Volume 2, Issue 3 Spring 2015 May 12, 2015 WILLIAM LAND PARENT TEACHER ASSOCIATION NEWSLETTER PTA President’s Message Hello William Land Families: I am proud to be a part of a school where students, parents and staff alike always go above and beyond the call of duty. William Land PTA thanks you for your support and volunteerism in supporting programs that enrich our community. Volunteering makes the difference between a fine educational experience and an exceptional one. Your participation at family nights and other school events send a clear message to your children that family and community matter. We encourage parents to bravely participate and lead programs they can improve or simply to continue polishing existing ones. One exciting new program this year is our Scholastic Reading Program. This program will help encourage students to enjoy reading independently as well as read at a high level. Mark your calendars and help fund the programs that enrich all of our children's education. Your generous donations for our upcoming fundraisers are critical and make every difference between a fine year for our children and a stellar one. This year will be my last year as PTA president, PTA board elections will be held in May. It has been a wonderful experience serving at William Land as PTA President. Joining PTA is an opportunity to create the legacy we hope to leave behind as we continue to educate those who will lead our community tomorrow. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to myself or the other PTA officers with any questions, suggestions or to volunteer in any way that you can! Tracy Huynh tracy_sing@hotmail.com PTA President, 2014-2015 Upcoming Events/Fundraisers: The 2014-2015 school year is progressing at a rapid pace so your calendars for some upcoming events • Spring Fun Run – 5/27/15 (details coming soon) Open House – 5/27/15 BOGO Book Fair for Summer Reading – 5/27/15-6/1/15 MIP End of Year Performance – 5/29/15 Field Day – 6/8/15 (details coming soon) Spring Fundraiser Success! • • • • William Land PTA successfully coordinated and planned its annual Spring Fundraiser on Saturday, March 21, 2015. The Spring Fundraiser consisted of a pancake breakfast, community rummage sale, and the conclusion of the week long book fair. The morning event was capped with the egg hunt. This year’s event was successful thanks to the many dedicated parent volunteers that assisted prior to and during the event. Special thanks go to the parent and teacher volunteers and from our community partners, Project Church who came through with over 30 volunteers, and former William Land Alumni who now are middle and high school students. Our own William Land Girl Scout troop even assisted by clearing and wiping down tables. The pancake portion of the event went fast and the “cakes” were grilled continuously through the morning. For the event, PTA purchased a mobile propane griddle and griddle top that could be used for this and future events. With this griddle setup, the surface area was large enough to cook several pancakes at once so that there would be backlog in the event of peak traffic having multiple guests at once. The cost of the ticket included (3) pancakes, (2) sausage links, a bowl of fresh cut seasonal fruit, and a cup of the locally acclaimed “Old Soul” coffee or juice. The rummage sale portion had its largest revenues to date, thanks to the community donations ranged from cruiser bikes, to stuffed animals to lightly used clothes and books, and games, among others. Left over items that were not sold were transported and donated to the Goodwill. The book faire was, again, a huge success! Thanks so much to all who helped out at the Spring Book Fair! It is wonderful to see the students so excited about books and reading. This fair had the highest total sales yet-$5,550 which earned $3,885 in Scholastic Dollars for the school. Page 1 of 4 For ideas, questions, or other inquiries, email Tracy Huynh (tracy_sing@hotmail.com) or Brad Quon (Bradford.quon@gmail.com) Volume 2, Issue 3 Spring 2015 May 12, 2015 WILLIAM LAND PARENT TEACHER ASSOCIATION NEWSLETTER This money will be used for Scholastic News magazines, classroom and library books. officer and board elections will take place at the May 12, 2015 PTA meeting. The egg hunt was organized by Mr. Constancio and his After School Program Team, and consisted in two hunts. One hunt was held in the preschool play area and was geared for kinders and younger aged kids. The other hunt was in the playground area and turf area for older kids. The over 2000 count of eggs were stuffed with donated candy, small prizes, and PTA purchased candy. It was a joy to see the kids smiling faces as they hunted eggs. Elections will be held for new board members for 20152017. Board positions are on a 2 year cycle. Positions open for the next team will consist of the following with their typical responsibilities. In summary, it was truly a collaborative team effort that generated positive results. After receipts and expenses, PTA cleared almost $2150 between the pancake and rummage sale portion of the event. This money will go towards enrichment programs for our students. Again, thank you to the many parent/teacher volunteers and community partners for your dedication and commitment to helping our event turn into a success! School Site Concerns Update Currently the PTA Subcommittee on overcrowding has been exploring options on how to address the growth of the school. We have been meeting throughout the school year and working with School Board Member Jay Hansen and Darrell Woo along with District officials to determine a course of action. We hope to have a plan in place by the end of the school year. Stay tuned. PTA Officer and Board Elections Are you interested in planning and coordinating events in the school? Are you interested in seeing how funds are raised and spent to enrich your childs education? If there is something you think needs to be changed, get involved and be the voice to make it change. One way to get involved at William Land is to join one of more than 20 subcommittees that plan the events and focus on particular issues. Your PTA is a fun group of caring parents engaged to seeing that the enrichment programs, etc., are funded. PTA President – Prepares meeting agendas, runs meetings, delegation of tasks, works closely with all PTA members, Principal and Teachers. Vice Presidents (3)– VPs of Communication, Fundraising and Food. Each supports the president, fills in for the president if necessary and helps form budgets. Asst to VPs (3)- Each VP has an assistant board member who works with them either on communication, fundraising or food issues. Secretary – Records minutes during meetings, maintains meeting binder, prepares paperwork for PTA, writes thank you letters as necessary. Assistant Treasurer – Prepares financial reports, banking procedures, expense and income reports. Historian – Keeps track of volunteer hours, take photos of events, keeps record books. Room Parent Coordinator PTA Membership MIP Liason events *Entire board helps in planning yearly Parents from students of all grades and are encouraged so that full representation can be made. What has PTA sponsor this year so far? Your William Land PTA is willing to sponsor and support as many programs and field trips as feasibly possible. We’d also like to purchase some items to assist in the everyday operation of the school whether it’s for technology support or enrichment programs. Page 2 of 4 For ideas, questions, or other inquiries, email Tracy Huynh (tracy_sing@hotmail.com) or Brad Quon (Bradford.quon@gmail.com) Volume 2, Issue 3 Spring 2015 May 12, 2015 WILLIAM LAND PARENT TEACHER ASSOCIATION NEWSLETTER Some items we purchased include: Outdoor storage shed across from Kinders (~ $2000) Supplies for teachers (~ $3750) Scholastic Reading Program (~ $2000) New computers for front office staff (~ $1500) Field Trips ($3100) 6th Grade Alliance Red Woods ($800) Some items we have approved are: Bluetooth wireless speakers for each classroom (up to $100/class capped at $1700 total) Paint for classrooms with entertainment provided by students representing the Chinese dance, piano, drums, recorders, and theatre groups. Our Westminster partner hosted the venue in their church which was followed by a reception in their patio with goodies and drinks for the performers. Thanks for your hospitality Westminster! Mandarin Immersion Program (MIP) Update The MIP program has been busy. Here are some highlights over the past few months and some future events scheduled. As an appreciation to our great teaching staff, we have also provided breakfast and lunch for training sessions and also hosted breakfast event for kinder orientation. We need your support to fund these programs. Our events are coordinated and planned for benefit of the students, staff, and facility. All proceeds from these events will go towards the large ticket items listed above. Join PTA and learn how you can help. See our next issue to find out what other projects PTA will fund. Sacramento Theatre Company Production – Willy Wonka starring William Land Students The students rendition of Willy Wonka was a huge success to a sold out and standing room only show. Several VIP guests from the District offices as well as parents and other family members braved the elements and watched the musical come to life. Thank you to the staff of the Sacramento Theatre Company who helped put the production together through hours and hours of diligent practice and rehearsals. Also thanks to the parents who volunteered with the food preparation, ticket booth, and operations of the program. With your help, the show was hit for all! Westminster/William Land Arts Review The William Land family was warmly hosted by the Westminster Presbyterian Church group on May 1, 2015 Three Mandarin bilingual assistants were hired to support MIP classes. Lunar New Year Performance - Friday, February 20, 2015. The classes gave brief shows with either song or dance, then retreated to their classrooms to celebrate the Lunar New Year with a potluck lunch. UC Davis Confucius Institute Presentation of Chinese New Year and Tradition - Wednesday, March 4, 2015. Spring Art Show Fundraiser - Saturday, April 11, 2015 (8 - 5 PM) at Old Soul Co. 1716 L Street, Rear Alley. This event featured pieces of art from students and displayed for sale. There were also raffles and entertainment for kids. End-of-Year MIP Fundraiser - Friday, May 29, 2015 at Hiram Johnson High School. The fundraiser will include entertainment (show) only. No food service is planned. Thank you to Other Sponsors Special thanks also go towards our other community sponsors and families that have donated financially to our PTA fund. Your contributions are very much appreciated and will support our PTA sponsored programs. Following are a listing of those who have provided donations this year so far. Page 3 of 4 For ideas, questions, or other inquiries, email Tracy Huynh (tracy_sing@hotmail.com) or Brad Quon (Bradford.quon@gmail.com) Volume 2, Issue 3 Spring 2015 May 12, 2015 WILLIAM LAND PARENT TEACHER ASSOCIATION NEWSLETTER To date, the most recent Target Donation to the School was in February 2015 and was $121.28 bringing the total Target donations through February 2015 to $6567.57. There are 35 REDcard holders who have designated the school as of the date of this issue of the PTA Newsletter. Walmart $2000 to MIP Lee Family Society Church $500 to PTA Project Church $250 to PTA Jay Hansen $75 to PTA Ms. Tang $50 to PTA Chin Family Box Tops Current and Ongoing School Fundraisers Arden Fair School Cents The Arden School Cents Program is coming to an end on May 1. Please be sure to turn in your receipts before May 1. William Land ranked number 8 as of March (most updated ranking at the time of writing). Award ceremony is scheduled for May 14 (Thursday) at 5 pm at Arden Fair Mall. William Land is guaranteed to win $500. Thanks to the families that participated in this program to support William Land. Amazon.com Do you shop on Amazon.com? PTA is participating in the smile.amazon.com program where amazon will donate a portion of your purchase back to the school. It is free & easy! Next time when you shop on Amazon.com, please just simply start your shopping by clicking on to this weblink and using your usual credentials: http://smile.amazon.com/ch/20-3714464 To date, our 3rd quarter from July 1, 2014 through September 30, 2014 was 24.55 for total contributions of $42.94. Target Red Card For shoppers at Target and who carry a Target Redcard, go to https://rcam.target.com/ and follow the link to “Take Charge of Education” to complete the registration using our school ID: 34940. Target will contribute 1% of portion of your purchase to the school. We started a box tops campaign and have raised $379.96 by submitting boxtops as of May 2015. Continue collecting boxtops and save for the school. In spring we will have a campaign to raise money. Local schools have earned over $2000. We can do that too. Turn them into the PTA box in the front office for processing. Contact Brad Quon Bradford.quon@gmail.com for details. Teacher Highlight Who has a career of over 20 years spent teaching 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6th grades at William Land? If you guessed Mr. Pickering, you’ve correctly guessed this issue Teacher Highlight! As his favorite subject is writing, it fits who and how he is as a person. He says that “creative” would best describe him since its all part of life’s magic! His dream lesson plan would be to direct a play written and acted by former students. He credits his loving wife and daughter for his success including all of the teachers he works with. Mr. Pickering is involved in the Kennedy Arts enrichment program. It is training over 3 years over summers and the school year to teach theatre arts, dance, and music. When he’s not in teaching mode, you’ll find him writing songs, reading, and working out. Other Ideas for fundraisers and events 2015 will be a new year to start fresh. We welcome new members as well as any ideas on how we can improve or strengthen our team. If you’re interested or have any suggestions, please contact Brad Quon (Bradford.quon@gmail.com). Page 4 of 4 For ideas, questions, or other inquiries, email Tracy Huynh (tracy_sing@hotmail.com) or Brad Quon (Bradford.quon@gmail.com)