MFA Country Report Belgium 5Nov2012

Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium
Improved Nutrient and Energy Management through
Anaerobic Digestion
Project/Contract number: 289712
Call identifier: FP7-KBBE-2011-5
Funding scheme: Collaborative project
Document number: INEMAD – WP1 – P1 – D1.01
Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in
agriculture for Belgium
Start date of project: 1 April 2012
Duration: 48 months
Authors’ Institution:
Project funded by the European Commission within the Seventh Framework Programme (2007-2013)
Dissemination Level
Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission Services)
Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the Commission Services)
Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services)
Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium
Table of Contents
Introduction..................................................................................................................................... 7
INEMAD Project ....................................................................................................................... 7
Country Specific General Introduction .................................................................................... 7
Production numbers ........................................................................................................................ 8
Geographical overview .................................................................................................... 8
Production and productivity of crop and livestock systems ......................................... 10
Socio-economic analysis ................................................................................................ 19
Agricultural systems ................................................................................................................ 8
Agro-digestion and manure/digestate treatment processes ................................................ 22
Geographical overview .................................................................................................. 22
Production and productivity of processing systems ..................................................... 23
Socio-economic analysis ................................................................................................ 27
Soil Nutrient Balance ..................................................................................................................... 29
Inflows ................................................................................................................................... 29
Application of mineral fertilizer, manure (N, P, K) and processed products on
agricultural land............................................................................................................................. 29
Atmospheric deposition on agricultural land ................................................................ 33
Use of seeds and plant material .................................................................................... 34
Biological N-fixation....................................................................................................... 34
Energy consumption...................................................................................................... 35
Crop production ........................................................................................................ 35
Livestock .................................................................................................................... 36
Processing industry, focus on biogas ........................................................................ 36
Water Consumption ...................................................................................................... 36
Crop production ........................................................................................................ 36
Livestock .................................................................................................................... 37
Processing industry, focus on biogas ........................................................................ 37
Outflows ................................................................................................................................ 37
Nutrient levels of main and by-products (crops, livestock and processed products) ... 37
Erosion ........................................................................................................................... 39
Leaching losses from agricultural land to surface and ground water ........................... 41
Ammonia and acidifying emissions ............................................................................... 41
Greenhouse Gas Emissions ........................................................................................... 42
Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium
Export of nutrients to other countries .......................................................................... 43
Net soil balance and geographical distribution of nitrogen/ phosphorus field surplus........ 43
Graphs with net soil balance ......................................................................................... 44
Geographical distribution map ...................................................................................... 47
Environmental pressure ................................................................................................................ 49
Nitrate Directive .................................................................................................................... 49
Water Directive ..................................................................................................................... 54
Legislation...................................................................................................................................... 56
Manure legislation................................................................................................................. 56
Support mechanisms for biogas production ......................................................................... 60
Impact Categories.......................................................................................................................... 65
NPK ........................................................................................................................................ 65
Accumulated energy demand ............................................................................................... 65
Greenhouse Gas Emissions ................................................................................................... 65
Economics.............................................................................................................................. 65
Employment .......................................................................................................................... 65
Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................... 66
References ..................................................................................................................................... 67
Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium
Overview of Figures
Figure 1: Geographical spread of agriculture and horticulture in Flanders (Source: Department of
Agriculture and Fisheries, based on data from the Agricultural Census in 2007) ................................... 8
Figure 2: Share of agricultural land in total area per community, 2007 (Source: Department of
agriculture and fisheries)......................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 3: Geographical spread of agriculture in Wallonia (Source : Direction de l’Analyse économique
agricole (SPW-DGARNE-Demna) et DGSIE ) .......................................................................................... 10
Figure 4: Estimation of production of main agricultural crops in tonnes, Flanders, 2005-2010 (Source:
AMS on the basis of FOD Economie - Algemene Directie Statistiek en Economische Informatie) ....... 11
Figure 5: Estimation of average yield of main agricultural crops in 100 kg/ha in Flanders, 2005-2010
(Source: AMS on the basis of FOD Economie - Algemene Directie Statistiek en Economische
Informatie) ............................................................................................................................................ 11
Figure 6: Livestock evolution in Flanders in number of animals based on LSU, 2005-2010 (Source:
AMS on the basis of FOD Economie - Algemene Directie Statistiek en Economische Informatie) ....... 12
Figure 7: Density of different livestock types in Flemish communities in number of animals per km2,
2007 (Source: Department of Agriculture and Fisheries) ..................................................................... 13
Figure 8: Evolution of agricultural land use in Flanders, 2005 - 2010, in ha (Source: AMS on the basis
of FOD Economie - Algemene Directie Statistiek en Economische Informatie).................................... 14
Figure 9: Estimation of production of main agricultural crops in Wallonia in tonnes (2005-2010).
(Source: SPF-économie –DGSIE (ex-INS))............................................................................................... 14
Figure 10: Estimation of average yield of main agricultural crops in Wallonia in 100kg/ha (2005-2010).
(Source: SPF-économie –DGSIE (ex-INS))............................................................................................... 15
Figure 11: Livestock evolution in Wallonia in number of animals (2005-2010). (Source: DGSIE (ex-INS)
- Recensements et enquêtes agricoles) ................................................................................................. 16
Figure 12: Importance of beef cattle in Walloon communities in % of the total agricultural
production, 2010 (Source: Recensement agricole de mai 2010) .......................................................... 16
Figure 13: Number of pigs per Walloon municipalities, 2006 (Source: CPDT - INS, 2007) ................... 17
Figure 14: Number of poultry per Walloon municipalities, 2006 (Source: CPDT - INS, 2007) .............. 17
Figure 15: Evolution of agricultural land use in Wallonia (2005-2010) (Source: DGSIE (ex-INS) Recensements et enquêtes agricoles)................................................................................................... 18
Figure 16: Use of agricultural land ........................................................................................................ 18
Figure 17: Evolution of final production value, 2005-2011, in million Euro (Flanders) (Source: AMS) (*:
preliminary data) ................................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 18: Evolution of final production value in million euro (Wallonia, 2001-2010). (Source :
DGARNE, DAEA(CLE), DGSIE (ex-INS) ..................................................................................................... 20
Figure 19: Employment in the agricultural and horticultural sector in Flanders, 2005-2010 (Source:
Department of Agriculture and Fisheries)............................................................................................. 21
Figure 20: Overview of the graphical spread of operational manure processing installations in 2011
(source: 2011 survey VCM) ................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 21: Geographical spread of biogas installations in Flanders (red: running installations, green: in
start-up phase, yellow: under construction) ......................................................................................... 22
Figure 22: Comparison of electricity and heat production of differents kind of facilities biogas in
Wallonia for 2007 (CRA-W, 2008) ......................................................................................................... 24
Figure 23: Potential of anaerobic digestion at maximum utilization of biomass present in Flanders
(source: Biogas-E, 2011) ........................................................................................................................ 27
Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium
Figure 24: Energy potential of livestock waste by municipality (Source: CPDT - INS, 2007) ................ 28
Figure 25: Application of mineral fertilizer (nitrogen) in Flemish agriculture, 2005-2009, in tonnes
(Source: Vlaamse Overheid, Departement Landbouw en Visserij) ....................................................... 29
Figure 26: Application of mineral fertilizer (phosphorus) in Flemish agriculture, 2005-2009, in tonnes
(Source: Vlaamse Overheid, Departement Landbouw en Visserij) ....................................................... 29
Figure 27: Net nitrogen and phosphate production per Flemish community in 2007 (Source:
Department of Agriculture and Fisheries)............................................................................................. 30
Figure 28: Production of the main arable crops and fertilizer use in Walloon Region (1995 -2006).
(Source: TBE 2010- SPF Economie – DGSIE (INS); SPW - DGO3 - DEMNA)............................................ 31
Figure 29: Inputs and average surplus of nitrogen in agricultural soils in Belgium and Wallonia (1990 2008). (Source: TBE 2010- SPF Economie – DGSIE (INS); SPW - DGO3 - DEMNA). ............................... 32
Figure 30: Soil linkage rate in Wallonia (estimate for 2010) (Source: DPS, DGRNE) ............................. 33
Figure 31: N deposition (Source: Lenders et al., 2012) ......................................................................... 34
Figure 32: Energy Consumption in Flemish Agriculture per subsector, 2007-2009, in TeraJoule
(Source: Vlaamse Overheid, Departement Landbouw en Visserij) ....................................................... 35
Figure 33: Energy consumption in Flemish Agriculture per source, 2007-2010, in PJ (Source: MIRA on
the basis of VITO energy balance Flanders) .......................................................................................... 35
Figure 34: Energy consumption per sector (%) for 2009. ..................................................................... 36
Figure 35: Water consumption in agriculture per source, 2005-2009, in m3 (Source: Vlaamse
Overheid, Departement Landbouw en Visserij) .................................................................................... 37
Figure 36: Potential erosion sensitivity of Flemish soils (Source: LARA 2010) ...................................... 39
Figure 37: Average losses in soil by hydric erosion in Wallonia (2002-2005) (Source: TBE 2010 – UlgGxABT (modèle EPICgrid)). .................................................................................................................... 40
Figure 38: Risk of hydric erosion of Walloon soils (Source: FUSAGx - UHAGx (modèle EPICgrid)) ....... 40
Figure 39: Average concentration in N in Walloon groundwater (2005-2008). (Source : TBE 2010 –
SPW – DGO3 – DEE (base de données CALYPSO, réalisation CEEW)). .................................................. 41
Figure 40: Emission of acidifying substances in agriculture in Wallonia ............................................... 42
Figure 41: GHG emissions from agriculture in Wallonia (1990 - 2007)(Source : TBE, SPW-AWAC) ..... 43
Figure 42: Agricultural soil balance for Flanders, in million kg N and P, for 2009 (Source: VMM
Environmental Report Flanders, AMS based on Mestbank-ALV and VMM)......................................... 44
Figure 43: Evolution of the soil balance in kg N, for 2007-2009 (Source: Lenders et al., 2012) ........... 45
Figure 44: Evolution of the soil balance in kg P, for 2007-2009 (Source: Lenders et al., 2012) ............ 45
Figure 45: Soil surplus and some important N inputs and outputs (ton N) in Wallonia from 2000 until
2006. (Source: Gybels et al., 2009) ........................................................................................................ 46
Figure 46: Average content of available P in cropland in Wallonia (1998-2002) (Source : ASBL
REQUASUD) ........................................................................................................................................... 47
Figure 47: Evolution of P available in cropland per agricultural area in Wallonia (1994-2004). (Source:
ASBL REQUASUD) .................................................................................................................................. 47
Figure 48: MAP-measuring network for threshold of 50 mg nitrate per litre in winter year 2010-2011
per river basin (Source: VMM) .............................................................................................................. 48
Figure 49: Overview of the results for the MAP network surface water for the winter year 2010-2011
(Source: VLM Voortgangsrapport 2011) ............................................................................................... 49
Figure 50: Evolution of the weighted average nitrate concentration for the 3 filters in the freatic
ground water measuring network from 2007 on, including a trend interpolation towards the
following periods (Source: VLM Voortgangsrapport 2011) .................................................................. 50
Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium
Figure 51: Visual representation of the average nitrate concentrations in ground water (period 20082010) (left) and surface water (period: 2010) (right) (Bron: The coloured region
represents the vulnerable zone in the Walloon region. ....................................................................... 54
Figure 52: Maximal average phosphate concentrations for wells in 2009 ........................................... 55
Figure 53: Overview of processed and exported N and P over time (Source: VLM, Mestbank)........... 60
Overview of Tables
Table 1: Walloon production livestock (% of the national production) (Source: Programme Wallon de
Développement rural 2007-2013 – Septembre 2012) .......................................................................... 15
Table 2: Biogas units in the agricultural sector in Wallonia (Source: IRCO) ......................................... 23
Table 3: Characteristics of agricultural biogas facilities in Wallonia (Source: CRA-W, 2006) ............... 25
Table 4: Overview of types and amount of fertilizer used on Walloon soils in 2010 ((Source: SPW
2011, Recensements et enquêtes agricoles)......................................................................................... 32
Table 5: Average N-fixation in kg per ha (Source: Vanongeval et al. (1998) and BLIVO, (*) personal
announcement Alex De Vliegher, ILVO, department Plant, 2011)........................................................ 34
Table 6: Nutrient levels of main and by-products of crops (Source: ILVO - L&M based on and Campens and Lauwers (2002)) ........................................................................ 38
Table 7: Nitrogen inputs, outputs and soil surplus in Wallonia (2000-2006) (Source: Gybels et al.,
2009)...................................................................................................................................................... 45
Table 8: Average annual inputs of Nitrogen authorized in Wallonia (Sources: DGARNE, 2008; Nitrawal,
2007)...................................................................................................................................................... 50
Table 9: Annual production of Nitrogen per animal category (Source: Moniteur Belge 26.04.2011) .. 51
Table 10: Conditions for manure and mineral nitrogen spreading (Sources: Nitrawal, 2007; DGARNE,
2008; Moniteur Belge 26.04.2011) ....................................................................................................... 52
Table 11: Spreading periods in Wallonia (Source: Moniteur Belge 26.04.2011) .................................. 52
Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium
1 Introduction
INEMAD Project
The Improved Nutrient and Energy Management through Anaerobic Digestion (INEMAD) project
concentrates on innovative strategies to reconnect livestock and crop production farming systems.
Throughout the project, new flows of energy and materials within the agricultural sector (or linked to
the agricultural sector) will be analysed, creating opportunities for re-thinking the relation between
crop and livestock production. INEMAD will address the question of which new methods and how
new arrangements should be developed to restore the recycling within the specialisation context. To
realize these ambitions, the leading principle of INEMAD is a triangular enlargement of the traditional
farming systems with a “processing” system. Processing is proposed as a third system, to be linked
with crop and the livestock production, in order to increase agricultural productivity while reducing
external energy input and closing nutrient cycle. Nutrient recycling can be done by biogas production
and the use of digestate as fertilizer. Digestate can not only replace the manure but also chemical
fertiliser because of its comparable properties. INEMAD will analyse improvements options for
biogas plants, valorisation options for the digestate, improve the management by the use of
optimisation models and compare organisational structures.
This country report is the first project deliverable under Work Package 1. It describes the situation
regarding nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in each partner country
separately and in detail. The report is a baseline document and will help to explore the possibilities
for improvement of the nutrient balances and give a more complete picture of the nutrients. It is
built up and validated using existing databases, such as national and EU databases. It will serve as a
guideline throughout the whole project life.
In total, eight reports will be written, one for each partner country, i.e. Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia,
Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary and the Netherlands. This specific report has been prepared by
the Belgian Partners.
Country Specific General Introduction
Belgium is a federal state with three independent regions namely the Flemish region, the Walloon
region and the Brussels-capital region. These three regions received responsibility for regional
matters and have their own administrations and ministries. The complex institutional situation in
Belgium is a result of the long transformation of Belgium to a federal state. Between 1970 and 2001
the Belgian Parliament approved five successive constitutional reforms (Van Esbroeck, 2002). Slowly
these changed Belgium from a unitary into a federal state. In a federal state political decision-making
is decentralised. In Belgium the three regions, Flanders, Wallonia and Brussels-capital have legislative
authority within their region. The constitutional reform of 1993 was the most important. It
regionalised a lot of responsibilities. A year later the Flemish Agriculture and Horticulture
Administration (ALT) was established (Vlaams Parlement, 2004). This administration took care of the
farmers’ education, the investment policy in farms, etc. Yet the agricultural policy, the research and
development on agriculture, measures for income support including the CAP compensatory
premiums remained federal responsibilities. Only in 2001, the latter were transferred to the regions
in theory (Lambermont Agreements); in practice this took place early 2003.
Historically, the Belgian agricultural sector evolved to mixed farming systems, accommodating
livestock and arable production on small areas. Farms are characterised by the use of specialised and
highly intensive production methods, due to the high degree of urbanisation, especially in Flanders.
The high use of industrial inputs results in agricultural production with an important burden on the
environment. The agricultural sector is highly suffering from the high urbanisation degree, while
income levels are on a decline.
Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium
2 Production numbers
Agricultural systems
2.1.1 Geographical overview
Figure 1 provides an overview of the geographical spread of agriculture and horticulture in Flanders.
The most important individual subsectors are pig production, milk and milk derivatives, beef,
vegetables and non-edible horticultural products. All together they represent about 75% of the total
final production value of Flemish agriculture (see
Figure 17, more detailed quantitative information can be found in annex I). The importance of the
different subsectors is connected to the different regions. For instance, fruit production takes place
mainly around Sint-Truiden while vegetable production is located mostly around Sint-KatelijneWaver, Roeselare and Hoogstraten. Moreover, animal breeding is mostly centred in West-Flanders
while ornamental plant production can be found around Ghent (Flemish Government, Department of
Agriculture and Fisheries).
specialisation plant breeding
breeding – vegetables
specialisation fruit
breeding – beef cattle
ornamentals – beef cattle
predominantly dairy cattle
arable crops – beef cattle
breeding – dairy cattle
vegetables – beef cattle
Figure 1: Geographical spread of agriculture and horticulture in Flanders (Source: Department of
Agriculture and Fisheries, based on data from the Agricultural Census in 2007)
The figure below provides an overview of the share of agricultural land as part of the total land area
per community in Flanders. It can be seen that agricultural land-intensive areas are mostly located in
the western part of Flanders and gradually diminish towards the east of the region.
Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium
Share of agricultural land as compared to total land surface per
community, 2007
Figure 2: Share of agricultural land in total area per community, 2007 (Source: Department of
agriculture and fisheries)
Figure 3 provides an overview of the geographical spread of agriculture and horticulture in Wallonia.
The Walloon agriculture is characterized by production of major crops (cereals, industrial plants such
as sugar beet, chicory, linseed,...), forage crops and livestock (mainly cattle) related to soil. Breeding
and more specifically cattle dominates the agricultural sector.
The importance of the different subsectors is connected to the different regions. Cattle breeding are
mainly located in the South of Wallonia, particularly in the province of Luxembourg. The major crops
can be found mainly in the silty area. Dairy sector is concentrated in the Liège province while the pig
production is concentrated in the provinces of Liège and Hainaut (SPW – DGARNE, 2011).
Walloon utilisable agriculture area (UAA) reached 740 885 ha of the national UAA (1,358,019 ha). It
represents 44% of the total area in Wallonia, which is 1,684,430 ha.
Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium
Specialisation arable crops
Combination meadow - grassland
Specialisation horticulture
Multiple breeding – predominantly dairy cattle
Cattle - specialisation dairy
Granivorous and dairy cattle
Cattle – predominantly dairy
Arable crops and dairy cattle
Cattle – specialisation breeding / beef cattle
Arable crops and cattle breeding / beef
Cattle - predominantly breeding / beef cattle
Combination meadow - grassland and animals
Combination arable crops and horticulture
Figure 3: Geographical spread of agriculture in Wallonia (Source : Direction de l’Analyse
économique agricole (SPW-DGARNE-Demna) et DGSIE )
Production and productivity of crop and livestock systems
It can be seen in Figure 4 that the main crop produced in Flanders is fodder maize, with a yield of
over 5,5 million tonnes yearly. The average yield of the main crops presented in Figure 4 has
remained more or less constant over the years, as is shown in Figure 5.
Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium
Fodder maize (complete
Fodder beet (roots)
Potato (tuber)
Sugar beet (roots)
Grain (wheat and barley
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Figure 4: Estimation of production of main agricultural crops in tonnes, Flanders, 2005-2010
(Source: AMS on the basis of FOD Economie - Algemene Directie Statistiek en Economische
Fodder maize (complete
Fodder beet (roots)
Potato (tuber)
Sugar beet (roots)
Barley (grains)
Wheat (grains)
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Figure 5: Estimation of average yield of main agricultural crops in 100 kg/ha in Flanders, 2005-2010
(Source: AMS on the basis of FOD Economie - Algemene Directie Statistiek en Economische
In 2010, around 35 million animals were registered in Flanders of which 27.28 million were poultry,
6.22 million pigs, 1.34 million cattle and 189,000 other animals (primarily sheep, horses and mink).
As of the ‘90s, the number of animals (cattle, pigs and poultry) started to decline due to a number of
reasons, such as improved efficiency in the dairy sector, the manure policy, dioxin crisis, economic
crisis etc. However, since 2008, livestock production and mainly poultry production, have been on
the increase again due to expansion options created under the manure policy (since 2007).
Figure 6 presents an overview of the livestock evolution in Flanders, numbers are adapted according
to the livestock unit (LSU) conversion factors. Pig production is clearly the most important livestock
subsector in Flanders, followed by bovine and poultry production.
Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium
Figure 6: Livestock evolution in Flanders in number of animals based on LSU, 2005-2010 (Source:
AMS on the basis of FOD Economie - Algemene Directie Statistiek en Economische Informatie)
Figure 7 presents an overview of the density of pig, bovine and poultry production in the different
communities of Flanders. From the figure, it can be seen that pig production is mostly located in the
western part of Flanders, while bovine production mostly take place in the north of the country and
poultry production least in the communities around the federal capital, Brussels.
Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium
Density of the pig production
(No of pigs per km )
Density of the bovine
(No of bovines per km )
Density of the poultry
(No of chickens per km )
Figure 7: Density of different livestock types in Flemish communities in number of animals per km 2,
2007 (Source: Department of Agriculture and Fisheries)
Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium
Figure 8 provides an overview of the evolution of agricultural land use in Flanders. Land use for most
crops has remained more or less stable over the past years, with fodder crops taking up the majority
of land used for production. This is linked to the importance and size of the livestock sector.
Figure 8: Evolution of agricultural land use in Flanders, 2005 - 2010, in ha (Source: AMS on the basis
of FOD Economie - Algemene Directie Statistiek en Economische Informatie)
It can be seen in Figure 9 that the main crop produced in Wallonia is sugar beet, with an average
yield of 3.4 million tons per year. The average yield of the main crops presented in Figure 9 has
remained more or less constant over the years, as is shown in Figure 10.
Estimation of production of main agricultural crops in Wallonia in tonnes
Fodder grassland (dry
Fodder maize (complete
Sugar beet (roots)
Potato Bintje (tuber)
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Grain (wheat and barley
Figure 9: Estimation of production of main agricultural crops in Wallonia in tonnes (2005-2010).
(Source: SPF-économie –DGSIE (ex-INS)).
Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium
Estimation of average yield of main agricultural crops in Wallonia in
100kg/ha (2005-2010)
Fodder permanent
grassland (dry matter)
Fodder temporary grassland
(dry matter)
Fodder maize (complete
Sugar beet (roots)
Potato Bintje (tuber)
Barley (grains)
Wheat (grains)
Figure 10: Estimation of average yield of main agricultural crops in Wallonia in 100kg/ha (20052010). (Source: SPF-économie –DGSIE (ex-INS)).
In 2010, around 7 million animals were registered in Wallonia of which 5.249 million were poultry,
392,000 pigs, 1.289 million cattle and 143,800 other animals (primarily sheep, rabbit, horses and
By the ‘90s, the number of animals (cattle, pigs and poultry) started to decline due to a number of
reasons, such as improved efficiency in the dairy sector, dioxin crisis, economic crisis etc. However,
since 2005, livestock production and mainly poultry and pigs production, have been on the increase.
Figure 11 presents an overview of the livestock evolution in Wallonia and Table 1 shows the part of
the Walloon production for Belgian production.
Table 1: Walloon production livestock (% of the national production) (Source: Programme Wallon
de Développement rural 2007-2013 – Septembre 2012)
Laying hens
Walloon production
(% of the national livestock)
16.3 %
37 %
Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium
Livestock evolution in Wallonia (in number of animals)
Figure 11: Livestock evolution in Wallonia in number of animals (2005-2010). (Source: DGSIE (exINS) - Recensements et enquêtes agricoles)
Figure 12, Figure 13 and Figure 14 represent an overview of the importance of beef cattle, pigs and
poultry in the different municipalities of Wallonia. From figures, it can be seen that bovine
production is mostly located in the south of Wallonia. Pig production is mainly located in the
provinces of Liège (East) and Hainaut (West of the country) and poultry in Hainaut.
Figure 12: Importance of beef cattle in Walloon communities in % of the total agricultural
production, 2010 (Source: Recensement agricole de mai 2010)
Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium
Figure 13: Number of pigs per Walloon municipalities, 2006 (Source: CPDT - INS, 2007)
Figure 14: Number of poultry per Walloon municipalities, 2006 (Source: CPDT - INS, 2007)
Figure 15 provides an overview of the evolution of agricultural land use in Wallonia. The Walloon
agriculture is characterized by production of large crops (cereals, industrial plants), fodder crops and
animals production (mainly cattle). The land use in Wallonia reflects this orientation: arable farming
covers 54% of the used agricultural area and permanent pasture 45.6%.
Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium
Evolution of agricultural land use in Wallonia (2005-2010) in ha
Culture in greenhouse
Permanent crops
Permanent pasture
Arable farming
Figure 15: Evolution of agricultural land use in Wallonia (2005-2010) (Source: DGSIE (ex-INS) Recensements et enquêtes agricoles)
Figure 16 shows that utilized agricultural area is greater in the north of the Sambre and Meuse
furrow, where the soil and climatic conditions are more favourable for crops. We find the majority of
cereals and industrial crops. Further in the south grasslands (mostly permanent) dominate the area.
(Cellule Etat de l’environnement wallon, 2010).
Figure 16: Use of agricultural land
Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium
Agriculture takes up half of the land use in Belgium with 50.3% out of a total area of 30,527.93 km2.
However, each year this number decreases in favour of area used for construction. Together with the
decrease in land use, the number of agricultural companies in Belgium decreases every year, it is
faster than the decrease in land use. This means that these companies grow larger with time. The
average size of an agricultural company has increased by 98% from 25.08 ha in 1990 to 51.1 ha in
2010 for Wallonia. About 27.1 % of these companies were specialised in beef cattle , 23.1 % in crop
production, 13.4 % in dairy cattle and 13.4 % in mixed cattle “dairy and beef” (SPW – DGARNE, 2011).
2.1.3 Socio-economic analysis
The final production value of agriculture in Flanders amounted to 5,153 million euro in 2010 (see also
Figure 17). Livestock took up the highest final value with 3,189 million euro, followed by the
horticulture sector at 1,405 million euro and arable production at 481 million euro. The livestock
sector includes cattle, pig and poultry production as well as the production of dairy products. Of all
subsectors, pig production has the highest value.
Figure 17: Evolution of final production value, 2005-2011, in million Euro (Flanders) (Source: AMS)
(*: preliminary data)
In that same year, the Flemish crop production and horticulture sector realised a production value of
4,5 billion euro, a Gross Added Value of 1,1 billion euro and a Net Added Value of 0,9 billion euro.
The GDP in Belgium for 2011 amounted to 355,102 million euro of which agriculture, forestry,
fisheries accounted for 0.58% (FOD economie, K.M.O., middenstand en energie, Algemene Directie
Statistiek en Economische Informatie, Kerncijfers landbouw 2012).
The Flemish gross meat production can be estimated based on the national production numbers of
the Directorate General Statistics and Economic Information (Algemene Directie Statistiek en
Economisch Informatie, ADSEI). In 2007, Flanders produced around 1.4 million ton carcass weight,
which contributes 85% to the national meat production. The Flemish meat production constitutes of
69% pork, 16% poultry and 12% beef. Moreover, statistics from the Department Agriculture and
Fisheries show that during the milking campaign 2009/10, 1,934 million litre of milk was delivered.
Additionally, based on national production numbers from ADSEI, 1,893 million eggs were produced in
The final production value of agriculture in Wallonia amounted to 1,935.1 million euro in 2010
(Figure 18). Livestock took up the highest final value with 1,015.4 million euro (52,5%), followed by
Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium
the crop production at 748.2 million euro (38.7%) and the horticulture sector at 171.5 million euro
(8.9%). The livestock sector includes cattle, pig and poultry production as well as the production of
dairy products. Of all subsectors, beef cattle production has the highest value with 473.2 million euro
(SPW – DGARNE, 2011).
Wallonia plays an important role in the fields of beets and cereals. Its role is also important for beef
and milk. For horticultural crops, pigs, poultry and eggs, the proportion is small but growing.
Evolution of final production value in million € (Wallonia, 2001-2010)
Crop production
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Figure 18: Evolution of final production value in million euro (Wallonia, 2001-2010). (Source :
In 2009, the Gross Added Value of Walloon agriculture was 590.5 million euro (Source: National Bank
of Belgium). The Gross Added Value of all sectors of Wallonia, expressed at market prices, is
estimated at 71,325.1 million euro in 2009. The relative contribution of “Agriculture, forestry and
fishing” is estimated at 0.8%.
The GDP in Belgium for 2011 amounted to 355.102 million euro of which agriculture, forestry,
fisheries accounted for 0.58% (FOD economie, K.M.O., middenstand en energie, Algemene Directie
Statistiek en Economische Informatie, Kerncijfers landbouw 2012).
To express the beef production, the term "gross indigenous production" is used. It is equal to the
number of slaughtering (net production) an increased in exports of living animals and decreased
imports of living animals. For 2010, in Wallonia, bovine’s meat represented 70% of the Belgian gross
indigenous production and calves, 2%. The Walloon gross indigenous production of beef can be
estimated at 179,000 tonnes (carcass weight equivalent).
For the dairy production in 2010, Wallonia produced 1.276 billion liters of the 3.352 billion liters of
quota delivery for Belgium (38%). For the same year, the net production (slaughters) of pigs in
Wallonia amounted to 148,500 tonnes (13.7% of Belgium Net production).
According to the agricultural surveys, 1.079 million eggs were produced in 2011 (SPW – DGARNE,
According to Eurostat, selling prices (excluding taxes) for different animal products are the following:
Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium
For calves (2011): 143.99 euro per 100 kg live weight
For pigs (2007): 99.86 euro per 100 kg live weight
For chickens (2011): 94.61 euro per 100 kg live weight
For fresh eggs (2011): 4.11 euro per 100 eggs
For raw cow’s milk (2011): 33.06 euro per 100 kg of milk
Gavilan et al. (2012) refer to average selling prices for 2010 (excluding taxes):
For a suckler cow: 1,951 euro per piece or 2.66 euro per kg live weight
For a heifer above one year of age: 1,862 euro per piece or 3.18 euro per kg live weight
For a bull above one year of age: 2,190 euro per piece or 3.18 euro per kg live weight
More detailed statistical data, for instance on production costs and market prices, can be found on
(, and Eurostat.
Figure 19 provides an overview of the employment in the agricultural and horticultural sector in
Flanders, divided over employment of family and non-family. The figure clearly demonstrates a
downward trend in employment numbers.
Figure 19: Employment in the agricultural and horticultural sector in Flanders, 2005-2010 (Source:
Department of Agriculture and Fisheries)
In 2005, 28,007 people had a regular activity in the agricultural and horticultural sector in Wallonia.
The Walloon agricultural labour force was 29.5% of the national labour force in this sector. Full-time
labour force represented 55.5% of the total labour force (PwDR 2007-2013).
In 2011, there were 39,528 farms in Wallonia and 74,399 people employed in the agricultural sector.
The average farm size in Wallonia was 25.8 ha in 1990. Continuously increasing, it reached 51.1 ha in
2010; compared with 1990, an increase of 25.3 ha or 98% (SPW – DGARNE, 2011).
The distribution of Wallonia’s farms shows that 84.3 % of them are specialized. The specialization is
mainly on the beef production (27.1%), agricultural crops (23.1%), dairy production (12.4%) and
Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium
mixed cattle “dairy and beef "(13.4 % of farms). As for mixed farming (with two or more
specializations), they combine mainly crops and cattle (11.1%) (SPW – DGARNE, 2011).
Together with the decrease in number of people employed, the number of agricultural companies in
Belgium decreases yearly. This decrease is quicker than the decrease in land use, meaning that
agricultural companies grow larger with time. The average size of an agricultural company in Flanders
has increased by 40% from 15.07 ha in 1999 to 21.1 ha in 2010. About 52% of all companies were
specialised livestock companies, 17% were specialised in horticulture and 17% in crop production
(LARA 2010).
Agro-digestion and manure/digestate treatment processes
2.2.1 Geographical overview
In Flanders a strong correlation can be seen between the location of manure processing installations
and the pressure regions. Consequently, about 65% of manure processing installations are located in
the province of West Flanders (source: survey 2011 VCM)(Figure 20). The same tendency can be seen
for anaerobic digestion plants (Figure 21).
Figure 20: Overview of the graphical spread of operational manure processing installations in 2011
(source: 2011 survey VCM)
Figure 21: Geographical spread of biogas installations in Flanders (red: running installations, green:
in start-up phase, yellow: under construction)
Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium
In the Walloon Region, the manure import, export and processing is much less important, as the
manure production is much lower than in the Flemish Region. There are no follow-ups for the
manure in importing, exporting or processing except for the manure’s spreading contracts.
In Wallonia, manure is usually spread as such slurry, manure (poultry manure, pig slurry, cattle
manure) or after composting. There are only a few agricultural biogas plants in Wallonia.
Table 2 provides information about biogas units in Wallonia, in the agricultural sector.
Table 2: Biogas units in the agricultural sector in Wallonia (Source: IRCO)
or licensure
Net Electrical
Power (kW el)
Ferme Heck
Ferme Lenges
Ferme Faascht
Ferme du Pré du
Préat La Surizée
Ferme de l’Hosté
Biomasse Bioenergie
Biogaz du Haut
On standby– licence
issued in 2008
04/09/2009 –
Under construction
Manure, crop
residues and maize
Manure, food
industry waste, grass
Food industry waste,
manure, maize, crop
Food industry waste,
manure, maize, crop
Chicory waste
Cattle manure, grass
mowing, soups
1,074 (Under
Forcerie de chicons
B unité de Ruyff
700 (not yet built)
On standby– licence
issued in
June 2010
Under construction
Under construction
200 (Under
1,300 (Under
Food industry waste,
manure, vegetables
waste, beet tops
Chicory roots,
maize, biowaste
Droppings of
chickens, cattle
manure, pig manure,
biowaste and maize
Manure and maize
Maize, waste from
agriculture, rye, crop
residues (beet top),
cattle/poultry and
pigs manure
2.2.2 Production and productivity of processing systems
Here, please also use common units such as tonne (for manure, organic biological waste, CO2 etc.),kg
(for N and P, etc.), m3 (for biogas, etc.) and don’t forget to clearly mention the units you have used.
In 2010 the nitrogen and phosphate production in Flanders amounted to 160,2 million kg N and 60,9
million kg P2O5 respectively. The total N loss by stable emissions and storage amounted to 33,0
million kg N, which leads to a nett N production of 127,2 million kg N in 2010. In this respect, pigs
Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium
were the greatest contributor to loss by emission with 44%, followed by ruminants with 37% and
poultry with 17%.
The disposal space for animal manure in Flanders in 2010 was 105,2 million kg N and 48,6 million kg
P2O5. This space was filled in mainly by animal manure (101,2 million kg N and 46,3 million kg P2O5) ,
artificial manure ( 40,7 million kg N and 1,4 million kg P2O5 and other fertilisers (1,4 million kg N en
0,8 million kg P2O5) (voortgangsrapport 2011, VCM).
The gap between available and used N and P must be closed by processing technologies. In 2010,
26,9 million kg N and 15.5 million kg P2O5 was processed and exported in Flanders. Currently there
are 112 operational manure processing installations in Flanders. The most commonly used technique
is biological treatment of the thin fraction of pig manure after separation, followed by drying of pig
and poultry manure and total processing of pig manure and digestate (for example codigestion)(Voortgangsrapport 2011, VCM).
Presently, data on processing systems are not available for the Walloon region.
Anaerobic digestion of agricultural wastes is still not well developed. At present time, it exists only 13
biogas plants in the agricultural sector in Wallonia (South region) using pig and cattle manure, food
industry wastes and energy crops as substrate.
Figure 22 compares the production of electricity and heat from different kind of biogas facilities in
Wallonia, for 2007.
Figure 22: Comparison of electricity and heat production of differents kind of facilities biogas in
Wallonia for 2007 (CRA-W, 2008)
Table 3 represents the characteristics of agricultural biogas facilities in Wallonia, for the year 2006.
For that year, the total electrical power rating for the agricultural sector was about 1,000 kWh.
Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium
Table 3: Characteristics of agricultural biogas facilities in Wallonia (Source: CRA-W, 2006)
In the following section we will focus on classic manure processing by means of biological treatment.
Furthermore also anaerobic digestion as a general processing technique (not exclusively for manure),
drying and combustion will be highlighted.
Classical pig manure processing: biological treatment
As a first step in classic manure processing, the manure is separated in a thick and a thin fraction by
means of a centrifuge, a screw press or a seef belt. The resulting thick fraction can next be
composted or dried and used as an (exportable) soil enhancer conform the EG 1774/2002
(1069/2009) ordinance. The resulting thin fraction is next subjected to biological treatment. Upon
biological treatment the thin fraction undergoes nitrification followed by denitrification. In the
nitrification tank N is mineralised into NO3-N. In the denitrification tank the NO3-N is further
converted to atmospheric N2. The resulting fraction is used as a fertiliser. In 2010, 73 manure
processing installations (Flanders) used biological treatment as primary technique, accounting for the
volatilisation of 1.7 million kg N in the form of N2.
Anaerobic digestion
Anaerobic digestion is an alternative way to process manure. However, often manure is only a part of
the input of an anaerobic digester. Consequently, the following section and numbers represent
global anaerobic digestion in Flanders. At present (August 2012) 39 anaerobic digestion plants are up
running or in the start-up phase. This translates to a total capacity of 1 998 000 ton biomass/year and
88,06 MWe installed electric power. Furthermore 7 more installations are currently in the
construction phase or in take-over. All anaerobic digesters are located in agricultural or industrial
areas. The implementation of anaerobic digesters is mainly triggered by the availability of input
streams, which explains the abundance of anaerobic digesters in the manure rich regions WestFlanders and the Kempen. However, also in other provinces anaerobic digesters are present, for the
digestion of organic waste streams, energy crops or different kinds of manure. An upraise of a new
form of small scale digestion, this is pocket digesters on farm scale, is expected the coming years. The
great majority of digesters in Flanders work according to the mesophile digestion process rather than
thermophile digestion (Biogas-e voortgangsrapport 2012).
The most used input streams for digestion in Flanders are organic biologic waste (OBW), energy
crops and manure. The total capacity of the current operational plants account for the processing of
1,998,000 ton biomass. During the last years a change in input streams has occurred, with a growing
part of energy crops. In 2010, about 11% of energy crops was used for digestion (this is an equivalent
of 3,800 ha maize, or 0.63% of the available agricultural area in Flanders). Simultaneously, an
equivalent raise was noticed in the use of OBWs. Due to the excessive manure surplus in Flanders
there is a complicated legislative framework concerning manure input streams for anaerobic
digestion (see xxx), in which digesters in manure rich areas are obliged to use a minimum of xxx
Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium
manure as input. However, in 2010 only 400,000 ton or 1.7% of the available manure in Flanders was
digested. It is however expected that also this figure will rise in future. (Voortgangsrapport 2012,
Biogas-E). As the market for industrial waste streams is getting more scarce, there is currently a
tendency to look for novel sources of input streams, such as household organic waste, harvest
residues, roadside cuttings,…
Following anaerobic digestion different output streams are created, namely biogas ( which can be
converted into electricity and heat using a co-generator) and digestate. In 2010, the total green
power production amounted 300GWhe or 60% of the total installed capacity. Another important
output stream is digestate, which is the residual fraction of the digested mass. Depending on the
input material of the digester, the nutrient content of the digestate varies, but in general the
majority of the organic N and phosphorus are converted into ammonium and phosphate. The
combination of these nutrients with the recalcitrant organic matter inherent present in the digestate,
makes digestate a better fertiliser than manure. Due to the complicated Flemish legislation (see
further) there is however currently hardly any market for digestate on Flemish soils, so further
processing is required. Different routes can be followed, and mostly include a separation step. The
resulting thick fraction can next be dried and exported. The thin fraction can next be treated with (a
combination of) membrane filtration, stripping, precipitation and up-concentration.
The primary objective of this technology is to concentrate solid manure by thermally removing water
to reduce volume and mass. The secondary objectives are to produce products with improved
marketability which can be exported, to kill germs and to increase shelf life.
The end product of drying is solid and the moisture content is around 10%. The resulting high
content of dry matter is necessary to prevent growth of micro-organisms. There are two different
types of drying, based on how the heat, needed to evaporate the water, is transferred. The first type,
convection, is a direct heat transfer where hot air is brought into contact with the manure directly.
The second type, conduction, is an indirect heat transfer where heat is transferred from a drying
medium (steam, hot water or thermic oil) to the manure via some kind of separation wall in
between. In both cases, the removed liquid will need to be further processed.
A study conducted by Huybrechts and Dijkmans (2001) estimated the total primary energy use (in
MJ/tonne water) between 3025-4200 for indirect and 3790 for direct drying. Moreover, the thermal
energy consumption (in MJ/tonne water) is 2800-3300 and 3250, and the electrical energy
consumption (in kWh/tonne water) is 25-100 and 60 for indirect and direct drying respectively.
The cost of this type of techniques is determined by the investment costs of the drying installations
(water evaporation capacity, type of dryer, system configuration, etc.), variable costs and energy
costs. As a comparison, the cost to dry dewatered sludge, a product with a similar moisture content
as the thick fraction of pig manure, is around 217 euro per tonne dry matter (figures of 2007,
provided by Aquafin).
Combustion is oxidation of primarily organic material with as goals energy production, formation of a
possibly reusable mineral end product, reducing the mass and decreasing the bacteriological risk.
During combustion, dry fuel, at a temperature of over 800°C together with oxygen, is transformed to
amongst others CO2 and H2O. Due to incomplete combustion, CO will also be partly formed. Different
types of combustion ovens exist. To be in conformity with Flanders’ environmental regulations, an
additional flue gas purification installation is needed.
The combustion value for dry matter in manure is (in MJ/kg dry matter) 15-19 for pigs, 16-19 for
cattle and 14-16 for poultry.
Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium
At present, only centralised combustion at a larger scale is feasible in Flanders due to the high
requirements for flue gas purification and monitoring (based on the European directive for waste
In 2009, a total amount of 1,811 ktonne of garbage was incinerated in Belgium, of which 99% with
heat recuperation. A total amount of 1,261 ktonne garbage was composted or fermented (FOD
Economie, K.M.O., Middenstand en Energie, Kerncijfers 2011).
2.2.3 Socio-economic analysis
The renewable energy sector in Flanders offers full-time employment to more than 10000 people
and has a turnover of 5 billion €. There is a potential to increase full-time employment to 33000
people by 2020. It is difficult to make a proper employment estimate for the biogas sector separately
as, apart from operators and manufacturers, other indirect suppliers are connected to the sector,
such as engineering offices, manufacturers, suppliers of construction materials, measuring
equipment and processors and suppliers of in- and output materials) (Biogas-E, Voortgangsrapport
From 2008 to 2010, the anaerobic digestion capacity in Flanders doubled to 64 MWe. However, the
following period (2010-2012) was characterized by a decreased growth to a stagnation of the sector
with an installed capacity of 88.06 MWe in 2011. Multiple factors have contributed in the recent
years to an increased uncertainty and lower financial returns: (i) availability of biomass and increase
in commodity prices, (ii) more difficult marketing and higher costs for marketing and processing of
digestate and other side streams, (iii) lower commodity prices for electricity on the Energy-index as
compared to the previous years, (iv) insufficient support from legal frameworks for green energy
from biogas, … When looking to the future it will most likely become more difficult still to set up new
projects, mostly because of the limited availability of input material, ‘not in my backyard’ protests,
shifting environmental legislation, connection to the mains and funding opportunities. Moreover, the
uncertainty regarding protracted changes in the subsidies framework isn’t conducive either (BiogasE, Voortgangsrapport 2012).
Figure 23 provides an overview of the potential of anaerobic digestion at maximum utilization of
biomass present in Flanders. This clearly shows the potential of manure.
Vegetable, fruit and garden waste
Animal waste
Sewage sludge
Crop residues
Figure 23: Potential of anaerobic digestion at maximum utilization of biomass present in Flanders
(source: Biogas-E, 2011)
Anaerobic digestion of pure manure is economically not viable. Co-digestion on the other hand can
be profitable. There are 3 reasons to practice co-digestion:
Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium
1. Improved C/N ratio
2. Higher biogas yield
3. Generated revenue from accepting co-streams.
In Wallonia, biogas production should be estimated by the diversity of the Walloon agricultural area.
In the southeast of Wallonia, the main agricultural activity is the cattle breeding. Most of crops
cultivated are forage crops. In this region, the potential energy is mainly coming from farm effluents.
According to a study realised by Agra-Ost in 2006, bovine manure represents 85% of methane
production potential; 3% comes from pig manure and 12% from poultry manure. The methane
potential of the total farm manure is estimated to 98,284 tpe.
Figure 24 shows the potential of livestock waste for 2008. These data’s are provided at the municipal
level by kind of farming and concern all livestock reported in the annual agricultural census. The
calculated potential is the sum of the energy produced by each livestock (cattle, pigs, poultry, sheep,
goat, horse). It is expressed in MWh / year.
Maximum values (17,000 MWh/y) are mainly located where the number of cattle is important.
Figure 24: Energy potential of livestock waste by municipality (Source: CPDT - INS, 2007)
Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium
3 Soil Nutrient Balance
Application of mineral fertilizer, manure (N, P, K) and processed products on
agricultural land
Figure 25 and Figure 26 provide an overview of the application of mineral N and P in total tonnes per
crop type in Flanders.
greenhouse cultivation
fodder maize
pasture in pre- and post
pasture as main
Figure 25: Application of mineral fertilizer (nitrogen) in Flemish agriculture, 2005-2009, in tonnes
(Source: Vlaamse Overheid, Departement Landbouw en Visserij)
greenhouse cultivation
fodder maize
pasture in pre- and post
pasture as main cultivation
Figure 26: Application of mineral fertilizer (phosphorus) in Flemish agriculture, 2005-2009, in
tonnes (Source: Vlaamse Overheid, Departement Landbouw en Visserij)
The maps in Figure 27 provide an overview of the most sensitive areas in Flanders regarding the
production of nitrogen and phosphate. From these maps it is clear that these areas are located in
West-Flanders, the northern area of East-Flanders and the northern part of Antwerp province.
Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium
Net nitrogen production per Flemish community in kg N
Net phosphate production per Flemish community in kg P2O5
Figure 27: Net nitrogen and phosphate production per Flemish community in 2007 (Source:
Department of Agriculture and Fisheries)
In Wallonia, the use of mineral fertilizers has decreased since 1995, particularly for phosphorus. The
amounts applied in Wallonia remain above the European average. For its part, the production of
organic nitrogen from livestock manure has been declining since 2001, mainly due to the decrease in
the total number of cattles (UE-15, 2004).
Figure 28 compares the evolution of the use of fertilizers with the production of main arable crops in
Walloon Region. Since 1995, there has been a decrease in fertilizer use per tonne harvested. Progress
in the rational use of synthetic fertilizers reflect a greater consideration of the environment in
agricultural practices, including the effect of regulations and controls implemented in the framework
of the sustainable management of nitrogen in agriculture (Vandenberghe et al., 2009). Changes in
the cost of fertilizers have also played a role in the trend (SPW – DGARNE, 2010).
Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium
Figure 28: Production of the main arable crops and fertilizer use in Walloon Region (1995 -2006).
(Source: TBE 2010- SPF Economie – DGSIE (INS); SPW - DGO3 - DEMNA).
Reported in the UAA (utilised agricultural area), the amount of nitrogen (mineral and organic
fertilizers) varies from 190 kg/ha to about 240 kg/ha, depending on the agricultural regions. This
value is lower than the highest standards of reference (250 kg/ha for crops and 350 kg/ha for
grassland) (Cellule Etat de l’environnement wallon, 2010).
Figure 29 shows the inputs and average surplus of nitrogen in agricultural soils in Wallonia.
Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium
Figure 29: Inputs and average surplus of nitrogen in agricultural soils in Belgium and Wallonia
(1990 - 2008). (Source: TBE 2010- SPF Economie – DGSIE (INS); SPW - DGO3 - DEMNA).
In 2010, a maximum amount of 6.5 million kg N; 1.7 million kg P2O5 and 3.6 million kg K2O was
allowed to be deposited in Wallonia. This maximum amount is calculated based on the amount of
fertilizer really applied in Wallonia (taking into consideration crop type, location of plots in vulnerable
areas, potential management agreements and derogation). For N, P, K contents of organic fertilizer
applied, it was considered an average grade.
The average application per ha in 2011 totalled 162.7 kg N/ha, 42.6 kg P2O5/ha and 90.10 kg K2O/ha.
Table 4 provides an overview of the types and amount of fertilizer used on Walloon soils in 2010.
Table 4: Overview of types and amount of fertilizer used on Walloon soils in 2010 ((Source: SPW
2011, Recensements et enquêtes agricoles)
Total kg spread
type of fertilizer
Organic fertilizer
2 934 764.00 1 220 437.00 2.668.263,00
Mineral fertilizer
3 626 193.00
6 560 957.00 1.715.272,00 3.632.326,00
494 835.00
The map in Figure 30 provides an overview of the “soil linkage rate” (TLS) in Wallonia. The soil linkage
rate is the ratio between the amount of manure produced in the municipality and the amount of
effluent spreadable on the municipality.
Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium
Figure 30: Soil linkage rate in Wallonia (estimate for 2010) (Source: DPS, DGRNE)
The distribution of farms in the Walloon Region in terms of their value of LS 3 (internal LS) shows that
80% of farms have sufficient internal application capacity (LS 3 ≤ 1).
According to Gybels et al. (2009), in the Walloon Region livestock nutrient production covers about
45% of the total nitrogen input on agricultural soil. In 1990 about 95% of the total nitrogen excretion
came from cattle, whereas only 3% came from pigs and not even 1% from poultry. In 2006 nitrogen
excretion from cattle decreased to 90% of the total nitrogen excretion, whereas nitrogen excretion
from pigs and poultry increased to respectively 4% and 3%.
3.1.2 Atmospheric deposition on agricultural land
In 2009, the atmospheric deposition of N in Flanders was 14,194,622 tonne N. The mean average
deposition of N for Flanders in 2009 was 20.6 kg N/ha (Lenders et al., 2012). Phosphor deposition is
Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium
Figure 31: N deposition (Source: Lenders et al., 2012)
For 2006, atmospheric deposition of nitrogen are estimated at about 18,586 tonnes on the whole
Walloon territory and make about 11.15 kg /ha. To obtain atmospheric deposition on agricultural
soil, they were divided by the total surface area of the Walloon region and multiplied by the total
agricultural surface: 8,175 tonnes. These depositions are relatively stable over the last fifteen years.
(Gybels et al., 2009). Phosphor deposition is negligible.
3.1.3 Use of seeds and plant material
Seeds and plant material contain a small quantity of N and P which ends up in the soil during sowing
and planting. In 2009, the amount of N and P deposited in the Flemish soil was 703,876 and 126,319
kg respectively (Lenders et al., 2012). This is a negligible amount.
In 2006, the total nitrogen input by seed use in the Walloon Region was 902.4 tons (1.19 kg/ha).
(Gybels et al., 2009).
3.1.4 Biological N-fixation
The table below provides an overview of N-fixation in crops.
Table 5: Average N-fixation in kg per ha (Source: Vanongeval et al. (1998) and BLIVO, (*) personal
announcement Alex De Vliegher, ILVO, department Plant, 2011)
symbiotic N-fixation
in kg/ha
N-fixation by free
living organisms in
pure clover (100% clover)(*)
grass clover meadow (25% clover)(*)
all other crops (also substrate
cultivation in green houses etc.)
For 2009, the biological N-fixation in Flanders was 5.5 million kg N (Lenders et al., 2012).
For 2006, the biological N-fixation on agricultural soil of Wallonia was 4,789.5 tons of N (6.32 kg/ha).
(Gybels et al., 2009).
Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium
Energy consumption Crop production
Figure 32 provides an overview of the energy consumption in Flemish agriculture. It can be seen that
horticulture consumes the largest amount of energy, due to the need for heating the greenhouses.
The livestock sector as a whole (dairy and beef cattle, and pork production) is the second largest
energy consumer.
Figure 33 provides an overview of the energy use per source. The figure shows that the share and
importance of petroleum products has been declining over the years (68% in 2005 as compared to
42% in 2010) in favour of natural gas (20% in 2005 as compared to 38% in 2010) due to high oil prices
and Flemish government stimuli. Electricity takes up 8% of the total (in 2010), while coal is being
used for additional heating (2% for the same year). Another important evolution is the increase in
biomass share from 0% in 2005 to 10% in 2010.
Figure 32: Energy Consumption in Flemish Agriculture per subsector, 2007-2009, in TeraJoule
(Source: Vlaamse Overheid, Departement Landbouw en Visserij)
gas- and diesel oil
heavy oil fuel
other petroleum products
natural gas
Figure 33: Energy consumption in Flemish Agriculture per source, 2007-2010, in PJ (Source: MIRA
on the basis of VITO energy balance Flanders)
Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium Livestock
In 2007, the livestock sector was accountable for 16% of the total energy consumption in Flemish
agriculture (Platteau J. & Van Bogaert T., 2009). The pig sector (7% of the total consumption or 2,159
Tera Joule) mainly uses energy for the heating of stables, while in the dairy sector (6% of the total
consumption or 1,717 Tera Joule) most energy is consumed by milking machines, milk cooling
machines and tractors. The beef production sector uses 3% of the total energy consumption (equal
to 792 Tera Joule).
For that same year, water consumption amounted to 6,804,245 m3 (14% of total water consumption
in the agricultural sector) for the pig sector, 7,339,233 m3 (15% of total) for the dairy sector and
2,180,193 m3 (5% of total) for the beef production sector. Processing industry, focus on biogas
Even though anaerobic digestion produces energy, there is a need for heat to create mesophile or
thermophile conditions and electrical energy for the mixers and feed pumps. This process energy can
mount up to 40% of the total biogas yield. By using combined heat and power (CHP), 12-15% of the
total biogas yield can suffice as process energy (Lemmens et al., 2007).
The output of digestion of vegetable, fruit and garden waste is estimated at 100-150 kWh/tonne
waste and the calorific value of the gas is 18-22 MJ/Nm3. The net energy production for digestion of
the different manure types (biogas production – energy need) is estimated at 1 MJ/kg DM for
bovines, 4 MJ/kg DM for pigs and 9 MJ/kg DM for poultry (Lemmens et al., 2007).
In regards to Wallonia, no detailed data exists for sections to Figure 34 provides an
overview of the energy use per sector for the year 2009. Agriculture represents less than 1% of the
total energy consumption in Wallonia.
For 2009, fuels used in agriculture are mainly petroleum products (1,127 GWh = 4,057,200 GJ) and
electricity (69 GWh = 248,400 GJ). (SPW-DGO4, 2010).
Energy consumption per sector in Wallonia (%) (2009)
Figure 34: Energy consumption per sector (%) for 2009.
Water Consumption Crop production
Figure 35 provides an overview of the water consumption in agriculture from the water source
perspective. The majority of water is pumped by the farmers themselves (superficial and deep
groundwater), around one quarter is rain water, caught via greenhouses or buildings. Only around
Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium
10% is tap water, taken from the public drinking water company. The share of surface water is
restricted due to the necessity of proximity of a river or stream.
The greenhouse production sector uses the largest share of water (37%), followed by the dairy sector
(16%) which needs a relatively large amount of water for the animals and for cleaning the milking
surface water
rain water
ground water deep
ground water superficial
tap water
Figure 35: Water consumption in agriculture per source, 2005-2009, in m3 (Source: Vlaamse
Overheid, Departement Landbouw en Visserij)
No data is available in this regard for Wallonia. Livestock
For Flanders, please refer to section
In 2005, the water volumes consumed in livestock buildings in Wallonia accounted +/- 14 million m³,
about 1,350 m³ per farm. They are relatively stable over the period 1997-2005, while the number of
farms involved is steadily decreasing.
There was a decrease in the consumption of tap water to other cheaper sources. In this regard, the
total volume of water taken directly to surface water and groundwater is difficult to estimate,
because we don’t have any comprehensive inventory of private wells or statistics on the practice of
irrigation. Water consumption in the agricultural sector represents less than 1% of the total
consumption in the Walloon Region. (Cellule Etat de l’environnement wallon, 2010). Processing industry, focus on biogas
No data is available in this regard for Flanders and Wallonia.
Nutrient levels of main and by-products (crops, livestock and processed
Table 6 presents an overview of the net nitrogen and phosphate production of crops.
Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium
Table 6: Nutrient levels of main and by-products of crops (Source: ILVO - L&M based on and Campens and Lauwers (2002))
main product
kg nutrient per tonne crop production
grass seeds
industrial crops
root and tuber crops
fodder crops excl. maize
leafy vegetables
open field (arable) vegetables
open ground (vollegrond) vegetables
cabbage crops
kg N/tonne
kg P/tonne N/tonne
According to the 2010 Agricultural Report (LARA), the Flemish gross meat production can be
estimated based on the ADSEI national production numbers, resulting in a production of around 1.4
million tonne carcass weight in 2007. The Flemish meat production is made up of 69% pork, 16%
poultry and 12% beef.
Moreover, during the milk campaign 2009/10 (1 April 2009 to 31 March 2010), Flemish dairy farmers
supplied 1,934 million litres of milk (number based on statistics of the Department Agriculture and
Finally, based on the data from ADSEI, the Flemish production of consumption eggs is estimated at
1,893 million eggs in 2008.
There are two different ways of calculating manure production: the lump (forfaitair) system, called
the gross manure production, and the nutrient balance system, called the real manure production.
The former is based on the number of animals and their lump excretion coefficients while the latter
uses excretion coefficients that are much closer to the real values. Within the nutrient balance
system there are three different calculation methods: regression, convenant and other feeds or
feedings techniques (detailed information on these calculation methods can be found in the Manure
Bank’s 2009 Progress Report ‘Voortgangsrapport’)
Moreover, VLM publishes a yearly document called ‘Norms and Target Values’ (‘Normen en
richtwaarden’) which provides excretion coefficients, fertilization norms and spreading
determination (‘uitrijbepaling’) for manure.
In the stable and during storage of manure, processes take place that lead to N-emission losses.
When these are taken into account and deducted from the real manure production, a number for net
manure production is obtained. More information on how these calculations take place can be found
in the Manure Bank’s 2009 Progress Report.
In 2010, the gross production of nitrogen and phosphate in Flanders totalled 168.6 million kg N and
68.5 million kg P2O5. This number is higher than the 2009 production and is primarily due to an
Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium
increase in the number of broilers, two- and three-phased other pigs and replacement livestock of 1
to 2 years of age (Voortgangsrapport 2011). The real nitrogen and phosphate production amounted
to 160.2 million kg N and 60.9 million kg P2O5. The total N-loss by stable and storage emissions was
33 million kg N. This means that the net N-production was 127.2 million kg N. Most losses occurred in
the poultry sector (35%), followed by pig sector (24%), other animals (19%) and cattle sector (15%).
To calculate the real manure production, the Walloon Region has defined excretion coefficients (MB
In the stable and during storage of manure, processes take place that lead to N-emission losses.
When these are taken into account and deducted from the real manure production, a number for net
manure production is obtained. More information on how these calculations take place can be found
in the Manure Bank’s 2009 Progress Report.
In 2011, the real nitrogen production amounted to +/- 182.8 million kg N. The total N-loss by stable
and storage emissions was 30 million kg N. This means that the net N-production was 152.8 million
kg N. Most losses occurred in the poultry sector (37% for broilers and 19% for laying hen), followed
by pig sector (30%), and cattle sector (15%). (Gybels et al., 2009).
For Belgium, in 2006, the total crop removal was 111,255 tons of N. This crop removal is calculated
based on land use activity data, crop yields and the nutrient content of harvested crops (Gybels et al.,
3.2.2 Erosion
The past couple of years the amount of organic matter in Flemish agricultural soils has decreased.
This decrease, coupled with significant CO2 emissions, accelerates global warming. In 2008, CO2
emissions from agricultural land (arable production and pastures) amounted to 733 ktonne and 486
ktonne respectively. This amounts to 41% of all CO2 emissions in agriculture and 15% of all
greenhouse gas emission from agricultural origin (VMM, 2009). Figure 36 presents an overview of the
erosion sensitivity of Flemish soils.
slightly erosion sensitive
moderately erosion sensitive
strongly erosion sensitive
Figure 36: Potential erosion sensitivity of Flemish soils (Source: LARA 2010)
According to the EPICgrid model, the annual average loss of soil in Wallonia was 2.53 t/ha between
1971 & 2000 and 3.03 t/ha between 1991&2000.
Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium
This evolution is due to the increasing rainfall erosion sensitivity and the increasing proportion of
crop land occupied by row crops (corn, potatoes), with low ground cover in the spring, when the
rains are generally more erosive. The organic matter content in the soil can also explain this trend.
The past couple of years the amount of organic matter in Walloon agricultural soils has decreased. In
2006, soil with organic matter content less than the critical value of 2% represented 51% of
cultivated land. They are located mainly in silty and sandy loam regions where the risk of soil erosion
is particularly important.
For 2005, annual average loss of soil in Wallonia was 2.9 t/ha.
Figure 37 and Figure 38 show that the majority of the Walloon territory has a tolerable or low risk of
erosion. Soil losses are less than the reference value (5t/ (Cellule Etat de l’environnement
wallon, 2010)
Figure 37: Average losses in soil by hydric erosion in Wallonia (2002-2005) (Source: TBE 2010 – UlgGxABT (modèle EPICgrid)).
Figure 38: Risk of hydric erosion of Walloon soils (Source: FUSAGx - UHAGx (modèle EPICgrid))
Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium
3.2.3 Leaching losses from agricultural land to surface and ground water
The ‘Operational Monitoring Network of Flemish Water Bodies’ contains around 220 measuring
points in larger water ways that are not only subjected to the influence of agriculture but also
domestic and industrial discharges. In areas with fertilizer surpluses, higher nitrate concentrations
are observed, especially in winter months (Van Steertegem, 2008).
In 2009/10, 33% of the measuring points exceeded the threshold of 50 mg nitrate per litre. This
implies that a further reduction of nitrate losses from agriculture is necessary.
The quality of the phreatic groundwater is monitored by the Flemish Environmental Agency (Vlaamse
Milieumaatschappij, VMM) since 2004. In 2010, 38% of the 2000 measuring points exceeded the limit
of 50 mg per litre. These results are influenced primarily by local fertilizer pressure and vulnerability
of the upper aquifer (LARA, 2010).
The General Direction of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment in Wallonia has established
a nitrates monitoring network in groundwater, consisting of 950 sampling sites; a density of one
point to 18 km². Over the period 2005 to 2008, 18% of the monitoring sites in vulnerable areas
exceeded the limit of 50 mg per litre in the raw water (untreated). Concentrations levels, however,
appear to be stable for 2 to 3 years, especially in the most extensive vulnerable areas. Figure 39
shows the N concentration in groundwater for 2005-2008.
This is not only related to the evolution of current agricultural practices (reduction of nitrogen
fertilizers). The degree of contamination of groundwater depends on the effect of other factors that
are difficult to control, such as rainfall, time of transfer of nitrate to aquifers (which can exceed 15
years) or even the amount of nitrogen present in the soil. (Cellule Etat de l’environnement wallon,
Figure 39: Average concentration in N in Walloon groundwater (2005-2008). (Source : TBE 2010 –
SPW – DGO3 – DEE (base de données CALYPSO, réalisation CEEW)).
3.2.4 Ammonia and acidifying emissions
According to AMS, based on VMM, in 2009, the NH3 emission in Flanders amounted to 14.3 million
kg N. This number takes into account only manure (during grazing and after application on the field)
and mineral fertilizer.
Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium
Agriculture is the most important source of acidifying emissions in Flanders (36% in 2008). This is
mainly due to the ammonia emission as 93% of the Flemish ammonia emission originates from the
agricultural sector, of which 94% originates from manure (LARA 2010).
In order to reduce NH3 emissions, fertilization needs to take place using emission-poor techniques.
This means that (i) during fertilization, the applied fertilizers cannot run off, (ii) ‘other fertilizers’,
champost en NH3-N poor manure have to be incorporated in the soil within 24 hours, and (iii)
manure and all ‘other fertilizers’ (NH3-N rich) have to be applied using emission-poor techniques.
These techniques imply using injection and incorporation within 2 hours for arable land; and sodinjection, coulter-slit and trailing hoses for grassland.
The ammoniac emission from manure is calculated on the basis of (i) livestock, (ii) N-excretion
coefficients and (iii) NH3 – emission of stables, manure storage, pastures and fertilizer application. In
2004, the ammoniac emission from manure amounted to 36.1 million kg N, which is about 28% of
the total N-emission. To reduce NH3 – emissions from livestock keeping, low-emission housing for
pigs and poultry are obligatory (for new stables).
In Wallonia, the agricultural sector is responsible for 30% of the total atmospheric emissions of
acidifying pollutants and 93% of ammonia (NH3). As shown in Figure 40, ammonia comes mainly from
the production and management of livestock effluents and the transformation of nitrogen fertilizers
in the soil. Agricultural emissions of NH3 nevertheless declined by 10% between 1990 and 2007, due
to a decrease in the production of manure and reduced use of mineral fertilizers.
According to Gybels et al. (2009), the ammonia emission for 2006 in the Walloon Region was
estimated at 20,041 tons N.
Figure 40: Emission of acidifying substances in agriculture in Wallonia
3.2.5 Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Regarding the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the Kyoto protocol, Flanders committed to
a reduction by 5.2% of greenhouse gas emissions (equal to 22.2 Mtonne CO2 - equivalents) by 20082012 as compared to 1990. The Flemish agricultural sector has already achieved the target by a
reduction of 18% as compared to 1990 (total emission of 8385 ktonne CO2 - equivalents). This
decrease can mostly be explained by the reduction in livestock and more rational use of energy in the
horticultural sector. The share of agriculture in the total Flemish greenhouse gas emission amounted
Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium
to 11% in 2007. This is due to the fact that 56% of Flanders’ N2O emissions originated from
agriculture, mostly directly from the soil. Moreover, 76% of Flanders’ CH4 emissions originate from
agriculture as well, mostly as part of digestion processes in the livestock sector and manure
(MIRA/VMM, 2010).
According to the latest estimates available, anthropogenic GHG emissions in Wallonia decreased by
9.6% between 1990 and 2005. This reduction corresponds to the reduction target of Wallonia set by
the Kyoto Protocol (decrease of 7.5% during the period 2008-2012). In 2007, emissions of
greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture represent 9.8% of total emissions of the Walloon Region.
They are mainly produced by biological processes producing CH4 and N2O (Cellule Etat de
l'environnement wallon, 2010).
As represented in Figure 41, CO2 emissions related to fuel use (agricultural machinery and heating)
represent only a small fraction of total sector emissions. 40% of these emissions are CH4 emissions
from enteric fermentation, almost entirely attributable to cattle. They decreased by 14.8% since
1990, mainly due to a general reduction of livestock, but also the reduced numbers of dairy cows to
the profit of lactating cows. (Cellule Etat de l'environnement wallon, 2007).
In 1990, the Walloon agriculture produced 4,651 kt eq CO2. In 2007, this production was 4,155 kt eq
CO2, corresponding to a decrease of 10.7% (Cellule Etat de l'environnement wallon, 2010).
Figure 41: GHG emissions from agriculture in Wallonia (1990 - 2007)(Source : TBE, SPW-AWAC)
3.2.6 Export of nutrients to other countries
For Flanders, please refer to section 5.1 and Figure 53 on page 60.
There is no data available about the export of nutrients from Wallonia to other countries.
Net soil balance and geographical distribution of nitrogen/ phosphorus
field surplus
Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium
3.3.1 Graphs with net soil balance
Nutrient use efficiency should lead to zero surpluses in nutrients on agricultural soils. Most important
nutrients are nitrogen and phosphor. Currently, the whole Flemish region is considered as a critical
area for water pollution due to nitrates from agricultural purposes.
As an overview, the following figure schematically represents the agricultural soil balance for
Flanders for 2009.
input **
100.4 21.2
rest fraction
seeds and
plant material
deposition *
surplus on soil balance
20,3 ± 10,2
-0,5 ± 2,7
crop outflow
156,3 ± 10,2
23,6 ± 2,7
* preliminary number
** manure input = manure production + manure import - manure export - manure processing - N losses in stable and manure storage
Figure 42: Agricultural soil balance for Flanders, in million kg N and P, for 2009 (Source: VMM
Environmental Report Flanders, AMS based on Mestbank-ALV and VMM)
An overview of the soil balance evolution over time for nitrogen and phosphor is presented in Figure
43 and Figure 44. In 2008-2010, 76% of agricultural lands are presenting a phosphor concentration
higher than the target value (Overloop et al., 2011).
Crop outflow
Ammonia emission
Biological N-fixation
Seeds and plant
Other fertilizer
Mineral fertilizer
Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium
Figure 43: Evolution of the soil balance in kg N, for 2007-2009 (Source: Lenders et al., 2012)
Crop outflow
Seeds and plant
Other fertilizer
Mineral fertilizer
Figure 44: Evolution of the soil balance in kg P, for 2007-2009 (Source: Lenders et al., 2012)
According to Gybels et al. (2009), the average nitrogen surplus in agricultural soils in Wallonia was 85
kg/ha in 2006, slightly less than half of total fertilizer inputs. This value depends on climate,
atmospheric deposition of nitrogen and quantities exported with the harvest (and thus yields), which
explains the quite marked variations from one year to another (Figure 29).
Gybels et al., 2009).
Table 7 gives an overview of nitrogen inputs and outputs and the soil surplus. The soil surplus
decreased by 22% between 1990 and 2000. This is mainly due to the decrease of 9% in livestock N
production and of 24% in inorganic fertilizer use. The atmospheric N deposition also decreased by
8%. Unfortunately no data regarding import, export and processing were available. Figure 45
represents the soil surplus and some important N inputs and outputs in Wallonia, from 2000 until
2006. (Gybels et al., 2009).
Table 7: Nitrogen inputs, outputs and soil surplus in Wallonia (2000-2006) (Source: Gybels et al.,
Livestock N export and fertilizer
production processing
Other Atmospher
ic N
deposition N fixation
Total influx
in N
Ammonia outflow in surplus in
tons N
Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium
Soil surplus and some important N inputs and outputs (ton N) in
Wallonia from 1990 until 2006
Livestock N production
Inorganic fertilizer use
Atmospheric N
Crop removal
Ammonia emission
Soil surplus
1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006
Figure 45: Soil surplus and some important N inputs and outputs (ton N) in Wallonia from 2000
until 2006. (Source: Gybels et al., 2009)
Figure 46 and Figure 47 show an overview of the average content of available phosphorus in
cropland in Wallonia (1998-2002). 83% of the croplands are below the limit value (deficiency value).
Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium
Figure 46: Average content of available P in cropland in Wallonia (1998-2002) (Source : ASBL
Figure 47: Evolution of P available in cropland per agricultural area in Wallonia (1994-2004).
3.3.2 Geographical distribution map
The geographical distribution map for Flanders (Figure 48) shows us that the nitrate limit is often
exceeded in areas with high pig production.
Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium
maximum concentration under 50 mg nitrate per litre
maximum concentration exceeds 50 mg nitrate per litre
river basing boundary
Figure 48: MAP-measuring network for threshold of 50 mg nitrate per litre in winter year 20102011 per river basin (Source: VMM)
There is no specific data available for Wallonia.
Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium
4 Environmental pressure
Nitrate Directive
The European Nitrate Directive aims to protect water quality across Europe by preventing nitrates
from agricultural sources polluting ground and surface waters and by promoting the use of good
farming practices. The Nitrates Directive forms an integral part of the Water Framework Directive
and is one of the key instruments in the protection of waters against agricultural pressures. Under
the Directive, all Member States have to analyse their waters’ nitrate concentration levels and
trophic state. Belgium, Malta and Denmark have the densest monitoring networks (see fig in 3.3.2).
The threshold value is set on 50 mg NO3-/l. In Belgium the Nitrate Directive is transposed by VLM in
the Flanders region and the Programme de Gestion Durable de l'Azote en agriculture (PGDA)in the
Walloon region.
Globally one can state that there has been a huge improvement in ground water quality since the
implementation of the nitrate directive and the consequent MAP guidelines. In general a halving of
MAP measuring points exceeding the guideline was reached over a period of 11 years. In 2002-2003
the first big improvements were visible, followed by a period of stabilisation between 2003-2007. For
the period 2007-2010 again an improvement of the nitrate pollution was observed. In in 2010-2011
still 28% of measuring points still exceeded the guideline at least once. Important to notice is the
clear connection between guideline exceedance and intensive farming, (ex West-Flanders, Kempen)
and horticulture (ex Sint-Katelijne-Waver, Maasbekken, West-Flanders)
(Source: VLM
Voortgangsrapport 2011).
Although these results are very encouraging a lot of effort is still needed as the novel action
programme for the Nitrate Directive 2011-2014 aims at at least 84% of measurement points in the
surface water below the 50 mg nitrate threshold by 2014 (MAP4). The ambition is to even ameliorate
this percentage to 95% by 2018.
Figure 49: Overview of the results for the MAP network surface water for the winter year 20102011 (Source: VLM Voortgangsrapport 2011)
In terms of the ground water quality one could up to 2005 see a deterioration of the quality, with up
to 40% of measuring points exceeding the guideline. From 2005 on a slight improvement could be
observed with an average status quo of 38% exceedance. According to the trend seen in the period
2007-2010 it is expected that some zones will not reach the ground water targets of 2014. Therefore,
from 2012 onwards focal zones of ground water will be defined in which more stringent nitrate
Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium
residue threshold values will be applied. On the positive side, in 2010 an average nitrate exceedance
of 35.4% was observed, which forms a slight amelioration. If the current positive trend continues it is
expected that the MAP4 target of max 36 mg nitrate per litre in the upper filter by 2014 could
nevertheless be reached (Source: VLM Voortgangsrapport 2011)
Figure 50: Evolution of the weighted average nitrate concentration for the 3 filters in the freatic
ground water measuring network from 2007 on, including a trend interpolation towards the
following periods (Source: VLM Voortgangsrapport 2011)
In Wallonia, the first implementation of the Nitrate Directive (Directive 91/676/EEG of the Council
of 12 December 1991) took place, with some delays, in 2002. Thereafter, in 2007, a second
program of nitrogen sustainable management (PGDA) was developed by the Minister of
Environment and Agriculture (B. Lutgen), the thematic experts and the actors involved in this
subject (and gathered into the structure Nitrawal). The Nitrate Directive was very criticized
because of the implicit constraints for the farmers. This could explain the difficulty to implement
it. The program was revised in 2011: changes concern mainly periods for fertilizers spreading.
In the agriculture sector, this Sustainable management of nitrogen program (PGDA) requires
(CRA-W, 2010):
 Rules of applications for spreading organic and mineral fertilizers
In Wallonia, for one year and over the entire surface area of the farm, organic nitrogen inputs
are not allowed to be greater than 115 kg/ha of crops and 230 kg/ha of grassland, while total
inputs of (mineral and organic) nitrogen are not allowed to be greater than 250 kg/ha of crops
and 350 kg/ha of grassland.
Table 8: Average annual inputs of Nitrogen authorized in Wallonia (Sources: DGARNE, 2008;
Nitrawal, 2007)
Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium
On a field and for a rotation period (2 to 5 years), the average of organic nitrogen inputs can’t be
greater than 115 kg/ha of crops (but the maximal input of organic nitrogen is limited, for one
year, to 230 kg/ha) and 230 kg/ha of grassland.
In vulnerable area, for one year and over the entire surface of the farm, organic nitrogen inputs
are limited to an average of 170 kg/ha/year. Following some strong specifications, it is possible
until this year to obtain derogation but the maximal quantities of 115 kg/ha of crops and 230
kg/ha of grassland remain valuable.
These quantities are controlled, for each farm, by the soil linkage rate (LS), i.e. the ratio between
the organic nitrogen produced by the herd and the spreading capacity (spreading
norm*agricultural area). This ratio has to be lower than one. When a farm has a soil linkage rate
higher than one, a solution consists of exporting manure through spreading contracts.
 Norms of nitrogen production
The estimated amounts of nitrogen produced per animal are a requirement for the calculation of
the maximum amount of nitrogen on agricultural land where it is possible to spread. The
Nitrates Directive in Annex III indicates that "Member States may calculate the amounts referred
to in paragraph 2 (amount of manure applied each year) depending on the number of animals."
Table 9 shows the different values for the annual production of nitrogen per animal category
after deduction of losses in storage and taking into account the crawlspace for pigs and poultry.
These values were established on the basis of specific research.
Table 9: Annual production of Nitrogen per animal category (Source: Moniteur Belge 26.04.2011)
Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium
 Conditions and period for fertilizers spreading
The legislations regarding the conditions and periods for organic fertilizers spreading are
compulsory on all the territory. The spreading conditions are summarized in
Table 10 and depend on the area (vulnerable or not), the kind of fertilizer (solid manure,
compost, slurry and mineral nitrogen) and some external conditions, as the distance from
waterways, the soil state (saturated in water, snowy, frozen, uncovered), the kind of culture
(legume or others) and the slope.
Table 10: Conditions for manure and mineral nitrogen spreading (Sources: Nitrawal, 2007;
DGARNE, 2008; Moniteur Belge 26.04.2011)
The spreading periods depend on the parcel use (crop vs grassland) and on the kind of fertilizers
(mineral, organic with fast action, organic with slow action). These periods are described in Table
Table 11: Spreading periods in Wallonia (Source: Moniteur Belge 26.04.2011)
Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium
 Crops and grasslands management
In the Nitrate Directive, there are some specifications on crops and grasslands management for
the vulnerable areas :
A winter cover, with maximum 50% legumes, has to be established before the 15th of
September on minimum 75% of the cultivated areas that were harvested before the 1st
of September and that are intended to be used for spring crops (excepted linen and
Permanent grasslands are allowed to be ploughed only between the 1st of February and
the 31st of May. During the first two years after ploughing, it is forbidden to spread
organic fertilizers and to grow legumes. The first year after ploughing, it is also forbidden
to spread mineral fertilizers.
Other norms about this subject are included in the conditionality for the CAP aids :
maintenance of permanent grasslands (concept of regional reference ratio) ;
prohibition of row crops on parcels with a slope higher than 10% ;
prohibition of burning harvest residues ;
minimum level of maintenance for the agricultural area ;
 Leachable nitrogen measures in vulnerable areas
These measures are for objective to ensure good compliance of agricultural practices. A control
is performed every year in at least 3% of the farms in vulnerable areas: it is a measure of nitrates
content in the upper layer of the soil before winter, when there is a big risk of leaching towards
ground-water. If the results are bad, the farm must start a program of two years in order to
improve its situation. If after three years the results remain negative, the farmer has to pay a
fine in a range between 20 to 120€ per hectare.
In the Walloon region there was in the period 1993-2002 a tendency for increased nitrate
concentrations in the freatic waters within the territories that are now being considered as
vulnerable areas. From 2003 on a stabilisation within nitrate concentrations was observed for the
regions “Sables Bruxelliens” and “Crétacé de Hesbaye”. The same trend could however not be
observed for he other vulnerable regions and it seems the measurements taken to improve the
water quality have not yielded sufficient results yet. In Figure 51, the average nitrate concentration in
the ground (left) and surface water (right) for the Walloon region is depicted.
Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium
Figure 51: Visual representation of the average nitrate concentrations in ground water (period
2008-2010) (left) and surface water (period: 2010) (right) (Bron: The coloured
region represents the vulnerable zone in the Walloon region.
Water Directive
In 2000, the European Commission adopted the Water Framework Directive (WFD). It introduces a
new legislative approach to managing and protecting water, based not on national or political
boundaries but on geographical and hydrological formations: river basins. It also requires
coordination of different EU policies and sets out a precise timetable for action, with 2015 as the
target date for getting all European waters into good condition. Member states had to draw up river
basin management plans to safeguard each one of the 110 river basin districts.
In Flanders this WFD was translated into “ Decreet Integraal Waterbeleid” (Decree integral water
management). Hereby different policy instruments have been implemented to set the decree into
practice. Furthermore also an operational monitoring network of water bodies who don’t meet or
risk not meeting the quality targets is implemented to assess the impact of the measurements taken
within the Water Framework directive. In the measuring network for Flemish water bodies less
excessions of the 50 mg nitrate value was observed (only 0.3 % of measurements and 3% of
measurement points). However it is important to notice that the actual environmental basic quality
standard for Flemish water bodies is set on 25 mg nitrate per litre.
Besides nitrate also phosphate in groundwater is an important parameter in light of the WFD, as it
can have detrimental effects on terrestrial an aquatic ecosystems. Consequently the phosphate
guidelines for ground water have been adjusted to a maximum concentration of 1.4 mg o-PO4/l
instead of 6.7 mg o-PO4/l.
Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium
Figure 52: Maximal average phosphate concentrations for wells in 2009
For Wallonia, the Surface Water Direction coordinates the implementation of the Water
Framework Directive and is also in charge of the coordination with the other directions involved
and the water operators. It is interesting to highlight that a strong link exists between the Nitrate
Directive and the Water Framework Directive. Indeed, even if the Water Framework Directive
covers a larger scope, it reflects the obligation means of the Nitrate Directive into an obligation
of results (good water status for 2015). The Water Framework Directive was partially adapted in
2003-2004. The identification and analysis of Walloon hydrographic districts were performed.
Underground and surface water were classified into water masses (33 underground water
masses and 354 surface water masses). The zones to be protected were also recorded. Now the
management plans for the districts of Rhine` and Seine are finished, while the plan for the
districts of Escaut and Meuse are under definition. The specific measures for the agriculture
sector aren’t yet defined and will be included in the management plans. These plans had to be
finished for 2009 but the Walloon Region will have an additional delay of one year. This delay
could be explained by the large framework of this directive and the involvement of a lot of
different actors.
Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium
5 Legislation
Manure legislation
In 1991, the European Nitrate Directive was ratified for all European Union member states (Directive
91/676/EEG of the Council of 12 December 1991). In this Directive, a basic quality norm for ground
and surface water was set at maximum 50 mg NO3- per litre. Similar to other member states, this
norm was not met overall in Flanders and measures needed to be taken. One of the causes of a too
high nitrate content in the ground and surface water is the degree in which manure was applied on
Flemish agricultural soils.
To regulate this application for Flanders, the Manure Decree was set up. This decree was approved
on 23 January 1991 and has since then been altered a couple of times. An overview of the most
important measures and amendments of the Decree is given below (VCM).
 The first Manure Decree put forward very general fertilizer application norms. It envisioned
transporting manure surpluses from surplus areas to areas with a manure deficit. Moreover, the
Decree set an obligation to declare manure for all producers, users and importers of manure and
administered charges on surpluses. After evaluation in 1995, it dawned this approach was not
sufficient. The Manure Decree was amended and MAP 1 (Manure Action Plan 1) entered into
force on 1 January 1996.
 MAP 1 reasoned from 3 principles. Firstly, an area-targeted approach seeing the manure problem
in Flanders didn’t have the same degree of urgency everywhere. Secondly, the ‘standstillprinciple’ was set, aiming to freeze the manure production on Flemish level at the 1992 level.
Thirdly, the MAP foresaw positive discrimination for family-run livestock companies.
 A new evaluation in 1998 however showed that no significant quality improvement of the ground
and surface water could be observed. A second amendment of the Manure Decree followed. MAP
2 was approved on 11 May 1999. The execution of this action plan was however suspended.
 In 2000, a number of additional amendments were added to which MAP 2-bis retroactively
entered into force on 1 January 2000. It was made up of 3 pillars (three-track policy):
approaching the problem from the source via new feeding techniques and nutrientpoor feeds (should eliminate 25% of the manure surpluses);
a judicious fertilization by keeping a soil balance via testing for nitrate-phosphate
residues after the cropping period (should eliminate 25% of the manure surpluses);
manure processing (should eliminate 50% of the manure surpluses in such a way that
the problem is not transferred to air or water)
 On 3 December 2003, additional amendments to the Manure Decree were approved in the
Flemish parliament. These modifications mostly were related to the abolition of long-distance
transport, the manure processing obligation, the possibility of substitution, the postponement of
the super levy, the separation of a manure processing obliged company and the possibility for
certification of manure processing installations.
 The European Court of Justice, on 22 September 2005, ruled that the Flemish region, in 1999, did
not indicate (potentially) polluted water bodies and sufficient vulnerable zones. This verdict lead
to the development of a completely new manure decree.
Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium
 MAP 3: This new manure decree was approved by the Flemish parliament on 21 December 2006
and went into force on 1 January 2007.
 In 2010 the Flemish manure policy was re-evaluated by Europe. It was judged that the efforts
made were insufficient, especially regarding phosphates, and it was demanded that in the new
action programme, MAP 4, efforts, efforts would be increased and the fertilizer norms sharpened,
especially for phosphates.
 The amendments to the Manure Decree were approved on 6 May 2011 by the Flemish Parliament
and retroactively (1 January 2011) entered into force.
Some important features of the Flemish manure policy are explained below:
Nutrient emission rights (NERs)
In order to limit the manure surplus, an increase in number of animals must be avoided, without
limiting the grow chances of the companies. Therefore, nutrient emission rights (NERs) were created.
These are individual and tradable rights which, based on manure production, indicate how many
animals can be kept in one company. NERs are allocated to a ‘farmer’, i.e., one of more operators,
who each own one or more operations, and where no autonomous management of the different
members is found. Every farmer has the responsibility to manage the nutrients in his company in an
appropriate way, ensuring he doesn’t produce more manure in a certain year than he is allowed to
produce according to his NERs.
There are several different types of NERs. These depend on the type of animal (cattle, pigs, poultry
and other animals), free, fixed and obligatory rights, where free rights mean you can keep for
instance any cattle breed, fixed rights mean you can only keep a certain breed of cattle and
obligatory rights mean 25% of these rights need to be processed by processing manure produced in
the company. Finally, there are specific NERs which allow farmers to process manure from their own
company and which allow them to only keep one type of animal.
Spreading of manure
Two types of plots are distinguished: non-derogation and derogation plots.
The manure spreading regulation on non-derogation plots is the following:
On heavy clay soils it is allowed to (i) apply manure, litter and champost from 16 February
until 14 October, (ii) apply other fertilizers from 16 February until 31 August
Plots of permanent pasture in heavy clay soil can only be fertilized until 31 August (regardless
of fertilizer type) with the exception of grazing
On all other plots it is allowed to (i) apply manure and other types of fertilizer from 16
February until 31 August, and (ii) apply litter and champost from 16 January until 14
On 17 May 2011 the European Nitrate Committee gave positive decision for a new Flemish
Derogation. On 8 July 2011 this decision was approved by the Flemish Government. The derogation
provides Flemish farmers, under certain conditions, with more fertilization options:
It is allowed to apply manure (only derogation manure) and other fertilizers from 16
February until 31 August.
On derogation plots, at least 2/3 of the derogation manure must be applied before 31 May,
with the exception of direct fertilization by grazing.
Other conditions regarding crops, fertilizer types, fertilization, etc. can be found under
following link:
Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium
Regarding the application of fertilizers with slow N-release on non-derogation parcels, there is no
limited period for spreading under certain conditions.
Moreover, for crop production fields, extra conditions apply on derogation as well as non-derogation
as far as the application of liquid manure, mineral or other fertilizer after the harvest of a main crop
is concerned.
Finally, steep slopes with a gradient higher than or equal to 15% cannot be fertilized. Grazing is of
course possible.
Manure transport
According to the Fertilizer Decree, transportation to and from manure processing installations must
be executed by licensed manure carriers. To market the final product, in certain cases licensed
consigners can be used.
As from January 2013 a neighbour arrangement from and to manure processing installations can be
applied under certain circumstances. These are: (i) manure produced on an exploitation in a certain
municipality to a processing unit in the same or bordering municipality, and (ii) effluent produced at
a processing unit in a certain municipality to an exploitation located in the same or bordering
municipality. Additional conditions are that (i) every transport of manure to a processing unit must
be weighed at arrival, (ii) every transport of effluent to an exploitation must be weighed at
departure, (iii) transport needs to be executed by the provider or buyer by means of a pulling vehicle
that he/she owns, (iv) each transport that is executed in the framework of a neighbour arrangement
needs to be declared to the Mestbank at the latest 24 hours preceding the transport by the provider
or buyer.
Manure disposal right (mestafzetrecht)
Manure disposal rights control the use of manure on agricultural land and are the economic
equivalent of the fertilization norms (Van der Straeten, 2012, VILT).
The third track of the MAP, manure processing, is briefly explained below. A detailed explanation of
processing systems are given in section 2.2.2.
First of all, there is a difference between manure processing (mestVERwerking) and manure
manipulation (mestBEwerking). The main difference between the two terms is that after manure
manipulation the nutrients end up on Flemish agricultural soil, while after manure processing the
nutrients do not end up on Flemish soil.
Manure processing entails the following:
Export of poultry of horse manure
Export of other animal manure than poultry or horse manure, based on an explicit and
preceding permission from the relevant authority in the country or region of destination
Handling of manure or another type of fertilizer, after which nitrate and phosphor present in
that manure or fertilizer, undergo one of the following treatments:
Nitrogen is not applied on agricultural land in the Flemish region, except in gardens,
parks and plantations
Nitrogen is converted to nitrogen gas
Nitrogen is converted to fertilizer
Not all farmers need to process their manure. Manure processing is obligatory only for (i) certain
farmers belonging to a business group which is manure processing obligated, or (ii) all farmers who
Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium
cannot dispose of their manure on agricultural land within the Flemish region (this is more than the
quantity of manure that needs to be processed by obligation).
In the new manure decree (MAP 4) the manure processing obligation is not calculated anymore on
the basis of P2O5. The manure processing obligation of a business group in a certain calendar year is
0.60% per complete slice of 1000 kg net N-surplus of that calendar year, multiplied by following
percentages in function of the municipal production pressure of manure (kg N/ha) (of the
municipality or municipalities where the complete business group or parts of that business group are
< 170 kg N/ha: 10%
170-340 kg N/ha: 20%
> 340 kg N/ha: 30%
with a maximum manure processing obligation of 60%. In case the quantity that needs to be
processed per business group is less than 5000 kg net, the business group is relieved from this
Since 1996 manure processing and export in Flanders has grown to 34 million kg N and 8.3 million kg
P in 2010. These numbers indicate that manure processing effectively contributes to reducing the
manure surplus (see Figure 53, VLM, Mestbank).
The decline in processing and export in 2002 is mainly due to the disappearance of disposal
possibilities in Wallonia. Since 2003, data contains nitrogen processing and manure export to France
via French transporters. The increase since 2003 is a consequence of the ever increasing number of
manure processing installations.
Proportionally more phosphor has been processed and exported than nitrogen. This is due to the fact
that the proportion of poultry manure is larger than pig manure and that the former has a higher
phosphor content than the latter. Additionally, the export of unprocessed manure primarily exists of
poultry manure.
Since 2007, there is no more manure surplus in Flanders (manure surplus in this case means that not
all manure can be processed or exported). However, this doesn’t mean that all environmental norms
are respected (see section 3.2.3 and Figure 48), there is still strong need for expansion of manure
Figure 53 provides an overview of the evolution of the processing and export of N and P. The decline
in processing and export in 2002 is mainly due to the disappearance of disposal possibilities in
Wallonia. Since 2003, data contains nitrogen processing and manure export to France via French
transporters. The increase since 2003 is a consequence of the ever increasing number of manure
processing installations.
Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium
Figure 53: Overview of processed and exported N and P over time (Source: VLM, Mestbank)
For Wallonia, according to the PGDA, when a farm has a soil linkage rate higher than one, a
solution consists of exporting manure through spreading contracts. All transfers of manure from
one farm to another or to an individual should be reported to the Administration through a
valorisation contract. It is accompanied by signaletic data completed during transfer. This
signaletic data has to be in the vehicle during the manure transfer. All these signaletic data have
to be sent to the Ministry of the Walloon Region before the 30th April of every year.
Support mechanisms for biogas production
According to Biogas-E, the platform for anaerobic digestion for Flanders, a number of support
measures exist in Flanders:
1. Green power
According to the ‘Decree of the Flemish Government of 5 March 2004 on the subject of the
promotion of electricity generation from renewable energy sources’, green power certificates can be
attributed for electricity generated from biogas originating from the digestion of organic biological
waste. It doesn’t matter whether this biogas originates from an digestion facility or a landfill.
The producer of electricity from renewable energy sources can apply for Green Power Certificates
(GPC). Per MWh produced from renewable sources (f.i. biogas), the producer will obtain 1 GPC. This
is kept on an internet-based software platform. The producer can (virtually) trade these certificates
of hand them in to fulfil his obligations (electricity are obliged to provide a certain percentage of
their supplied electricity to the final consumers from the previous year from renewable energy). GPC
certificates can be traded freely so their value is determined by the market. There is nevertheless a
minimum price. For GPC from organic-biological matter this is 90€, and this is guaranteed until 10
years after commissioning.
2. Combined heat and power (CHP)
The system for CHP certificates is similar to the one of the GPC and it can be cumulative to the GPC.
Electricity suppliers have to fulfil a certain quotum of CHP certificates, otherwise they will be fined at
Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium
40€ per missing certificate. A CHP certificate is allocated for every 1000 kWk heat one has saved due
to the use of the CHP.
3. Investment
A number of support measures exist to call on when planning an investment in regard to anaerobic
digestion (general subsidy possibilities are not mentioned):
Ecology premium
Increased investment deduction
Support to demonstration projects for energy technologies
Growth premium
VLIF (Flemish Agricultural Investment Funds) support
4. CO2 bonus
CO2 cannot be left out when talking about horticulture. Specific CO2-fertilization takes place in the
sector. On the other hand, flue gasses from CHPs are mostly blown into the air, even though they
contain CO2 as well.
The Flemish government wants to stimulate the use of these flue gasses for CO2-fertilization and has
come up with a fiscal stimulus. Whenever a CHP is used for the production of CO2, the measures
quantity of produced and used heat is increased by 10% for the calculation of heat savings.
5. Green heat
Presently, there is only a compensation foreseen for green heat which is released by 2/3 during
electricity production via a CHP.
6. Green gas
In Flanders no regulation currently exists around a support measure for bio-methane or green gas.
Green gas or bio-methane is biogas (around 50-70% CH4) which is processed to natural gas quality
(>95% CH4, sometimes with addition of propane to the mixture).
According to Valbiom, Biogas production in the Walloon region (Belgium), 2007, some incentives
may help stakeholders for biogas projects:
“Biomethanisation facilitator” who ensures the promotion of biogas production and
utilization, negotiates with administrative and political authorities, carries out a
prefeasibility study free of charge, informs stakeholders about subsidies, grant, licences
or permits, calculates number of Green Certificates to be obtained, estimates the
potential resources…;
Different types of subsidies: FIA, FEADER, for cooperative of farmers/ private
Subsidies for feasibility study;
Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium
Period for guaranteed value of Green Certificates has been extended to 15 years for
biogas project.
Aids (subsidies) from public authorities are:
1. Aid(Subsidies) for economic development: grants for investments in a biogas plant
located in the Walloon Region (grants from the Ministry of the Walloon Region- General
Direction of Economy & Employment)
Who is concerned?
legal entity : small or medium Firm or company established in Wallonia
o small company: < 50 people employed, turnover < 7 million €
o medium company: <250 people employed, turnover < 27 million €
Amount of the grant:
A grant of maximum 15% of investment programme (specific for the production of
renewal energy). The amounts of the aid are adjusted according the size of the company
and according the location of the plant site (economic activity zone or outside activity
eligible investments: land, buildings, new equipment, purchase of licences or
minimum sum to invest:
o 4,400 € (for a family firm (company) < than 21 people employed)
o 125,000 € (for a small company employing < than 50 people)
o 250,000 € (employing between 50 and 100 people)
o 375,000 € (employing between 100 and 150 people)
o 500 000 € (employing between 150 and 250 people)
a minimum of 25% of the investment have to be made by the company applying
for the grant
2. Fiscal aids (tax incentives)
a. Tax exemption on withholdings on real estates
For a period of 5 years for a SME (small, medium enterprise), for a period of 3 to
5 years for other companies (depending on increase in employment )
b. Possibilities for paying bigger capital allowances (rapid reimbursement) during 3
successive years.
3. Aid for consultancy
Who is concerned?
Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium
consultant must be registered (authorized) by the Walloon Region
Physical or legal person based in the Walloon Region (exception for non-profit
making association)
+ conditions on financial status of the entity.
Amount of the aid: maximum 75% of consultant fees (with a maximum limit of 12,500€
and consultant fees of maximum 620€ per day)
support for pre-feasibility study in order to analyse general situation and the
relevance of such a project
support for technical advise
not applicable for an audit
4. Aids to farming sector in the case of the installation of a biogas plant in the Walloon
Region (Agricultural Investment Fund)
Who is concerned?
Pyhsical or legal person operating in that agricultural activities (crop production,
animal breeding). The applicant must be established (located) in the Walloon
a cooperative having activity of processing and selling agricultural products
Type of the aid (3 possibilities):
interest-rate subsidies: interest rate on investment amounts to 1% (with a
maximum rate of 5%)
Public guarantee for reimbursement on capital investment or interest. (the total
guarantee cannot exceed 75% of the capital borrowed)
Grant for capital if the farmer does not apply for a loan.
minimum amount of the loans: 6,197.4 €
+ other conditions
5. Subsidies from the Walloon Region to conduct a study of a project for the production &
use of energy from wet biomass
Amount: 50% of the feasibility study with a maximum amount of 2,500 € for the
proposed biogas plant treatment of wet biomass as substrates and maximum installed
power capacity of 10 MWth.
Green Certificates mechanism for green electricity production also works: in order to
finance additional cost of green electricity production and to ensure a definite quota of
green electricity produced, transferable certificates (GC) are issued to producers for a
Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium
number of kWh corresponding to a MWh divided by the CO2 saving rate. GC are market
based instruments with a minimum price guaranteed at 65€/GC.
Now for biogas units, entitlement to the issuance of green certificates is guaranteed for
15 years as of the date of notification of acceptance by the Walloon Commission for
Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium
6 Impact Categories
Please refer to sections 3.1.1 to 3.1.4, 3.2.1, 3.2.3, 3.2.4, 3.2.6 and 3.3 of this document for a detailed
Accumulated energy demand
Please refer to section 3.1.5 of this document.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
In 2008, Belgium emitted 133.3 Mt CO2-equivalents, ranking 10th amongst the EU-27. The agricultural
sector was responsible for 7.3% of those emissions (in the same year) while CO2 held the largest
share of GHG with 87.9%, followed by N2O (5.7%), CH4 (4.9%) and F-gases (1.5%) (European
Environment Agency).
Please refer to section 2.1.2 and 2.2.2 of this document.
Please refer to section 2.1.3 (Figure 19) and 2.2.3 of this document.
Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium
7 Conclusion
Please include the key drivers and challenges of your country in this section as well.
Belgium is a federal state divided into two major regions (Flanders and the Walloon region) which are
different from each other in terms of agricultural activities and legislation. Similar to many
industrialised regions all over the world Belgium is characterized by intensive animal farming and
reducing acres of arable land. Consequently, the manure production originating from such intensive
animal farming exceeds in many cases the regional capacity for use as a fertilizer. This puts a heavy
burden on the environment and has specifically in Flanders lead to overfertilisation and eutrofication
of ground – and surface water. Subsequently, Belgium was in 2005 condemned by the European
Court of Justice for breaches of the Nitrate Directive. In response the different regional governments
ordered different measures aimed at a better nutrient management which should result in improved
water quality and a reduced N and P soil surplus. In the last years improvements have been noticed
for those two aspects, though continuous caution is still required. Better coordination and
harmonisation of Flemish and Walloon manure policies (ex. Manure transport) could mean an
important improvement for the current situation, though remains an important challenge at this
point of time.
The introduction of obliged excess manure processing in Flanders has been an important driver in
terms of nutrient management and has lead to the establishment of a nutrient processing industry in
Flanders including amongst others separation units, biological treatment and anaerobic
(co)digestion. Although technically a lot of progress has been made in anaerobic digestion, the full
development of biodigestion is currently still hampered by unclarities and unstability in the
legislative and supportive framework. Furthermore, there is a need for policy revision on digestate
and its derivatives at the regional, national and European level to further develop biodigestion. The
latter is highly necessary as it was stated that anaerobic digestion is a crucial factor in our attempts
to achieve the Belgian 2020 guidelines. Finally, we also expect nutrient recuperation to become an
important driver in future nutrient management and further sustainable development of anaerobic
Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium
8 References
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Country report on nutrient management and anaerobic digestion in agriculture in Belgium
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