Veterinary Medical Applications Lesson Title: Veterinary Terminology/Directional Terms TEKS Addressed in Lesson: 130.6. (c)(4) The student communicates the importance of medical terminology, evaluates veterinary terms to discover their meanings, and demonstrates the ability to use terms correctly. (A) Analyze veterinary terms to discover their meanings and recognize common Greek and Latin prefixes, suffixes and root words (B) Develop appropriate use of directional anatomical terms (C) Identify anatomical structures of animals (D) Describe the major body systems by using appropriate medical terminology (E) Recognize, pronounce, spell and define medical terms relating to diagnosis, pathology, and treatment of animals Lesson Objectives: Recognize common root words, prefixes, suffixes, and combining vowels used in veterinary medical applications. Demonstrate the function and uses of root words, prefixes, suffixes, and combining vowels. Divide simple and compound words into their respective parts in order to determine the meaning. Students will be able to list abbreviations commonly used in veterinary medicine. Apply appropriate terms to common practices during veterinary course work Students will develop a vocabulary of directional anatomical terms and will be able to identify anatomical structures of animals. Key Terms/Vocabulary Suggested Terms Prefix/Suffix Meaning Example a- not, without atypical ab- from, away abnormal acantho- spine Acanthocephalan -ad- to, toward dorsad, adhere albi- white albino -algia pain neuralgia an- not, without anhydrous angio- vessel angiocarditis ante- before, in front of anterior anti- against, opposed to antitoxin, antibody apo- off, from, away from apoplexy aqua- water aquatic -ase designating an enzyme amylase auto- self Autosuggestion, autoimmune bi- two, twice biceps, bifocal bio- life biology brachy- short brachycardia brady- slow bradycardia calor- heat calorimeter -cara head Toxocara cardia- Heart bradycardia -cephal- head Acanthocephalan, cephalic -cera horn Brachycera -cerca tail Onchocerca cerebro- brain cerebrospinal -chezia defecate hematochezia chrom- color chromosome -cidal killing bactericidal corpus- body corpuscle -cyst bladder oocyst -cyte, cyto- cell cytoplasm De-dermic skin hypodermic di- two, twice dichromic dia- through, between diaphragm dys- bad, difficult dyspepsia -ectomy cut out appendectomy em-, en-, endo- in, into embolism, endoskeleton -emia blood anemia entero- intestine enterokinase epi- on, above, upon epiglottis erythro- red erythrocyte -fer- to carry, to transport afferent, efferent -fract- to break fracture, refraction -gastro- stomach pneumogastric -gen- to produce, to begin genetics, glycogen -glosso- tongue hypoglossal glyc- glucose, sugar glycosuria -gnath- jaw, cheek Gnathostoma -gnosis knowledge, to know diagnosis -graph to write cardiograph -helminth worm anthelminthic hemo- blood hemorrhage hetero- different, other heterozygous homo- alike, same homozygous hydro- water hydrolytic hyper- over, more than hypersecretion hypo- under, less than hyposecretion -iasis infestation onchocerciasis inter- between, together intercostal intra- within intrathoracic ir- not irregular -itis inflammation appendicitis kata-, cata- down catabolism kin- to move or activate kinetic -lac- milk lactase, prolactin leuco-, leuko- white leucocyte -ology science, knowledge physiology lymph-, lympho- lymph lymphocyte -lysin, -lysis, -lytic dissolve, destroy hemolysis macro- large macrophage Malmelan-, melen- black melanoma, melena -meter measure manometer micro- small microorganism -monas a unit Trichomonas mono- one monocyte, monosaccharide myo- muscle myosin, myoglobin nema- thread nematode neur- relating to nerves neurilemma nephr- kidneys nephritis -oid like lymphoid, amoeboid -ole small bronchiole -oma swelling, tumor sarcoma oo- egg oocyst -opia sight myopia, hyperopia -osis condition or process cyanosis, phagocytosis os-, oste-, osteo- bone osteology, osteocyte ovi- egg oviduct, ovipositor para- near, by, beside parathyroid patho- disease, suffering pathology peri- around, near pericardium phago- to eat phagocyte -phil- loving basophil, eosinophil -plasm- substance cytoplasm, plasmolysis platy- broad Platyhelminthes -pnea breathing dyspnea pneumo- air, lungs pneumonia -ped foot pseudoped poly- many polysaccharide post- after, behind postganglionic pro- before, giving rise to proenzyme pseudo- false pseudopod psycho- mind psychology pulmo- lung pulmonary -renal kidney adrenal -rrhea flow diarrhea sarco- flesh, muscle sarcoplasm seta, setae bristle trailing setae soma- body somatic cell -some body chromosome -stadial stage, period Trans-stadial steato- , stea- fat steatorrhea stercor- feces stercorolith, stercoralis stoma- mouth Ancylostoma -strongyle cylinder Trichostrongylus arrangement, directional movement in response to a phototaxis Tachy-taxis stimulus -thrombo- clot, coagulation thrombosis toxi-, toxo- poison toxin trans- across, over, through transstadial tri- three triploid tricho- hair-like Trichostrongylus -trophic, tropho- feeding autotrophic -tropic, tropism turning phototropic -uria pertains to urine glycosuria -uris tail Trichuris Common Veterinary Abbreviations Abbreviation Meaning aa (over lined) of each ab antibody a.c. before meals Ad lib as much as desired Aq water A/P anterior/ posterior BAR bright, alert, responsive BCS body condition score Bid twice a day b.i.d twice a day BM bowel movement BP blood pressure bpm beats per minute c with CBC complete blood count cc cubic centimeter CRT capillary refill time C&S culture and sensitivity DEA drug enforcement association D/V dorsal/ ventral FDA food and drug administration F female Fx fracture GSW gun shot wound gt drop gtt drops h hour hr hour HR heart rate hs at bedtime IC intracardiac ID intradermal IM intramusclar IN intravenous IP intraperitoneal IV intravenous L (circled) left M male MM mucous membrane N/M neutered male NPO nothing by mouth (nothing by os) NSAID non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug OHE ovariohysterectomy OVH ovariohysterectomy p.c. after meals PCV packed cell volume PE physical exam PO orally Per Os orally PRN as required q every qd every day qh every hour qid four times a day qod every other day q12h every 12 hours RBC red blood cell r (circled) right SC subcutaneously SQ subcutaneously subq subcutaneously subcu subcutaneously SID once a day s.i.d once a day S/F spayed female Sig label; prescription Stat immediately tab tablet tid three times a day t.i.d three times a day TPR temperature, pulse, respiration UA urinalysis VD ventral/dorsal WBC white blood cell WNL within normal limits Common Directional Terms Directional Term Meaning Anterior Front of the animal Caudal Towards the tail of an animal Cranial Towards the head of an animal Deep Further from the surface Distal part of the limb furthest from the body Dorsal Along the back or uppermost surface Frontal plane body plane that divides the animal into dorsal and ventral parts Lateral Side of the animal Median body plane that divides the animal into “equal” right and left halves Posterior Rear of the animal Proximal part of the limb closest to the body Sagittal Any body plane that is parallel to the median plane Superficial closer to the surface Transverse body plane that divides the body into cranial and caudal parts Ventral Along the belly surface Interest Approach/Anticipatory Set Display several terms, demonstrate the meaning by dissecting the word into prefix, suffix, and root word. Some examples should include words students will be familiar with and when given thought, they can define on their own (example: diarrhea, mastitis, etc...) Display several examples of the uses of veterinary terms or abbreviations such as a pill bottle, chart, xray, etc. so that students may see the importance of knowledge of veterinary terminology. Teaching Plan and Strategy Presentation of New Material Students should receive a copy of Prefixes and Suffixes, Abbreviations, and Directional Terms for the purpose of this lesson. Many veterinary terms have abbreviations or acronyms. Using acronyms and abbreviations allows veterinarians to communicate efficiently in a small amount of space, such as on a patient’s chart or a cage card. Root - A root is the foundation of a word. Adding a prefix or a suffix to the root modifies its meaning. Select a paragraph from a medical journal and have students read aloud, as you come to a term, call upon a student to dissect and determine the meaning of the word based on the terminology presented in class. Activity/Application/Student Engagement/Laboratory Activity As a class, perform Gummi Bear/Animal Cracker Dissections to illustrate the various directional terms associated with veterinary terminology. Give each student a variety of gummi bears, a plastic knife and a blank sheet of construction or computer paper. As a class, define each directional term and dissect and label the gummi bear to depict each term. Dissect and define word sleuth activity jid=177862 Create a word die jid=177862 Terminology Matching Game Evaluation/Summary Word Drills –CORNELL Terminology Practice Drills Terminology Test Write a paragraph and have students find 10 words within the paragraph that can be abbreviated. The paragraph could also include terminology to be defined. References/Additional Materials/Extended Learning Opportunities/Enrichment Cornell Merck Veterinary Manual Merriam Webster Veterinary Dictionary ew=viewer&refcmobjid=177862 College and Career Readiness Standards: Cross Disciplinary I. E. English II. B