Course Description - Brigham Young University

Field Training Preparation
Fall Semester 2011
Instructor: Major Matt Davis
Office: 380 Wells ROTC Bldg,
Brigham Young University
Office Hours: Mon – Fri at 1400-1700
Office Phone: 801-422-9779
MXG/CC: C/Lt Col Jason Argyle
Course Description:
This class is designed to prepare cadets from the General Military Course (GMC) to excel at
Field Training and qualify them for admission into the Professional Officer Corps (POC).
Throughout the semester cadets will be evaluated according to their leadership performance and
potential. Such evaluations will be based on proficiency in drill and ceremonies procedures,
inspections, teamwork, and various other leadership activities. In addition to participation in
group leadership projects (GLPs), cadets will receive opportunities to exercise and display
leadership skills by fulfilling a number of responsibilities within their own flights.
This course is intended to provide GMC cadets with hands-on leadership experience, for this
reason the burden of organization and administration will fall on their shoulders. The role of the
FTP staff is to provide guidance and instruction, NOT to spoon feed information. It is important
to be aware that instruction will often simulate the high-stress environment of field training, the
purpose of which is not to intimidate or discourage participation, but rather to help cadets
develop the stress management skills necessary for successful completion of Field Training.
Cadets will also be taught out of the Warrior Knowledge Handbook, the HOLM Center Manual
and the Airman’s Manual. Upon completion of this course, cadets should be adequately
prepared and equipped with the skills necessary to successfully complete Field Training and
enter the Professional Officer Corps.
Disclaimer: Despite completion of this course, cadets are NOT guaranteed an opportunity to
attempt Field Training. Likewise, much of a cadet’s success will depend upon his/her own
initiative and willingness to participate.
Course Expectations:
You are expected to attend all AFROTC activities and functions. In accordance with AFROTC
standards, 80% attendance is the minimum requirement to pass this class. Failure to meet the
minimum standard will result in failure of the class. The 80% minimum is established in order to
allow for sickness and/or other unexpected emergencies NOT because you willfully choose to
miss class. All absences, excused and unexcused, must be explained by memorandum to your
Squadron Commanders.
Wingman Concept
Each Cadet will be assigned a wingman within their flight for which they are accountable at all
times. The purpose of the wingman concept is to foster teamwork, accountability, support, and
effective communication among cadets.
Cadets are expected to be punctual. For clarification, punctuality implies that cadets arrive ≤10
minutes BEFORE the anticipated start of a meeting or event. Your lateness negatively affects
instructors and peers, in addition to your own learning and cadet ranking.
Leadership Participation
Cadets will be assigned various leadership positions throughout the semester and will be
evaluated based on their performance. Cadets in leadership positions will be held accountable
for their obligations.
Grading Policies:
Attendance: 50%
Half of your grade will come from your attendance. As stated previously, you must have a
minimum of 80% attendance in order to pass this class.
Leadership Competency Evaluations (LCEs): 25%
Cadets will be evaluated on their leadership skills and various leadership activities according to
the HOLM Center leadership competencies:
1. Developing trust and commitment through words and actions
2. Delegating authority when appropriate (DO NOT ABDICATE COMMAND)
3. Displaying accountability for areas of responsibility, operation of team, and personal
4. Demonstrating flexibility by adapting to changes
5. Displaying military bearing, self-discipline, self-control, and confidence under pressure
6. Articulating ideas and intent in a clear, concise, and convincing manner
7. Promoting free flow of communication and soliciting feedback
8. Motivating and inspiring team to make sacrifices and take calculated risks to achieve
9. Maintaining focus and intensity
10. Developing team by fostering cohesiveness, confidence, and cooperation
Final Exam: 10%
The final exam will consist of a FTPI over a Friday and Saturday, where cadets will go through
various field training drills and Physical Fitness. Cadets will also be tested on Warrior
Knowledge, Airman’s Manual, the FTM, and the HCTM.
Staff Rankings: 10%
The FTP staff will evaluate your overall performance throughout the semester. The rankings
will be subjective to our evaluation of your overall performance.
Quizzes: 5%
Cadets will periodically be quizzed on information found in the Warrior Knowledge Handbook
and the Airman’s Manual.
University Policies:
BYU Honor Code:
In keeping with the principles of the BYU Honor Code, students are expected to be honest in all
of their academic work. Academic honesty means, most fundamentally, that any work you
present as your own must in fact be your own and not that of another. Violations of this
principle may result in a failing grade in the course and additional disciplinary action by the
university. Students are also expected to adhere to the Dress and Grooming Standards.
Adherence demonstrates respect for yourself and others and ensures an effective learning and
working environment. It is the university’s expectation, and our expectation in class, that each
student will abide by all Honor Code standards. Please call the Honor Code Office at 422-2847
if you have questions about those standards.
Preventing Sexual Discrimination and Harassment:
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits sex discrimination against any
participant in an educational program or activity that receives federal funds. The act is intended
to eliminate sex discrimination in education. Title IX covers discrimination in programs,
admissions, activities, and student-to-student sexual harassment. BYU’s policy against sexual
harassment extends not only to employees of the university, but to students as well. If you
encounter unlawful sexual harassment or gender-based discrimination, please talk to your
professor; contact the Equal Employment Office at 422-5895 pr 367-5689 (24-hours); or contact
the Honor Code Office at 422-2847
Students with Disabilities:
Brigham Young University is committed to providing a working and learning atmosphere that
reasonably accommodates qualified persons with disabilities. If you have any disability which
may impair your ability to complete this course successfully, please contact the Services for
Students with Disabilities Office (422-2767). Reasonable academic accommodations are
reviewed for all students who have qualified, documented disabilities. Services are coordinated
with the student and instructor by the SSD Office. If you need assistance or if you feel you have
been unlawfully discriminated against on the basis of disability, you may seek resolution through
established grievance policy and procedures by contacting the Equal Employment Office at 4225895, D-285 ASB