mercola, D., Grizzle, W.E., Morente, M. (2009
Jan 1). Timing of consent for the research use of surgically removed tissue: is Postoperative Consenting
Acceptable? Cancer, 115(1):4-9. PMID 19090013.
9. Vardar-Sengul, S., Arora, S., Baylas, H., & Mercola, D. (2009). Expression profile of human gingival
fibroblasts induced by interleukin-1 reveals central role of NFB in stabilizing human gingival fibroblasts
during inflammation. J. Peridontal Res., 2009;80(5):833-49. PMID 19405838.
10. Jia, Z., Wang, Y., Ye, K., Li, Q., Tang, S., Xu, S., Mercola, D. (2009). Association study between gene
expression and multiple relevant phenotypes with cluster analysis. Lect Notes Comput Sci., 5483:1-12.
PMID 19655036. PMCID 2719899.
11. Tang, Y., Simoneau, A.R., Liao, W.X., Yi, G., Hope, C., Liu, F., Li, S., Xie, J., Holcombe, R.F., Jurnak, F.A.,
Mercola, D., Hoang, B.H., Zi, X. (2009). WIF1, a Wnt pathway inhibitor, regulates SKP2 and c-myc
expression leading to G1 arrest & growth inhibition of human invasive urinary bladder cancer cells. Mol
Cancer Ther, 8:458-68. PMID 19174556. PMCID 2768341.
12. Wang, Y., Xia, X-Q., Jia, Z., Sawyers, A., Yao, H., Wang-Rodriquez, J., McClelland, M., Mercola*, D.
(2010). In silico estimates of tissue components in surgical samples based on expression profiling data.
Cancer Research, 70:6448-55. PMID: 20663908 *these two authors contributed equally. PMID 20663908
13. Jia, Z., Wang, Y., Sawyers, A., Yao2, H., Rahmatpanah, F., Xia, X-Q., Xu, Q., Pio Tolga Turan, R., Koziol,
J.A., Goodison, S., Carpenter, P., Wang-Rodriquez, J., Simoneau, A., Meyskens, F., Sutton, M., Lernhardt,
W., Beach, T., Monforte, J., McClelland, M. and Mercola, D. (2011). Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer Using
Differentially Expressed Genes in Stroma. Cancer Research, 71(7):2476-2487. PMID 21459804.
*Contributed equally.
PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 06/09)
Biographical Sketch Format Page
Meyskens, Frank L.
14. Major JM, Klonoff-Cohen HS, Pierce JP, Slymen DJ, Saltzstein SL, Macera, C., Mercola, Dan, Kattan
M.W.. Prostate Cancer Postoperative Nomogram Scores and Obesity. PLoS ONE. 2011;6(2):e17382.
doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0017382. PMID 21390220. PMCID 3044730.
15. Xin, Chen, Shizhong Xu, Yipeng Wang, Michael McClelland, Zhenyu Jia, and Dan Mercola. Identification of
Biomarkers for Prostate Cancer Prognosis Using a Novel Two-Step Cluster Analysis, in M. Loog et al.
(Eds.): PRIB 2011, LNBI 7036, pp. 63–74, 2011. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011.
Principal Investigator/Program Director:
D. Research Support
Ongoing Research Support
5P30CA062203-16 Meyskens (PI)
University of California Irvine Cancer Center Support Grant Infrastructure and Research award to support
cancer research at UC Irvine and beyond
Role: Co-leader for the Prostate Translational Working Group
1U01CA152738-01 (Mercola)
The Prostate Cancer Tumor Microenvironment Exhibits Differentially Expressed Genes Useful for Diagnosis
The establishment of UCI as a “Biomarker Dectecion Laboratory” for the NCI EDRN and to develop a multisite
prospective clinical validation trial of the multigene diagnositic signature for the diagnosis of prostate cancer
from nontumor-containing biopsy tissue.
Role: PI
1R01CA122558-01A2 Zi, Xiaolin (PI)
Chemoprevention of urinary bladder carcinogenesis by flavokawain A
Goals are to: (1) Determine flavokawain A’s ability to inhibit bladder tumor development and progression in
a) UPII- mutant Ha-ras transgenic mice that produce superficial papillary TCC and b) UPII-SV40T
transgenic mice that produce CIS with progression to high-grade superficial papillary and invasive tumors.
(2) Determine flavokawain A’s efficacy in inhibiting bladder carcinogenesis in the OH-BBN-induced model of
urinary bladder cancers in mice. (3) Investigate in vitro molecular mechanisms of flavokawain A leading to
cell cycle arrests and apoptosis.
Role: Collaborator
Completed Research
UO1 CA152738-01 Mercola (PI)
07/1/10 – 06/30/15
The Prostate Cancer Tumor Microenvironment Exhibits Differentially Expressed Genes Useful for Diagnosis
The goal of this project is to develop a tissue resource and apply the tissue resource to a prospective clinical
trial of the UCI SPECS Diagnositic Classifier for the diagnosis of prostate cancer using patient fresh frozen
biopsy material for suspected prostate cancer cases where the initial biopsy used in the prospective study is
ambiguous and a second biopsy is scheduled. The study will be evaluated by comparison of the prediciton
made for the first biopsy to the clinical results observed for the second biopsy. Early detection will be
evaluated by comparsion of the time of the first biopsy to the average time of second biopsies, usually 3 – 12
months. The functional role of the genes of the Diagnositic Classifier will be investigated by testing the
hypothesis that paracrine factors of the tumor alter gene expression of tumor-adjacent but not distant stroma
via the wnt and TGFberta1 regulated pathways.
Role: PI
Mercola (PI)
4/1/06 – 3/31/10
Army Medical Research & Materiel Command
Novel Array-Based Target Identification for Synergistic Sensitization of Breast Cancer to Herceptin
PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 06/09)
Biographical Sketch Format Page
Meyskens, Frank L.
Mercola (PI)
Susan G. Komen Foundation Array-Based Identification of Genes Causing Chemotherapy Resistance by Breast Cancer
Principal Investigator/Program Director:
Mercola (PI)
Mary Kay Ash Foundation
Development of a Diagnostic Test for Breast Cancer Based on DNA Methylation Signature
2P30 CA-62203-14 Meyskens (PI)
NIH/NCI - University of California, Irvine
Cancer Center Support Grant
1 U01 CA114810-01 Mercola (PI)
Evaluation of Predictive Signatures of Prostate Cancer
A multi-disciplinary, multi-institutional consortium assembled to develop a predictive signature of prostate
cancer and to validate the signature in a prospective trial.
Role: PI
2005-2605 FROM THE CANCER PROJECT Mercola (PI) 09/01/08-08/31/11
Identification of gene transcript levels that correlated with diet of newly diagnosed prostate cancer patients
UCI SPECS consented patients are also recruited by informed consent to complete and electronic diet
questionnaire at the time of diagnosis of prostate cancer and to provide blood used for analysis of analyte that
confirm the veracity of diet survey results. The diet questionnaire results are analyzed by the Viorcare
Inc./Fred Hutch Cancer Research Institute algorithm to determine over 250 dietary values which are then
correlated with gene expression as measure by Affymetrix U133 plus 2.0 arrays of fresh frozen prostate cancer
tissue of the same patients collected by the UCI SPECS project.
Role: PI
PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 06/09)
Biographical Sketch Format Page