Course Milestones Credit Course Application (Part 5 of 7) DE

Course Milestones
Credit Course Application (Part 5 of 7)
DE Program Provider: Wyoming Virtual Academy – WYVA
Course: SCI204B: Honors Biology
2010-2011 School Year
This list of Milestones is provided to identify the specific learning expectations for the course. Student
advancement will be monitored to verify that adequate progress is being made throughout the course.
Required Milestones are identified on the individual student’s Distance Learning Plan.
Unit 1: Gene Expression / 1.02 Quiz
Unit 1: Gene Expression / 1.03 Quiz
Unit 1: Gene Expression / 1.04 Quiz
Unit 1: Gene Expression / 1.05 Quiz
Unit 1: Gene Expression / 1.06 Quiz
Unit 1: Gene Expression / 1.07 Quiz
Unit 1: Gene Expression / 1.08 Unit 1 Test
Unit 2: Evolution / 2.01 Quiz
Unit 2: Evolution / 2.02 Quiz
Unit 2: Evolution / 2.03 Quiz
Unit 2: Evolution / 2.04 Quiz
Unit 2: Evolution / 2.05 Quiz
Unit 2: Evolution / 2.06 Quiz
Unit 2: Evolution / 2.07 Quiz
Unit 2: Evolution / 2.08 Quiz
Unit 2: Evolution / 2.11 Quiz
Unit 2: Evolution / 2.12 Quiz
Unit 2: Evolution / 2.13 Quiz
Unit 2: Evolution / 2.14 Quiz
Unit 2: Evolution / 2.16 Unit 2 Test
Unit 2: Evolution / Discuss: Process of Natural Selection
Unit 3: Survey of Living Things 1 / 3.01 Quiz
Unit 3: Survey of Living Things 1 / 3.02 Quiz
Unit 3: Survey of Living Things 1 / 3.03 Lab: Dichotomous Key
Unit 3: Survey of Living Things 1 / 3.04 Quiz
Unit 3: Survey of Living Things 1 / 3.05 Quiz
Unit 3: Survey of Living Things 1 / 3.06 Quiz
Unit 3: Survey of Living Things 1 / 3.07 Quiz
Unit 3: Survey of Living Things 1 / 3.08 Quiz
Unit 3: Survey of Living Things 1 / 3.10 Quiz
Unit 3: Survey of Living Things 1 / 3.11 Quiz
Unit 3: Survey of Living Things 1 / 3.12 Quiz
Unit 3: Survey of Living Things 1 / 3.14 Quiz
Unit 3: Survey of Living Things 1 / 3.15 Lab: Human Digestion 2
Unit 3: Survey of Living Things 1 / 3.16 Quiz
Unit 3: Survey of Living Things 1 / 3.17 Quiz
Unit 3: Survey of Living Things 1 / 3.18 Quiz
Unit 3: Survey of Living Things 1 / 3.20 Unit 3 Test
Unit 3: Survey of Living Things 1 / Discuss: Childhood Obesity
Unit 4: Survey of Living Things 2 / 4.01 Quiz
Unit 4: Survey of Living Things 2 / 4.02 Quiz
Unit 4: Survey of Living Things 2 / 4.03 Quiz
Unit 4: Survey of Living Things 2 / 4.04 Quiz
Unit 4: Survey of Living Things 2 / 4.05 Quiz
Unit 4: Survey of Living Things 2 / 4.06 Quiz
Unit 4: Survey of Living Things 2 / 4.09 Quiz
Unit 4: Survey of Living Things 2 / 4.10 Quiz
Unit 4: Survey of Living Things 2 / 4.11 Quiz
Unit 4: Survey of Living Things 2 / 4.12 Quiz
Unit 4: Survey of Living Things 2 / 4.13 Quiz
Unit 4: Survey of Living Things 2 / 4.14 Quiz
Unit 4: Survey of Living Things 2 / 4.15 Quiz
Unit 4: Survey of Living Things 2 / 4.17 Unit 4 Test
Unit 4: Survey of Living Things 2 / Discuss: Chicken Muscles
Unit 5: Ecology and the Environment / 5.01 Quiz
Unit 5: Ecology and the Environment / 5.02 Quiz
Unit 5: Ecology and the Environment / 5.03 Quiz
Unit 5: Ecology and the Environment / 5.04 Quiz
Unit 5: Ecology and the Environment / 5.05 Quiz
Unit 5: Ecology and the Environment / 5.06 Quiz
Unit 5: Ecology and the Environment / 5.07 Quiz
Unit 5: Ecology and the Environment / 5.08 Quiz
Unit 5: Ecology and the Environment / 5.10 Mid-Unit Test
Unit 5: Ecology and the Environment / 5.11 Quiz
Unit 5: Ecology and the Environment / 5.12 Lab: Succession Patterns
Unit 5: Ecology and the Environment / 5.13 Quiz
Unit 5: Ecology and the Environment / 5.14 Quiz
Unit 5: Ecology and the Environment / 5.15 Quiz
Unit 5: Ecology and the Environment / 5.16 Lab: Root Fixation 1
Unit 5: Ecology and the Environment / 5.19 Quiz
Unit 5: Ecology and the Environment / 5.20 Quiz
Unit 5: Ecology and the Environment / 5.21 Quiz
Unit 5: Ecology and the Environment / 5.22 Quiz
Unit 5: Ecology and the Environment / 5.25 Unit 5 Test
Unit 5: Ecology and the Environment / Discuss: Ecosystems in Your World
Unit 5: Ecology and the Environment / Discuss: Effect of Acidity on Seeds
Unit 6: Semester Review and Test / 6.04 Semester Test
Unit 7: Honors Project 1: Issues in Science Debate / 7.01 Debates
Unit 7: Honors Project 1: Issues in Science Debate / 7.02 Gathering Evidence
Unit 7: Honors Project 1: Issues in Science Debate / 7.03 Building a Case
Unit 7: Honors Project 1: Issues in Science Debate / 7.06 Debate: Constructive Argument
Unit 7: Honors Project 1: Issues in Science Debate / 7.07 Debate: First Rebuttal
Unit 7: Honors Project 1: Issues in Science Debate / 7.08 Debate: Second Rebuttal
Unit 7: Honors Project 1: Issues in Science Debate / 7.09 Debate: Summary Argument
Unit 7: Honors Project 1: Issues in Science Debate / 7.10 Discussion
Unit 8: Honors Project 2: Virtual Lab: Antibiotic Resistance / 8.01 Lab: Antibiotic Resistance