Vladimir Balabanov 4684 Arbors Circle. Mukilteo, WA 98275 Primary Interests • Tel: (719) 231-4651 e-mail: v.o.balabanov@gmail.com Computational modeling Software development Design optimization application to various fields, such as aerospace engineering, mechanical engineering, biomechanics, medical devices, electronic equipment design, etc. Multidisciplinary design optimization Design of Experiments and Response Surface Methodology Finite element analysis and optimization Design, analysis, and optimization of composite structures Parallel computing Qualification and Experience Summary Project manager leading commercial optimization software development Experience in leading a team of developers in designing and expanding commercial software systems 11 years of practical optimization algorithms development and implementation for commercial optimization software Enhanced optimization and design of experiment usage in Boeing composite methods group Design optimization application to industrial problems in various fields and disciplines, including FE analysis and aeroelasticity Experience in proposal writing and getting external funding for research Methods development for design and analysis of composite structures at Boeing Linear and non-linear finite element analysis of composite structures Taught a variety of undergraduate and graduate-level courses, as well as specialized courses to university students and industry professionals Close teamwork with: a team of engineers developing and enhancing commercial optimization software a team of researchers and engineers (including constant long-distance communication) for completing contract work for US Navy, US Airforce, NASA a multidisciplinary research team including four faculty members and eight graduate students Education Emphasis: Optimization Methods, Structures, Structural Optimization, Aerodynamics, Aeroelasticity, Applied Mathematics, General Physics, Mathematical Physics, Numerical Methods, Software Engineering September 1997 Doctorate of Philosophy, Aerospace Engineering (GPA 3.87) Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA Dissertation: “Development of Approximations for HSCT Wing Bending Material Weight using Response Surface Methodology” Advisor: Prof. R.T. Haftka, Co-advisor: Prof. B. Grossman Vladimir Balabanov, Curriculum Vitae Page 1 of 5 September 1995 Master of Science, Aerospace Engineering Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA (GPA 3.86) August 1990 - Graduate Studies, Ph.D. Program, Aeromechanics (GPA 4.5/5.0) July 1993 Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Russia Dissertation: (tentative) “Calculation of the Static Aeroelasticity Characteristics of the Aircraft using the Ritz Method” Advisor: Prof. G.A. Amiryants July 1989 Master of Science, Applied Math and Physics (major in Aeromechanics) (GPA 4.67/5.0) Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Russia Thesis: “Method of Adjustment of Static Aeroelasticity Characteristics Calculation” Advisor: Prof. G.A. Amiryants Professional (Employment) History June 2008 present Engineer Boeing Commercial Airplanes, Everett, WA Leading development and improvement of optimization methods and tools for design and analysis of composite structures: - Composite wing-box structure - Blending strategies - Design of Experiment application to hundred-thousands of dollars test matrices. - Development and implementation of optimization capabilities for bolted joint structures - Design of the panels with non-traditional laminates - Investigation of practical application of lamination parameters approach to composites structures Designing of a software tool for improved curve fitting for metallic structures performace Optimization application to complex composite structures, involving use of ABAQUS, NASTRAN, OptiStruct, GENESIS, in-house codes, and mixture of thereof July 1997 May 2008 VisualDOC Project Manager (previously, Senior Research and Development Engineer) Vanderplaats Research and Development, Inc., Colorado Springs, CO Leading the team and defining the VisualDOC software system direction of development Conceptual design of commercial VisualDOC general-purpose optimization software system Design and development of gradient-based optimization, response surface, design of experiments, genetic algorithms, particle swarm, and probabilistic optimization modules of VisualDOC software system Completing contract work for US Navy, US Air Force, NASA, various industry companies Working with industry clients: design, analysis, and optimization of complex models, involving use of the FE codes GENESIS, MSC/NASTRAN, ABAQUS, CAD programs MSC/PATRAN, FEMB, and general optimization software systems DOT and VisualDOC August November 1996 Intern Loads and Dynamics division, HSCT program, Boeing Company, Renton, WA GENESIS based FE analysis and optimization of the complex structural model of the High Speed Civil Transport (HSCT) aircraft Vladimir Balabanov, Curriculum Vitae Page 2 of 5 Development of programs to simplify data transfer between ELFINI, GENESIS and NASTRAN Buckling analysis of curved stiffened composite panels using VICONOPT (PASCO) August 1993 - Graduate Research Assistant July 1997 Department of Aerospace and Ocean Engineering, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA FE analysis and optimization of the HSCT structural model using GENESIS, NASTRAN Exploring and eliminating noise in results of structural optimization due to aerodynamic and inertia loads inaccuracy Development of automatic FE mesh generator for the HSCT design Modification of automatic aerodynamic and inertia load generator for the HSCT FE model Coarse-grained parallelization of the FE code for the distributed memory parallel computer Development of the wing weight function for the High Speed Civil Transport using response surface methodology. Use of statistical codes JMP, SAS Topology optimization of the HSCT wing internal structure August 1989 - Research Engineer July 1993 Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute (TsAGI), Zhukovsky, Russia Working with industry clients: design and analysis of complex aircraft models Development of the Ritz method approach and computer program for computation of aircraft static aeroelasticity characteristics Development of method and computer program for adjustment of aircraft static aeroelasticity characteristics Externally Funded Research Projects 2007 Principal Investigator A Software Tool for Uncertainty Management in Multidisciplinary System Design and Optimization Funded by Office of Naval Research, N00014-07-M-0275 $69,361 1999-2002 Researcher/Investigator Enhancing the “Advisor” Hybrid Vehicle Simulation Tool Funded by Midwest Research Institute and National Renewable Energy Laboratory, XCL-929050-01 $301,756 1999-2001 Researcher/Investigator Efficient Optimization Algorithms for Massively Parallel Computers Funded by NASA Langley, NAS1-98151 $156,841 Researcher/Investigator Development of a Flexible Design Optimization Capability Funded by Wright-Patterson Air Force Research Laboratory, F33615-97-C-3204 $742,946 1997-1999 Teaching Experience January 2005 - Lecturer present Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Department of Mathematics, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, CO Developed the course: Higher Geometry (graduate course) Organized course material and taught: Modeling and Simulation (graduate course) System Analysis (graduate course) Vladimir Balabanov, Curriculum Vitae Page 3 of 5 Introduction to Linear Algebra (undergraduate course) Topics in Linear Algebra (undergraduate course) Consistently ranked above average in the department and university in student reviews May 2005 - Guest Lecturer Department of Engineering Mechanics, USAF Academy, Colorado Springs, CO Introduced concepts of optimization in Aeroelasticity course 1998 Dec. 2004 Adjunct Faculty DeVry University, Colorado Springs, CO Developed the course: Introductory Numerical Analysis (undergraduate course) Organized course material and taught: Intermediate College Algebra (undergraduate course) Introduction to Statistics (undergraduate course) Consistently ranked above average in the department and university in student reviews October 1997 VisualDOC Project Manager (previously, Senior Research and Development Engineer) - present Vanderplaats Research and Development, Inc., Colorado Springs, CO Developed specialized courses on Design Optimization for industry professionals 2013 2011 1993 Thesis Committee Member Stellenbosch University, South Africa (External Examiner) Stellenbosch University, South Africa (External Examiner) Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Russia August 1993 - Teaching Assistant July 1997 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA Tutorial sessions, homework and test grading: Structures (graduate course) Engineering Design Optimization (undergraduate course) Vehicle Vibration and Control (undergraduate course) Aerospace Structures (undergraduate course) 1985-1987 Teaching Assistant Correspondence School of Physics and Mathematics Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Russia Awards and Honors US Patent, 2013: “Efficient Design of Shear-Deformable Hybrid Composite Structures” Boeing Meritorious Invention Disclosure Award, 2013: “Finite-Element based Optimization of Composite Structures using Non-Traditional Layups.” Best Poster and Exhibit of the Conference Award, Boeing Technical Excellence Conference (BTEC)-20, Lynnwood, WA, July 23-24, 2013. Outstanding and Sustained Service Award of the National AIAA Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Technical Committee, April 2013. Best Paper Award at the 6th AIAA/USAF/NASA/ISSMO Symposium on Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization, September 1996, Bellevue, WA Distinguished student scholarship, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Russia, 1987-1989 Vladimir Balabanov, Curriculum Vitae Page 4 of 5 Professional Activities American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), Associate Fellow Young Professionals National Standing Committee (1998-2002) National Design Engineering Technical Committee National Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Technical Committee General Chair, Technical Chair of the International AIAA Conferences Organized, chaired, and co-chaired paper and panel sessions at various international AIAA conferences (participated on average twice a year for the last 17 years); American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Web-Master for the local section Reviewer: AIAA Journal Journal of Aircraft Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization Simulation Modeling Practice and Theory Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics Engineering Structures Personal Actively involved in Toastmasters International Invited speaker at 2012 Boeing project management conference Invited presenter at the 2013 District conference Mentor of the new Boeing toastmasters club District champion in speech evaluation contest District runner-up in international (inspirational) speech contest 3rd place in District table topics contest District finalist in humorous speech contest Long distance Running 4 times Seattle Marathon finisher 3 times Pikes Peak Marathon finisher Publications More than 50 publications in Journals and conference proceedings. List Attached References Available upon request Vladimir Balabanov, Curriculum Vitae Page 5 of 5