Genre Samples - Elizabeth Porter

Fundamentalist Medical Journal
Genre Samples
Solicitation # 0000000001
Elizabeth Porter
3.0 Genre Samples
3.1 Sample 1
3.1.1 Explanation
This first sample comes from a website entitled Up to Date. The goal of this organization is to
provide helpful, comprehendible medical research to practicing doctors. They hope to improve
measurable outcomes like “improved quality of every condition on the Hospital Quality Alliance
Metrics, shorter lengths of [hospital] stay[s], & lower mortality rates.”1
This sample explains simply new research in complementary and alternative medicine and how to
apply it. The authors break down the information into sections based on different types of
complementary and alternative medicine. This is consistent with the strict formatting conventions
of this document involving clear, bolded, capitalized headings and sub-headings. The authors of
this site also take into account the ethical constraints of representing research accurately;
therefore, at the beginning of every article they have a disclaimer.
Because this is an online document, these authors use links (green text) to increase understanding
of difficult jargon and other foreign phrases. Master’s graduates, not technical writers, wrote this
article, but the genre of document still falls under the genre of functionalist medical journals.
3.1.2 Sample 1: Complementary and Alternative Therapies for Allergic Rhinitis
and Conjunctivitis2
The content on the UpToDate website is not intended nor recommended as a substitute for
medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your own physician or other
qualified health care professional regarding any medical questions or conditions. The use of this
website is governed by the UpToDate Terms of Use ©2015 UpToDate, Inc.
Complementary and alternative therapies for allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis
Leonard Bielory, MD
Section Editor
Jonathan Corren, MD
Deputy Editor
Anna M Feldweg, MD
"UpToDate Is the Only Clinical Decision Support Resource Associated with Improved Outcomes."
UpToDate. Up To Date, 2015. Web. 17 Oct. 2015.
2 Bielory, Leonard. "REFERENCES." Complementary and Alternative Therapies for Allergic Rhinitis and
Conjunctivitis. Ed. Jonathan Corren and Anna M. Feldweg. Up To Date, 18 Dec. 2014. Web. 17 Oct. 2015.
Fundamentalist Medical Journal Articles
Disclosures: Leonard Bielory, MD Nothing to disclose. Jonathan Corren, MD Nothing to
disclose. Anna M Feldweg, MD Nothing to disclose.
Contributor disclosures are reviewed for conflicts of interest by the editorial group. When found,
these are addressed by vetting through a multi-level review process, and through requirements for
references to be provided to support the content. Appropriately referenced content is required of
all authors and must conform to UpToDate standards of evidence.
Conflict of interest policy
All topics are updated as new evidence becomes available and our peer review process is
Literature review current through: Sep 2015. | This topic last updated: Dec 18, 2014.
INTRODUCTION — Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) therapies for allergic
rhinitis and conjunctivitis include Chinese herbal medicine (CHM), Ayurvedic medicine, other
single and multiple herb preparations, acupuncture, homeopathy, and several other modalities.
CAM therapies continue to gain popularity in the United States and throughout the world for the
treatment of asthma and allergies.
CAM therapies for allergic rhinitis/conjunctivitis are discussed in this topic review. CHM for
allergic diseases and CAM therapies for asthma are reviewed elsewhere. (See "Chinese herbal
medicine for the treatment of allergic diseases" and"Alternative and experimental agents for the
treatment of asthma".)
OVERVIEW — Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is commonly defined as a
group of diverse medical and healthcare systems, practices, and products that are not generally
considered part of the conventional allopathic medical practices. Complementary therapies are
used together with conventional allopathic medicine, while alternative therapies are used in place
of conventional medicine. More general reviews of the principles of various CAM therapies are
also found separately. (See "Overview of herbal medicine and dietary
supplements" and "Overview of complementary and alternative medicine in
pediatrics" and "Acupuncture" and "Homeopathy".)
More than 20 percent of the United States population appears to suffer from an atopic disorder,
such as asthma, allergic rhinitis, and atopic dermatitis, and over 42 percent of people (both adults
and children) have used CAM for their atopic disorder [1,2]. The popularity of CAM therapies for
allergic disease is even greater in some European countries [3]. Thus, it is important to ask
patients about the use of CAM therapies in a nonjudgmental manner.
The use of CAM is growing in Western countries because of the reputed effectiveness, low cost,
and favorable safety profiles of some therapies. Patients are often interested in alternative therapy
either because conventional therapies are unsatisfactory or because of concerns about side effects
of synthetic drugs [4-6]. The chronic nature of allergic diseases and the paucity of preventive or
curative treatments also stimulate interest in CAM therapies [7].
This review is limited to those therapies about which there is published literature specifically
concerning the treatment of allergic rhinitis/conjunctivitis. These therapies include traditional
Fundamentalist Medical Journal Articles
Chinese medicine (TCM), acupuncture, Ayurvedic medicine, a variety of herbal therapies, and
several others.
Barriers to integration with allopathic medicine — One of the major concerns with CAM is
that it is perceived to be natural and safe by patients, but as reflected in a study in 2009 that
examined the safety reporting of CAM in randomized controlled trials, reporting of adverse
effects was largely inadequate [8]. Improvement in safety reporting would facilitate integration
into routine patient care. However, until this materializes, healthcare providers can familiarize
themselves as much as possible with the available scientific literature on CAM. Evidence-based
information of CAM therapies is available through several internet sites. (See "Overview of
herbal medicine and dietary supplements", section on 'Internet evidence-based resources'.)
Given the high prevalence of allergic diseases and associated costs of the CAM treatments, high
quality data about these therapies are needed so that practice guidelines can be established. In the
United States, the NCCIH/National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health has been
tasked with evaluating mechanisms, efficacy, and safety of botanical medicines through basic
science studies, clinical research, and the establishment of dedicated botanical research centers
The design of randomized placebo-controlled studies in CAM is complicated by difficulties in
blinding, creating an appropriate placebo (particularly for acupuncture), and designing a control
treatment when the mechanisms of actions of the modality in question are poorly delineated (such
as homeopathy). Additionally, the difference in philosophy of CAM interventions from
conventional health care allows for significant variation in the way CAM modalities are practiced
(ie, therapies are often individualized for a particular patient and his/her specific disease state).
Finally, the efficacy of CAM therapies may be heavily influenced by the patient's perception
of his/her interaction with the provider, which is often more personal than the interaction between
patients and allopathic healthcare providers. Thus, results may vary significantly among CAM
providers and studies of CAM must also account for the influence of the patient-provider
TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE — Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) includes
herbal therapy, acupuncture, massage, and dietary therapy. These practices originated in China
and have been used in East Asia for centuries as a part of mainstream medical care. TCM
treatments for allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis are reviewed separately. (See "Chinese herbal
medicine for the treatment of allergic diseases", section on 'Therapy for allergic rhinitis and
A study compared a traditional Chinese therapy containing eight herbs (RCM-102) versus
placebo in 104 patients with allergic rhinitis and demonstrated no significant differences in
symptom scores, quality of life scores, or rescue medication (RM) use [10].
In a meta-analysis comparing TCM versus placebo, seven randomized controlled studies from
1999 to 2011 with 533 patients using the Jadad format (not as rigorous as the Cochrane format)
suggested a trend to improvement, but the compounds tested were not the same nor was there any
change in serum immunoglobulin E (IgE) [11].
ACUPUNCTURE AND ACUPRESSURE — Acupuncture is a component of traditional
Chinese medicine (TCM) that was originally thought to work on the principle of redistribution of
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Qi, the life energy. In TCM, disease is believed to originate from an imbalance of Qi or poor flow
of Qi. The difficulties in designing trials of acupuncture are reviewed elsewhere.
(See"Acupuncture", section on 'Basic theory' and "Acupuncture", section on 'Difficulties in
Studies of acupuncture for the treatment of allergic rhinitis have shown mixed results, with the
most rigorous studies showing very modest clinical benefit [12-17].
●A systematic review identified 116 potentially relevant articles, of which 12 met criteria
for inclusion by studying needle acupuncture, examining clinically relevant outcomes, and
including a control, sham, or comparator treatment group [12]. The results were different for
seasonal and perennial allergic rhinitis. There were no effects on seasonal symptoms,
although some benefit was apparent for perennial symptoms. The magnitude of effect could
not be estimated, although drug therapy could not be reduced as a result of acupuncture in
either type of rhinitis.
●A subsequent randomized controlled trial demonstrated statistically significant but
clinically modest improvement in the primary endpoint of total nasal symptom score after
the fourth week of treatment. Improvement was not sustained one week after completion of
the four-week course, but was surprisingly present three weeks later [13].
●In a multicenter randomized trial of 422 patients with seasonal allergic rhinitis to birch and
grass pollen (ACUSAR – ACUpuncture in Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis), subjects were treated
with eight weeks of acupuncture with rescue antihistamine (RA), sham acupuncture with
RA, or RA alone [14]. Rhinitis-related quality of life and antihistamine use were measured
after the eight weeks of treatment, an additional eight weeks later, and one year later. When
compared with sham acupuncture with RA and RA alone, acupuncture with RA resulted in
an improvement of 0.5 points and a reduction in medication use of 0.7 points, where 1 point
was equivalent to taking one less 10 mg cetirizine tablet daily. Thus, the benefit was
statistically significant, but of questionable clinical importance. In a cost-effectiveness
analysis of these data, the authors concluded that while acupuncture did cause small
improvements in quality of life, it was very expensive and may not be a cost-effective
intervention for allergic rhinitis [18].
Critique of the protocol used in ACUSAR included the use of more needles in the
acupuncture patients versus the sham patients (16 compared with 10) and a larger fraction of
patients in the acupuncture arm having high expectations for acupuncture efficacy at
baseline (85 versus 73 percent) [19]. In addition, the study was performed in two centers in
South Korea and China, and pollen counts during the years of treatment and observation,
which can dramatically influence results, were not reported. (See "Acupuncture", section on
'Trials for conditions other than pain'.)
In summary, the best trials of acupuncture for allergic rhinitis support limited benefit. Despite
this, acupuncture may be a reasonable option for interested patients with relatively mild disease
who wish to minimize medication use and find the cost of therapy acceptable.
Acupressure is similar to acupuncture but does not involve needles. Stainless steel pellets in
adhesive discs are applied to specified points (acupoints) on the ear, and the pellets are pressed
firmly into the skin. In a randomized sham-controlled trial, ear acupressure was studied for the
treatment of mild to moderate perennial allergic rhinitis of 245 adults for eight weeks with a
Fundamentalist Medical Journal Articles
follow-up period of 12 weeks [20]. Subjects were treated for 5 to 10 minutes weekly by a
practitioner in a clinic and instructed to perform the therapy three times daily at home, for 10
seconds per session. There was a small but statistically significant improvement in sneezing and
quality of life in the acupressure group after eight weeks, with additional improvements in most
measures of nasal symptoms at the end of the follow-up period compared with the sham group.
These findings are interesting, although additional studies will be required to make more
definitive recommendations about the utility of this therapy.
AYURVEDA — Ayurvedic medicine is a medical tradition originating from India and derived
from the teachings of ancient Hindu healers, which first appeared in text between 1500 and 1000
BC. Like TCM, Ayurvedic therapeutic interventions include yoga, meditation, breathing
exercises, and herbal preparations. In its truest form, Ayurveda exists for the "promotion of
health" rather than the treatment of specific disease states that have already begun to affect the
Ayurvedic herbal therapies have been evaluated in the treatment of allergic rhinitis. Aller-7 is a
mixture of seven Indian herbs (Albizia lebbeck, Terminalia chebula, Terminalia bellerica,
Phyllanthus emblica, Piper nigrum, Piper longum, and Zingiber officinale) [21]. In vitro studies
examining the mixture demonstrated antihistaminic and antiinflammatory properties. In an
experimental model using the nonspecific mast cell degranulating agent 48/80 ("antihistamine
model"), Aller-7 appeared to be equivalent to cetirizine. In the best human study to date, Aller-7
was compared with placebo in 545 adult patients with allergic rhinitis (171 of whom took part in
randomized protocols, while the others were treated in an open label fashion, treated for 12 weeks
with 660 mg Aller-7 twice daily by mouth) [22]. Clinically significant effects were noted at 6 and
12 weeks, which included 10 to 20 percent improvement in congestion, rhinorrhea, and sneezing
compared with the placebo group in those patients in randomized protocols. Adverse effects were
almost twice that of placebo and were largely mild gastrointestinal issues (eg, gastritis,
discomfort, and dryness of mouth). Aller-7 is commercially available.
HERBAL THERAPIES (SYSTEMIC) — A variety of herbal preparations may be used by
patients with allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis, although scientific evaluation of herbal products
has been limited and only those that have been evaluated in published clinical trials are reviewed
here. A 2007 systematic review identified 16 randomized controlled trials that met eligibility
criteria [23]. The agents discussed in this section are listed by their English names and their Latin
or pharmacopeial names.
Most herbal preparations contain several components, each with potentially varying physiologic
and pharmacologic properties. However, herbal therapies that differ by name may contain
identical components and thus share similar clinical effects and adverse effects. This is important
when trying to analyze studies that attribute a clinical or physiologic property to a specific herbal
In many countries, herbal medicines are minimally regulated and uncommonly monitored for
adverse events by national surveillance systems. However, the increasing popularity of herbal
medicines has led to concerns over their safety, quality, and efficacy on the part of health
authorities and the general public. In response to these concerns, the World Health Organization
has published formal monographs on selected medicinal plants to establish quality standards of
herbal products and outline the parameters for their safe and effective use [24]. Safety issues
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surrounding the use of herbal medications are reviewed elsewhere. (See "Overview of herbal
medicine and dietary supplements" and "Hepatotoxicity due to herbal medications and dietary
Choice of brand — Patients who use herbs often ask their providers what brand should be used.
Lack of regulatory reform in the herbal industry makes it difficult for the clinician to provide an
informed response. One option is to recommend brands that have been tested by independent
sources, such as Consumer Labs, and found to meet minimum quality criteria [25]. For ethical
reasons, supplements sold through practitioners' offices or multilevel marketing plans should be
Children and pregnant or lactating women — Very few studies of herbal therapies have been
conducted on infants and children or in pregnant and lactating women [26]. Issues of particular
concern include proper dosing in young children and greater susceptibility of fetuses and children
to potential contaminants. We therefore discourage the use of herbal therapies in these patient
Specific herbal agents
Butterbur (Petasites hybridus) — Extracts from the root of butterbur (Petasites hybridus)
contain petasins, compounds that are believed to possess medicinal properties possibly by altering
the leukotriene pathway [27]. A systematic review of small, but randomized trials comparing
herbal therapies with either placebo or active drug found evidence of efficacy based upon six
double-blind randomized-controlled trials [23]. In three of these, butterbur compared favorably
with standard doses of nonsedating antihistamines (cetirizine, 10 mg daily and fexofenadine, 180
mg daily) [28-30]. Butterbur preparations are available under a variety of brand names.
Multiple portions of the butterbur plant can contain pyrrolizidine alkaloids, compounds that have
hepatotoxic and potentially mutagenic and carcinogenic effects in humans [31,32]. At least 40
reports have appeared worldwide concerning hepatotoxicity with use of butterbur [33]. Most
cases of pyrrolizidine alkaloid toxicity result in moderate to severe liver damage. Early signs and
symptoms include nausea and acute upper abdominal pain, while more advanced toxicity may
present with abdominal distension, jaundice, and the development of ascites. In some cases, if the
ingestion of the source is not stopped, the toxicity can lead to hepatic fibrosis and potentially fatal
cirrhosis. Manufacturing processes can reduce the content of alkaloids and consumers should
choose products that are labeled as low in pyrrolizidine alkaloids. However, they should also be
aware of this potential hazard and be advised about early symptoms.
Tinofend (Tinospora cordifolia) — Tinofend is an Indian herbal medication containing extract
from the stem of Tinospora cordifolia. In a double-blind randomized trial of 75 patients with
allergic rhinitis, those receiving T. cordifolia (at a dose of 300 mg three times daily for eight
weeks) reported statistically significant improvement in sneezing, nasal discharge, nasal
obstruction, and nasal pruritus, compared with those receiving placebo [34]. The drug was well
tolerated, although it caused an increase in total blood leukocyte count in 70 percent of patients in
the active treatment group, compared with 11 percent of those receiving placebo; a statistically
significant difference. This was attributed to a possible "immunostimulatory" effect by the
authors. There have been limited reports of hepatic toxicity, although several in vitro analyses
performed by a manufacturer were reassuring [35,36].
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Cinnamon bark, Spanish needle, and acerola — A combination of cinnamon bark extract,
dehydrated Spanish Needle (Bidens pilosa) leaf and stem, and acerola fruit concentrate (at a dose
of 450 mg three times daily) was compared withloratadine (10 mg once daily) and placebo in a
randomized double-blind crossover study of 20 subjects with allergic rhinitis and sensitization to
timothy grass pollen [37]. Subjects took each study medication for two days and then underwent a
nasal allergen challenge procedure with timothy pollen, after which nasal symptoms were
assessed and nasal lavage fluid was examined for allergic mediators. Only loratadine significantly
reduced symptoms acutely during the challenge, although both the botanical product and
loratadine significantly reduced nasal symptoms two to eight hours after the challenge, compared
with placebo. The magnitude of effect with both treatments was clinically significant. The
botanical product appears to inhibit the production of prostaglandin D2 following challenge,
which may suggest a steroid-like impact that affects the late-phase response of allergic
inflammation. This product is commercially available [38].
Benifuuki green tea — Benifuuki green tea is a specific cultivar that is rich in O-methylated
epigallocatechin-3-O-(3-O-methyl) gallate or O-methylated EGCG, a compound that has antiallergy properties [39-42]. In a randomized trial of 51 adults with Japanese cedar pollinosis, onehalf of the group was assigned to drink 700 mL of Benifuuki tea daily, while the others drank a
tea that does not contain O-methylated EGCG [42,43]. In the group drinking Benifuuki tea, the
symptoms of pollinosis were significantly reduced, quality of life was improved, and the seasonal
increase in peripheral blood eosinophils seen in the control group was suppressed. Although the
effects were not sufficiently large to suggest that the tea could replace conventional therapies, the
authors suggested that Benifuuki tea could be a useful adjunctive treatment.
Ayurvedic herbal mixes — These are discussed above. (See 'Ayurveda' above.)
NASAL SPRAYS, POWDERS, AND OINTMENTS — Nasal sprays containing either
dilute capsaicin or inert cellulose have demonstrated efficacy in randomized controlled trials.
Capsaicin (Capsicum annum) — Capsaicin, derived from red peppers, is believed to act in other
forms of rhinitis by desensitizing nasal nerve fibers and reducing nasal hyperresponsiveness [44].
In a randomized study of 42 patients with allergic and nonallergic rhinitis, an intranasal solution
of capsaicin and eucalyptol (added to reduce the burning sensation that some patient experience
with capsaicin) used twice a day for two weeks was compared with placebo [45]. There was a
statistically greater reduction in total nasal symptom score, with the greatest improvement in
nasal congestion, sinus pain and pressure, and headache, while the reduction in sneezing,
rhinorrhea, and postnasal drip did not differ between the active and placebo groups. This product
is commercially available [46].
Cellulose powder — The intranasal application of inert, micronized cellulose powder has been
proposed to block mucosal allergen absorption. Some products suggest application every three
hours. Products are available in many countries [47]. Some efficacy has been demonstrated in a
small number of randomized controlled trials [48-51]. The largest included 53 children (ages 8 to
18 years) with birch pollen-allergic rhinitis who were randomized to cellulose powder or a control
preparation of lactose powder [50]. Subjects were monitored for symptoms throughout the birch
pollen season of one year. There was a significant reduction in total symptom scores from the
nose and specifically for rhinorrhea, without adverse effects.
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Cellulose nasal powders have been available for nearly 20 years in some countries (United
Kingdom). As far as the author and editors are aware, there are no reports of adverse effects with
prolonged use. It seems logical that these products would interfere with the absorption of other
nasal sprays used to treat allergic rhinitis, so if symptom control worsens on the combination,
then the combination should be avoided.
Allergen-absorbing ointment — Another method of blocking allergen absorption into the nasal
mucosa makes use of a petrolatum-based ointment containing long chain hydrocarbons [52]. In a
randomized controlled crossover study, 30 adult and pediatric subjects with perennial allergic
rhinitis and sensitivities to a variety of allergens were assigned to active treatment or a placebo
ointment. Ointments were applied three times daily, each for a 14-day period. No other allergy
therapies were allowed. In adult subjects, the active ointment resulted in statistically significant
improvements in nasal symptoms scores and quality of life, while in children, only the changes in
nasal symptoms scores were significant. A small number of other studies have also shown
efficacy with the same or similar ointments [53-55]. However, comparative studies with
allopathic treatments, such as intranasal glucocorticoids or oral antihistamines, are lacking.
herbal preparations, homeopathic products, and miscellaneous therapies have been suggested for
the treatment of allergic rhinitis or conjunctivitis. However, studies have either been of low
quality or failed to show benefit.
Homeopathy — Homeopathy works on the principle of treatment with "similars." The remedies
prescribed by homeopathic practitioners are essentially extremely dilute solutions of drugs known
to cause the very symptoms that are to be treated. However, some products labeled as
"homeopathic" can in fact contain substantial amounts of active ingredients and therefore could
cause side effects and drug interactions.
According to the literature reviewed, 3 to 4 percent of CAM users use homeopathy and about 75
percent of patients seen by homeopathic practitioners report symptomatic improvement.
However, meta-analyses and systematic reviews have repeatedly concluded that homeopathy is
not different from placebo in the treatment of any medical disorder, including allergic rhinitis
[56]. (See "Homeopathy".)
Other herbal preparations — Other herbal preparations, for which evidence of efficacy for
allergic rhinitis/conjunctivitis is limited or lacking, include quercetin, stinging nettle, Perilla
frutescens, gingko, milk thistle, and grape seed extract.
●Quercetin – Bioflavonoids, such as quercetin, have been of interest in the treatment of
allergic diseases based upon studies showing that these compounds could act as mast cellstabilizing agents, inhibiting the release of histamine, interleukin-8 (IL-8), and tumor
necrosis factor (TNF), and inhibiting the formation of prostaglandin D2 in a dose-dependent
fashion [57]. Quercetin is one of the components of an Artemisia abrotanum intranasal
spray that was administered to 12 patients with allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis, or asthma in
a small uncontrolled study [58]. All subjects reported improvement in symptoms within five
minutes of application, which lasted several hours. Ocular symptoms also improved with
intranasal application. Quercetin is also found in Spanish needle. (See 'Cinnamon bark,
Spanish needle, and acerola' above.)
Fundamentalist Medical Journal Articles
●Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) – Extracts from the root and leaves of stinging nettle
(Radix urticae) have been used to treat allergic rhinitis. A very small clinical effect was
noted in one randomized trial [59]. The Latin genus name comes from the term "burn" due
to the urticate (stinging) nature of its hairs secondary to the content histamine and other
pruritogenic compounds.
Stinging nettle has no known contraindications or drug interactions, although contact with
fresh leaves causes allergic type reactions, such as urticaria and burning and itching upon
application to mucosal surfaces, and ingestion is known to cause mild gastrointestinal
disturbances and rare diarrhea. It is also used homeopathically. (See 'Homeopathy'above.)
●Perilla frutescens – Perilla frutescens is an Asian herb. Two doses of a preparation
enriched for rosmarinic acid was compared with placebo in a randomized controlled trial of
29 patients with seasonal allergic rhinoconjunctivitis [60]. A significant difference was seen
in quality of life between the higher dose P. frutescens and placebo after three weeks of
treatment, although specific nasal and ocular symptoms were not statistically different.
●Eucalyptus – The steam distillation of eucalyptus leaves generates an oil rich in 1,8cineole. A clinical study showed that five minutes of inhalation resulted in the sensation of
cooling and increased nasal airflow [61]. Eucalyptus preparations have been studied as a
nasal decongestant during acute infectious rhinitis when applied in conjunction
with camphor, menthol, or steam with improvements in symptoms [62].
●Gingko biloba – There are limited studies in support of the treatment of allergic rhinitis
and conjunctivitis [63,64] using solutions of gingko biloba extract, although one study did
reflect a positive trend for the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis when applying the extract
topically [64].
●Milk thistle – Silybum marianum, or silymarin, is a compound extracted from milk thistle.
It has antioxidant and antifibrotic properties and has been most extensively studied in the
treatment of liver disease [65]. One study showed that subjects with allergic rhinitis treated
with cetirizine, who also took silymarin, had reduced symptoms compared with those taking
antihistamine alone [66]. However, this herbal agent has been known to inhibit cytochrome
P450 2C8 and 2C9, and alterations in drug levels are of a major concern as it has been
shown to decrease the trough concentrations of indinavir in humans [67,68]. It is not
recommended for the treatment of allergic rhinitis at this time.
●Grape seed extract – Grape seed extract has antioxidant properties and is marketed for
the treatment of a variety of illnesses. However, a placebo-controlled study did not
demonstrate any positive effect of grape seed extract on the treatment of allergic rhinitis
Laser therapies — Laser therapies deliver light energy to specific targets, including
endobronchial tissues, tympanic membranes, blood, and skin. Laser therapy is described with
various terms in the literature, including laser ablation, photodynamic therapy (PDT) of bronchial
tissue, endobronchial helium-neon laser irradiation (ELI), and laseropuncture (laser acupuncture)
There are no controlled trials of laser therapies for the treatment of allergic rhinitis. An
uncontrolled series described 42 patients with refractory rhinitis (allergic and nonallergic) who
were treated with a single treatment with a diode laser under local anesthesia [78]. Twenty-five
reported subjective improvement in nasal symptomatology, especially
Fundamentalist Medical Journal Articles 10
nasalcongestion/obstruction, and positive effects on quality of life, up to six years later.
Nonallergic rhinitis has also been treated with laser therapy [79].
Other types of treatments — Several other CAM therapies have been studied in respiratory or
inflammatory diseases, but not specifically in allergic rhinitis. These include apitherapy (ie, bee
sting therapy), behavior modification techniques, and speleo- or halotherapy (ie, cave air therapy
and salt inhalation therapy, respectively). Thus, these are not discussed further.
INFORMATION FOR PATIENTS — UpToDate offers two types of patient education
materials, "The Basics" and "Beyond the Basics." The Basics patient education pieces are written
in plain language, at the 5th to 6th grade reading level, and they answer the four or five key
questions a patient might have about a given condition. These articles are best for patients who
want a general overview and who prefer short, easy-to-read materials. Beyond the Basics patient
education pieces are longer, more sophisticated, and more detailed. These articles are written at
the 10th to 12th grade reading level and are best for patients who want in-depth information and
are comfortable with some medical jargon.
Here are the patient education articles that are relevant to this topic. We encourage you to print or
e-mail these topics to your patients. (You can also locate patient education articles on a variety of
subjects by searching on "patient info" and the keyword(s) of interest.):
●Basics topic (see "Patient information: Alternative medicine (The Basics)")
●It is prudent to ask patients about the use of complementary and alternative medicine
(CAM) in a nonjudgmental manner because a significant percentage of patients have tried or
are actively using these therapies to treat allergic disorders. A paucity of well-designed
studies makes it difficult for clinicians to recommend CAM therapies with confidence.
However, patients who do wish to pursue CAM should consider the financial costs (which
may be substantial) and be aware that long-term safety data on most of these therapies are
lacking. (See 'Overview' above.)
●Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) includes herbal therapy, acupuncture, massage, and
dietary therapy. The use of TCM for allergic rhinitis is reviewed elsewhere. (See "Chinese
herbal medicine for the treatment of allergic diseases", section on 'Therapy for allergic
rhinitis and conjunctivitis'.)
●Studies of acupuncture for the treatment of allergic rhinitis have shown modest benefit,
although it is difficult to estimate the size of the effect in most positive studies.
(See 'Acupuncture and acupressure' above.)
●There are several herbal therapies that have demonstrated efficacy, including Ayurvedic
mixes, butterbur, and Tinofend. Patients interested in these therapies should become
familiar with the reported side effects and understand that these products are not
systematically monitored for safety by drug regulatory bodies. We suggest that pregnant and
nursing patients be advised to avoid herbal therapies (Grade 2C). (See 'Herbal therapies
(systemic)' above.)
●Patients who seek advice about what brand of herbal medicine to use can be referred to
independent sources such as Consumer Labs, which tests various brands of herbal therapies
for content and quality. (See 'Choice of brand' above.)
Fundamentalist Medical Journal Articles 11
●Nasal sprays consisting of dilute solutions of capsaicin or inert, micronized cellulose
powder have shown efficacy for allergic rhinitis in randomized trials when administered
several times daily. (See 'Nasal sprays, powders, and ointments' above.)
●A variety of other herbal preparations, homeopathic products, and miscellaneous therapies
have been suggested for the treatment of allergic rhinitis or conjunctivitis. However, studies
have either been of low quality or failed to show benefit. (See 'CAM therapies with minimal
evidence of efficacy' above.)
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3.2 Sample 2
3.2.1 Sample 2: Explanation
Sample number two is from a website entitled Equator Network. The set-up of the site makes it
very easy to find pertinent research to multiple different sub-topics, which is congruent with the
goal of this genre: simplicity and clarity for multiple audiences. This document summarizes
research in the qualitative health department. It synthesizes several different research studies to
provide formal conclusions in this area of medicine.
This document is different from the first in its length, but as mentioned in the RFP, there is no
specified consistent length for this genre. It also follows a clear and careful formatting style of
headings. This document uses the more traditional research headings. Although this sample does
give several details of the study, its primary purpose is provide a simplified version of this study
to make their audience aware of current research and encourage a deeper study by any who may
find these findings interesting or important.
Sample 3.2.2 Sample 2: Enhancing Transparency in Reporting the Synthesis of
Qualitative Research: ENTREQ3
Enhancing transparency in reporting the synthesis of qualitative research: ENTREQ.
Tong A, Flemming K, McInnes E, Oliver S, Craig J.
The syntheses of multiple qualitative studies can pull together data across different contexts,
generate new theoretical or conceptual models, identify research gaps, and provide evidence for
the development, implementation and evaluation of health interventions. This study aims to
develop a framework for reporting the synthesis of qualitative health research.
We conducted a comprehensive search for guidance and reviews relevant to the synthesis of
qualitative research, methodology papers, and published syntheses of qualitative health research
in MEDLINE, Embase, CINAHL and relevant organisational websites to May 2011. Initial items
were generated inductively from guides to synthesizing qualitative health research. The
preliminary checklist was piloted against forty published syntheses of qualitative research,
purposively selected to capture a range of year of publication, methods and methodologies, and
health topics. We removed items that were duplicated, impractical to assess, and rephrased items
for clarity.
"Enhancing Transparency in Reporting the Synthesis of Qualitative Research: ENTREQ | The
EQUATOR Network." The EQUATOR Network. Equator Network, 24 Jan. 2014. Web. 17 Oct. 2015.
Fundamentalist Medical Journal Articles 13
The Enhancing transparency in reporting the synthesis of qualitative research (ENTREQ)
statement consists of 21 items grouped into five main domains: introduction, methods and
methodology, literature search and selection, appraisal, and synthesis of findings.
The ENTREQ statement can help researchers to report the stages most commonly associated with
the synthesis of qualitative health research: searching and selecting qualitative research, quality
appraisal, and methods for synthesising qualitative findings. The synthesis of qualitative research
is an expanding and evolving methodological area and we would value feedback from all
stakeholders for the continued development and extension of the ENTREQ statement.
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