Introduction had a prevalence of 6-fold higher than the Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is 60-64 year age group. It is estimated that a disease of the macular retina that is the the number of people with AMD will main cause of permanent vision loss in increase 60% by 2020. people over the age of 50 years. AMD was AMD classification is based on the first described by Hutchinson and Tay in criteria described by The International the medical literature in 1875, as disease ARM Epidemiological Study Group. Cheng, with bilateral disorder that affects the 2009 states that AMD is a disturbance in central This the macular region of the retina most disease was recorded in the International frequently encountered clinically in patients Classification of Diseases, 10th revision aged over 50 years. Based on clinical (ICD-10) with the code H35.5 disease issued manifestations, AMD is divided into 2 types: by the World Health Organization. non-neovascular choroidoretinal in adults. See, 1998 reported that the prevalence or dry AMD, and neovascular or wet AMD. and causes of blindness in many countries Regillo, 2008 states that a typical sign of including Indonesia are generally caused by dry AMD is the presence of drusen, and cataracts. retinal Different things happen in pigment epithelium (RPE) developed countries such as UK, Australia abnormalities in the form of geographic and the USA that impaired vision mostly atrophy and areas of hyperpigmentation. resulted by AMD. In Indonesia, until now Diagnosis of wet AMD can be enforced of the there is no definite data about the incidence presence of neovascularization, which is and morbidity of AMD. characterized by tissue proliferation and Risk of AMD increases with age. Wang, growth of new blood vessels that arise from 2007 stated that the Framingham Eye the choroid into the retina or macula. As a Study, found 6.4% of patients with age 65- result 74 years and 19.7% at age above 75 years submacular have symptoms of AMD. In addition, the accompanied by the formation of fibrotic Eye Disease Prevalence Group reported tissue that photoreceptor cells, resulting in permanent in the United States population prevalence of drusen have a minimum size of this abnormal haemorrhage sub-or-intraretina vessels that that can is be damage blindness. of 125 m at 6:12%, and prevalence of Nowak, 2006 states that the AMD advanced AMD is 1:47%. In accordance with decreased diffusion of oxygen or metabolites the Framingham Eye Study, this group also to the macula, and this has been put found that in patients aged above 80 years forward as the beginning of a new blood 1 vessel formation. The most important thing diseases and play a role in some cases in the formation of new blood vessels is accompanied vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), observed in Makassar by Abdullah N, 2007 preventing VEGF binding to its receptor can on the disease endometriosis, Punagi Q, lead to suppression and regression of newly 2007 in nasopharyngeal carcinoma, and Esa formed blood vessels. T, 2008 on diabetic retinopathy disease. at present, however, the correlation of VEGF gene with the incidence and type of AMD. Results Tuo, 2008) oxidative stress, (Seddon, obtained from this study, expected to 2007) high-fat diet, (Ishida, 2006) and provide genetic diagnostic 2007; been polymorphisms and serum VEGF levels smoking, (Wong, 2008; Hughes, 2000; (Scholl, as been no study in Indonesia, which reported its development is often associated with factors. angiogenesis, To our knowledge, until now there has The cause of wet AMD is still unclear by De additional and information prognostic of in the disease progression of AMD. Almeida, 2009) Genetic researches have revealed a relationship proinflammatory genes, such Method as This was an observational study followed complement factors H and B against byl statistical analysis to examine the the risk of AMD, about 75%. Fang, relationship between VEGF gene promoter 2009 investigated on one of the genetic polymorphisms and serum VEGF levels factors recently been studied, namely with the incidence and type of AMD. the vascular endothelial growth factor- Included in the case group is dry or wet A (VEGF-A). He found an increased AMD patients, whereas the control group is the people above 50 years of age who do not level of VEGF-A in tissue excision from the membrane neovascularization suffer from AMD. Choroidal (CNV) Identification of VEGF gene promoter and polymorphisms -460 and +405 positions pigment epithelial cells of the macula using primer pairs as follows: Position -460 in the early stages of AMD. (CT): sense = 5 `-CCT CTT CCG GGG TAG Some researchers have found a GAG CCA-3 'and antisense = 5`-TGG CCT significant correlation between VEGF gene CCC TCT TCC GAC CGC-3 `. Position +405 polymorphisms (promoter region -460 and (GC): sense = 5 `-CGA ATT CGG CTT GAG +405) with the pathogenesis of many GGG GC-3 'and antisense = 5`-GGG CGG 2 TGT CTG TCT GTC TG -3', with PCR Medicine, and the last is a DNA sequencing conditions of the Pre-denaturation step 94 ° at the Laboratory of Molecular Biology c (5 min), followed by 35 cycles of PCR with "Eijkman", denaturation 94 ° c (30 seconds), annealing examination and analysis of serum VEGF 62 ° c (30 seconds) and extension 72 ° c (30 levels of genetic progress within 3 months, seconds), and 5 min final extension at 72 ° c. from September to November 2010. To identify the -460 polymorphism, the PCR products were incubated with Jakarta. The series of Figure 1 is a plain and photo fluorescence enzyme retina in patients with AMD. In figure 1A we BsaH1 and FaqI to +405, then do the can see the drusen in the macular region, visualization on 2% gel electrophoresis. which after examination followed by fluorescence angiography (1B) shows a shadow Results of submacular hyperfluorescence. It shows that Explorative-study has been conducted case- neovascularization has not happened yet, so control test statistic to find the relationship the diagnosis can be established as dry AMD. of VEGF gene promoter polymorphisms and The different fundus photograph is shown by serum VEGF levels with the incidence and the patient in Figure 1C, which shows the type of Age-related macular degeneration. A presence of soft confluent drusen accompanied study of 66 people consisting of 12 wet by AMD, 17 dry AMD, and 37 control group supports the diagnosis of wet AMD. was performed situation with the aim of research. 66 people comprising of 30 males (45.45%) and Selection of subjects was conducted since 36 females (54.55%) with 51-60 years of age January 2010 in the retinal outpatient group as many as 31 people (46.97%), 61-70 department Sudirohusodo years old number 28 people (42.42%), and 71- Hospital and Celebes Specialist Eye Clinic 80 years of 7 people (10.61%). The number of "Orbita". Blood samples were collected samples also consisted of wet AMD 12 people followed by examination of serum VEGF (18:18%), dry AMD 17 people (25.76%) as a levels group of cases, and 37 people (50.06%) who did are Wahidin conducted in places This Table 1 is the characteristic data sample of of several submakula. in accordance at bleeding the Clinical Laboratory "Prodia", genetic analysis of not suffer from AMD as the control group. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and Restriction fragment length polymorphism Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) was done to identify the relationship (RFLP) was undertaken at the Center for between VEGF gene promoter polymorphism Research Unit of Hasanuddin University with incidence and type of AMD. Cutting the and Research Unit of the Faculty of DNA chain at position -460 then performed 3 DNA amplification using polymerase chain sample with wild-type TT (95% CI 1.1 - 21.3). reaction technique (PCR). Results PCR and Samples with CC and CT polymorphism have cutting the DNA chain by RFLP using 2.3 times greater risk to suffer from dry AMD restriction enzyme BSAH1 consecutive can be sample than with wild-type TT (95% CI 0.7- seen in Figure 2 and 3. 7.6). Samples with CC and CT polymorphism In Table 2 can be seen that the PCR have 2.1 times greater risk to suffer from wet product length 200 bp by cutting RFLP method AMD than the sample with wild-type TT (95% is divided into 3 groups, namely that no cut is CI 0.4-10.6). a wild-type with genotype TT, CT genotype was interrupted in part by a Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay mutant (ELISA) was performed to investigate the heterozygote, and the cut was perfect with a relationship between serum VEGF levels with mutant genotype CC homozygote. the incidence and type of AMD. Venous blood Later in the table 3 it can be seen the frequency of VEGF gene taken from the subjects of research, then polymorphisms, examined serum VEGF levels using ELISA. namely TT as many as 33 people (50%), CT 31 Table 6 shows serum VEGF levels of all study people (46.97%), and CC as much as 2 people subjects. It can be seen that the levels of VEGF (3:03%). After a successful cutting of DNA in wet AMD is 263.73 +164.46 pg / ml, in dry using restriction enzymes BSAH1, then do AMD for 582 +557.54 pg / ml, and in control grouping types of AMD to determine the amounted to 65.52 +24.28 pg / ml. distribution of VEGF gene polymorphisms in To facilitate statistical analysis, the serum the group of dry AMD, wet AMD, and control VEGF levels are grouped on serum VEGF groups. levels > 100 pg/ml and <100 pg/ml. These In table 4 can be seen a significant standards proposed since there is no standard correlation with p = 0.004 between VEGF gene value of normal levels of VEGF, so that a polymorphism with the type of AMD that standard normal serum levels of VEGF in this shows that the variation of CC genes found study were serum levels of VEGF in the only in wet AMD and was not found in dry control group (mean = 65.52 + 24.28pg/ml), as AMD and control. shown in Table 7. In Table 5 can be seen that subjects with In table 8 can be seen elevated level of CC and CT genotypes had 3.1 times greater VEGF > 100 pg/ml was found in the group of risk to suffer from wet AMD than samples with wet and dry AMD, whereas in the control TT genotype (95% CI 1.1-8.6). Subjects with group level of VEGF <100 pg/ml by 37 (100%). CC and CT polymorphism have 4.9 times Statistically, the relationship of VEGF levels in greater risk to suffer from wet AMD than the the study expressed significant with p <0.001. 4 In table 9 can be seen that in the AMD 100%, and was not found at levels <100 pg/ml. group there were 27 people (93.10%) with In table 11 can be seen that the samples VEGF levels > 100 pg/ml and only 2 people with CC and CT polymorphism have 3.2 times (6.90%) with levels < 100pg/ml. While in the greater risk to have a serum VEGF levels > control group, there were 37 people (100%) 100 pg/ml than the sample with the gene who had VEGF levels <100pg/ml. There was a variation TT. 95% confidence interval of 1.1- significant relationship with p < 0.001 between 8.9. VEGF levels with the incidence of AMD. Subsequently performed statistical tests to Subsequently performed statistical tests to find the co-relationship between the VEGF find the relationship of serum VEGF levels gene polymorphism and serum VEGF levels with the type of AMD. In table 9 shown that in with the type of AMD. In table 12 can be seen wet AMD group there were 10 people (83.33%) that VEGF gene TT genotype in the control with VEGF levels > 100pg/ml and 2 (16.67%) group who had higher levels of < 100 pg/ml at with levels < 100pg/ml. While in the control 95.83% and was not found at levels > 100 group, there were 37 people (100%) who had pg/ml. In contrast to the CC polymorphism VEGF levels < 100pg/ml. There is a significant with type of wet AMD found levels > 100 pg/ml relationship (p <0.001) between the levels of by 100% and was not found at levels <100 VEGF with wet AMD. At the same table also pg/ml. revealed that there was significant correlation In the CT polymorphism with wet AMD (p <0.001) between the levels of VEGF with found levels > 100 pg/ml by 37.5% and at levels dry AMD. However, when compared with <100 pg/ml of 6.67%. In the CT polymorphism serum VEGF levels in wet and dry AMD, it is with dry AMD is not found at levels < 100 seen that there were 10 people wet AMD pg/ml. In contrast to the control group was not (83.33%) with VEGF levels > 100pg/ml and found at levels > 100 pg/ml. only 2 people (16.67%) with levels <100pg/ml. The relationship between the TT genotype While the dry AMD group there were 17 people of VEGF gene and VEGF serum levels with the (100%) with VEGF levels > 100pg/ml. There controls was no significant relationship with p = 0081 significant between VEGF levels with the type of AMD. relationship between genotype CT VEGF gene It can be seen in Table 10 that the TT revealed with p highly <0.001, statistically as does the polymorphisms and serum VEGF levels with group, VEGF levels > 100 pg/ml 27.27%, and the incidence of dry AMD. <100 pg/ml at 72.73%. In the CT group VEGF No statistical test can be done in groups of levels > 100 pg/ml 51.61%, and <100 pg/ml at VEGF 48.39%. In group CC VEGF levels > 100 pg/ml because of the number of samples found in 5 gene polymorphisms CC genotype very few and only found in wet AMD. Based on the characteristics of the study sample (table 1), shows that the ratio of Discussion women than men at 55:45. Evans, 2005 and Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a Wang 2007, separately stated that based on major cause of permanent visual impairment the pooling and analysis of literature data and blindness in adults, and remains a threat shows women have a slightly higher risk of in the next decade. Research on the AMD developing AMD. Whether this is caused by life developed rapidly in the late 20th century, and expectancy was longer in women, or by provides important information for the next hormonal influences, or because of other researches. factors is still unanswered and more require in In some observational studies including depth analysis. Age as the sample of patients case-control study based on clinical and who are above 50 years of research. This is population-based surveys, have consistently consistent with the classification established shown that family history is a risk factor on by the International ARM Epidemiological the incidence of AMD. Individuals with a Study Group. In this study there are age group family history with AMD have the risk ratio 51-60 years amounted to 46.97%. Although not was 3 times higher than in people who have no statistically significant different from the 61- family history. (Wang, 2007) 70 year age group (42.42%), but something Scholl and colleagues in 2007 reported the similar was reported by The Baltimore Eye number of candidate genes that are often been Survey on prevalence data drusen patients studied as genetic factor associated with AMD. with diameters > 125 m at the white race. Among candidate genes that they observe, They reported that patients with drusen in age VEGF is one of the gene that gave positive group 55-59 years is slightly higher than the result AMD. 60-64 year age group, which then increased This research was conducted to answer the rapidly until age over 80 years. (Wang, 2007) questions about the relationship of VEGF gene Patients with AMD as the case group consisted promoter polymorphisms and serum VEGF of 12 people wet AMD (18.18%), and dry AMD levels with the incidence and type of AMD. as many as 17 people (25.76%). The control VEGF gene polymorphism analysis included group are individuals who do not suffer from genotype at position -460 T/C, whereas VEGF AMD as much as 37 people (56.06%). Serum levels of analysis include the examination of VEGF levels with values > 100 pg/ml by 27 serum VEGF levels, and the relationship with people (40.91%), and less than 100 pg / ml was VEGF gene polymorphism and serum VEGF 39 people (59.09%). There is a polymorphism levels with the incidence and type of AMD. on the variant distribution of wild-type TT 33 on the incidence of 6 people (50%), mutant CT-heterozygote 31 Punagi Q, 2008, reported 15.62% in cases of people (46.97%), and mutant-homozygote CC 2 nasopharyngeal carcinoma, and Esa T, 2008, people (3.03%). which This research identified the VEGF gene promoter polymorphism at position identifies the frequency of this polymorphism by 7% in patients with diabetic retinopathy. -460, although could not be disclosed at the position In table 4 can be seen VEGF -460 genotype +450. Henceforth, only discuss the VEGF gene distribution. It appears that the frequency of -460 polymorphism. genotypes in wet AMD is TT = 3 (9.09%), CT = Figure 2 shows the results of DNA 7 (22.58%), and CC = 2 (100%); in Dry AMD is amplification by polymerase chain reaction TT = 7 (21.21%), CT = 10 (32.26 %), and CC 0 (PCR). Shown in the electrophoresis results of (0%), while the control group TT = 23 (69.70%), white band with a length of 200bp on each slot CT = 14 (45.16%), and CC 0 (0%). With no is filled by a DNA sample. Furthermore, the finding of polymorphisms homozygote (CC) in results of these PCR conducted by restriction dry AMD and control groups, can explain that fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) with the VEGF gene promoter -460 polymorphism restriction enzyme BSAH1. Figure 3 shows the had a significant correlation with the incidence results of RFLP, that there are 3 types of and type of AMD (p = 0.004). Significant characteristic bands. Bands that do not cut in correlation the slots 3 and 5 is normal genetic variation polymorphism has also been advanced by (TT) with a length of 200bp. Slot 1,2 and 4 several researchers. Vannay, 2005 about his contain DNA partially cut with a length of 200, relationship with the incidence of retinopathy 178 and 22 bp. This indicates that the slot of prematurity, and Churchill, 2006, who contains examines the genetic variation of between the VEGF relationship AMD. VEGF polymorphisms CC/homozygote which appears in the slot 6 is distinguishes between the results obtained the totally cut the DNA with a length of 178 from research to that done by Churchill is only and 22bp. PCR and RFLP results can be seen found in this study the results of VEGF -460 in table 2. polymorphism alone, while Churchill and his What colleagues provide the results on 14 single Table 3 shows the frequency of genetic with 2 wet of -460 CT/heterozygote. The last variation is the variation CC/homozygote with gene patients nucleotide polymorphisms from 45 patients (3.03%) of the entire study population. This with AMD and 94 age-matched control group frequency is smaller than that found by (p = 0.0074). several researchers in Makassar. Abdullah N, This study found odds ratios (OR) VEGF 2008 found 17.9% in cases of endometriosis; gene -460 polymorphism in the CT and CC 7 genotype 3.1 times larger than the TT the control group 65.52 + 24.28 pg/ml. High genotype, as shown in table 5. Wang in 2007, levels of serum VEGF compared to the Dry also found in individuals with a family history AMD Wet AMD due to hypoxia in the retinal with AMD had a risk three times higher than pigment epithelium (RPE). Kwak, 2000, which in history. conducted research on the levels of VEGF in Furthermore, at the same table can be seen transgenic mice reported that hypoxic RPE VEGF CC increased the incidence of CNV. Tschirch, 2009 genotype had 4.9 times the risk of suffering states that VEGF has a hypoxic up-regulation from wet AMD compared with the control, 2.3 on the vascular network. Increased levels of times suffer from dry AMD compared to VEGF may be an alarm for the occurrence of controls, and 2.1 times suffer from wet AMD hemodynamic compensation, and if the levels compared with dry AMD. Szaflik, 2009 which of VEGF started to decline indicating that the specifically examine the distribution of VEGF tissue oxygenation has been achieved. people who gene have no family polymorphism CT and gene -460 polymorphism in patients with AMD Abdullah N in 2008 that conducts research found that there was a significant correlation on VEGF levels in patients with endometriosis (OR 3.04, 95% CI 1.65-5.60) in the mutant in Makassar obtain results that serum VEGF genotype (CC + CT) to suffer from wet AMD levels in the group case amounted to 334.18 than the group with TT genotype. They pg/ml concluded that VEGF gene -460 polymorphism amounted to 91.36 pg/ml. Ozturk et al, 2009 may be considered as a potential sign on the which make investigation of the influence of incidence of wet AMD. Papis, 2009 which serum cytokines and VEGF levels of diabetic investigated the incidence of AMD in the retinopathy (DR) and macular thickness was Polish population sample of 177 patients with also obtained similar results with our research. wet AMD, 88 samples with dry AMD, and 136 They obtained the results of VEGF levels in samples as a control group, reported that there the control group amounted to 98.20 pg/ml, is a relationship between the incidence of dry compared with diabetic patients without DR at AMD with genotype C/T (OR 3.77), and a weak 125.37 pg/ml, group NPDR 153.07 pg/ml, and correlation between the incidence of dry AMD the PDR group amounted to 149.12 pg/ml. with the TT genotype (OR 0.19). Tsai, 2006 also reported serum VEGF levels in Table 6 shows the comparison of serum compared with the control group patients with wet AMD amounted to 256.0 VEGF levels in patients of wet and dry AMD pg/ml and the control of 82.8 + 168.2 pg/ml. with the control group. Levels of VEGF in wet Table 8 shows the distribution of VEGF AMD as much as 263.73 + 164.46 pg/ml, dry levels > 100 pg/ml and <100 pg/ml on the type AMD as much as 582.46 + 557.54 pg/ml, and of AMD. VEGF levels were divided as high and 8 low limits based on the value of 100 pg/ml, seen in table 9. because until now there is no standard value of Results obtained in this study reinforce normal serum VEGF levels. VEGF levels > 100 previous results reported by Lip and colleagues pg/ml in 83.33% of wet AMD, dry AMD 100%, who examined the role of VEGF levels in and 0% controls. VEGF levels < 100 pg/ml in disease 16.67% of wet AMD, dry AMD 0%, and 100% suggested that higher serum VEGF levels in control. These results indicate that the entire 78 patients with AMD compared with age- control group had higher levels of VEGF < 100 matched controls (p = 0.0196). They also found pg/ml. Although there are 16.67% patients wet that AMD who had levels of VEGF <100 pg/ml, but between dry and wet AMD. Different results there were statistically significant differences presented by Tsai, 2006. Although they found between the levels of VEGF in the wet and dry elevated levels of VEGF in 77 patients with AMD compared with the control group (p AMD compared to 42 controls (p <0.001), but <0.001). The same thing was found by there are significant differences higher in the Abdullah N, 2008, that the serum VEGF levels group of wet AMD compared with dry AMD (p were significantly higher in patients with = 0.004). endometriosis compared with control group. (p there was no of AMD. significant Lip, 2001 difference Table 10 shows the distribution of VEGF = 0.000). This progression levels > 100 pg/ml and < 100 pg/ml of VEGF study also significant gene -460 polymorphism. It appears that the correlation between serum VEGF levels with CC genotype have 100% of VEGF levels > 100 wet AMD and dry AMD when compared with pg/ml, while the TT genotype there were 24 the control group (p <0.001). Subsequently (72.73%) VEGF levels are less than100 pg/ml. performed (p = 0011). statistical found tests a to find the relationship between serum VEGF levels in In table 11 we can see that the VEGF gene patients with wet and dry AMD. The results polymorphism genotypes CT and CC have a indicate that there were 83.33% of patients relationship with increasing levels of serum with wet AMD with serum VEGF levels > 100 VEGF. (OR 3.2, 95% CI 1.1-8.9). pg/ml, and 16.67% with levels <100 pg/ml. In In Table 12 showed that serum VEGF contrast result was found in patients with dry levels are less than 100 pg/ml and TT AMD, that there was 100% with serum > 100 genotypes were mostly in the control group is pg/ml. Pearson chi-square test found no 95.83% (p <0.001). Serum VEGF levels > 100 significant relationship between serum VEGF pg/ml and genotype CC was found in patients levels with the incidence of wet AMD when wet AMD as much as 100%. Statistical tests compared with dry AMD. (p = 0081), as can be could not be done in the CC group because of 9 less number of samples, nevertheless can be Although there are some limitations of the seen that the CC group were only found in wet study as described above but to our knowledge AMD patients with VEGF levels > 100 pg/ml. and based on literature study, to date there is Results obtained in this study received the no scientific work in Indonesia, which reported tested hypothesis that VEGF gene promoter on polymorphism and serum VEGF levels have a polymorphisms and serum VEGF levels with relationship with AMD, VEGF gene promoter the incidence and type of age-related macular polymorphism degeneration. has a relationship with the relationship of VEGF gene increasing levels of serum VEGF, which in turn is co-related to the incidence and type of Conclusions age-related macular degeneration. From the results obtained in this study, it can However there are some limitations of the be concluded that : the VEGF gene -460 study, such as : the study design is a case- polymorphism of the nucleotide thymine (T) is control replaced by the nucleotide Cytosine (C), and observational study. To better understand the relationship of VEGF gene VEGF polymorphisms and serum VEGF levels with genotypes had a significant relationship to the the incidence and type of AMD is required incidence and type AMD (p = 0.004, OR = 3.1, longitudinal cohort study. In this study only 95% CI 1.1-8.6). Levels of serum VEGF was found type VEGF gene polymorphism at higher in dry and wet AMD groups compared position -460, so further molecular genetic with the control group (p <0.001). There was a testing is needed to examine the wider spread significant correlation between serum VEGF of VEGF gene haplotypes in more than 14 levels of patients with wet AMD with controls, positions. In this study only examined the as well as in patients with dry AMD (p <0.001). relationship of VEGF gene polymorphisms However, there is no significant correlation with the incidence and type of AMD, which is between serum VEGF levels of patients with one of the genes involved in AMD. Other genes wet AMD compared with dry AMD (p = 0081). that have a strong relationship with AMD is There was a significant correlation between the CFH gene, LOC, CFB/C2, apoE, and VEGF gene polymorphisms with serum VEGF CX3CR1. The number of samples collected is levels (p = 0011). There is a risk of elevated very limited, consisting of 12 patients with wet levels of serum VEGF in group CC and CT AMD, 17 dry AMD, and 37 control group, so genotypes (OR 3.2, 95% CI 1.1-8.9). There is a there are limitations in statistical tests. To find correlation a significant relationship, it takes a larger polymorphism number of samples. increase with the incidence and type of AMD. 10 gene polymorphism between and VEGF serum CT and gene VEGF CC -460 levels In order for the results of this study can be useful both for future research and for the benefit of medical services, need for further studies to confirm the role and influence of VEGF gene, VEGF gene -460 especially in the pathogenesis of AMD, which could explain the tendency of a person to suffer from AMD. More in depth study with a larger number of samples required to explain the mechanism of VEGF-460 gene polymorphisms in relation to the production of VEGF proteins. 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