La Tierra Minutes 3 24 15 - La Tierra Montessori School

La Tierra Montessori School
of the Arts and Sciences
Tuesday, March 24, 2015 @ 6pm
LANL Foundation
1112 Plaza del Norte
Española, New Mexico
*Action Item(s)
The meeting was called to order at 6:13 p.m. by Ron Martinez
Roll Call: Ron Martinez, Marcia Brenden, Julie Ann Hill-Clapp, Marcie Davis, Ben
Sandoval. Staff members present: Suzanne Lynne, Head Learner, Deanna Gomez,
Business Manager, and Pamela Rodriguez, Office Manager.
Approval of Today’s agenda*-Marcia Brenden made the motion to approve the
agenda, Julie Ann Hill-Clapp seconded. The motion passed 5-0.
Approval of minutes from Feb. 24, 2015*-Julie Ann Hill-Clapp made the motion to
approve the minutes, Marcia Brenden seconded. The motion passed 5-0.
Public Comment and Welcome guests – Please sign the public comment sheet if you
wish to make a comment- Any and all public input be limited to a reasonable
amount of time, three to five minutes – No Public Comment
Parent, Teacher Association Report (PTA)- Scott Davis, President of the PTA
reported they raised over $6000.00 at the schools Grand Opening. The PTA will
have a meeting on Thursday, March 26, to discuss how to spend the monies raised.
The PTA will have a fundraiser for money for their Operating Budget.
Financial Report
a. Discussion and Approval of BAR(s) and Reports*- The Governing Council was
provided the monthly financial packet that also included the bank statement
and reconciliation for their review. Julie Ann Hill-Clapp made the motion to
approve the Financial Reports, Marcia Brenden seconded. The motion passed
5-0. Marcie Davis made the motion to approve the BARS as presented and
Ben Sandoval seconded. The motion passed 5-0.
BAR 546-000-1415-0007-I is an increase BAR for Fund 24101 Title I in the
amount of $22,564.00. This brings the final award to $43,171.00. Previous year
carryover is $21,692.00.
BAR 546-000-1415-0008-I is an increase BAR for Fund 24154 Title II in the
amount of $5,185.00. This brings the final award to $5,185.11. Previous Year
Carryover and Redistribution is $3,322.11.
BAR 546-000-1415-0009-I is an increase BAR for Fund 24106 IDEA B in the
amount of $2,994.00. This brings the final award to $ 20,885.00. Previous Year
Carryover is $998.00.
BAR 546-000-1415-0010-IB is an initial BAR for Fund 24120 IDEA-B Risk in the
amount of $22.00.
BAR 546-000-1415-0011-IB is an initial BAR for Fund 29102 is a grant from
Northern New Mexico University to be used for a Title II Higher Education
Professional Development Grant for Support of "Contextualizing the Common
Core Standards in the Espanola Valley" The award is in the amount of $15,500.
BAR 546-000-1415-0012-IB is an initial BAR for Fund 25153. The amount of the
BAR is for the current amount received in Medicaid Funding which is $1,510.07.
b. Financial Committee Report-There was a Financial Committee meeting on
March 2, 2015, they discussed the upcoming Budget.
c. Audit Committee Report- No date has been set for the new Financial Audit.
VIII. New Business
a. Discussion regarding a donation of a robot kit to La Tierra from LANL- Ben
Sandoval is looking into getting a robot kit donated to La Tierra from LANL.
La Tierra is interested be doing a fundraiser for a robot for the school also.
a. Review the current Behavior/Discipline Policy-The Governing Council decided
to keep the current policy in place and Suzanne Lynne, Head Learner can
implement Procedures or Plans at school level, regarding behavior and
a. Head Learner Report- A written report was given to the Governing Council
members. Discussion was held regarding the report. A copy of report is in the
GC Binder at the school.
b. Facilities Committee Report
1. Status of the changes to the current lease between La Tierra and Ohkay
Owingeh- Final changes to the Lease are being completed.
c. Personnel Committee Report: Head Learner Evaluation Timeline-The
Governing Council have received Quality of Education surveys from teachers,
and parents regarding the school and the Head Learner. The meeting for
Suzanne’s evaluation will be on Thursday, March 26, at the school.
d. Recruitment/Lottery Committee-The Lottery was held on Tuesday, March 24.
We have 3 openings in the K/1, and 9 openings in the 8th grade.e. Sustainability Committee Report-No report
Executive Session: The Governing Council may, if necessary, enter into executive
session limited to discussions regarding personnel or facility matters, No action will
be taken in executive session. (In accordance with the NMSA 1978 Section 10-15-1 (H)2;
Limited Personnel Matters; 10-15-1 (H)7 Litigation; 10-15-1; (H)8 Real Property and Water
Rights the Board may enter into Executive Session. Matters discussed in the closed
meeting are limited to those specified in the motion of the Governing Council and no
action will be taken in executive session.)
- Entered into Executive Session at 9:00
Executive Session: Roll Call Vote to Enter Executive Session-Ron Martinez,
Marcia Brenden, Julie Ann Hill-Clapp, Marcie Davis, Ben Sandoval. Staff members
present: Suzanne Lynne, Head Learner, Deanna Gomez, and Business Manager.
Executive Session: Roll Call Vote to Exit Executive Session- Ron
Martinez, Marcia Brenden, Julie Ann Hill-Clapp, Marcie Davis, Ben Sandoval.
Staff members present: Suzanne Lynne, Head Learner, Deanna Gomez, and
Business Manager.
Action Item – Facilities*- No action taken.
Re-Enter Open Session at 9:40 p.m.
Future agenda Items
Adjournment- Marcia Brenden made the motion to adjourn at 9:45 p.m., Julie
Anne Hill-Clapp seconded.