INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION BY JOSEPH MBADUGHA COURSE OUTLINE SESSION 1 The course is designed to be interactive with practical exercises and group work incorporated into the lectures. The first session will commence with a brief precourse assessment. Sitting in small groups they will be introduced to what arbitration is, features of a valid arbitration and the reasons for arbitration. A brief outline of the topics for this session is presented below along with the list of possible issues to cover: A. DEFINITION B. FEATURES OF A VALID ARBITRATION AGREEMENT Consent of the parties Capacity to contract Lawful Relationship Arbitrability Writing Certainty of the Agreement Dispute C. SEPARABILITY D. WHY ARBITRATE Neutral Forum Choosing the Arbitrator Waiver of Sovereign Immunity Enforceability of Awards in several Countries SESSION 2 DRAFTING THE ARBITRATION AGREEMENT This session will address how an arbitration agreement or clause is drafted. This will be done in the context of its effects on arbitration. This session may end with a little practical exercise by the students. This session is divided into three units, viz: A. INTRODUCTION B. B. EFFECTS OF ARBITRATION CLAUSE ON ARBITRATION Scope of Jurisdiction Funding the Arbitration to Finality Security for Costs Seat Procedural law Substantive Law Confidentiality Language of the Arbitration Sovereign Immunity Interim relief Voiding the Arbitration Agreement Number of Arbitration to Render Award. C. CONCLUSION SESSION 3 SELECTING THE VENUE AND LAW OF ARBITRATION The purpose of this session is to expose the students to issues which may influence their choice of a venue and law of arbitration and the need to always take them into consideration when making that choice. This session will possibly cover the following: A. VENUE OF ARBITRATION B. ISSUES TO CONSIDER IN CHOOSING A VENUE - BY THE PARTIES Equal Access to Justice Costs Kompetenz-Kompetenz Scope of Review of Arbitral Awards Extent of Judicial Support/Intervention Enforcement of Award Parties Legal System Pool of Arbitrators C. BY THE TRIBUNAL LAWS OF ARBITRATION Public Policy Accessibility Equal Access to Justice D. BY THE TRIBUNAL SESSION 4 ARBITRATION AGREEMENTS AND THE JURISDICTION OF COURTS This session will address the specific ways of enforcing arbitration agreement and of losing the right to arbitrate. It will also demonstrate that existence of an arbitration agreement does not oust the jurisdiction of court over any dispute subject to settlement by arbitration. The following will be dealt with in this session, viz: A. COURT’S JURISDICTION OVER A DISPUTE SUBJECT TO ARBITRATION --arbitration not a condition precedent to litigation B. ENFORCEMENT OF ARBITRATION AGREEMENT -- stay of proceedings --anti suit injunction --application for appointment of arbitrator C. STEP IN PROCEEDINGS D. CONCLUSION SESSION 5 COMMENCEMENT OF ARBITRATION The fifth session will address how and when to commence arbitration as well as the form of the commencement and the party to commence arbitration. It will also discuss the date arbitration is deemed commenced and how to respond or answer to the notice commencing arbitration. This session may be interactive and sample of notice commencing arbitration and the answer thereto may be shown to students. These will be discussed in the following context: A. NOTICE OF ARBITRATION When to issue Form Precondition Validity Limitation period B. PARTY TO COMMENCE ARBITRATION C ANSWER TO NOTICE OF ARBITRATION D SAMPLES Sample of notice of arbitration Sample of an answer SESSION 6 THE ARBITRAL TRIBUNAL This topic will address the composition, selection and appointment of the arbitrators including the rights and duties of the arbitrators. It will also discuss cessation of office, removal and replacement of arbitrators. This session will be taken in the following manner: A. COMPOSITION AND SELECTION OF ARBITRATORS --by the parties agreement --institutional rules --applicable arbitration law B. CONSTITUTING THE TRIBUNAL --by the parties --by an appointing institution or authority --by the court --acceptance of an appointment and non conflict of interest --powers and duties of arbitrators C. CESSATION OF OFFICE -- death --resignation --revocation of arbitral tribunal’s authority D. REMOVAL OF AN ARBITRATOR --mode of application --grounds for removal E. REPLACEMENT OF AN ARBITRATOR ---by the parties agreement ---same procedure used in appointment SESSION 7 CONDUCTING THE REFERENCE This session will discuss how arbitration is conducted, beginning with preliminary meeting, addressing jurisdictional issues, pleadings and through to trial. The session will be conducted under the following: A. PRELIMINARY MEETINGS --between parties --between the arbitrators --between the parties and the arbitrators --framework for proceedings --procedural structure B. JURISDICTIONAL ISSUSES --mode, manner and time of raising issue of jurisdiction C. PLEADINGS --mode and time of filing pleadings by each party --close of pleadings D. HEARING --opening and closing of case by claimant --opening and closing of case by respondent --final addresses by parties E. End of course assessment & Feedback