
New Biology Textbook (Biology by Miller & Levine)
Chap 1 – Science of Biology
What is Science – what science is and is not
Science in Context – discovery, ideas, communicating, sharing, theories, society
Studying Life – characteristics of living things, big ideas, fields of bio, performing
biological investigations
Chap 2 – Chemistry of Life
Nature of matter – atoms, elements, isotopes, chemical compounds, bonds, technology &
Properties of Water – water molecule, solutions and suspensions, acids, bases, pH
Carbon Compounds – chemistry of carbon, macromolecules
Chemical Reactions and Enzymes – chemical reactions, energy in reactions, enzymes
Chap 3 – The Biosphere
What is Ecology – studying our living planet, biotic and abiotic factors, ecological
Energy, Producers and Consumers – producers and consumers
Energy Flow in Ecosystems – food chains and webs, trophic levels and ecological
Cycles of Matter – recycling in biosphere, water cycle, nutrient cycles, nutrient
limitation, technology, and biology
Chap 4 – Ecosystems & Communities
Climate – weather and climate, factors that affect climate
Niches & Community Interactions – the niche, competition, predation, herbivory and
keystone species, symbioses, careers and biology
Succession – primary and secondary succession, climax communities
Biomes – major biomes, other land areas
Aquatic Ecosystems – conditions underwater, freshwater ecosystems, estuaries, marine
Chap 5 – Populations
How Populations Grow – describing populations, population growth, exponential growth,
logistic growth
Limits to Growth – limiting factors, density-dependent & density-independent factors
Human Population Growth – historical overview, patterns of human growth
Chap 6 – Humans in the Biosphere
A Changing Landscape – effect of human activity, sustainable development
Using Resources Wisely – soil, freshwater and atmospheric resources
Biodiversity – what is biodiversity, conserving biodiversity
Meeting Ecological Challenges – ecological footprints, ecology in action
Chap 7 – Cell Structure & Function
Life is Cellular – discovery of the cell, exploring the cell, prokaryotes and eukaryotes
Cell Structure – cell organization, organs that store, clean up and support, organelles that
build proteins, organelles that capture and release energy, cellular boundaries
Cell Transport – passive and active transport
Homeostasis and Cells – the cell as an organism, multicellular life
Chap 8 – Photosynthesis
Energy & Life – chemical energy and ATP, heterotrophs and autotrophs
An Overview of Photosynthesis – chlorophyll and chloroplasts, high-energy electrons, an
overview of photosynthesis
The Process of Photosynthesis – light-dependent (generating ATP and NADPH), lightindependent reactions (producing sugars), factors affecting photosynthesis
Chap 9 – Cellular Respiration and Fermentation
An Overview of Cellular Respiration – chemical energy and food, overview, comparing
photosynthesis and cellular respiration
The Process of Cellular Respiration – glycolysis, Krebs cycle, electron transport and ATP
synthesis, the totals
Fermentation – fermentation, energy and exercise
Chap 10 – Cell Growth and Division
Cell Growth, Division & Reproduction – limits to cell size, cell division and reproduction
Process of Cell Division – chromosomes, the cell cycle, mitosis, cytokinesis
Regulating the Cell Cycle – controls on cell division, cancer, uncontrolled cll growth
Cell Differentiation – from one cell to many, stem cells and development, frontiers in
stem cell research
Chap 11 – Introduction to Genetics
Work of Mendel - the experiments of Mendel, segregation
Applying Mendel’s Principles – probability and Punnett squares, independent assortment,
summary of Mendel’s principles
Other Patterns of Inheritance – beyond dominant and recessive alleles, genes and the
Meiosis – chromosome number, phases of meiosis, comparing meiosis and mitosis, gene
linkage and gene maps
Chap 12 – DNA
Identifying the Substance of Genes - - bacterial transformation, bacterial viruses, role of
Structure of DNA – components of DNA, solving the structure of DNa, doubles-helix
DNA Replication – copying the code, replication in living cells
Chap 13 – RNA and Protein Synthesis
RNA – role of RNA, RNA synthesis
Ribosomes & Protein Synthesis – the genetic code, translation, molecular basis of
Mutations – types of mutations, effects of mutations
Gene Regulation & Expression – prokaryotic gene regulation, eukaryotic gene regulation,
genetic control of development
Chap 14 – Human Heredity
Human Chromosomes – karyotypes, transmission of human traits, human pedigrees
Human Genetic Disorders – from molecule to phenotype, chromosomal disorders
Studying the Human Genome – manipulating DNA, the Human Genome Project
Chap 15 – Genetic Engineering
Selective Breeding – selective breeding, increasing variation
Recombinant DNA – copying DNA, changing DNA, transgenic organisms
Applications of Genetic Engineering – agriculture and industry, health and medicine,
personal identification
Ethics and Impacts of Biotechnology – profits and privacy, safety of transgenics, ethics
of the new biology
Chap 16 – Darwin’s Theory of Evolution
Darwin’s Voyage of Discovery – Darwin’s Epic Journey, observations aboard the Beagle
Ideas That Shaped Darwin’s Thinking – an ancient, changing Earth, Lamarck’s
hypotheses, population growth, artificial selection
Darwin Presents His Case – evolution by natural selection, common descent
Evidence of Evolution – biogeography, age of Earth and fossils, comparing anatomy and
embryology, genetics and molecular biology, testing natural selection
Chap 17 –Evolution of Populations
Genes & Variation – genetics joins evolutionary theory, sources of genetic variation,
single-gene and polygenic traits
Evolution as Genetic Changes in Populations – how natural selection works, genetic drift,
evolution vs. genetic equilibrium
Process of Speciation – isolating mechanism, speciation in Darwin’s Finches
Molecular Evolution – timing lineage splits (molecular clocks), gene duplication,
developmental genes and body plans
Chap 18 – Classification
Finding Order in Diversity – why classify, assigning scientific names, Linnaean
classification system
Modern Evolutionary Classification – evolutionary classification, cladograms, DNA in
Building the Tree of Life – changing ideas about kingdoms, the tree of all life
Chap 19 – History of Life
The Fossil Record – fossils and ancient life, dating Earth’s history, geologic time scale,
processes affecting life’s history
Patterns & Processes of Evolution – speciation and extinction, rate of evolution, adaptive
radiation and convergent evolution, co-evolution
Earth’s Early History –the mysteries of life’s origins, origin of eukaryotic cells, sexual
reproduction and multicellularity,
Chap 20 – Viruses & Prokaryotes
Viruses – discovery of viruses, viral infections
Prokaryotes – classifying prokaryotes, structure and function, importance of prokaryotes
Diseases Caused by Bacteria and Viruses – bacterial diseases, viral diseases, emerging
Chap 21 – Protists & Fungi
Protist Classification – the first eukaryotes, protists – ancestors and descendants
Protist Structure & Function – how protists move, protest reproduction
Ecology of Protists – autotrophic and heterotrophic protists, symbiotic – mutualists and
Fungi – what are fungi, the ecology of fungi
Chap 22 – Introduction to Plants
What is a Plant – characteristics of a plant, history and evolution of plants, the plant life
Seedless Plants – green algae, mosses and other bryophytes, vascular plants
Seed Plants – importance of seeds, life cycle of a gymnosperm
Flowering Plants – flowers and fruits, angiosperm diversity
Chap 23 – Plant Structure & Function
Specialized Tissues – seed plant structure, plant tissue systems, plant growth and
Roots – root structure and growth, root functions
Stems – stem structure and function, growth of stems
Leaves – leaf structure and function, gas exchange and homeostasis
Transport in Plants – water transport, nutrient transport
Chap 24 – Plant Reproduction & Response
Reproduction in Flowering Plants – structure of flowers, angiosperm life cycle,
vegetative reproduction
Fruits & Seeds – seed and frit development, seed dispersal, seed dormancy and
Plant Hormones – hormones, tropisms and rapid movements, response to seasons
Plants & Humans – agriculture, fiber, wood and medicine
Chap 25 - Introduction to Animals
What is an Animal – characteristics of animals, types of animals, what animals do to
Animal Body Plans & Evolution – features of body plans, cladogram of animals
Chap 26 – Animal Evolution & Diversity
Invertebrate Evolution & Diversity – origins of invertebrates, cladogram of invertebrates
Chordate Evolution & Diversity – origin of chordates, cladogram of chordates
Primate Evolution – what is a primate, evolution of primates, hominine evolution, the
road to modern humans
Chap 27 – Animal Systems I
Feeding & Digestion – obtaining food, processing food, specializations for different diets
Respiration – gas exchange, respiratory surfaces of aquatic animals, respiratory surfaces
of terrestrial animals
Circulation – open and closed circulatory systems, single- and double-loop circulation
Excretion – ammonia problem, excretion in aquatic animals, excretion in terrestrial
Chap 28 – Animal Systems II
Response – how animals respond, trends in nervous system evolution, sensory systems
Movement & Support – types of skeletons, muscles and movement
Reproduction – asexual and sexual reproduction, internal and external fertilization,
development and growth, reproductive diversity in chordates
Homeostasis – inter-relationship of body systems, body temperature control
Chap 29 – Animal Behavior
Elements of Behavior – behavior and evolution, innate behavior, learned behavior,
complex behaviors
Animals in Their Environments – behavioral cycles, social behavior, communication
Chap 30 – Digestive & Excretory Systems
Organization of the Human Body – organization of the boy, homeostasis
Food & Nutrition – food and energy, nutrients, nutrition and a balanced diet
The Digestive System – functions of the digestive system, process of digestion,
absorption and elimination
The Excretory System – structures of the excretory system, excretion and the kidneys, the
kidneys and homeostasis
Chap 31 – Nervous System
The Neuron – functions of the nervous system, neurons, the nerve impulse
The CNS – the brain and spinal cord, addiction and the brain
The PNS – sensory division, motor division
The Senses – touch and related senses, smell and taste, hearing and balance, vision
Chap 32 – Skeletal, Muscular, & Integumentary System
The Skeletal System – the skeleton, bones, joints
The Muscular System – muscle tissue, muscle contraction, muscles and movement
Skin – The Integumentary System – functions and structures of the integumentary
system, skin problems
Chap 33 – Circulatory & Respiratory Systems
The Circulatory System – functions of the circulatory system, the heart, blood vessels
Blood and the Lymphatic System – blood, the lymphatic system, circulatory system
diseases, understanding circulatory disease
The Respiratory System – structures of the respiratory system, gas exchange and
transport, breathing, smoking and the respiratory system
Chap 34 – Endocrine & Reproductive Systems
The Endocrine System – hormones and glands, hormone action
Glands of the Endocrine System – human endocrine glands, control of the endocrine
The Reproductive System – sexual development, the male and female reproductive
systems, STDs
Fertilization & Development – fertilization and early development, later development
Chap 35 – Immune System & Disease
Infectious Disease – causes of infectious diseases, how disease spread
Defenses Against Infection – nonspecific, specific, the immune system, the immune
system in action
Fighting Infections Disease – acquired immunity, public health and medication, new and
re-emerging diseases
Immune System Disorders – when the immune system “misfires”, HIV and AIDS