The Evolutionary Review Neural Edelmanism and Neural Darwinism Chrisantha Fernando For many years Gerald Edelman’s theory of Neural Darwinism confused me [1]. After winning a Nobel Prize for discovering the structure of antibodies, few people were in a better position to appreciate that the adaptive immune system works by a kind of natural selection called somatic selection. In somatic selection, B-cells that produce antibodies that bind a foreign antigen more tightly can outcompete (replicate faster than) other B-cells that produce antibodies that don’t bind a foreign antigen as well. Edelman went on to propose that a similar process takes place in the brain for neuronal groups (neurons connected to each other by synapses). He argued that like antibodies, neuronal groups also compete with each other, binding not antigens as antibodies do, but binding stimuli. Neuronal groups that bind stimuli best can obtain more reward, with reentrant (reciprocal) connections between groups allowing the winning groups to remould the losing groups. But is this natural selection? Is Edelman’s theory entitled to its title of “Neural Darwinism”? It depends which great evolutionary biologist you ask. According to one definition given by John Maynard Smith (JMS) [2], Edelman’s neuronal groups would only be units of evolution if re-entrant connections between groups really allowed the replication of information between groups so that the losing group came to resemble the winning group. I have not been able to find evidence of such a mechanism in Edelman’s theory. Edelman has not shown how a neuronal group could really transmit information to another neuronal group. But according to a broader definition of natural selection given by the theoretical biologist George Price [3], one does not require explicit multiplication of neuronal groups, just a redistribution of resources (competition) between groups for a process to be called natural selection. Michod has pointed out that Edelman’s neuronal groups are Darwinian entities in this somewhat boarder Priceian sense [4]. The Evolutionary Review This paper describes how Eörs Szathmáry and I solved the problem of how neuronal groups could really be units of evolution in the JMS sense and not just in the weaker Priceian sense. The principles involved point to a fundamental link between the origin of life and the origin of human cognition [5]. Our debugging of Edelman’s theory may permit the unification of two fields of human endeavour, evolutionary biology and neuroscience. Both these fields aim to explain open-ended adaptation, but up to now have done so in relative isolation. Along with Gerald Edelman and William Calvin [6] we propose that an underlying process of natural selection takes place in the brain. But we differ in claiming that populations of neuronal groups (replicators) can undergo natural selection as defined by JMS, i.e. with true replication of information, and not just in the broader sense described by Price. In our formulation, neuronal replicators are patterns of connectivity or patterns of activity in the brain that can make copies of themselves to nearby brain regions with generation times of seconds to minutes [7,8]. We believe neuronal units of evolution can undergo natural selection in the brain itself, to contribute to adaptive thought and action [9,10]; populations of good ideas evolve overnight. Their fitness is determined by the same Dopamine-based rewards that have been proposed in other neural theories of reinforcement learning, including Edelman’s. Unlike Edelman and Calvin however, we propose several viable mechanisms for replication of neuronal units of evolution. But why is replication so important for natural selection? And what makes JMS’s formulation of natural selection more powerful than Price’s? Lets examine both definitions of natural selection more closely. Definitions are never right or wrong, only helpful or unhelpful. JMS defined a unit of evolution is any entity that has the following properties [2]. The first property is multiplication; the entity produces copies of itself that can make further copies of itself, one entity produces two, two entities produce four, four entities produce eight, in a process known as autocatalytic growth. Most living things are capable of autocatalytic growth, but there are some exceptions; for example, sterile worker ants and mules do not multiply and so whilst being alive, they are not units of evolution. The second requirement is variation, i.e. there must be The Evolutionary Review multiple possible kinds of entity. Some things are capable of autocatalytic growth and yet do not vary, for example fire can grow exponentially for it is the macroscopic phenomena arising from an autocatalytic reaction, yet fire does not accumulate adaptations by natural selection. The third requirement is that there must be heredity, i.e. like begets like, so that offspring resemble their parents. Doron Lancet proposed that prior to nucleotides and gene based heredity, clumps of lipid molecules called composomes could be capable of undergoing natural selection [11]. But recently we have shown that whilst composomes can multiply and possess variation, they do not have stable heredity, i.e. like occasionally produces very much unlike (the mutation bias being too strong in certain directions), and so unfortunately such systems cannot after all evolve by natural selection [12]. Later we will see that Edelman’s neuronal groups may fall into this final category. If units of evolution of different types have different probabilities of producing offspring, i.e. if they have differential fitness, and if these probabilities are independent of the frequencies of other entities, the average fitness of the population will be maximised, and there will be survival of the fittest. George Price gave a more general and more inclusive definition of natural selection [3]. He said that a trait (any measurable value) would increase in frequency to the extent that the probability of that trait being present in the next generation was positively correlated with the trait itself, counterbalanced by that trait’s variability (the tendency of that trait to change between generations for any reason, e.g. due to mutation). Notice that JMS’s definition is algorithmic, it tells you roughly how to make the natural selection cake. Price’s definition is statistical, it tells you whether something is a natural selection cake or not, i.e. whether it is the kind of cake that can undergo the accumulation of adaptation, or survival of the fittest. It is important to note that both these definitions were intended for use in the debate that raged over group selection [13] because there it was essential to formally define what a legitimate evolvable substrate was. Here we use them to understand neuronal group selection. The Evolutionary Review Lets take some search algorithms and see if they satisfy these two very different definitions of natural selection. From a computer science perspective, natural selection is a search algorithm that generates and selects entities for solving a desired problem, if the quality of that entities’ desired solution is correlated with the probability of transmission of that entity, i.e. with its fitness. Genetic algorithms work in this way. They are computer programs that implement natural selection as defined by JMS and Price [14]. Many other algorithms exist such as hill-climbing, simulated annealing, temporal difference learning, and random search, for finding adaptations. We ask, do these satisfy either of the definitions of natural selection? A classification of search algorithms shows that natural selection as defined by JMS really does have some special properties that are often overlooked because we take its implementation in the biosphere for granted and because we have erroneously come to equate the models of natural selection that evolutionary biologists use, with natural selection itself. The table below shows my classification. Systems undergoing natural selection appear on the right. Solitary Search Parallel Search Parallel Search with Competition (Price) (Stochastic) hill climbing Independent hill climbers 1. Competitive Learning 2. Reinforcement Learning 3. Synaptic Selectionism 4. Neural Edelmanism Parallel Search with Competition and Information Transmission (JMS) 1. Genetic Natural Selection 2. Adaptive Immune System 3. Genetic Algorithms 4. Didactic receptive fields 5. Neuronal Replicators Table 1. A classification of search (generate-and-test) algorithms. On the left hand column of Table 1 is shown the simplest class of search algorithm, solitary search. In solitary search at most two candidate units are maintained at one time. An algorithm known as Hill-climbing is an example of a solitary search algorithm in which a variant of the unit (candidate solution) is produced and tested at each ‘generation’. If the offspring solution’s quality exceeds that of its parent, then the offspring replaces the parent. If it does not, then the offspring is destroyed and the parent produces another correlated The Evolutionary Review offspring. Such an algorithm can get stuck on local optima. Figure 1 shows this algorithm implemented by a robot on an actual hilly landscape. The robot carries a windmill, and its aim is to get to the highest peak. Lets assume wind speed increases with altitude for now. It moves randomly to a point on a radius a few meters away, measures the wind speed and stays there if this wind speed is higher than the previous wind speed it measured. If it is not higher, it goes back to its previous location. To do this, it must have some memory of the previous location. Figure 1. Imagine a robot on a mountainous landscape whose task it is to reach the highest peak. One can imagine for example that it holds a windmill which it wishes to rotate at the highest speed possible, and the higher up it is the faster its windmill will rotate. If it behaves according to hill-climbing it starts from a random position (1) moves to a nearby location (2) and tests whether that location is higher than its original location by measuring the speed of its windmill. If the wind speed is faster, it remains there, but if the wind speed is not faster (shown in the unnumbered circles) the robot moves back to the previous The Evolutionary Review location. The robot may get stuck on a peak that is not the highest peak (a local optimum). A robot (not shown) behaving according to stochastic hill-climbing does the same, except that it accepts the new position with a certain probability even if it is slightly lower than the original position. By this method stochastic hill-climbing can sometimes avoid getting stuck on the local optimum, but it can also occasionally lose the peak it is on because memory is only kept of the immediately preceding position. Stochastic hill-climbing and simulated annealing are examples of solitary search where there is a certain probability of accepting a worse quality offspring. This balances exploration and exploitation and can reduce the chances of getting stuck on local optima, however, the cost is potentially losing the currently optimal peak. But one can ask, isn’t solitary search actually a kind of natural selection according to Price and according to JMS? Is it not natural selection with a population size of two in which one individual replaces the other based on which is the fitter? Or can the fact that it can be implemented without explicit multiplication by use of pointers and memory, or by a robot moving on a hillside mean that it is not an example of natural selection according to JMS? See Figure 2 which shows two other implementations of hill-climbing, this time not on a hillside but in a system of physical discrete registers that can be in binary states. The Evolutionary Review Figure 2. Two implementations of hill-climbers that are both trying to maximize the number of 0’s in the string. The hill-climber on the left stores a solution, here represented as a binary string, it modifies the solution at some position in the string, and stores this modification. After assessing the new solution and comparing its quality with the original solution it either keeps the modification, or erases the modification. The hill-climber on the right replicates the entire solution to a separate location in memory. Only the hill-climber on the right has true multiplication as defined by JMS. The search dynamics shown by both machines in Figure 2 are identical and would be capable of accumulation of adaptations according to Price’s formulation of natural selection as there was covariance between a trait and fitness. According to JMS’s definition, the implementation on the right involving the explicit multiplication (replication) of a unit would constitute natural The Evolutionary Review selection but the implementation on the left using pointers and memory would not. However, notice that this distinction is between implementations of the same algorithm both of which are indistinguishable in terms of search performance (although the system on the left uses fewer resources). What about the robot on the hillside? Here the brain of the robot may store merely the path back to the previous position, and so the implementation of hillclimbing in that spatially embodied case may require no replication of an explicitly stored entity (i.e. a position representation) at all. Therefore, we can say that the phenomenon of hill-climbing can be implemented either with or without explicit replication, and therefore may or may not involve natural selection as defined by JMS. However, in all cases, the phenomenon of hill-climbing must accord with the principle of natural selection according to Price in order to accumulate adaptations. Notice that in Figure 2 (right) only two memory slots at most are available that can contain a maximum of two candidate solutions at any one time. A slot is simply a material organization or substance that can be reconfigured into the form of a unit or candidate solution, for example a piece of memory in a computer or the organic molecules constituting an organism. What happens if many more slots are available? How should one best use them? In terms of Figure 1, this is equivalent to a hillside now inhabited by many robots, rather han just one. Now our aim is that at least one robot finds the highest peak. Notice that a slightly different aim would have been to maximize the total wind collected by the windmills of all the robots. The simplest algorithm for these robots to follow would be that each one behaves completely independently of the others and does not communicate with the others at all. Each of them behaves exactly like the robot in Figure 1. In terms of the implementations shown in Figure 2, this multiple robot version of search (simple parallel search) could be achieved by simply having multiple instances of the hill-climbing machinery, either of the replicating kind, or the pointer and memory kind, it doesn’t matter. The Evolutionary Review So, if we have many slots or robots available, it is possible just to let many of the solitary searches run at the same time, i.e. in parallel. However, can you see this would be wasteful whatever the implementation? If one pair of slots (or a robot) became stuck on a local optimum then there would be no way of reusing this pair of slots (or the robot). Whereas, if being stuck on a local optimum could be detected, then random reinitialization of the stuck slot pair would be a possibility (or in the robot example, moving the stuck robot randomly to a new position). Even so, one could expect only a linear speed up in the time taken to find a global optimum (the highest peak). It is difficult to imagine why anyone would want to do something like this given all those slots, and all those robots. This is the parallel search described in the second column of Table 1, and it is not surprising that not many algorithms fall into this class. A cleverer way to use the extra slots would be to allow competition between slots for search resources, and by resources I mean the generate-and-test step of producing a variant and assessing its quality. In the case of robots a step is moving a robot to a new position and reading the wind-speed there. Such an assessment step is often the constraining factor in time and processing costs. If such steps were biased so that the currently higher quality solutions (robots) did proportionally more of the search, then there would be a biased search by higher quality solutions. This is known as competitive learning because candidate solutions compete with each other for reward and exploration opportunities. If the robots are programmed such that the amount of exploration they do is greater as the altitude increases, then those at higher altitudes do more exploration and this may allow a faster discovery of the global optimum. No robot communicates with any other robot. If robots utilize a common power supply then the robots are competing with each other for exploration resources. This is an example of parallel search with resource competition, shown in column 3 of Table 1. It requires no natural selection as defined by JMS, i.e. it requires no explicit multiplication of information. Several algorithms fall into the above category. Reinforcement learning algorithms are examples of parallel search with competition [15]. Such The Evolutionary Review algorithms have been proposed as an explanation for learning in the brain, and work in the following way. If the response produced by the firing of a synapse is positively correlated with reward and if this reward strengthens this synapse, which increases its subsequent probability of firing, then the conditions of Price’s definition of natural selection have been fulfilled. This is because there is a positive correlation between the trait (i.e. the response produced by firing the synapse) and the subsequent probability of that response occurring again. Similarly, a negative correlation between synaptic firing and reward reduces the subsequent probability of firing. Sebastian Seung calls these hedonistic synapses [16]. A single hedonistic synapse is equivalent to a single allele in genetic terms. If there is an array of such synapses emanating from the same neuron and there is competition for chemical resources from the cell body of the neuron, then these synapses are equivalent to multiple genetic alleles competing for resources from the cell body, and the situation is almost mathematically equivalent to the Nobel Prize winner Manfred Eigan’s replicator equations [17] in which the total population size of replicators is kept fixed and there is a well defined number of possible distinct variants [9]. Eigen’s equations are a popular model used by evolutionary biologists to model evolution. Notice that there is a subtle difference between the competition between synapses described above and robot example given for parallel search with competition. To use the robot analogy, each synapse is like a robot stuck in particular location on the hillside, unable to move. Those with higher wind speeds are allowed to build larger windmills. In this simple kind of synaptic selectionism the system only exploits the variation that exists at the beginning. It is not even as powerful as the case we first considered as parallel search with competition in which the robots with the greatest wind speeds are able to do more exploration because the variation is limited to the variation that was produced at the very beginning, robots cannot move up hills, just increase (or decrease) the size of their windmills. So do such systems of parallel search with competition between synaptic slots really exhibit natural selection? Not according to the definition of JMS because The Evolutionary Review there is no replicator; there is no copying of solutions from one slot to another slot, there is no information that is transmitted between synapses. Resources are simply redistributed between synapses (i.e. synapses are strengthened or weakened in the same way that the stationary robots increase or decrease the size of their windmills). Traits (responses) are not copied between slots. Instead, adaptation arises by the mechanism proposed by Price because there is covariance between traits (here reward obtained by a particular synaptic response, or the amount of wind collected by a particular robot windmill) and their probability of subsequent activation determined by changing the synaptic weight, or changing the size of a robot windmill. According to Price if this covariance is maintained there is survival of the fittest synapse or windmill. Such a process of synaptic selectionism has been proposed by the neuroscientist JeanPiere Changeux [18]. A surprising consequence is that Eigen’s replicator equations can be run without any system having to undergo natural selection as defined by JMS. That is, they can model JMS type natural selection without there being any real replicators in implementing them. But they do always exhibit natural selection as described by Price, and could of-course serve as models of systems undergoing natural selection as defined by JMS. Nothing needs to multiply when Eigen’s equations are run, but they emulate the consequences of multiplication that would occur in a system undergoing natural selection according to JMS. In short, synaptic selection algorithms can best be understood as competitive learning between synapses (slots) that satisfy Price’s criteria for adaptation by natural selection but use a different recipe to achieve this to that proposed by JMS. Instead of explicit multiplication of replicators, i.e. a process where matter at one site reconfigures matter at another site (i.e. where traits are explicitly copied), both Hebbian learning and Eigen’s replicator equations model the effects of multiplication. The recipe in the case of synapses emanating from a single neuron involves encoding the information (trait) by the location of the synapse, and allowing matter to be redistributed (fitness) between synapses. This is a very different recipe compared to how JMS pictured natural selection The Evolutionary Review working at the genetic, organismal and group levels in the biosphere. Synapses compete for growth resources, but it is their connections that encode information. Thus the synaptic selectionism of Changeux [18] is a sound form of Darwinian dynamics as defined by Price and Eigen, but is not the same class of implementation of natural selection as defined by JMS. In fact, no modification of the responses encoded by each individual synapse is possible. Each synapse is a slot that signifies one fixed solution and the relative probability of a slot being active is modified by competition. Notice, there is no transmission of information between slots, in fact no communication between slots at all, in other words, the response arising from activating synapse A does not become the response arising from activating synapse B. In terms of the robot analogy, a robot that is doing well does not call other robots to join it. So, selectionism is an example of parallel search with competition. It is natural selection in the Price sense, but not in the JMS sense. It is at this stage that I think Edelman took Changeux (and later Seung’s) ideas of natural selection acting at the level of the synapse a step too far. The third Nobel Prize winner in our story, Francis Crick who worked down the corridor to Gerald Edelman at the Salk institute disliked Edelman’s Neural Darwinism so much that he called it Neural Edelmanism [19]. The reason was that Edelman had identified no replicators in the brain, and so there was no unit of evolution as required by JMS. However, Edelman had satisfied the definitions of natural selection defined by Price and Eigen. Edelman proposed competition between neuronal groups (a neuronal group is Edelman’s implementation of a slot) for synaptic resources, but he failed to explain how the particular pattern of synaptic weights that constitute the function of one group could be copied from one group to another. This leaves no mechanism by which a synaptic-pattern-dependent trait could be inherited between neuronal groups. In the best paper to formulate Edelman’s theory of neuronal group selection, Izhikevich shows that there is no mechanism by which functional variations in synaptic connectivity patterns can be inherited (transmitted) between neuronal groups [20]. Edelman does satisfy Price if a neuronal group is doing no more The Evolutionary Review than a single synapse in Changeux’s theory, i.e. encoding a particular response. However, it does not satisfy Price if Edelman wishes to claim that the trait in question is a transmissible pattern of synaptic strengths within a neuronal group because Edelman cannot show there is covariance between such a trait and the number of groups in which such a trait is found across generations. There is no communication of solutions between group-based slots, no information transfer as there is no information transfer between synapses. Edelman’s mechanism appears to be a mechanism of competitive learning between neuronal group slots which only has a Darwinian interpretation according to Price if a neuronal group is nothing more than a synapse in Changeux’s model, i.e. with a fixed response function, without copying of response functions between groups. Therefore, Francis Crick was right in a sense. Neural Edelmanism falls into the third column of my classification of search algorithms as competitive learning, but, which if interpreted as the same theory as Changeux and Seung’s can satisfy Price’s phenomenological but never JMS’s definition of natural selection. This is because natural selection as defined by JMS requires information transmission between slots, i.e. multiplication (replication), and Price’s definition requires only covariance between a response encoded by a neuronal group and the probability of a change in frequency of that response. This leads us to the final column in Table 1. Here is a radically different way of utilizing multiple slots that extends the algorithmic capacity of the competitive learning algorithms above. In this case I allow not only the competition of slots for generate and test cycles, but I allow slots to pass information (traits/responses) between each other, see Figure 3. The Evolutionary Review Figure 3 shows the robots on the hillside again but this time, those robots in the higher altitudes can recruit robots in lower altitudes to come and join them. This is equivalent to replication of robot locations. The currently best location can be copied to other slots. There is transmission of information between slots. Note, replication is always of information (patterns), i.e. reconfiguration by matter of The Evolutionary Review other matter. This is one of the reasons the cyberneticist anthropologist Gregory Bateson called evolution a mental process [21,22]. This means that the currently higher quality slots have not only a greater chance of being varied and tested, but that they can copy their traits to other slots that do not have such good quality traits. This permits the redistribution of information between material slots. Notice that the synaptic slot system did not have this capability. If one synapse location produced response A, then it was not possible for other synaptic locations to come to produce response A, even if response A was associated with higher reward. We will see shortly a real case in the brain where such copying of response properties is possible between slots, and is therefore clear evidence for natural selection in the brain not just of the Prician type but of the JMS type. Crucially, such a system of parallel search, competition and information transmission between slots does satisfy JMS’ definition of natural selection. The configuration of a unit of evolution (slot) can reconfigure other material slots. It also satisfies Price’s definition. Some eponymists might wish to say that this is a full Darwinian population. But it is better to show that there are some algorithmic advantages compared to a competitive learning system without information transmission that satisfies only Price’s formulation of natural selection. The critical advantage of JMS’s definition over Price’s definition is that multiple search points can be recruited to the region of the search space that is currently the best. In terms of evolutionary theory, a solution can reach fixation and then utilize all the search resources available for further exploration. This allows the entire population (of robots) to acquire the response characteristics (locations) of the currently best unit (robot), and therefore, allows the accumulation of adaptations. Once one peak has been reached by all the robots, they can then all be in a position to do further exploration to find even higher peaks. Adaptations can accumulate. In many real world problems there is never a global optimum, rather further mountain ranges remain to be explored after a plateau has been The Evolutionary Review reached. For example, there is no end to science. Not every system that satisfies Price’s definition of natural selection can have these special properties. It may come as a surprise that there are already well-recognised processes in the brain that are known to a limited extent to implement natural selection as defined by JMS (and Price), and that have the same algorithmic characteristics as Figure 3. Figure 4 shows a recent experiment by Young et al that showed that receptive fields in the primary visual cortex of cats can replicate to adjacent neurons, a process they called “didactic transfer”. Figure 4. Adapted from Young, the orientation selectivity of simple cells in the visual cortex can be copied between cells. Simple cells in the visual cortex have orientation selectivity which means they respond optimally to bars presented to the visual field of a particular orientation. The arrows in each cell show the direction of a bar that maximally stimulates that cell. The orientation selectivity can be copied between cells. In fact, the fitness of an orientation selective response is the extent to which stimulation at the retina activates the cell with The Evolutionary Review such a response. If the retina supplying the cells in the inner circle is cut out then those cells receive no inputs, and the increase their sensitivity to activation by horizontal connections the adjacent cells. This process can copy the orientiation selectivity of adjacent cells onto the central cells. If a region of the retina is removed then the cortical neurons that normally receive input from that region are less active and so they become more sensitive to being activated by their adjacent active neighbours. With a special type of plasticity called spike-time-dependent plasticity (STDP), nearly all the neurons in the silenced region take on the orientation selectivity of a neuron adjacent to that region. In this case the trait is the orientation selectivity, and the fitness is the change in the proportion of cells with that orientation selectivity. The unit of evolution is the receptive field, which multiplies, and has hereditary variation. However, an important term in Price’s formulation is the bias due to transmission, e.g. mutation (the rate of which is too large in the GARD model), but this includes any other factor that alters the trait or the fitness of the trait. It seems that the capacity of STDP in horizontal connections to continue to make copy after copy with sufficient fidelity may be low in this case, although this has yet to be tested, but if it is so then covariance between fitness and orientation selectivity cannot be maintained across many neurons. Another limitation of Young’s system of didactic receptive fields is that they are capable of only limited heredity, which means that all possible orientations could be exhaustively encoded. The situation is analogous to pre-genetic inheritance in the origin of life. Prior to the origin of nucleotides and template replication, e.g. DNA and RNA replication, natural selection may have utilized attractor-based heredity in the form of autocatalytic chemical reaction networks [23]. These were capable of only limited information transmission. However, the origin of symbolic information in the form of strings of nucleotides permitted unlimited heredity. To see this, imagine how long it would take to generate all possible strings of DNA of only 100 nucleotides in length. There are 4 nucleotides, A, C, G, and T, so this gives 4100 possibilities. If each string could be made in one second it The Evolutionary Review would still take 5 x 1046 years to make them all. The universe is only 433 x 1015 seconds old according to Wikipedia. The capacity to encode symbolic (digital) information allows a far greater number of states and therefore strategies and responses to be encoded. This brings us back then to what Edelman failed to explain in his neuronal group selection. Is there a way in which a neuronal pattern could transmit an unlimited amount of information to another neuronal pattern? The neuronal replicator hypothesis Eors Szathmary and I proposed in 2008 claims that the origin of human language and unlimited open-ended thought and problem solving in humans arose because of a major transition in evolution that bears a resemblance to the origin of nucleotides in the origin of life and the origin of the adaptive immune system. We propose that the capacity of the brain to evolve unlimited heredity neuronal replicators by neuronal natural selection allows truly open-ended creative thought. Penn and Povinelli have given a politically incorrect but convincing argument that human cognition is indeed qualitatively distinct from all other animals in that we can reason about unobserved hidden causes, and the abstract relations between such entities, whereas no other animal can [24]. We propose that this cognitive sophistication involved the evolution at the genetic level of the neuronal capacity for not only competitive learning and Priceian evolution as described by Changuex, Edelman, and Seung, but for information transmission between higher-order units of neuronal evolution, and thus natural selection as described by JMS. We proposed a plausible neuronal basis for the replication of higher order units of neuronal evolution above the synaptic level (neuronal groups). The method allows a pattern of synaptic connections to be copied from one such unit to another as shown in Figure 5 [7]. The Evolutionary Review Figure 5. Our proposed mechanism for copying patterns of synaptic connections between neuronal groups. The pattern of connectivity from the lower layer is copied to the upper layer. See text. The Evolutionary Review In the brain there are many topographic maps. These are pathways of parallel connections that preserve adjacency relationships and they can act to establish a one-to-one (or at least a few-to-few) transformation between neurons in distinct regions of the brain. In addition there is a kind of synaptic plasticity called spiketime-dependent plasticity (STDP), the same kind of plasticity that Young used to explain the copying of receptive fields. It works rather like Hebbian learning. Donald Hebb said that neurons that fire together wire together, which means that the synapse connecting neuron A to neuron B gets stronger if A and B fire at the same time [25]. However, recently it has been discovered that there is an asymmetric form of Hebbian learning (STDP) where if the pre-synaptic neuron A fires before the post-synaptic neuron B, the synapse is strengthened, but if presynaptic neuron A fires after post-synaptic neuron B then the synapse is weakened. Thus STDP in an unsupervised manner, i.e. without an explicit external teacher, reinforces potential causal relationships. It is able to guess which synapses were causally implicated in a pattern of activation. If a neuronal circuit exists in layer A in Figure 7, and is externally stimulated randomly to make it’s neurons spike, then due to the topographic map from layer A to layer B, neurons in layer B will experience similar spike pattern statistics as in layer A (due to the topographic map). If there is STDP in layer B between weakly connected neurons then this layer becomes a kind of causal inference machine that observes the spike input from layer A and tries to produce a circuit with the same connectivity, or at least that is capable of generating the same pattern of correlations. One problem with this mechanism is that there are many possible patterns of connectivity that generate the same spike statistics when a circuit is randomly externally stimulated to spike. As the circuit size gets larger, due to the many possible paths that activity can take through a circuit within a layer, the number of possible equivalent circuits grows. This can be prevented by limiting the amount of horizontal spread of activity permissible within a layer. If this is done, and some simple error correction neurons were added, we found it was possible to evolve a fairly large network to obtain a particular desired pattern of connectivity. The network with connectivity closest to the desired connectivity was allowed to replicate itself to other circuits. The Evolutionary Review At the moment, neurophysiologists would struggle to observe the connectivity patterns in microcircuits of this size and to undertake a similar experiment in slices or neuronal cultures; however, I think the day is not far when it becomes possible to identify the mechanisms we propose. These are not the only kinds of neuronal replication that are possible. But this is the closest to turning Edelman’s theory into something that is truly Darwinian as defined by John Maynard Smith. Acknowledgements: Thanks to Eors Szathmary, Phil Husbands, Simon McGregor, and Yasha Hartberg for discussions about the manuscript. 1. Edelman GM (1987) Neural Darwinism. The Theory of Neuronal Group Selection New York: Basic Books. 2. Maynard Smith J (1986) The problems of biology. Oxford, UK : Oxford University Press. 3. Price GR (1970) Selection and covariance. 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