Sectors impacted by adaptation measure Adaptation measures Agriculture Irrigation Water Biodiversity Decrease supply to other water users1; water saving irrigation techniques could reduce demand2,3 Reduce water in rivers and lakes can adversely affect biodiversity, especially wetlands4 Crop type Earlier sowing dates Breeding Urban Forests Agriculture Coasts Mitigation effect Possible increased soil C storage5; water saving techniques could reduce energy demand6,7; reduce CO2 emissions8; decrease CH4 emissions by intermittent irrigation of paddy rice8 Increase in water levels in wetlands9 Decrease water requirement and stress in summer10,11/ spring crops increase irrigation need11 Possible increase in soil carbon storage12; spring sown crops could reduce N2O emissions13 Loss of genetic diversity14 Sectors impacted by adaptation measure Adaptation measures Conservation agriculture Targeting amount and timing of fertiliser application Water Biodiversity Improve crop water use efficiency15; increase water storage16,17; reduce N leaching13;decrease crop water use efficiency18,19; notillage can increase pesticide concentrations20 Improve water quality through reduced nitrogen leaching32 Increase soil fauna, including earthworm numbers; better habitat for microorganisms21,22; possible weed and pest control problems23,24 Biodiversity Assisted colonisation Corridors Networks Urban Forests Agriculture Coasts Mitigation effect Possible increase in soil C storage25,26,27, reduce energy inputs28,29; decrease/increase GHG emissions depending on measure & its implementation30.31 Decrease GHG emissions25 Increase climate change resilient species33 Improve water quality34 Possible loss of forest and carbon store36 Possible loss of agricultural land36 Decrease energy demand in urban areas35 Increased C storage likely with replacement of agricultural land36 Sectors impacted by adaptation measure Adaptation measures Habitat restoration Water Biodiversity Urban Forests Agriculture Peatland/coastal restoration increases water storage37; decrease flood risk37 ; increase water quality37,38 Coasts Mitigation effect Improve coastal defence 38, 39,40 ; increase tidal prism/ erosion Restoring wetlands/coastal habitats will increase carbon sequestration37,42,43 39,41 Coasts Wetland/coastal habitat creation Managed realignment Managed retreat Decrease flood risk44,45; long-term improvement in water quality46,47; short-term may be negative48 Long-term improvement in water quality56; short-term may be negative,53,57 Possible short-term reduction in water quality followed by overall improvement64 Increased habitat39 species richness and carrying capacity49, 50, 51 Loss of agricultural land42,50 Increase carbon sequestration42, 43, 52 ; increase in CH4 and N2O emissions53-5 Increased Increase/decrease habitat39,58; benefits urban most species59 protection60,61 Loss of agricultural land50,62,63 Increase carbon sequestration42; increase in CH4 and N2O emissions 53,55 Increase/decrease urban protection60,61 Loss of agricultural land62,63 Increase carbon sequestration42; increase in CH4 and N2O emissions64 Habitat gains47/loss58,65; benefits most species Sectors impacted by adaptation measure Adaptation measures Water Low crested structures Forests Urban Forests Agriculture Coasts Mitigation effect Provision of novel habitat66-68; fish nursery ground69; increase in algae, but can prevent species settling on structure67; coastal squeeze70 Change assemblage71/loss of species71-73 Beach nourishment Storm surge barriers Biodiversity Improve/decrease (on seaward and landward side of barrier respectively) of water quality and clarity74 Habitat creation potential behind barriers; improved water quality can increase phytoplankton productivity; changed species composition74,75,76; also loss/ degradation of habitats36,74,77 Protection from flooding 74 Tidal barriers if combined with energy production could reduce fossil fuel demand; lakes behind them can increase local temperatures74,77 Sectors impacted by adaptation measure Adaptation measures Afforestation/reforestation Urban Green roofs Urban trees and greenspace White-topping/cool pavements Water Biodiversity Urban Forests Agriculture Can reduce (peak) river flow; restore water quality; groundwater recharge; increase water demand from trees78,79; Drainage ditches increase peak flows in early stages of plantations78,79 Increase diversity and habitat availability 80,81; habitat loss/change80,81; species loss due to chemical inputs and forest management82 Stormwater, infiltration and flow reduction89-92 Habitat provision93,94, but challenging environment95 Carbon sequestration96,97; reduce energy demand through decreasing temperatures98 Runoff reduction99, 100, 101 ; improve air quality by reducing particulate pollution102 Habitat provision103,104; increase biodiversity103,104; increase allergens and invasive species104,105 Carbon sequestration105-7; reduce energy demand through decreasing temperatures91, 99 107 Loss of agricultural land83 Coasts Mitigation effect Increase C storage (on newly planted land84-7; subsequent thinning and management can reduce C storage88 Reduce energy demand through decreasing temperatures108-10 Sectors impacted by adaptation measure Adaptation measures Rainwater harvesting Water Biodiversity Urban Forests Agriculture Urban intensification/ densification Reduce energy demand through decreasing temperatures114-7 Reduced amount and peaks of runoff90,118-121; pervious pavements filter and store runoff; improved water quality via reduced diffuse pollution122,123 Possible increased runoff125 Can provide habitat111, 124; restore certain ecosystem functions124 Preserves greenspace (habitat for species) 126 Can protect agricultural land from development1269 Water Mitigation effect Reduces water demand111-3; especially domestic; decentralises water supply112,113 Building measures e.g. insulation, air conditioning and passive ventilation Sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS) Coasts Reduce GHG emissions through reduced travel distances129,130; decrease heating demands131,132; increase emissions due to traffic congestion130 Sectors impacted by adaptation measure Adaptation measures Water Biodiversity Increased infiltration e.g. changing tillage practices; storm water control Urban Reduce urban flooding118-121 Forests Agriculture Coasts Mitigation effect Increase soil water availability16,17 Increased storage e.g. reduced drainage; RWHS afforestation; wetland restoration Ponds can increase biodiversity124 Reduced flood impact e.g. through defences, planning Change biodiversity124 Ecosystem-based measures could increase carbon sequestration134 Increase in wetland habitat and species136 Ecosystem-based measures could increase carbon sequestration134 Gain of lacustrine/ loss of riverine species/habitat; restricted species movement137 Reduce emissions from fossil fuel if HEP energy used instead138; direct increase in greenhouse gas emissions138 Flood plain restoration Dams/reservoirs Improve water quality135 Reduce sediment supply133; saline intrusion133 Ecosystem-based measures could increase carbon sequestration134 Table 2: Overview of adaptation measures identified in this review (both implicit and explicit), and their cross-sectoral interactions and effects on mitigation. 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