Manual: Policy and Procedures Section: One Governance Subject: Medical By-Laws Ref: See below V7 Reviewed: May 2014 Review Date: May 2018 Authorised EN BUNBURY DAY SURGERY MEDICAL BY-LAWS Page 1 of 11 Manual: Policy and Procedures Section: One Governance Subject: Medical By-Laws Ref: See below V7 Reviewed: May 2014 Review Date: May 2018 Authorised EN INDEX INDEX PAGE 1. Definitions 3 2. Management Philosophy 3 3. Management Committee 3 INDEX 9. 4. Visiting Medical Staff 4.1 Application for Accreditation 4.2 Accreditation 4.3 Temporary Accreditation 4.4 Scope of Practice 4.5 Guidelines for Medical Procedures 4.6 Policy and Procedures 4.7 Withdrawal of Accreditation 4.8 Observing Medical By Laws and Policies and Procedures Patient Care 9.1 Medical Responsibility 9.2 Emergency Care 9.3 Documentation 9.4 Medication Regimes 9.5 Electrical Equipment 7 7 7 7 8 8 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 10. Surgical Care– Procedure Guidelines 10.1 Pre procedure preparations 10.2 Request for Treatment 10.3 Correct Patient, Site, Procedure 10.4 Operating Sessions 10.5 Pathology 10.6 Session Utilization 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 10.7 Bookings 10.8 Cancellations 10.9 Infection 10.10 Use of Blood /Blood products 10.11 Advance Care Directives 11. Anaesthetic Care 11.1 Anaesthetics 11.2 Pre and Post Operative Care 11.3 Documentation 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 12. Other Matters 12.1 Evaluation and Peer Review 12.2 By Law Review 12.3 Medical Indemnity 12.4 Professional Registration 10 References 10 5. Medical Advisory Committee 5.1 Membership 5.2 Frequency of Meetings 5.3 Quorum 5.4 Chairman 5.5 Terms of Reference 5 5 5 5 5 5 6. Credentialing Committee 6.1 Membership 6.2 Frequency of Meetings 6.3 Quorum 6.4 Chairman 6.5 Terms of Reference 6 6 6 6 6 6 7. Medical Records 7.1 Responsibility 7.2 Contents 7.3 Legibility 7.4 Confidentiality 6 6 6 6 7 8. Admission Requirements 8.1 Diagnosis 8.2 Documentation 8.3 Weight Restriction 7 7 7 7 Page 2 of 11 10 10 10 Manual: Policy and Procedures Section: One Governance Subject: Medical By-Laws Ref: See below V7 Reviewed: May 2014 Review Date: May 2018 Authorised EN 8.4 Paediatric Patients 7 DEFINITIONS: Bunbury Day Surgery is licensed by the Department of Health in Western Australia as a Day Hospital – Class A with a licence to operate 23 hours and is accredited by ISC to ISO9001:2008 and Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care, National Safety and Quality Health Services Standards. The Senior Management Committee is the governing body of the Day Surgery and is composed of the Chief Executive Officer, Director of Nursing and Clinical Nurse Manager. The Medical Advisory Committee is composed of the Medical Director, Director of Nursing, Clinical Nurse Manager and at least one other Accredited Practitioner and other appointed members. 2. MANAGEMENT PHILOSOPHY To ensure patient care of the highest standard is delivered and create a health service that is responsive to patient, carers and consumer input and needs. The Senior Management is committed to: Adopting and implementing the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights; The provision of individualised quality care for all patients; Partnering with consumers; Maintaining day surgery facilities at a high standard; Providing secure, pleasant and rewarding employment for staff; Maintaining a quality program; Encouraging professional development of staff; and Reviewing of privileges granted to medical practitioners using the day surgery. 3. MANAGEMENT COMMITTEES The Director’s Management Review is convened to monitor the effectiveness of the quality management system. Function To assess the effectiveness of key processes of the quality management system. Page 3 of 11 Manual: Policy and Procedures Section: One Governance Subject: Medical By-Laws Ref: See below V7 Reviewed: May 2014 Review Date: May 2018 Authorised EN To identify any barriers to the sustainability of the quality management system. To ensure resources are provided and are adequate to maintain the quality management system. To ensure the organisation is certified to ISO 9001 and maintains ongoing certification and licences. Meet the requirements of the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards. The Senior Management Committee is responsible for the general management of the facility including: Function Policy determination; The quality of services and maintaining Certification; Meeting the requirements of the NSQHS; Effective use of resources; Partnering with consumers; Maintenance of the facility; Financial management; Infection Control and Microbial Stewardship Occupational Health and Safety; and Adherence to the Department of Health licensing requirements. 4. VISITING MEDICAL STAFF 4.1 Application for Accreditation Those legally qualified medical practitioners who wish to be granted visiting privileges must submit an application for accreditation and clinical privileges on the approved form to the CEO. This application will be discussed at the next Credentialing Committee. 4.2 Accreditation Accreditation will be for up to 5 years. All medical practitioners must be registered with the AHPRA and hold sufficient medical indemnity insurance to cover their practice at Bunbury Day Surgery. Evidence of Registration and Page 4 of 11 Manual: Policy and Procedures Section: One Governance Subject: Medical By-Laws Ref: See below V7 Reviewed: May 2014 Review Date: May 2018 Authorised EN Medical Indemnity cover MUST be given to Bunbury Day Surgery each year. Practitioners will only be accredited within their speciality. 4.3 Temporary Accreditation The Medical Director has the authority to grant temporary approval to practice in the Day Surgery until the next Credentialing Committee meeting. 4.4 Scope of Practice Medical Practitioners will only be permitted to perform duties for which they have been accredited by the Senior Management Committee on the advice of the Credentialing Committee. 4.5 Guidelines for Medical Procedures Guidelines for medical procedures will be considered as part of the Day Surgery By-Laws and must be adhered to by all visiting practitioners. 4.6 Policy and Procedures All accredited medical practitioners are to abide by Bunbury Day Surgery’s Policy and Procedures. Medical Practitioners are responsible for self education with regards to ensuring their practise is in line with the requirements of the NSQHS Standards. Educational links to assist are provided on BDS web site. 4.7 Withdrawal of Accreditation Failure to observe Bunbury Day Surgery Medical By Laws, Policies and Procedures will lead to withdrawal of accreditation. The Senior Management Committee reserves the right to withdraw visiting privileges at any time. The Senior Management Committee also reserves the right to suspend visiting privileges to enable investigation of an incident. The medical practitioner concerned has the right to appeal and should direct such an appeal to the CEO. 5. MEDICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE 5.1 Membership The Committee shall consist of the Medical Director, Director of Nursing, Clinical Nurse Manager and at least one appointed Accredited Practitioner. The Committee shall co-opt additional members for specific purposes. 5.2 Frequency of Meetings The Committee shall meet at the discretion of the Medical Director, but not less than three times per year. 5.3 Quorum Page 5 of 11 Manual: Policy and Procedures Section: One Governance Subject: Medical By-Laws Ref: See below V7 Reviewed: May 2014 Review Date: May 2018 Authorised EN A Quorum shall be 50% members. 5.4 Chairman A Chairman shall be the Medical Director. 5.5 Terms of Reference There shall be Terms of Reference reviewed every 4 years. 6. CREDENTIALING COMMITTEE 6.1 Membership The Committee shall consist of the Medical Director, Director of Nursing, CEO and at least one other appointed member. The Committee shall co-opt additional members for specific purposes. 6.2 Frequency of Meetings The Committee shall meet at the discretion of the Medical Director when an application has been made for accreditation. 6.3 Quorum A quorum shall be all 50% members 6.4 Chairman A Chairman shall be the CEO. 6.5 Terms of Reference There shall be Terms of Reference reviewed every 4 years. 7. MEDICAL RECORDS 7.1 Responsibility The Medical Practitioner is responsible for keeping a sufficient patient record of the essential features of the patient’s condition and treatment. This shall be in keeping with the guidelines for the medical record provided by the Colleges of Surgeons and Anaesthetists. 7.2 Contents A sufficient record is seen to contain: Diagnosis and surgical investigatory intent; Therapeutic orders recorded on appropriate forms; Page 6 of 11 Manual: Policy and Procedures Section: One Governance Subject: Medical By-Laws Ref: See below V7 Reviewed: May 2014 Review Date: May 2018 Authorised EN Particulars of all procedures; Progress observations; Special problems or complications and Discharge notes when applicable. 7.3 Legibility Orders must be written clearly and legible. Orders which are illegible or improperly written will not be carried out until rewritten or clarified. 7.4 Confidentiality Bunbury Day Surgery complies with and abides by the Australian Privacy Principles. Medical Practitioners must keep confidentiality of all matter relation to the clinical care of patients in the Day Surgery. All records are considered confidential. All records remain the property of Bunbury Day Surgery. Records are not to be removed without the permission of the Medical Director. Anyone wishing to view the Medical Records must arrange viewing with the Medical Director who may request completion of necessary privacy documentation. 8. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS 8.1 Diagnosis A provisional diagnosis is to be stated with each admission 8.2 Documentation The patient pre-admission questionnaire must be completed by the patient and sent to the Day Surgery prior to admission 8.3 Weight restriction Patients whose weight is GREATER THAN 130 kg can be treated at Bunbury Day Surgery at the discretion of specialists in consultation with the CNM and DON after a medical assessment. 8.4 Paediatric Patients Paediatric patients must be at least 10 years of age, 120cm in height and classified ASA2 or less. 9. PATIENT CARE 9.1 Medical Responsibility The Medical Practitioner shall be responsible for the care of their patients. When the practitioner is unavailable, then another accredited doctor shall be available. 9.2 Emergency Care Page 7 of 11 Manual: Policy and Procedures Section: One Governance Subject: Medical By-Laws Ref: See below V7 Reviewed: May 2014 Review Date: May 2018 Authorised EN In an emergency and after every reasonable effort has been made to contact the patient’s medical practitioner, the Director of Nursing or the Clinical Nurse Manager has the right to call in another doctor or take action as necessary in the interest of the patient. Where the support facilities of the Day Surgery are inadequate for the care of a particular patient, the medical practitioner is required to arrange transfer of the patient to a hospital where the necessary supportive therapy is available. 9.3 Documentation Medical Practitioners are required to record relevant information in the patient’s medical record at BDS. 9.4 Medication Regimes Written medication regimes are to be accompanied by appropriate complete prescriptions. Admitting doctors are to assume responsibility for medication for their patients, including those medications brought into Bunbury Day Surgery by patients. Antimicrobial prescribing must be in line with Therapeutic guidelines: antibiotic. 9.5 Electrical equipment Medical Practitioners who supply their own electrical equipment are responsible for the safety standards of such equipment. The equipment should be of an approved design according to Australian Standards and should display yearly evidence of electrical service by an experience and acknowledged Biomedical/electrical service agent. 10. SURGICAL CARE – PROCEDURE GUIDELINES 10.1 Pre-procedure preparations All patients admitted shall have adequate pre-procedure investigation and preparation. 10.2 Requests for Treatment In the case of patients who are minors, an informed, signed request for treatment must be obtained from the parent or guardian. Patients other than minors will complete a Consent Form. 10.3 Correct Patient, Site and Procedure Medical Practitioners must adopt the Bunbury Day Surgery ‘Time Out’ policy. 10.4 Operating Sessions Sessions are expected to begin on time. In the event of an unforseen delay, the medical practitioner shall inform the Clinical Nurse Manager of the expected time of arrival. Page 8 of 11 Manual: Policy and Procedures Section: One Governance Subject: Medical By-Laws Ref: See below V7 Reviewed: May 2014 Review Date: May 2018 Authorised EN 10.5 Pathology Whenever a pathological specimen is taken, the medical practitioner will provide a request form for the relevant company. If the medical practitioner requires a different company, than already picks up from Bunbury Day Surgery, the medical practitioner will call the company for pick up. 10.6 Session Utilization Where utilization of a session is consistently low, Bunbury Day Surgery reserves the right to re-allocate some or all of the session. Adequate notice will be given. 10.7 Bookings Bookings for each session will be forwarded to Admissions Liaison at Bunbury Day Surgery at least 48 hours prior to the operating session or at the discretion of the CNM. The bookings will contain the patient’s name, date of birth, address, contact details and proposed procedure. 10.8 Cancellations If any session is cancelled the medical practitioner must notify the Director of Nursing or Clinical Nurse Manager as soon as possible. If a patient cancels a booking, Admission Liaison must be informed as soon as possible. 10.9 Infection Medical Practitioners must agree that all cases of suspected hospital acquired wound infection may be subjected to bacteriological examination. 10.10 Blood and Blood Products No blood or blood products will be available or used at Bunbury Day Surgery 10.11 Advance Care Directives All surgery at Bunbury Day Surgery is elective surgery. Advance Care Directives do not apply to patients having elective surgery. 11. ANAESTHETIC CARE 11.1 Anaesthetists The administration of General Anaesthesia to patients will only be by practitioners who are Specialist Anaesthetists holding fellowship of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetics (FANZCA). 11.2 Pre and Post Operative Care Page 9 of 11 Manual: Policy and Procedures Section: One Governance Subject: Medical By-Laws Ref: See below V7 Reviewed: May 2014 Review Date: May 2018 Authorised EN The responsible medical practitioner will ensure that the necessary liaison with the Anaesthetist takes place for the proper pre and post operative care of the patient, including knowledge of drug sensitivities and current therapy. 11.3 Documentation The pre operative patient examination should be recorded in the medical records. An anaesthetic record must be completed and signed for anaesthesia administered. 12. OTHER MATTERS 12.1 Evaluation/Peer review Clinical and peer review is to be encouraged by the medical staff who should regularly evaluate medical care and use such information to create and maintain optimum clinical activities. 12.2 By Law Review Review of By-Laws will be undertaken annually. Revision may take place at any time at the initiation of the Medical Advisory Committee or the Senior Management Committee. 12.3 Medical Indemnity Evidence of Medical Indemnity must be provided each year. In the event of a medical practitioner who does not show evidence of Professional Indemnity, the doctor will be refused to admit patients to this facility. 12.4 Professional Registration Evidence of Professional Registration must be provided each year. In the event of a medical practitioner who does not show evidence of Professional Registration, the doctor will be refused to admit patients to this facility. References: Page 10 of 11 Manual: Policy and Procedures Section: One Governance Subject: Medical By-Laws Ref: See below V7 Reviewed: May 2014 Review Date: May 2018 Authorised EN Royal Australian College of Surgeons Appointments and Credentialing Committees Review 2009 Royal Australian College of Surgeons Day Surgery Report and Recommendations Revised 2004 ANZCA Policy Documents (various 1996-2009). NHMRC Guidelines for Infection Control. (2010). National Privacy Principles. (December 2001). Licensing Standards for the Arrangements for Management, Staffing & Equipment Day Procedure Facilities Class A Review January 2006. (Health Dept. of WA) Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care. Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights. Sydney. ACSQHC, 2008. Antibiotic Expert Group, editor, Therapeutics guidelines: antibiotic. Version 13 ed. Melbourne. Therapeutic Guidelines Limited, 2006. Page 11 of 11