Parent/Guardian Signature

Ms. Carter rm 257
Biology 2 Roosevelt High School 2015-16
Welcome to Biology, the study of Life! In this second semester of biology, we will be
learning about the following themes: biochemistry, genetics, evolution and your body system.
What you will need EVERY DAY:
pocket folder or 3-ring binder
spiral notebook (for biology only)
student planner
All of my students will have access to a Chromebook (laptop) in my class everyday.
I believe that every student can be successful in my class. Here is what you can do to succeed:
Come to class everyday ready to participate!
Do all of your work on time and with your best effort.
See Ms. Carter outside of class time if you need help.
I will provide you with many ways to learn the material, but ultimately you are
responsible for your own learning and success. Find ways to help yourself!
Grading: Your grade will be based on the following two categories:
20% Learning Activities include daily work, homework, readings and laboratory activities. Completing all
learning activities will help to prepare you to master the Learning Targets.
Mastery of Learning Targets (LT)includes a variety of different assessments (lab reports, presentations,
and quizzes). These assessments give you a chance to demonstrate to me what you have learned. You will have
multiple chances to demonstrate mastery of each learning target.
All assignments are graded on a 4 point scale:
Mastery of Learning Target: Can do what is stated in the target without help. Successfully describe/relate the
LT in a new way. Outstanding use of vocabulary related to the target.
Understanding of Learning Target: Can do what is stated in the target with little or no help.
Attempts to describe/relate the target in a new way. Good use of vocabulary related to the target.
Knowledge of the Learning Target: Can do what is stated in the target with help. Can
describe/relate the target the way it was done in class. Basic use of vocabulary to the target.
Working to understand Learning Target: Can do part of what is stated in the target with help.
Cannot describe or relate learning target. Little or no use of target vocabulary.
Did no attempt Learning Target.
I am looking forward to getting to know you. I believe that everyone can be
successful in this course and I am committed to helping each of my students reach
their maximum potential. If you have questions or need extra help, please ask.
Ms. Carter rm 257
Biology 2 Roosevelt High School 2015-16
MAKE ATTENDANCE A PRIORITY! The best way to succeed in class is to BE in class! If absent, the student is
responsible to get the work from the teacher or peers. Students should turn in make-up work within 1 week of
the date that it was assigned. I reserve the right to refuse work after that. Arrangements can be made for
absences due to illness or family emergencies.
I will work to help all of my students be successful.
*My students can expect that I will get to know them and help them to
get to know other students in the class. We will build a community of
learners together.
*As a class we will build a set of classroom expectations that all students
will be expected to follow.
*Students who show positive behaviors can expect to receive positive
*Consequences will consist of reminders, redirections, seat changes and a
conference with the teacher. Phone calls home and conferences with
the dean or other support staff and additional interventions will follow as
Ms. Carter rm 257
Biology 2 Roosevelt High School 2015-16
Please sign and return this page to Ms. Carter.
We have read the Biology 2 syllabus and understand all of the information.
Student Name (print)______________________________________
Hour _________
Student Signature _________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Name (print) ___________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature _______________________________________
Best way for me to reach your parent/guardian(s):
(home # )__________________________________ (cell # ) _________________________________
best time to call is: afternoon / evening / weekend
Parent/Guardian email address (if available)
Google ChromeBooks
My student and I understand that Ms. Carter has a set of Chromebooks (laptop computers) that
students will be using on a very regular basis. The use of the Chromebooks is to support the lessons and
to gain higher knowledge. We also understand that use of the Chromebooks is NOT a requirement in
class, and if I have its use removed I will receive other materials to support my learning.
I understand that I will have the use of the Chromebook removed (between 1-4 weeks) if any of the
below happen:
 Accessing or downloading non-educational items including images, songs, games, snap-chats
 Attempting to use a proxy to access sites not school/lesson appropriate: Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram, etc…
 Not putting the Chromebook away appropriately
 Not treating the Chromebook appropriately
Student name: _____________________
Parent/Guardian Signature ____________________