Document1 1 BRUCE Bruce was just two weeks short of his 13th birthday when the family received the western union telegram stating that Grunion was missing. In one of Fran McMahon’s first letters to Kay, she mentioned Bruce in particular, saying “I think about Bruce so much—he seemed such a sensitive lad & with such a deep feeling of responsibility for his family…” In a 2006 interview for the Today Show, Bruce unexpectedly choked back tears as he told Bob Dotson that he would shoot baskets, and if he could “shoot five at a time, Jim would come back. He never did.” The emotions of the 13-year-old boy were as keen in 2006 as they were in 1942. Repressed grief over the loss of his father shaped his life and rippled out over the generations. The bond with his brothers and the feeling of responsibility for his family grew stronger with time. Responding to the astonishing information from Yutaka’s post, the need to explor the mystery of Grunion’s disappearance become an all-consuming passion. John funded the search, but Bruce, working with John, took on lion’s share of the work to research, organize and oversee the myriad of the complex details to make it happen. Master story teller, Bob Dotson, encapsulated Grunion’s “American Story” in a four-minute segments on the Today Show in 2006 and 2007, but the story is huge, continuing to grow and reverberate around the world. Bruce remains connected with a broad net of engaged individuals and the archive of material—a vast trove of photographs, videos, and correspondence that makes the telling Grunion’s story possible. The following sections of the Bruce chapter (not yet fleshed out) will describe the collected material and the research done over the winter between the 06 and 07 search, details of the 07 search, and analysis of images from ROV. The final chapter will tell about Grunion’s bell, the memorial reunion at USS Cod, and recognition by the Navy of Grunion’s discovery. An epilogue will tell the story of Kiska Petals February 8, 2016 1 Document1 2 Surge of activity on website - - Grunion again became national news AP story – Boston Globe, many other news sources Wahoo located November 2006 [\ Lagato may 2005/june 2006 nov – Waterford (best life lead to Donovan) joe hunter Activity on the website exploded with news of the discovery. Bolstered by the grainy sonar images, submariners, engineers, and amateurs weighed in, citing real world experiences and observations, all questioning, all wanting more detail. All comments seriously considered, even those who continued to challenge the discovery. Based on the summer’s work With gps fix –we knew the location and had a good chance of relocating Clarifying documentation Reviewing Airua’s map describe from Bruce’s diagram Airua’s plan, in the words of one of the search team members, serves as a lasting legacy of a seasoned and experienced captain. Always possibility – geology v. sub But this we believed - sub not geology by length and width In his first message –Art stated: we found a submarine shaped hard target about 320 feet long and 12 meters wide. One discrepancy – length of target could not be adequately assessed. To experts and amateurs alike, it was clear that the length of the target was not quite 312 feet, and that location of the superstructure – conning tower and shears – made it look more like a surface ship than an sub - February 8, 2016 2 Document1 3 We did not know that the bow had broken off, or was perhaps buried - this problem could only be understood by a return trip with ROV. At Adak – Richard Graham had showed Bruce enhance sonar imagery that added credibility to identification of target as sub not surface ship. By adjusting color and contrast, Graham identified prop guards on the stern of the target believed to be Grunion. To the untrained eye, his assertion was difficult to assess, but he was correct. In addition, he also identified the limber holes which run the length of the sub, between the pressure hull and the external wall of the sub and function as drains as the sub surfaces. Even harder to see, impossible to the untrained eye, Graham was again correct. Bruce was not convinced about the limber holes, and perhaps Graham, knowing where they should be, imagined them, but in all Graham was accurate. The target was a submarine, and the target had to be Grunion as no other fleet sub was lost in the Aleutians. Research on prop guards was satisfactory. Prop guards were installed on the early fleet boats to keep mooring line from becoming tangled in the propellers, but were later removed as enemy ships could drop grappling hooks, entangle the sub, attach a bouy and effectively identify the location of a submerged submarine. *Richard Graham to Bruce Abele Sept 21, 2006 Bruce I’ve spent a fair amount of time researching the issue of prop guards and believe that they were in place on Grunion when she was lost John Fakan, director of the Cod Museum in Cleveland, who we would come to know later, had given the opinion that the guards were “light gauge” material and would have been lost to corrosion, but Graham concluded that Grunion’s location in 3,000 feet of water – cold water would not have caused corrosion. Commander John D. Alden, U.S. Navy (ret.) who wrote a definitive work on fleet subs of the U. S. Navy, confirmed that Grunion’s prop guards were in place at launch and at time of sinking as the directive to remove existing guards did not come until 1 September 1942, a month after her loss. One of most tantalizing element – slide trail – see file April May Kale Graham Once one understands the elements of sonar imagery, the target – Grunion—appears to be substantial. Another element in the scan tests our imagination – the research team noted the slide trail, which ……. carved into the mountainside, it bare’s witness today to Grunion’s descent, almost as if it were just yesterday. On going research would include visits to WWII subs in US, most particularliy USS Cod, permanently docked in Cleveland and established as a museum. Museum director John Fakan would become an important collaborator – in ongoing research. February 8, 2016 3 Document1 4 In December – suggestion of Cod TTerrass to Bruce December 23, 2006 Recommending subs to visit, esp USS Cod, most like Grunion Mike McMahon’s commanding officer [??? But Bruce not yet involved with John Fakan] Grunion’s community is broad and deep. Among the interested individuals was Mike McMahon’s former commanding officer, Cmdr. Terry Terrass, US Navy (ret). Mike was x years old when Grunion was lost, but Navy ran deep in the family and he served under Terrass in …. It was Terrass who first suggested that we visit the USS Cod, a fleet sub most like Grunion, which lead to collaboration with John Fakan and Paul Farace. Fakan bio Through out the winter 06/07 – ongong talks with Williamson Talk with Williamson etc, but eventually we would find that the ROV they suggested was not adequate at Grunion’s depth Other discussions with WHOI In summer of 06, when there was brief consideration of flying in small ROV - Art had suggested Chris N Ended in last minute choice of Oceanearing Profile Chris N. President & CEO , (d. oct.5 2015) Deep Sea Systems International Inc. June 1983 – October 2006 (23 years 5 months)Falmouth , Ma. Owned and operated the company for 23 years Designer, Inventor and product development for undersea ROV systems , IE: Mini Rover , Sea Rover and MaxRover Contractor to National Geographic Society magazine for +20 years , with multiple ROV expeditions worldwide to remote regions, Chris Nicholson and Deep Sea have also received multiple research grants form NGS over the past 20 years for the development of specialized ROV's, imaging systems and HDTV cameras. February 8, 2016 4 Document1 5 Getting ROV to Adak Commencing 07 trip Age 10 Britain and France declared war on Germany in September 1939 Age 10, Bruce must have written to President Roosevelt asking to join the army – At age 8, Jim wanted to join the Navy – not war time, ??adventure more likely the “call of duty” – sensitive to that as his father was in Navy… Nov. 9, 1939 response …”no provision for military service of boys of your age.” …after you have reached enlistment age, your application at that time will be give consideration (reservoir road, brookline) letters in the summer of 42 after US entered war in 42 and Jim’s departure in may 42: responsibility short letters about commando drills; urging Jim to shin Jap, German, ships – did not understand geography of the war – K: try to be fine because of you February 8, 2016 5