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Pendulum Project
AME 30315
Joshua Szczudlak
Firas Fasheh
For me, I am driven by two main philosophies, know more today about the world than I knew yesterday. And
lessen the suffering of others. You'd be surprised how far that gets you.
- Neil deGrasse Tyson
University of Notre Dame
AME 30315 Pendulum Project
The purpose of this project was to design a controller that stabilizes an inverted pendulum. The
first step in designing the controller was to identify the system. Through the process of system
identification it was found that πœ”π‘› = 6.28 Hz and πœ‰ = 0.055. Next, a transfer function was
derived for the system using the governing equations of motion. This transfer function was found
for an output position, 𝑅 in terms of an input torque, 𝑇. Additionally, lead and lag compensators
were created to help stabilize the system. Two lead-lag compensators were designed. One
controller used the assigned parameters of πœ‰ = 0.32 and a lag gain of 92. The other controller was
designed for optimal performance including a half second rise time, quick settling time, and small
stead-state error. These parameters were evaluated using root locus plots and the used of Simulink
to predict performance.
University of Notre Dame
AME 30315 Pendulum Project
Table of Contents
1 System............................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 System Identification ..................................................................................................................... 4
1.1.1 Design Parameters ............................................................................................................... 5
2 Control Design ................................................................................................................................................ 5
2.1 Continuous Transfer Function .................................................................................................... 5
2.1.1 Hanging Pendulum .............................................................................................................. 5
2.1.2 Inverted Pendulum .............................................................................................................. 6
2.2 Design Parameters ......................................................................................................................... 7
2.3 Lead Control ................................................................................................................................... 7
2.3.1 Design .................................................................................................................................... 8
2.3.2 Lead Calculation ................................................................................................................... 8
2.4 Lag Control ..................................................................................................................................... 9
2.4.1 Design .................................................................................................................................... 9
2.4.2 Lag Calculation ..................................................................................................................... 9
2.5 Discrete-time Transfer Function ...............................................................................................10
2.5.1 Conversion to Discrete-time ............................................................................................10
3 Controller Implementation .........................................................................................................................10
3.1 Controller Implementation.........................................................................................................10
3.1.1 Non-dimensionalization....................................................................................................10
3.1.2 Error Calculation................................................................................................................11
3.1.3 Transfer Function Implementation .................................................................................11
5 System Evaluation ........................................................................................................................................11
5.1 Theoretical Modeling ..................................................................................................................11
5.2 Transient Evaluation ...................................................................................................................12
5.2.1 Rise Time Evaluation ........................................................................................................13
5.2.2 Overshoot Evaluation .......................................................................................................13
5.3 Steady-State Evaluation...............................................................................................................13
6 System Verification.......................................................................................................................................14
6.1 Position Verification ....................................................................................................................14
7 Conclusions ...................................................................................................................................................15
Appendix A: Matlab Code
Appendix B: C Code
Appendix C: Discretization of Transfer Function
Appendix D: Derivations of Transfer Function
Appendix E: Lead Compensator Calculations
Appendix F: Iterations Table
List of Tables
Table 1. Steady-state error in the controller at various desired angles. ....................................................14
University of Notre Dame
AME 30315 Pendulum Project
List of Figures
Figure 1. Measured damped frequency response .......................................................................................... 5
Figure 2. Root locus of the hanging pendulum transfer function .............................................................. 6
Figure 3. Comparison of measured damped frequency response and derived transfer function .......... 6
Figure 3. Root locus of the inverted pendulum transfer function .............................................................. 7
Figure 4. Root locus with effect of the lead compensator ........................................................................... 9
Figure 5. Root locus of the transfer function with the lead-lag compensator ........................................10
Figure 6. Representative Simulink block diagram .......................................................................................12
Figure 7. Response predicted by Simulink ...................................................................................................12
Figure 8. Response of pendulum ...................................................................................................................13
Figure 9. Response of pendulum at angles of -30º to 30º..........................................................................14
University of Notre Dame
AME 30315 Pendulum Project
1 System
1.1 System Identification
The first step to designing a controller is to determine what sort of system you are dealing with and
what parameters you need to model the system accurately. Determining the parameters to the
pendulum system is fairly simple because when a step input is sent to the pendulum it responds in
an easily understood sinusoidal manner. The parameters necessary for the modeling of the
pendulum are πœ‰, the damping ratio, πœ”π‘› , the natural frequency, and F a scale factor. A series of
simple equations can be used to determine these expressions. The first equation can be used to find
the damping ratio,
𝛿 = 𝑙𝑛 ( ) =
√1 − πœ‰ 2
where 𝛿 is the logarithmic decrement, πœ‰ is the damping ratio of the system, and π‘₯2 and π‘₯3 are the
distance from the steady-state value of the second and third peaks respectively. This equation can
be used to determine the damping ratio of the pendulum system.
Knowledge of the period and the damping ratio allows us to find the damped natural frequency of
the system.
πœ”π‘‘ =
where πœ”π‘‘ is the damped natural frequency, and 𝑇 is the period. Using the damped natural
frequency and the damping ratio the natural frequency can be determined.
πœ”π‘› =
√1 − πœ‰ 2
where πœ”π‘› is the natural frequency. A final scale factor was determined by multiplying the steadystate value by the square of the natural frequency and dividing by the value of the applied torque.
Figure 1 shows the damped frequency response of the pendulum.
University of Notre Dame
AME 30315 Pendulum Project
position [enconder counts]
time [s]
Figure 1. Measured damped frequency response
The parameters derived from this plot are outlined in section 1.1.1 Design Parameters.
1.1.1 Design Parameters
The design parameters were determined through the system identification process outlined above.
The parameters used in the design of the pendulum controller were found by averaging data taken
by testing multiple pendulums at various torques. Doing this ensured that any pendulum could be
used with relative accuracy. This process yielded the following parameters: πœ”π‘› was 6.28 Hz, πœ‰ was
0.055, and the scale factor F was 37.2. Additional system identification plots can be found in the
Matlab code in Appendix A.
2 Control Design
2.1 Continuous Transfer Function
A transfer function in the continuous time domain was derived first for the hanging pendulum
system. This system is then inverted for uses in the inverted pendulum system. The inverted
pendulum transfer function is then discretized for use in the microcontroller.
2.1.1 Hanging Pendulum
The transfer function of the pendulum is shown in the following equation,
= 2
𝑅(𝑠) 𝑠 + 2πœ‰πœ”π‘› + πœ”π‘› 2
where R is the input position error and T is the output torque. Appendix D shows the calculations
necessary to obtain the transfer function for the hanging pendulum.
Figure 2 is the root locus plot of the hanging pendulum system.
University of Notre Dame
AME 30315 Pendulum Project
Root Locus
Imaginary Axis (seconds-1)
Real Axis (seconds -1)
Figure 2. Root locus of the hanging pendulum transfer function
Figure 3 shows the measured response of the hanging pendulum system and the hanging pendulum
transfer function after it has been subject to a step input. The similarity between the two helps to
verify the accuracy of the model as well as the accuracy of the values obtained from the system
Step Response
Measured Response
Theoretical Model
Time (seconds)
Figure 3. Comparison of measured damped frequency response and derived transfer function
2.1.2 Inverted Pendulum
After obtaining the transfer function for the hanging pendulum the transfer function for the
inverted system is almost trivial. The difference is in a sign difference in the equations of motion.
This transfer function is shown in the following equation,
University of Notre Dame
AME 30315 Pendulum Project
= 2
𝑅(𝑠) 𝑠 + 2πœ‰πœ”π‘› − πœ”π‘› 2
The only difference between the two transfer functions is that the pendulum responds to the force
of gravity. When the hanging pendulum is displaced in the positive direction, the gravitational force
opposes it. However, in the inverted pendulum system the gravitational force works with
displacement. This difference causes the sign change on the πœ”π‘› 2 term.
Figure 3 is the root locus of the invert pendulum transfer function.
Root Locus
Imaginary Axis (seconds-1)
Real Axis (seconds -1)
Figure 3. Root locus of the inverted pendulum transfer function
Of interest to us at this point is the location of the poles because these will help to determine many
of the characteristics of our lead and lag controllers. These poles are at 5.93 and -6.62.
2.2 Design Parameters
The design of the controller is dictated mostly by the desired response characteristics. Therefore
before we can begin to design the controller, it is useful to specify a few parameters. The
parameters are:
(1) Rise time of 0.5 seconds or less
(2) Damping ratio of 0.32
(3) Lag gain of 92
These parameters will be used as a guide to the design of a lead and lag compensator.
2.3 Lead Control
University of Notre Dame
AME 30315 Pendulum Project
Lead compensator is a fairly easy and effective means to approximate Proportional-Derivative, PD,
control. The idea behind PD control is that the control system should reflect the derivative of the
error of the system. Quite simply how large the control input should be should depend upon
whether the error is increasing or decreasing. The lead compensator provides phase lead. This
shifts the poles to the left, which enhances the stability and performance of the system.
2.3.1 Design
The lead compensator is of the form
𝐺𝑐 (𝑠) =
where 𝑧 is the location of the lead zero and 𝑝 is the location of the lead pole.
The angle to the compensator pole must be
∠𝐺(𝑠) = πœƒπ‘§ − πœƒπ‘1 − πœƒπ‘2 − πœƒπ‘3 = −180°
because points on the root locus satisfy ∠𝐺(𝑠) = −180°, we can use the angles from the two poles
and one zero to the desired point to compute what the angle from the compensator pole must be.
2.3.2 Lead Calculation
Calculations for the lead controller are done using the Matlab function pole_loca shown in
Appendix E. This function takes the location of the transfer function poles as well as a desired zero
and outputs a minimum lead pole location. A large part of the lead design is dictated by the assigned
damping ratio value. This is because,
πœ‰ = sin πœƒ
where πœƒ is given by the root locus plot. A small amount of control over the lead design is exercised
in the placement of the lead zero. This zero was placed as close as possible to the plant pole in
order to mitigate any adverse effects the zero would have on the response of the system. Using a
zero at -7 a pole of -8.5 is needed to meet the minimum design specifications. The gain needed to
obtain the correct damping ratio was then π‘˜ = 221. However this design did not seem optimal. To
optimize the design it was decided that the lead pole needed to be moved farther left in order to
increase its effect on the root locus. The actual placement of the pole was found through an
iterative process. This process and comments on response can be found in Appendix F. The final
design of the lead compensator is shown in Equation 9.
𝑠 + 17.5
The root locus of the plant transfer function with the effects of the lead compensator is shown in
Figure 4.
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AME 30315 Pendulum Project
Root Locus
Imaginary Axis (seconds-1)
Real Axis (seconds -1)
Figure 4. Root locus with effect of the lead compensator
2.4 Lag Control
The downside to PD control and thus lead compensation is that it tends to offset from the target
value. To account for this an additional lag compensator is needed. A lag compensator
approximates Proportional-Integral, PI, control to reduce the steady-state error.
2.4.1 Design
A lag compensator is of the same form as the lead compensator. See Equation 6. The pole and zero
of the lag compensator should be close together so as not to cause the poles to shift right, which
could cause instability or slow convergence. Additionally, since their purpose is to affect the low
frequency range they should be near zero.
2.4.2 Lag Calculation
The lag compensator was designed to be a balance between rise time effects and stability issues. The
closer the lag compensator values were to zero the less effect they had on stability. However, if
these values were too close to zero, they negatively affected rise time. The placement of the lag
zero, and thus the lag pole, was also determined through an iterative process. A lag zero was chosen
and then a lag pole was calculated using the lag gain ratio. The final design of the lag compensator is
shown in Equation 10.
𝑠 + 1.2
𝑠 + 92
The root locus of the transfer function with the lead-lag compensator is show in Figure 5. The
point shown corresponds to the optimal gain value used.
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AME 30315 Pendulum Project
Root Locus
System: sys
Gain: 7.01
Pole: -4.22 + 10.7i
Damping: 0.366
Overshoot (%): 29.1
Frequency (rad/s): 11.5
Imaginary Axis (seconds-1)
Real Axis (seconds -1)
Figure 5. Root locus of the transfer function with the lead-lag compensator
2.5 Discrete-time Transfer Function
Up to this point the entire controller design has been in continuous-time. However, the
microcontroller only works in discrete-time. Therefore the controller must be converted from
continuous-time to discrete-time.
2.5.1 Conversion to Discrete-time
The Tustin method allows us to switch from continuous time to discrete time by substituting in the
following equation for 𝑠,
2 1 − 𝑧 −1
𝑇 1 + 𝑧 −1
where 𝑇 is the integration step size. The Matlab c2d command can be used to make this
substitution. For completeness hand substitutions for a single lead-lag controller were also done.
Appendix C shows these substitutions.
3 Controller Implementation
3.1 Controller Implementation
The controller is implemented in discrete-time using the substitution described above. Additional
steps are described below.
3.1.1 Non-dimensionalization
All terms relevant to the control system are non-dimensionalized. This was done for two reasons.
(1) It allows for units to be taken in to account at the end of the program and (2) It allows for easier
debugging because all important parameters have to be between 0 and 1. Because we had no real
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AME 30315 Pendulum Project
sense of what sorts of values we should expect from the torque at various positions, it is much easier
to catch an error this way.
3.1.2 Error Calculation
The error is calculated by subtracting the current position from the desired position and then
multiplying by a scale factor which includes the gain. This value is then divided by the approximate
maximum position which non-dimensionalized the error.
𝑅 = π‘˜(π‘π‘œπ‘ π‘‘π‘’π‘ π‘–π‘Ÿπ‘’π‘‘ − π‘π‘œπ‘ ) (
π‘π‘œπ‘ π‘šπ‘Žπ‘₯
where 𝑅 is the error in the current system, and π‘˜ is the gain.
3.1.3 Transfer Function Implementation
The transfer function is implemented by solving for the output value, the torque. This torque is a
function of the current error in the system, the previous loop’s error value, the error two loops
previous, the previous loop’s torque, and the torque two loops previous all scaled by coefficients
obtained from the discrete transfer function. For example the implemented transfer function
looked something like this,
𝑇 = π‘Žπ‘… + π‘π‘…π‘π‘Ÿπ‘’π‘£ + π‘π‘…π‘π‘Ÿπ‘’π‘£2 + π‘‘π‘‡π‘π‘Ÿπ‘’π‘£ + π‘’π‘‡π‘π‘Ÿπ‘’π‘£2
where π‘Ž, 𝑏, 𝑐, 𝑑, and 𝑒 are the coefficients obtained from the discrete transfer function, 𝑅 is the
error in the system, 𝑇 is the output torque and prev and prev2 denote the previous and twice previous
values, respectively. Additionally, a code needed to be implemented that kept the applied torque
between -400 and 400. This restriction was caused by supplied PWM.
5 System Evaluation
When the program was run the following errors were displayed:
“filename.c: In function `main':
filename.c:65: warning: unused variable `i'
warning: memory region eeprom not declared”
The first warning, “unused variable” comes from a counter that was occasionally used to stall the
program while evaluating system performance. Neither warning affects the programming of the
5.1 Theoretical Modeling
A theoretical model of the controller was implemented using the Simulink block diagram shown in
Figure 4.
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AME 30315 Pendulum Project
Figure 6. Representative Simulink block diagram
The response of the system is compared against the results presented in Simulink to get a more
thorough understanding of system performance. Figure 7 shows the response predicted by
Figure 7. Response predicted by Simulink
5.2 Transient Evaluation
The transient response was evaluated by looking at the rise time and the overshoot. Figure 8 shows
the response of the pendulum.
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AME 30315 Pendulum Project
displacement [encoder counts]
time [s]
Figure 8. Response of pendulum
5.2.1 Rise Time Evaluation
Simulink predicts about a 0.2 s rise time. The pendulum itself has a rise time of approximately 0.6 s.
Although these values differ, the pendulum almost perfectly meets the designed for rise time of 0.5
s. This difference in rise time is mostly likely attributed to neglected values in the derivation of the
transfer function. Slipping of the pendulum arm at the point of contact of the motor is not
considered. The elasticity of the pendulum is also not considered. Both of these factors could
contribute to a longer rise time.
5.2.2 Overshoot Evaluation
Simulink predicts an overshoot of about 45%. The actual pendulum, however, has an overshoot of
nearly 150%. Part of this error can be attributed to the fact that the microcontroller can only take
values for torque within the 400/-400 range. The overshoot could be further exasperated by the
fact that the microcontroller only takes integer values for input torque. A more precise system that
takes decimal inputs could decrease this error. The errors are compounded by the discretized
controller system. The torque is computed by using the previous two error and torque values. If
these values are themselves in error then the torque could overcompensate and therefore increase
the overshoot value.
5.3 Steady-State Evaluation
To evaluate the steady-state response of the system a program is run and swept through a variety of
angles. The approximate errors at these angles are tabulated in Table 1. This table shows that as the
displacement increases, the error increases. This result is most likely due to the small angle
approximation made during the derivation of the transfer function. Additionally, the error seems
greatest when the desired value is negative. This error is most likely caused because of the way the
motor applies the torque. More than likely the motor has a certain direction that it prefers to apply a
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AME 30315 Pendulum Project
torque. This direction would have a stronger and more constant value than the ‘reverse’ direction.
This is probably what is causing the greater error on the negative displacement side.
Table 1. Steady-state error in the controller at various desired angles.
Desired Angle [°]
Error [°]
Desired Angle [°]
Error [°]
Figure 9 shows the response of the system as it is being swept through the various angles. It’s
interesting to note that although there is a small amount of steady-state error associated with the
system, the rise times and overshoots stayed relatively constant. Additionally, the settling time of the
system can be computed from Figure 9. Simulink predicts a settling time of about 6 s. The actual
pendulum settles in about 4 s. This lowering of the settling time of the actual pendulum could be
attributed to the increase in overshoot, by overshooting so much the controller requests additional
torque from the motor. This additional torque acts to quickly forces the pendulum to its steadystate value.
displacement [encoder counts]
time [s]
Figure 9. Response of pendulum at angles of -30º to 30º
6 System Verification
6.1 Position Verification
Two videos were taken of the pendulum. The first simply tests how the pendulum responds to
being displaced. The second video is used to verify the pendulum at a variety of different positions.
A video of the pendulum in operation can be found at the following link:
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AME 30315 Pendulum Project
A video of the pendulum operating at a variety of different angles can be found at:
7 Conclusions
In conclusion, the controller worked for the values assigned in the project document. However it is
found that by increasing the gain and moving the lead pole farther left, increased a smaller overshoot
could be attained. The theoretical model of the pendulum did a very good job of predicting rise
time and settling time. However the Simulink model way under predicted the amount of overshoot
experienced by the system. This difference in overshoot can be explained in the way that the
microcontroller inputs torque as well as assumptions made in the creation of the transfer function.
To improve the accuracy of the controller, a few things could be done. A different microcontroller
could be used that accepts decimal inputs. Additionally, the efficiency of the evaluation of the
system could be increased by purchasing a microcontroller that uploads significantly faster. A
majority of the analysis time for the pendulum was spent waiting for the program to upload.
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Appendix A
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AME 30315 Pendulum Project
Appendix B
/* Basic code skeleton for AME 30315
Project Inverted Pendulum
---------------------Real Code---------------------Authors:
Bill Goodwine, April 6, 2009.
Raymond Le Grand, May 26, 2010.
Blair Rasmus, Derek Wolf, John Gallagher, November 13, 2011
// the next two lines setup constants for direction of pendulum
#define CW 0
#define CCW 1
#define OFFSET 1777
//This is the difference between the encoder zero and the pendulum straight
up position.
//This may change slightly with each pendulum.
#define SCALE 18
/* the SCAlE constant represents the scale of the position decoder,
which is degrees per signal tick, but since the microcontroller only does
integer math,
we will define the scale as an integer and divide by 100 every time.
#define MAX_U 400
The MAX_U constant represents the maximum amount of PWM signal that the
system can handle,
without the signal being so fast that there are current/voltage spikes.
It is strongly recommended that this value not be changed.
#define CONTROL_LOOP_FREQ 20 //Frequency of control loop calculations in Hz
#define CLOCK_FREQ 9830400
#define PWM_FREQ 880
// Initializing controller variables
long pos=0, R=0, R_prev=0, R_prev2=0, T_prev=0, T_prev2=0;
//int pos_deg=0; //keeps track of current angle. 'pos' is in encoder counts,
and 'pos_deg' is in degrees*100
// Initializing PWM variables
unsigned int counts_total=((long)CLOCK_FREQ/4)/PWM_FREQ;
// counts_total is used for the counter for the PWM interrupt. This should
give a 880Hz interrupt.
// We divide the clock frequency by 4 because the counter increments every
fourth clock cycle when using a prescale of 1
unsigned int counts_high;
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unsigned int counts_low;
// Initializing Timing Variables
unsigned int PWM_interrupt_scale=PWM_FREQ/CONTROL_LOOP_FREQ; //Sets the
ratio of PWM interrupts to control loop interrupts
unsigned int PWM_interrupt_counter = 0; //this keeps track of ticks from
control loop interrupt, used for timing
// My variables
unsigned int time=0;
long k=6;
long posD=0;
int main(void)
//Initializing controller variables
long u=0; //This is what we use to store the calculated value for torque that
we need
int i;
// Initialize hardware
init_interrupts(); //this also init's the interrupts for tracking position
set_torque(0); //starts out at 0% torque
pause(brief); // power-on delay
init_serial(); //Initialize serial communication
welcome(); //Display welcome message
//Example of how to write to serial port
//out_string("Here is an example of a printed number: ");
//this checks to see if the pendulum is in top position,
//which allows for greater position accuracy
pos = OFFSET/18; //pendulum has reached center, so reset position to zero +
PORTA ^= 0x10; //0b01000000; //toggle pinA.4 on/off to show user that
interrupt is 20Hz with blinking LED
if(PWM_interrupt_counter>=PWM_interrupt_scale/*control_loop_limit*/){ //this
checks to see if it is time to do 20Hz control calculations
PORTA ^= 0x40; //0b01000000; //toggle pinA.6 on/off to show user that
interrupt is 20Hz with blinking LED
//////////////////////// 20 Hz Operations/////////////////////////////////
//////This where you need to calculate/set the torque////////////////////
//pos_deg=pos*((int)SCALE); //calculate the current position in degrees*100
// Print position to find damping
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if(pos<0) {
else {
R = (posD-pos)*(1000/378)*k;
// R = non-dimensionalized error in the current position
u = (8416*R -13840*R_prev + 5565*R_prev2 +13910*T_prev -3910*T_prev2)/10000;
// T = non-dimensionalized torque
//u = 400;
if(u>1000) {
u = 1000;
if(u<-1000) {
u = -1000;
R_prev2 = R_prev;
R_prev = R;
T_prev2 = T_prev;
T_prev = u;
// for (i=0;i<10;i++){
// pause(SECOND);
// }
// set_torque(-u);
// for (i=0;i<10;i++){
// pause(SECOND);
// }
///////////////End of 20Hz Operations////////////////////////////////////////
time = time+50;
if(time==7000) {
posD = -173;
if(time==14000) {
posD = -117;
if(time==21000) {
posD = -61;
if(time==28000) {
posD = 0;
if(time==35000) {
posD = 53;
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if(time==42000) {
posD = 104;
if(time==49000) {
posD = 160;
/**** This begins the Interrupt Code ****/
// Programing interupts for PWM
void OC3_handler(void){
if(!(PORTA & OC3)){ //(portA.5==low) so set the TOC3 to the time at which we
want to end the low part of the PWM cycle
TOC3 = TOC3 + counts_low;
TOC3 = TOC3 + counts_high; // Set TOC3 to the time at which we want to end
the high part of the cycle
TFLG1 |= OC3;
// Programming Interrupts for Tracking Movement
void PAI_handler(void)
//this checks direction of pendulum, then increments position variable
if((PORTA & 0x02 /*0b00000010*/) == 0){
TFLG2 |= PAIF; //reset interrupt flag
/* default interrupt handler (empty, just returns) */
void default_handler(void) {}
/**** End of Interrupt Code
// Function to initialize PWM
void init_interrupts(void){
// this also initializes position encoder
asm(" sei"); //disable interrupts
BAUD=BAUD9K_Turbo; //Use BAUD38K for non-turbo mode of
// set register to next time for each interrupt
TOC3 = TCNT + counts_total;
// arm all interrupts
TMSK1 = 0x0;
TMSK1 |= OC3;
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//pulse accumulator setup: used to receive signal from decoder that gives
pendulum angle
TMSK2 |= 0x10; //0b00010000; this enables pulse accumulator interrupt
// acknowldege all interrupts, in case they were already triggered
TFLG1 |= OC3; //flag for pulse accumulator
TFLG2 |= PAIF; //flag for pulse accumulator
PORTA |= (OC3); //start off both PWM ports high
TCTL1=OL3; /*want PORTA.5 to toggle every time there's an interrupt, but
nothing else*/
TCTL2=0xC0; //0b11000000; // this turns on error checking from h-bridge on
asm(" cli"); //enable interrupts
// Function to set PWM duty cycle, which changes torque
void set_torque(long p_rate){
// Accepts desired Torque percentage as an input, and uses the global
direction flag to know which direction to apply torque
while((PORTA & OC3)); //while (portA.5==high) do nothing,
//b/c want to wait until low cycle has started,
//which means that we can load next high-low cycle without messing up PWM
// This calculation is 50% + (p_rate%).
// 50% PWM = 0torque, and 95% PWM is Max torque in CW direction.
p_rate=((unsigned int)(counts_total/10)*p_rate)/(unsigned int)10;
counts_low=(unsigned int)counts_total/(unsigned int)2-p_rate/(unsigned
int)10; //divide p_rate by ten to get it as 0-40 instead of 0-400
counts_high = counts_total-counts_low;
// Read direction signal
unsigned char check_encoder_dir(void){
unsigned char dir_flag;
if((PORTA & 0x02/*0b00000010*/) == 0){
// Read vertical position sensor (tells when pendulum is vertical)
int check_encoder_top(void){
int top_flag;
//this checks pin A.2 to see if pendulum is vertical
if(!(PORTA & 0x04/*0b00000100*/)){ //note that this line was inverted to
account for top signal being inverted
22 | P a g e
University of Notre Dame
AME 30315 Pendulum Project
return top_flag;
// Pause function waits for specified number of clock cycles before
void pause(unsigned int duration)
unsigned int time;
// small delay routine
// Initialize ports
void init_ports(void)
/* enable pulse accumulator on PA7, falling edge
PA3 is input capture IC4 */
PACTL = 0x40; //0b01000100;
//PACTL = 0b00000100; //this is the code to disable it
PORTA = 0xCF; //0b11001111; // disable H-bridge, photointerrupter
DDRD = 0x07; //0b00000111; // sets D0-D2 as outputs, the rest are inputs
PORTD = 0x04; //0b00000010; // clears Port D
PACNT = 0x00; //0b00000000; // clear Pulse Accumulator
// Function to prompt user to move pendulum through zero to initialize angle
void set_zero(void){
int de_ch=0,index=0;
while((PORTD & 0x08 /*0b00001000*/) == 0);
// make sure ok button has been
out_string("Move Through Vertical Position");
POS ");
while(check_encoder_top()==0){ //checks to see if pendulum is at top
//if pendulum not at the top, then keep looping
de_ch=check_encoder_dir(); //check the direction of the pendulum
23 | P a g e
University of Notre Dame
AME 30315 Pendulum Project
if(index==1000){ // only updates screen every 1000 iterations
out_unsigned_dec(de_ch); //print out direction
//output position, account for positive/negative numbers
out_string(" ");
out_char(NEWLINE); //go back to column zero, but same line
//pendulum has reached the top,so stop looping
pos = OFFSET/18;
out_string("you finished!");
// Displays Welcome message
void welcome()
out_string("AME 30315");
out_string(" Pendulum Project ");
// initialize MicroStamp 11. This function is called by _start, which is
defined in crs0.s
// A __premain() is created by default by GCC compiler, but we have
overwritten the default
// so that we can move the register block, which must be done within first 64
bus cycles
void __premain(void)
*(unsigned char volatile *)(0x3D) = 0x01; //Register block will start at
0x1000 instead of default 0x0000
TMSK2 = 0x0C; //0x0D; // =1101b, a prescale of 4 for the output compare,
// which must be set within 64 cycles of microcontroller reset,
// which is why we set it here
CONFIG = 0x04; // disable COP timer
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