2015 Legislative Updates - Mississippi State Board for Community

1. HB 110- Insurance; remove certain restrictions on political subdivisions to qualify as selfinsurer.
 Section 1 removes the requirement in 25-15-101 that says “in order to qualify as a
self-insurer, a group, whether consisting of one or more employees, shall consist of
not less than 125 employees.
 Effective July 1, 2015.
 Representative Jeff Smith.
 3/17/15- approved by Governor Bryant.
2. HB 647- Junior colleges; repeal provisions requiring instructors to fill out affidavit of
membership in organizations.
 Introduced in 2014. Died in the Senate.
 Effective after passage.
 Representative Toby Barker.
 3/13- Approved by Governor Bryant.
3. HB 825- Personal Service Contract Review Board; revise composition, exemptions,
expenditures and method for reviewing single source contracts.
 Does not pertain to MCCB as we do not fall under the Personal Service Contract
Review Board and does not pertain to the community colleges as they are local
governmental entities.
 Effective July 1, 2015.
 Representative Jerry Turner.
 3/31- approved by Governor Bryant.
4. HB 831- Mississippi Fines Accountability and Transparency Task Force; create.
 Section 1:
o Beginning with the fiscal year 2017 budget presentation, and each year
thereafter, each state agency, general fund agency and special fund agency
shall provide to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee a report of all sources
of revenue, including the amounts from each source, collected by the agency
in the most recent fiscal year. Such report shall include a list of each tax, fine
or fee assessed by the agency, and it shall include the following for each:
 The amount assessed;
 The amount collected;
 The code section, regulation, or other authoritative source that
authorized their assessment and collection;
 The method of determining assessments, including who is assessed,
how the agency determines the amount of assessment, including
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The methods of collecting the amounts assessed;
The purposes for which the funds were expended by the agency;
The amount of funds transferred to the general fund, if applicable,
and the authority by which the transfer took place;
 The amount of funds transferred to another entity, if applicable, and
the authority by which the transfer took place, as well as the name of
the entity to which the funds were transferred; and
 The fiscal year-end balance of every fund that receives revenue
generated by fines and fees.
o For sums received from state sources, the agency shall list each source,
including each special fund, along with the amounts received from each fund.
For sums received from federal government sources, the agency shall list
each source at its most specific level, such as an office or division, not simply
the federal department from which it came. The report shall also include a
detailed description of the actions or results that were promised by the
agency in order to receive these funds.
o These reports shall be posted on the Legislative Budget Committee's website.
Section 2:
o Beginning with the fiscal year 2017 budget submission, the Legislative Budget
Office shall annually publish on its website all budget requests submitted
under the authority of this section by state agencies, special-fund agencies
and general-fund agencies and shall include all budget units for which budget
requests are submitted.
o Beginning with the fiscal year 2017 budget submission, any state agency,
special-fund agency and general-fund agency making a budget request under
the authority of this section shall annually publish on its agency website a
copy of the budget request that it submitted.
Section 3 creates the Mississippi Fines Accountability and Transparency Task Force
to review the amount of fines collected annually by state agencies to determine how
the agencies expend those fines annually, and to make recommendations on how
the agencies should expend those fines each year to ensure a proper mechanism for
transparency between each state agency and the citizens of Mississippi.
Effective July 1, 2015.
Representative Toby Barker.
4/22- approved by Governor Bryant.
5. HB 873- State Health Insurance Management Board; prohibit from imposing premium
surcharge based on use of tobacco products.
 Prohibits the use of premium differentials based on the use or nonuse of tobacco
related products.
 Effective July 1, 2015.
 Representative John Moore.
 3/23- approved by Governor Bryant.
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6. HB 951- Commission on College Accreditation; authorize to enter into certain interstate
reciprocity agreements for distance education.
 Creates new code section in 37-101-243 that says the Mississippi Commission on
College Accreditation may enter into and administer interstate reciprocity
agreements that allow institutions to offer postsecondary distance education.
 Institutions include universities, community colleges, and proprietary schools.
 Effective July 1, 2015.
 Representative Nolan Mettetal.
 3/23- approved by Governor.
1. SB 2040- Admission requirements for examination for cosmetology license; clarify.
 Says Cosmetology Board shall admit to examination for a cosmetology license
anyone person who has made application to the board in proper form, has paid the
required fee, and who (a) is at least 17 years of age, (b) can read, write, and speak
English, (c) has successfully completed no less than 1,500 hours over a period of no
less than 9 months in an accredited school of cosmetology, and (d) has a high school
education or its equivalent or has been successfully enrolled in a community college.
 Effective July 1, 2015.
 Senator Steve Hale.
 3/17- approved by Governor.
2. SB 2127- In-state tuition; provide for nonresident students entitled to federal Veterans’
Educational Assistance.
 A veteran as defined by title 38 of the United States Code or a person entitled to
education benefits under Title 38 of the United States Code shall be classified as a
Mississippi resident for tuition purposes.
 Effective upon passage.
 Senator Perry Lee.
 3/18- approved by Governor.
3. SB 2282- State employees; clarify administrative leave policy during extreme weather
conditions, disasters or emergencies.
 The Governor or the appointing authority may grant administrative leave with pay to
state employees on a local or statewide basis in the event of extreme weather
conditions or in the event of a man-made, technological or natural disaster or
emergency. Any employee on a previously approved leave during the affected
period shall be eligible for such administrative leave granted by the Governor or
appointing authority, and shall not be charged for his previously approved leave
during the affected period.
 Effective July 1, 2015.
 Senator Angela Hill.
 3/17- approved by Governor Bryant.
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4. SB 2394- Concealed weapons law; decrease certain fees for license.
 No license shall be required under this section for a loaded or unloaded pistol or
revolver carried in a purse, handbag, satchel, other similar bag or briefcase or fully
enclosed case.
 Effective July 1, 2015.
 Senator Terry Burton.
 4/9- approved by Governor.
5. SB 2400- Government purchasing; place restrictions on emergency and single source
 Changes state agency emergency purchase procedure to say:
o that upon receipt of the statement explaining the conditions and
circumstances of the emergency and application board certification, the
State Fiscal Officer, or his designee, may, in writing authorize the purchase or
repair without having to comply with competitive bidding requirements.
o If the governing board or the executive head, or his designees, of any agency
determines that an emergency exists in regard to the purchase of any
commodities or repair contracts, so that the delay incident to giving
opportunity for competitive bidding would threaten the health or safety of
any person, or the preservation or protection of property, then the
provisions in this section for competitive bidding shall not apply, and any
officer or agent of the agency having general or specific authority for making
the purchase or repair contract shall approve the bill presented for payment,
and he shall certify in writing from whom the purchase was made, or with
whom the repair contract was made.
o Total purchases made under this paragraph (j) shall only be for the purpose
of meeting needs created by the emergency situation. Following the
emergency purchase, documentation of the purchase, including a description
of the commodity purchased, the purchase price thereof and the nature of
the emergency shall be filed with the Department of Finance and
 For single source items, adds language that says:
o Following the purchase, the executive head of the state agency, or his
designees, shall file, with the Department of Finance and Administration,
documentation of the purchase, including a description of the commodity
purchased, the purchase price thereof and the source from whom it was
 Effective July 1, 2015.
 Senator Nancy Collins.
 4/23- approved by Governor Bryant.
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6. SB 2837- Appropriation; additional for various state agencies for fiscal year 2015.
 Includes $66,000 to Mississippi Delta from the Board of Nursing for the
implementation of a Nursing Simulation Lab.
 Senator Buck Clarke.
 Effective upon passage.
 4/20- approved by Governor Bryant.
7. SB 2853- Appropriation; community and junior colleges board- administrative expenses.
 Effective July 1, 2015.
 Senator Buck Clarke.
 4/20- approved by Governor Bryant.
8. SB 2854- Appropriation; community and junior colleges board- support for community
and junior colleges.
 Effective July 1, 2015.
 Senator Buck Clarke.
 4/18- approved by Governor Bryant.
9. SB 2906- Bonds; authorize the issuance of general obligation bonds for IHL, community
colleges and certain MDA programs.
 $25 million for the community colleges.
 $10 million to EMCC for the Center for Manufacturing Technology Excellence.
 Effective July 1, 2015.
 Senator Joey Fillingane.
 4/22- approved by Governor Bryant.
10. SB 58- nomination to MCCB for Mr. Todd Hairston.
 Beginning July 1, 2015 and ending June 30, 2021.
 Representing 5th Congressional District.
 3/31- appointment confirmed by Senate.
11. SN 59- nomination to MCCB for Mr. Johnny McRight.
 Beginning July 1, 2015 and ending June 30, 2021.
 Representing 2nd Congressional District.
 3/31- appointment confirmed by Senate.
12. SN 71- nomination to MCCB for Mr. Chip Crane.
 Beginning July 1, 2015 and ending June 30, 2012.
 Representing 1st Congressional District.
 3/31- appointment confirmed by Senate.
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