ACCESS for ELLs Principal*s Pre-Administration Manual Fall 2015

Principal’s Pre-Administration Manual
ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Computer- and Paper-Based
Assessments for Students in Grades 1 – 12,
Kindergarten and Alternate ACCESS
Tasks to Be Completed in Fall 2015
October 2015
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
75 Pleasant Street, Malden, MA 02148-4906
Phone 781-338-3000 TTY: N.E.T. Relay 800-439-2370
This document was prepared by the
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Mitchell D. Chester, Ed.D.
The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, an affirmative action employer, is committed to
ensuring that all of its programs and facilities are accessible to all members of the public.
We do not discriminate on the basis of age, color, disability, national origin, race, religion, sex,
gender identity, or sexual orientation.
Inquiries regarding the Department’s compliance with Title IX and other civil rights laws may be directed to the
Human Resources Director, 75 Pleasant St., Malden, MA 02148-4906. Phone: 781-338-6105.
© 2015 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Permission is hereby granted to copy any or all parts of this document for non-commercial educational purposes. Please
credit the “Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.”
This document printed on recycled paper
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
75 Pleasant Street, Malden, MA 02148-4906
Phone 781-338-3000 TTY: N.E.T. Relay 800-439-2370
Table of Contents
Table of Contents ........................................................................................................ 3
Important Contact Information and Resources .......................................................... 4
Important Information about Online Accounts and Passwords ................................ 5
Testing Schedule and Administration Deadlines ....................................................... 5
Tasks for the Principal (or Designee) to Complete in Fall 2015 ................................ 6
Review the Requirements for the Participation of ELLs in ACCESS for ELLs,
MCAS, and PARCC (2015–2016 Update). ....................................................... 6
Assign the roles of ACCESS Test Coordinator and Technology Coordinator .... 6
Identify ELL students who will participate in testing. .......................................... 6
Ensure that ELL students are reported accurately in the October 2015 SIMS
submission. ........................................................................................................ 7
Update/correct any inaccurate school contact information with the Department
no later than 5:00 p.m., November 2, 2015........................................................ 7
Determine if your school will be administering the paper-based and/or
computer-based ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 assessment. ........................................ 7
Become familiar with the WIDA-ACCESS Placement Tests (W-APT). .............. 7
Assign students to appropriate test tiers. ........................................................... 8
Test Coordinator orders school’s test materials between October 26 and
November 13 ..................................................................................................... 8
Principals authorize individuals in the school or program to serve as test
administrators. Test Coordinator informs ACCESS Test Administrators of the
training and certification requirements. .............................................................. 8
Test Coordinators ensure that test administrators are trained and have met the
certification standard. ......................................................................................... 9
Identify and prepare to provide accessibility tools to all ELL students and
accommodations to students with disabilities according to IEPs and 504 plans. 9
Plan the logistics of the test administration at your school. .............................. 10
Assign testing spaces to ELL students. ............................................................ 11
Pre-Reporting Data Validation Window ............................................................ 12
Important Contact Information and Resources
Test Administration Information and Online Services
DRC Help Desk
7:00 a.m.–9:00 p.m., Monday–Friday
WIDA Standards and Test Administrator Training
WIDA Help Desk
8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m., Monday–Friday
Policy Information
MA Department of Elementary and Secondary EducationStudent Assessment Services
Questions regarding Student Information Management System (SIMS) data should be directed to the
district’s SIMS contact. Select SIMS Contact from the Function menu, and click Get Results.
Questions regarding RETELL, WIDA standards training, and the identification of English language learner
(ELL) students should be directed to the Office of English Language Acquisition and Academic
Achievement ( or 781-338-3584).
Important Information about Online Accounts and Passwords
How Login Information
Is Provided
Type of Account
Who Has Access
personal account
To access the WIDA
Districts and schools
ACCESS Placement Test
(W-APT) test, guidance
on administering the
W-APT, and scoring
materials, test
administrator training
modules, certification
quizzes, and other secure
WIDA materials
Instructions are available
on the department’s
webpage. Contact the
WIDA Help Desk at 866276-7735 for assistance.
WIDA Assessment
Management System
To order ACCESS for
ELLs test materials and
additional materials
DRC will send an email
prior to October 26,
Testing Schedule and Administration Deadlines
Before Testing
Test administrators complete online training, and
obtain necessary certifications, where applicable.
October 1, 2015–February 5, 2016
Order test materials
October 26–November 13, 2015
Online Test Setup
December 21, 2015–February 10,
Receive test materials
January 4, 2016
Order additional materials, if necessary
January 4–8, 2016
Administer ACCESS for ELLs tests
January 7–February 10, 2016
Schedule UPS pickup
February 11, 2016
Deadline for UPS pickup
February 12, 2016
Reports sent to schools and districts
May 23, 2016 (Projected)
Results posted electronically
June 6, 2016 (Projected)
After Testing
Tasks for the Principal (or Designee) to Complete in Fall 2015
1. Review the Requirements for the Participation of ELLs in ACCESS for ELLs, MCAS, and PARCC
(2015–2016 Update).
The document contains important information, including:
 new and updated participation requirements for the paper-based and computer-based
ACCESS 2.0 assessments;
 accessibility features and accommodations for ELL students and ELL students with
 participation requirements for the Alternate ACCESS for ELLs by students in grades 1–12
with significant disabilities
2. Assign the roles of ACCESS Test Coordinator and Technology Coordinator
Principals will be asked to identify the school’s ACCESS for ELLs test coordinator and technology
coordinator. Superintendents may also wish to designate staff to serve as the district’s ACCESS for
ELLs test coordinator and ACCESS for ELLs technology coordinator.
These designations should be communicated to your District Directory Administrator who will need
to update your ESE District Profile. A list of Directory Administrators can be found on the
Department’s website. Updates to these roles can continue to be made after this date. The
responsibilities of each role are described below.
ACCESS Test Coordinators (either the principal or designee) will be responsible for:
 the overall coordination of test administration activities in the school or district;
 assisting in setting up additional user accounts in the new WIDA Assessment Management
System (WIDA AMS) for prospective test administrators;
 enrolling in and becoming familiar with the web-based training course(s) and the ComputerBased Test Coordinator Checklist or Paper-Based Test Coordinator Checklist;
 ensuring that test administrators and technology coordinators have completed the necessary
WIDA training courses and appropriate certification for their roles.
ACCESS Technology Coordinators will be responsible for:
 system set-up and registration for students taking the computer-based (online) and paper-based tests;
 completing web-based training sessions and Technology Coordinator Checklist on the WIDA
Assessment Management System (WIDA AMS);
 resolving any local system issues with Data Recognition Corporation (DRC), the ACCESS for ELLs
test contractor.
3. Identify ELL students who will participate in testing.
Students who are identified as ELL/LEP must participate in the ACCESS for ELLs test or the Alternate
ACCESS for ELLs for their grade, as follows:
 students who were reported as ELL/LEP in October 2015 SIMS
 students who enroll in school after the October 2015 SIMS submission and prior to January
30, 2016 who will be reported as ELL/LEP in the March 2016 SIMS
Refer to the Requirements for detailed participation guidelines.
4. Ensure that ELL students are reported accurately in the October 2015 SIMS submission.
Review data before the district submits the October SIMS report (e.g., students’ names,
demographic information) and confirm the following:
 Each ELL student has a SASID.
 Each ELL student is reported in SIMS.
 Each student who has exited ELL status is no longer reported as ELL.
Any questions regarding SIMS submissions should be directed to the district’s SIMS contact (see
page 1 for instructions to identify your district’s contact). The district SIMS contact can also provide
support if your district’s SIMS report has already been submitted.
5. Update/correct any inaccurate school contact information with the Department no later than
5:00 p.m., November 2, 2015.
Public school districts, public schools, charter schools, educational collaboratives, and
approved private special education schools can provide updates to their District-level Directory
Administrator, who is responsible for submitting updates to the Department. A listing of
Directory Administrators is posted on the Department’s website.
MCAS test sites, adult education programs, out-of-state schools, and SEIS-DYS programs:
Submit updates (along with your District and School Code) to the Department via email to
Note that the Department will use your school's fax number and email address to send
important, time-sensitive updates throughout the school year.
Remember that your school's address must contain a street number and a street address.
Materials will not be delivered to P.O. Boxes.
6. Determine if your school will be administering the paper-based and/or computer-based ACCESS
for ELLs 2.0 assessment.
New computer-based ACCESS for ELLs tests (called ACCESS for ELLs 2.0) will be available for students
in grades 112 for the 20152016 school year. Schools will have the option to deliver the
assessment as a computer-based or paper-based assessment, or use a combination of both. Paperbased versions of ACCESS 2.0 will be available as an accommodation in schools administering the
computer-based tests; and paper-based versions of the Kindergarten and Alternate ACCESS for ELLs
tests will continue to be administered to all students. Additional information can be found at
ACCESS for ELLs 2.0.
7. Become familiar with the WIDA-ACCESS Placement Tests (W-APT).
Review the W-APT tests and training materials ( and determine
whether your school will use the W-APT or the WIDA MODEL to assist in making placement
decisions for new ELL students.
Computer-Based Testing
Paper-Based Testing
N/A – Test does not have tiers
If administering any paper-based assessments, W-APT tests can
also be used to determine which ACCESS for ELLs test tier to
order for a student. If the W-APT test will be administered for
this purpose, it must be done before test materials are ordered
in October.
8. Assign students to appropriate test tiers.
Computer-Based Testing
Paper-Based Testing
N/A – Test does not have tiers
For students taking the paper-based ACCESS in grades 112,
assign Tier A for beginning ELL students, Tier B for most ELL
students, and Tier C for students who are close to exiting ELL
Be sure to select the tier for each student that best matches his
or her proficiency level. Refer to page 6 of the Requirements
for detailed guidance and tier selection criteria.
Be aware that scores of Tier A and B tests are “capped,”
meaning that students cannot receive an overall proficiency
level above 4.0 for Tier A and above 5.0 for Tier B.
9. Test Coordinator orders school’s test materials between October 26 and November 13, including
materials for:
ACCESS for ELLs tests
Alternate ACCESS for ELLs for ELLs with significant cognitive disabilities
Students whose primary disability was reported as “deaf” (required to take the Reading and
Writing tests only)
Students whose primary disability was reported as “blind” (required to take the Braille, large
print, or standard version of the Reading and Writing tests only)
On or about October 21, 2015, DRC will send an email reminder to the test coordinator regarding the
opening of the materials ordering window.
10. Principals authorize individuals in the school or program to serve as test administrators. Test
Coordinator informs ACCESS Test Administrators of the training and certification requirements.
a. Who may serve as an ACCESS Test Administrator?
To the extent possible, for paper-based administration, test administrators should be licensed
classroom teachers working in the school. If necessary, other education professionals, such as
administrators and related service providers employed by the district, may also be authorized to
serve as test administrators. For computer-based administration, proctors are not required to
be certified education professionals. Proctors may administer accommodations, provided they
receive training prior to administration and are under the direct supervision of the Test
Administrator. Individuals prohibited from being test administrators include anyone not
employed by the district and anyone who has not completed the relevant training and
certification. ACCESS for ELLs Test Administration Manuals describes the responsibilities of test
administrators. The test coordinator will determine which tests will be administered by each
test administrator.
b. Test Administrator Training and Certification
The previous certifications of test administrators to administer ACCESS for ELLs are no longer
valid, since this will be the first year administering the new computer-based and redesigned
paper-based ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 tests. In order to be authorized to administer the 2016 ACCESS
for ELLs test, between approximately October 1, 2015, and February 9, 2016, all test
administrators must complete the WIDA online training, complete online checklists, and where
applicable, take certification quizzes for the tests they will administer, as described below.
Training modules can be accessed through a WIDA personal account.
Required training and certification:
Computer-Based Testing
Paper-Based Testing
Test administrator training will be required to
administer the 20152016 ACCESS computerbased tests, including completion of a
checklist and viewing online training modules
on the following topics (no certification
quizzes will be required):
Test administrator training, and certification
quiz (except where noted), will be required to
administer the following 20152016 ACCESS
paper-based tests:
 Group-administered ACCESS for ELLs
2.0 tests (Listening, Reading, and
(no certification quiz
 ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Speaking test
 Kindergarten test
 Alternate ACCESS for ELLs
WIDA AMS Account Set Up
Documents Download
Test Session Creation
Manage Students
Booklet Labeling and Student
Demographic Page Completion
Test administrators must receive a score of at
least 80 percent on all certification quizzes.
Each training module and quiz should take
about 1.5 hours to complete, and may be
taken in one or multiple sessions, as needed.
Each prospective test administrator must set up a WIDA personal account or WIDA AMS
account is required to access the training courses. WIDA accounts that were previously set up
are still active and may be used to access the training modules. Educators who do not have an
account and wish to set one up may do so by following the instructions posted on the
Department’s website. Contact WIDA Help at 866-276-7735 or for assistance in
setting up a personal account. WIDA AMS accounts are created and communicated by the Test
11. Test Coordinators ensure that test administrators are trained and have met the certification
Principals can monitor the progress of their staff toward meeting the training requirements and
view the names of individuals online who have completed training modules and certification
quizzes. To view this information, principals must create a personal account (instructions for
creating an account are posted on the Department’s website ). (New principals and ELL directors can
contact the Department at to request access to the District View, after
setting up their personal accounts.) This feature will be available and reflect 2016 certification
results in November 2015.
12. Identify and prepare to provide accessibility tools to all ELL students and accommodations to
students with disabilities according to IEPs and 504 plans.
Refer to pages 7 thru 9 of the Requirements for information on accessibility features for all ELL
students and accommodations for and participation by ELL students with disabilities.
13. Plan the logistics of the test administration at your school.
Below is information about ACCESS test administration in your school or program. It will be important
to follow instructions about the timing and scheduling of each test.
Computer-Based Testing
Paper-Based Testing
Scheduling Grades 112 Listening, Reading, and
Writing Tests
Scheduling Grades 112 Listening, Reading, and
Writing Tests
Listening, Reading, and Writing tests may
be administered in computer labs or in
other rooms in the school in which the
number of computers will accommodate
the students who need to be tested.
The following testing times apply only to
the time that students are working on the
test and do not include set-up time,
reading directions, or giving breaks to
students between tests. Each ACCESS for
ELLs test section for grades 1–12 is
designed to be completed in groupadministered sessions in the following
time frames: Listening (40 minutes),
Reading (35 minutes), and Writing (65
minutes). Test domains should not be
combined into one test session. However,
there is no requirement that more than
one domain cannot be tested on the
same day.
ELL students with disabilities may be
given extended time to complete each
test session up to the end of the school
day, as needed. See ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Accessibility and Accommodations
Overview for Massachusetts Educators
(Fall 2015) for more detailed information.
Students in different grade clusters or
testing tiers may be tested together.
Grades 112 Speaking Test
 The test can be administered in groups of
5-7 students and should take up to 30
 The Speaking test is divided into three
different forms, Pre-A, A, and B/C.
 Students’ responses will be computerrecorded for offsite rating and scoring.
Listening, Reading, and Writing tests may
be administered in groups of up to 22
The following testing times apply only to
the time that students are working on the
test and do not include set-up time, reading
directions, or giving breaks to students
between tests. Each ACCESS for ELLs test
section for grades 1–12 is designed to be
completed in group-administered sessions
in the following time frames: Listening (40
minutes), Reading (45 minutes), and
Writing (65 minutes). Listening and Reading
tests may be administered either
separately, or together in one session of
approximately 90 minutes to be completed
on the same day, with a break between
ELL students with disabilities may be given
extended time to complete each test
session up to the end of the school day, as
Students in different grade clusters or
testing tiers may not be tested together.
Grades 112 Speaking Test
 The test must be individually administered
and should take approximately 15-35
 The Speaking test is tiered. Students will
either take the Tier A form of a Tier B/C
Kindergarten Test
 The test will be individually administered
and should take approximately 45 minutes.
 All students take the same form of the test
(no testing tiers).
 Each component ends once the student
reaches his or her “ceiling” and can go no
Speaking and Listening are presented
together, alternating between a listening
and a speaking task.
The test administrator scores each test
question before moving to the next
Alternate ACCESS for ELLs
 All four sections (Reading, Writing,
Listening, and Speaking) are individually
administered in approximately 20-minute
 All students in the same grade-level cluster
take the same test (there are no testing
 All sections are adaptive, so that test
questions are presented until the student
reaches his or her performance “ceiling”
and can go no further.
 The test administrator scores each test
question before moving to the next
14. Assign testing spaces to ELL students.
Computer-Based Testing
Paper-Based Testing
It is the responsibility of the principal to
designate testing spaces that are free from
noise and distractions and are adequately lit,
ventilated, and furnished so that students
can work comfortably and without
disruption. Principals must ensure that each
student assigned to a testing space will have
adequate work space and be sufficiently
separated from other students to support a
secure testing environment.
It is the responsibility of the principal to
designate testing spaces that are free from
noise and distractions and are adequately lit,
ventilated, and furnished so that students can
work comfortably and without disruption.
Large, open areas (e.g., cafeterias) are not
recommended. Principals must ensure that
each student assigned to a testing space will
have adequate work space and be sufficiently
separated from other students to support a
secure testing environment.
Principals must identify appropriate testing
spaces for ELL students with disabilities if
they will require accommodations that
change the test setting, presentation, or
mode of response such that the student
would be prevented from taking the test in a
classroom with a large group.
Principals must identify appropriate testing
spaces for ELL students with disabilities if they
will require accommodations that change the
test setting, presentation, or mode of response
such that the student would be prevented from
taking the test in a classroom with a large
Principals should prepare for test
administration according to the group size
guidance listed below:
 Group administration: Listening, Reading,
and Writing tests (grades 1–12) (WIDA
recommends a maximum of 22 students in
each group and one adult for every 10–12
 Individual administration: Speaking test
(grades 1–12)
 Individual administration: Kindergarten (all
 Individual administration: Alternate ACCESS
for ELLs (all sections)
While students are generally tested in their
regular classrooms, the principal has the
authority to schedule ELL students in testing
spaces other than classrooms, as long as all
requirements for testing conditions and
security are met as set forth in the Test
Administration Manuals for the ACCESS for ELLs
and the Alternate ACCESS for ELLs.
15. Pre-Reporting Data Validation Window
After testing is completed, between March 30, 2016 and April 8, 2016, schools will need to verify
and update student demographics in the WIDA Assessment Management System. The User Guide
and training modules for this task will be made available on February 12, 2016 on the WIDA website.