Methods - Oxon Epidemiology

Body mass index and risk of dementia in a cohort study of two million people
over two decades
Qizilbash N, Gregson J, Johnson ME, Pearce N, Douglas, I, Wing K, Evans SJW,
Pocock SJ.
Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health, London School of Hygiene and
Tropical Medicine, London, UK (N Qizilbash MRCP, J Gregson PhD, Prof. N Pearce
PhD, I Douglas PhD, K Wing MSc, Prof. SJW Evans MSc, Prof. SJ Pocock PhD);
OXON Epidemiology, London, UK (N Qizilbash MRCP, ME Johnson MSc) and
Madrid, Spain (N Qizilbash MRCP).
Corresponding author: Dr Nawab Qizilbash, OXON Epidemiology, Paseo de la
Habana 169, 28036 Madrid, Spain. Email:
Reference: Qizilbash N, Gregson J, Johnson ME, et al. BMI and risk of dementia in
two million people over two decades: a retrospective cohort study. Lancet Diabetes
Endocrinol. doi: 10.1016/S2213-8587(15)00033-9
Dementia and obesity are increasingly important public health issues. It has been
proposed that obesity in middle age may lead to dementia in old age. We
investigated the association between body mass index (BMI) and risk of dementia.
A cohort derived from the United Kingdom Clinical Practice Research Datalink
(CPRD) included people aged 40 years or older with a first BMI recording between
1992 and 2007. Follow-up was until the practice’s last data collection date, patient
death/transfer out of practice or first record of dementia. People with a prior record of
dementia were excluded. Incidence rates were calculated for each BMI category
using Poisson regression.
Our cohort of 1,958,191 people in UK general practices with median baseline age 55
years, had median follow-up 9.1 years. Dementia occurred in 45,507 people, a rate
of 2.4 per 1,000 person years. Compared to normal weight, underweight people (BMI
< 20 kg/m2) had a 34% excess risk of dementia (95% CI 29% to 38% higher).
Furthermore, the incidence of dementia continued to decrease for every increasing
BMI category, with very obese people (BMI > 40 kg/m2) having a 29% lower risk of
dementia (95% CI 22% to 36% lower) compared with normal weight. These patterns
persisted throughout two decades of follow-up, after adjustment for potential
confounders and allowance for the J-shape of BMI with mortality.
Being underweight in middle and old age carries an increased risk of dementia over
two decades. We contradict the hypothesis that obesity in middle age may increase
the risk of dementia in old age. The reasons and public health consequences of
these findings require further investigation.
Funding: None
It has been proposed that obesity in middle age may increase the risk of dementia at
older ages 1–3 while obesity in old age may decrease dementia risk 4. Understanding
the association of body mass index (BMI; kg/m2) with dementia is a public health
priority as the number of people affected with dementia worldwide is expected to rise
from 30 million in 2010 to 106 million in 2050 5. The prevalence of obesity is also
increasing worldwide 6. In England it has almost doubled during 1993 to 2010, 7 with
the global burden in 2008 estimated to be 1·46 billion overweight adults (BMI ≥ 25
kg/m2) and 502 million obese adults (BMI ≥30 kg/m2) 8.
However, the association between BMI and risk of dementia is far from clear.
Several studies report that being overweight (BMI ≥25 kg/m2) in midlife is associated
with an increased risk of cognitive impairment and dementia in later life
being overweight in later life may be associated with reduced risk of dementia
This has been cited as another example of the “obesity paradox”
low BMI (<20 kg/m2) is associated with an increased risk of dementia in short-term
studies in the elderly 10 and weight loss occurs before diagnosis of dementia 4.
Inconsistencies may arise because studies are relatively small with limited follow-up.
Here we report the largest study to date of the association between BMI and risk of
We conducted a retrospective cohort study using routine UK primary care data from
the Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD). CPRD contains patient information
recorded during routine general practice, e.g. diagnoses, prescriptions, physiological
measurements, diagnostic tests, lifestyle information and referrals to secondary care.
CPRD represents around 9% of the UK population. Data collection began in 1987
and we use data up to July 2013.
We calculated BMI from weight and height records (weight in kilograms/height in
metres2). The index BMI (and index date) was the first eligible BMI value when aged
40 years or more between 1st January 1992 and 31st December 2007. This article
only uses the index BMI. Weight and height recorded on the same date were
converted to BMI. If height was not recorded on the same date as weight, we used
the most recent height within 5 years prior, or if unavailable, 5 years after. We
discarded weight records under 20kg, height outside the range 121-214 cm (4-7 ft)
and BMI outside the range 15-50 kg/m2 as being likely recording errors. We defined
underweight as <20 kg/m2 (instead of the other common cut-off of 18.5 kg/m2) to
provide comparison with other studies examining BMI and risk of dementia 4 and for
statistical stability.
People with a record of dementia before their index date were excluded. In addition,
people with less than 12 months historical data prior to the index date were
excluded, to improve availability of covariates and to avoid missing pre-existing
dementia. Follow-up was until the practice’s last CPRD data record, the end of the
patient’s record collection (due to death or leaving the practice) or the first record of
dementia, whichever occurred first.
The creation of the analysis dataset is shown in Figure 1. Of 6,098,128 people in
CPRD aged 40 years or older between 1992 and 2007, 2,944,587 had BMI data.
The analysis population became 1,958,191, largely due to exclusion of people not
having ≥ 12 months of historical data.
Validation of CPRD has previously been conducted for many conditions, including
dementia 11. Patients were classified as having dementia if, any of the following
terms were recorded during follow-up: dementia, Alzheimer, Lewy body disease,
Pick’s disease. Dementia recorded on a death certificate was also used.
Statistical analysis
To relate BMI to risk of dementia, we used Poisson regression models to obtain
incidence rates and rate ratios. Initially, we adjusted for age (in 5-year bands) and
sex. We used age at risk (updating age bands as people moved through the age
categories) rather than baseline age. We then fitted adjusted models controlling for
the following additional covariates at the time of index BMI measurement: smoking
(never smoker, ex-smoker, current smoker, unknown), alcohol (never drinker, exdrinker, current drinker, unknown), statin (yes, no), antihypertensive (yes, no),
diabetes (yes, no) and previous myocardial infarction (MI yes, no).
Incidence rates were standardised to the age at risk and sex distribution of the study
population as follows. Rates from Poisson regression models were calculated for
each combination of age, sex and BMI category. These rates were then multiplied by
the proportion of follow up time (in the overall cohort) spent in each age and sex
category. The sum of these rates within each BMI category gave the age- and sexstandardised rates. Confidence intervals for standardised rates used the normal
approximation to the Poisson distribution.
To investigate whether the association between BMI and dementia depended on the
time since BMI measurement, we split follow-up time into five intervals (0-1 year, 1-5
years, 5-10 years, 10-15 years and 15+ years), and fitted separate Poisson
regression models for each interval. To investigate the cumulative incidence of
dementia by age we used Kaplan Meier estimates with age as the time scale.
We performed a sensitivity analysis to account for the hypothesis that those who
died would have had double the risk of dementia had they survived. We matched
each person who died during follow up to one randomly chosen person who: (i) did
not die during follow up; (ii) had at least as much follow up as the person who died;
(iii) had the same baseline age (matched in 5 year bands); (iv) had the same gender;
and (v) were in the same BMI category. For each person who died, we replaced their
record by the record of the matched survivor, and counted as two events whenever
the surviving individual developed dementia.
Stata 11.2 and R 3.0.0 were used for all statistical analyses.
A total of 1,958,191 people (18,786,640 person-years of follow up) were included
with a median (IQR) BMI of 26.4 (23.5-30.0) kg/m2. The median (IQR) age at
baseline was 55 (45-66) years and 1,072,485 (54.8%) were females. The distribution
of BMI by age and sex using standard definitions for underweight (<20 kg/m2) normal
weight (20-24.9 kg/m2), overweight (25 -29.9 kg/m2) and obese (BMI ≥30 kg/m2) is
shown in Table 1. Prevalence of obesity was higher at younger ages. Prevalence of
underweight (BMI <20 kg/m2) was higher in women and increased with age in both
During 9.1 years median follow up, 45,507 people had a first diagnosis of dementia,
an overall rate of 2.4 cases per 1000 person years. The incidence rates of dementia
by age at diagnosis and sex are shown in appendix 1 (p1) and appendix 8 (p8).
Dementia was strongly associated with increasing age, and above age 70 was more
common in women than men.
The association of dementia incidence with BMI categories is given in Table 2.
Compared to normal weight, underweight people had a 34% excess risk of dementia
(95% CI 29% to 38% higher). Furthermore the incidence of dementia continued to
decrease for every increasing BMI category, with very obese people (BMI > 40
kg/m2) having a 29% lower risk of dementia (95% CI 22% to 36% lower) compared
with normal weight. Further adjustment for six potential confounders (middle panel of
Table 2) made little difference to this monotonic inverse association between BMI
and dementia risk, and if anything appeared to slightly accentuate the trend.
We further explored the association of BMI with dementia by estimating age- and
sex- adjusted rates of BMI in 28 categories, using 1 kg/m2 steps for most of the
distribution and 2 or 3 kg/m2steps in the tails (Figure 2). Increasing BMI was
associated with a substantial steadily decreasing risk of dementia for BMI up to 25
kg/m2. Above a BMI of 25 kg/m2 there is a more gradual decrease in dementia risk
which extends out to 35 kg/m2 or more. Of note, underweight people had a 64%
higher risk of developing dementia (95% CI 57% to 71%) compared to people
around the median BMI (26-27 kg/m2).
It is useful to document the cumulative probability of dementia by age separately for
men and women and how this depends on BMI category (Figure 3). For both sexes,
this age gradient is steepest for underweight people. Normal weight people have the
next highest cumulative incidence, while the overweight and obese show rather
similar lesser cumulative risk patterns. For example, at age 80 the cumulative
incidence is 9.9% (95% CI 9.5% to 10.3%), 6.5% (95% CI 6.4% to 6.6%), 5.2% (95%
CI 5.0% to 5.3%), and 4.9% (95% CI 4.7% to 5.0%) respectively for underweight,
normal weight, overweight and obese people (both sexes combined). Beyond age 80
the gradient in cumulative risk of dementia is steeper for women than men,
regardless of their BMI.
To explore whether the association varies by follow-up time after the recorded BMI
value, we estimated the incidence of dementia in five intervals after the BMI
measurement (0-1 year, 1-5 years, 5-10 years, 10-15 years and >15 years), see
appendix 2 (p2). In all instances underweight people had the highest risk, followed
by normal weight people. This pattern remained when restricting analysis to people
with BMI measured before age 55 (appendix 3; p3).
As the year of birth in our cohort ranged from 1892 to 1972, birth cohort effects were
assessed and did not materially affect the BMI-dementia relationship (appendix 4;
p4), neither did analysis by age at diagnosis (appendix 5; p5).
Let us consider the competing risk of mortality and whether that offers any
explanation for our findings. The J-shape relationship of all-cause mortality with BMI
is shown in appendix 6 (p6) and appendix 9 (p9). Age- and sex- adjusted, the
highest mortality rates are in the underweight (<20 kg/m 2) and the very obese (≥40
kg/m2). Mortality rates are slightly lower in overweight than in normal weight people:
rate ratio 0.90 (95% CI 0.89 to 0.91) and the lowest observed mortality is around 26
kg/m2. Our sensitivity analysis indicates that the higher mortality in the obese does
not explain their lower dementia risk. In Table 2 we present rates and rate ratios for
dementia in a hypothetical scenario where dementia events that would have
occurred had a person not died occurred at double the rate observed in surviving
people. The rate ratios of dementia for obese versus normal weight became
somewhat attenuated but there remained more than a 20% lower dementia risk at all
levels of obesity. By contrast, this hypothetical adjustment for mortality slightly
enhanced the excess risk of dementia in underweight people.
This cohort study with nearly 2 million people followed over two decades, observed
an inverse monotonic association between BMI and dementia incidence. The
association was not explained by age, sex, duration of follow-up or available
baseline co-variates .
One key finding is that underweight people have a markedly elevated risk of
developing dementia, and this risk persists even 15 years after underweight is
recorded. This finding might appear surprising, since some have concluded that
obesity in mid-life increases dementia risk. For example, a recent editorial stated
unequivocally that ‘reduction of … risk factors such as midlife obestity and physical
inactivitiy could substantially reduce the future prevalence of dementia’12. Similarly, a
recent review 4 concluded that ‘studies investigating the association between midlife
BMI and risk for dementia demonstrated generally an increased risk among
overweight and obese adults’, although the authors also noted that ‘when measured
in late-life, elevated BMI has been associated with lower risk’. However, all these
findings have been based on relatively small studies. Overall, the evidence is not
consistent, with some studies reporting a positive association between BMI and
dementia 9,13–17 and others reporting no association or a reduced risk 18-20 . The
reasons for the apparent differences in associations for mid-life and late-life
dementia in some studies are not clear, but it is possible that a long period of followup (e.g. 30 years 21) may be necessary to detect an increased risk of dementia from
mid-life overweight and obesity. These issues are also discussed in the Research in
Context panel.
Our study is substantially larger than previous studies, and is apparently the first to
report an inverse association between BMI and dementia risk in both mid-life and
late-life. The strength of the association was relatively constant even after 15 years
of follow-up, including among people aged 40-55 at the time of BMI measurement.
Our findings question the belief that obesity in mid-life is associated with an
increased risk of dementia. Claims that reducing obesity in middle age may help
prevent dementia in older age may therefore be ill-founded 2,3,12.
If increased weight in mid-life is protective against dementia, the reasons for this
inverse association are currently unclear. Many different issues related to diet,
exercise, frailty, genetic factors and weight change may play a part. Factors
hypothesised to explain the previously observed protective effect of increased BMI
on late-life dementia include low late-life blood pressure, high late-life cholesterol
levels, higher leptin levels, and age-related regulatory changes in carbohydrate, lipid
or protein metabolism 4. Other possibilities include higher intake of Vitamin E antioxidant 22 , vitamin D 23, or other nutrients. This nutritional theory would fit well with
the similar adjusted risk reduction in individuals across all categories of high BMI
(overweight and obesity classes I-III) compared with normal weight, consistent with
the full effect of any relative ‘deficiency’ in relevant nutrients being rapidly reached.
Our study has several strengths. It is the largest study to date of the association
between BMI and dementia with almost 2 million people followed for up to over 20
years with 45,507 cases of dementia. The CPRD is population-based, geographically
widespread and representative of the UK population which helps to ensure the
generalisability of our findings. This statistical power allows precise age-specific risks
of dementia with more detailed BMI categories and longer follow-up. The
consistency of findings across subgroups (age, sex, duration of follow-up) and after
adjustment for covariates supports their validity. Also, a sensitivity analysis
accounting for the association of BMI with all-cause mortality had little influence on
the BMI-dementia relationship. Reverse causality (could onset of dementia lead to
lower BMI) appears not to be an explanation since similar patterns occur over 15
years after BMI recording. Regression dilution is small for BMI 24. Birth cohort effects
and age at diagnosis had little impact on the BMI-dementia relationship.
There are several potential limitations. Selection bias might exist as 48% of eligible
people did not have a BMI record and 31% of people with BMI records were
excluded for not having at least 12 months prior health records, a requirement to
ensure good quality baseline data. If BMI is more likely to be measured in people
with comorbidities, which might be associated with dementia risk, then some bias is
possible. However, as BMI recording became routine from 2004, we conducted
analyses by calendar year of BMI reading and this did not influence the BMI-
dementia relationship (data not shown). This constancy of findings indicates that
selection bias is an unlikely explanation. We also compared our BMI data with that of
the Health Survey of England 25 and found a similar distribution by age and sex.
Also, we confirm the known J-shape associations of BMI with all-cause mortality
(appendix 9; p9) and risk of stroke (data not shown).
The limited set of variables available for covariate-adjusted analyses leaves the
possibility of residual confounding. For instance, we adjusted for anti-hypertensive
agents and statins and not for blood pressure and blood lipid values, which do
influence the associations of BMI with MI and stroke
Other unavailable potential
confounders such as physical activity, socioeconomic status and ethnicity might alter
the observed BMI-dementia relationship. The amount of missing data for adjusted
covariates was small (appendix 7; p7) and unlikely to affect the BMI-dementia
association as confirmed by a complete case analysis. Might people at high risk of
dementia be removed from follow-up by being transferred out of practice or being
institutionalised? Such loss to follow-up did not depend on BMI. We concentrated on
all dementias since reliable data on specific dementia subtypes were not available. It
is possible that specific diagnoses such as vascular dementia and Alzheimer’s
disease show different associations with BMI. Although rarer and genetic causes of
dementia are more often seen in younger people, the most common subtypes of
dementia in the under 65s are similar to those in the over 65s26. Only below age 45
do the common aetiologies for dementia cease to dominate and we had only 18
cases under 45 years of age. Although some dementias may be secondary to other
diseases (e.g. alcoholism and AIDS) that are associated with weight loss, these
causes are too rare to substantially affect the observed BMI-dementia association.
A further issue is the definition and classification of dementia. The degree of underdiagnosis of dementia in CPRD is unknown but, even if substantial, this would be
unlikely to materially change the relationships found. Data on dementia severity is
not reliably available in CPRD but should not affect the overall BMI-dementia
association. Contact with general practitioners (and other physicians) may be higher
for people in the extreme tails of the BMI distribution potentially leading to increased
reporting of dementia 27 . This might inflate the risk in the underweight and obese.
We intend further research to better understand this inverse association between
BMI and dementia risk. Specifically, the use of multiple BMI readings over several
years facilitates the study of changes in BMI, and it is will be interesting to see if
weight loss is linked to an increased risk of dementia.
In conclusion, we have found a substantial elevation in the risk of dementia over two
decades in people who are underweight in mid- and late-life. Our study contradicts
previous suggestions that obese people in mid-life have a higher subsequent risk of
dementia. The reasons and public health consequences of these findings require
further investigation.
Evidence before this study
The most relevant systematic summary of the literature on the association between
BMI, obesity and dementia risk was published in January 2015
which we used to
gather all relevant studies relating the risk of dementia to BMI. Adjustment was made
for confounders in several studies but the impact of duration of follow-up was limited
in most studies due to small numbers of events. Subgroup analyses by age and sex
were examined in a few studies but the findings were statistically unreliable.
Information was scarce for some confounders such as smoking, blood pressure and
Added value of this study
Our data provide statistically reliable and robust evidence for a non-linear inverse
association of decreasing risk of dementia with increasing BMI. Our study is the first
to have adequate statistical power to examine this relationship reliably, providing
precise estimates for both sexes and a wide age-range over follow up extending over
two decades. Our study adjusted for important potential confounders: age, sex,
smoking, alcohol, history of myocardial infraction, stroke and diabetes, use of recent
anti-hypertensive drugs and statins. Our study contradicts the positive association
between BMI and dementia in several previous smaller studies that were, statistically,
too unreliable to be conclusive.
Implications of all the available evidence
Further work is required to establish reasons for the inverse association of BMI with
dementia risk. The establishment of a lower risk of dementia in people who are
overweight and obese opens up an avenue in the search for protective factors for
dementia. A re-think is required on how best to determine who is at high risk of
dementia. Perhaps more important is the link between underweight and increased
dementia risk, and the causes and public health consequences of this association
need attention by researchers and policy makers. The association found with alldementia invites the investigation of potential differences in risk between major
dementia subtypes.
All authors were involved in the study design. NQ and MJ wrote the proposal. KW
was responsible for data management. JG performed the statistical analysis. NQ,
SP, JG and MJ wrote the first draft. All authors contributed to further drafts and
approved the final manuscript.
Declaration of interests
We declare no relevant interests
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Table 1: Distribution of BMI measurements by age and sex
Age / sex
(<20 kg/m2)
Normal weight
(20-24.9 kg/m2)
(>=30 kg/m2)
8699 (2.8)
6129 (2.6)
5829 (3.2)
5540 (5.0)
2725 (7.4)
84824 (26.9)
61994 (26.1)
52038 (28.2)
38315 (34.5)
15760 (42.9)
130379 (41.4)
105806 (44.5)
84641 (45.8)
49264 (44.3)
14598 (39.7)
91135 (28.9)
64049 (26.9)
42195 (22.8)
18094 (16.3)
3692 (10.0)
28950 (7.1)
13969 (5.4)
12670 (6.3)
13510 (9.5)
9273 (14.1)
151996 (37.5)
87529 (34.0)
63432 (31.5)
49170 (34.5)
26209 (39.7)
115858 (28.6)
85711 (33.3)
71622 (35.6)
50159 (35.2)
21309 (32.3)
108223 (26.7)
70543 (27.4)
53359 (26.5)
29838 (20.9)
9155 (13.9)
Table 2: Rates of dementia per 1000 person years and rate ratios compared to normal weight by
category of BMI: 1) Age and sex adjusted; 2) Further adjusted and; 3) adjusted for the impact of
BMI category
1) Age and sex adjusted
Underweight (<20 kg/m2)
Normal weight (20-24.9 kg/m2)
Overweight (25-29.9 kg/m2)
Class I obese (<30-34.9 kg/m2)
Class II Obese (35-39.9 kg/m2)
Class III obese (>=40 kg/m2)
Rate (95% CI)
Rate ratio (95% CI)
3.64 (3.52 to 3.77)
2.73 (2.69 to 2.77)
2.24 (2.21 to 2.28)
2.08 (2.03 to 2.13)
2.00 (1.92 to 2.08)
1.93 (1.81 to 2.05)
1.34 (1.29 to 1.38)
1.00 (reference)
0.82 (0.8 to 0.84)
0.76 (0.74 to 0.79)
0.73 (0.69 to 0.78)
0.71 (0.64 to 0.78)
2) Further adjusted*
Underweight (<20 kg/m2)
Normal weight (20-24.9 kg/m2)
Overweight (25-29.9 kg/m2)
Class I obese (<30-34.9 kg/m2)
Class II Obese (35-39.9 kg/m2)
Class III obese (≥40 kg/m2)
3.70 (3.23 to 4.17)
2.77 (2.19 to 3.34)
2.25 (1.98 to 2.51)
2.05 (1.87 to 2.23)
1.95 (1.81 to 2.08)
1.84 (1.74 to 1.94)
1.34 (1.30 to 1.39)
1.00 (reference)
0.81 (0.79 to 0.83)
0.74 (0.72 to 0.76)
0.69 (0.66 to 0.74)
0.67 (0.60 to 0.74)
3) Adjusted for the impact of
Underweight (<20 kg/m2)
Normal weight (20-24.9 kg/m2)
Overweight (25-29.9 kg/m2)
Class I obese (<30-34.9 kg/m2)
Class II Obese (35-39.9 kg/m2)
Class III obese (≥40 kg/m2)
Hypothesised rate
(95% CI)
4.57 (4.43 to 4.7)
3.29 (3.24 to 3.33)
2.7 (2.66 to 2.74)
2.5 (2.44 to 2.55)
2.49 (2.4 to 2.58)
2.59 (2.45 to 2.73)
Hypothesised rate ratio
(95% CI)
1.39 (1.36 to 1.42)
1.00 (reference)
0.82 (0.81 to 0.84)
0.76 (0.74 to 0.78)
0.76 (0.72 to 0.79)
0.79 (0.73 to 0.86)
*These rates and rate ratios are adjusted for age, sex, smoking status, alcohol status, diabetes, prior myocardial infarction,
statin use and anti-hypertensive use. Excludes 73,310 participants with unknown smoking or alcohol status.
^These rates and rate ratios are also further adjusted, and assume a hypothetical subsequent rate of dementia two times
higher in those who died.
All trends were associated with p values < 0.0001.
Figure 1: Flow diagram describing the creation of the dataset for analysis from the entire CPRD.
Initial selection: 6,098,128 people
aged 40 years or older between 1992 and 2007
2,944,587 with BMI data when aged 40 years
or older (between 1992 and 2007)
2,018,755 with BMI data with ≥ 12 months
of historical data (between 1992 and 2007)
1,965,585 with BMI data not deemed outliers (weight ≥
20 kg, height between 121-214 cm [4-7 ft], BMI
between 15-50 kg/m2; between 1992 and 2007)
1,958,191 without history of dementia
Study population: 1,958,191
Figure 2: Age and sex standardised rates of dementia per 1000 person year by BMI (with 95% CIs)
Mean BMI within category (kg/m2)
Figure 3: Cumulative risk of dementia with increasing age by BMI category in males (top panel) and females
(bottom panel) separately