PE Lesson Plan Name: Gwendoline Wendy Koh School: Dunwoody Elementary School Skill Theme: Gymnastics Lesson No: 1 / 1 PE1.1: Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of activities. PE1.2: Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principals, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities PE1.5: Exhibits responsible personal and social behaviour that respects self and others in physical activity settings. Class: Class Size: Venue: Duration: Equipment Required (Quantity): 1st Grade 42 - 46 Gymnasium 12.45pm – 1.35pm (50 min) Music Player (Ms Panullo Polyspots & Ms St John) Lesson Objective(s): Psychomotor Students will be able to perform a sequence of a balance on a point, a pathway and a shape. Cognitive Students will be able to understand what “balance” means and the difference between a point and a patch. Students will respect their classmates’ personal space and show care for their classmates by moving around the practice area safely. Affective Assumptions on student learning: Date: Oct, 17, 2014 Students are able to execute the basic locomotor skills of crawl, walk, hop, jump, skip, gallop and run. Students are able to show points and patches. 1 Task Focus Activity Teaching Cues Organisation Practice No. (Space and Time) Time: Start: Introduction (3 min) Teacher to remind students of routines (i) the whistle means “Stop and Listen”, (ii) “Eyes on Me”, and respect for others’ space for safety reasons through perimeter run activity. Have students move to polyspot at the end of perimeter run activity. Activity 1: Macho Duck 1 Warm-up with Neck rolls exercises to Teacher will lead pupils in aerobics to Basic march 5 min music. music. Arm stretches – reach for the sky; reach for the side Teacher to get the two centre rows to Side to side step pick up their polyspots and place them Arm curls on top of the end polyspots nearest to Bow and arrow them. Side and front lunges Look out for your friends Respect your friends – don’t go into their personal space 12 x 4 rows of polyspots 2 Revise basic locomotor skills and introduce pathways. Activity 2: Making Pathways Teacher introduces the term pathway and have students use walking, galloping, sliding to do: straight pathway circular pathway zig zag pathway sideways pathway Teacher to add directions and levels as part of progression and spatial awareness Spiral pathway Zig zag pathway Sideways pathway Straight pathway Directions: Forwards Backwards 2 min (instructions) Random places between polyspots Levels: High Low Extension: Do a “High 5”. 12 x 4 rows of polyspots 2 10 min Task No. Focus Activity Teaching Cues Organisation (Space and Time) Practice Time: Look out for your friends Respect your friends – don’t go into their personal space Be safe – don’t run into anyone 3 Reinforce pathways and Incorporate balance on points and patches Activity 3: Pathways, Points and Patches Teacher to revise points and patches. Teacher to have students demonstrate. Spiral pathway Zig zag pathway Sideways pathway Straight pathway Students to move in pathways and stop on the whistle to do balance according to teacher’s instructions: 1 point 1 point and 1 patch 2 points and 1 patch 3 points 4 points and 1 patch 5 points Balance means you can’t move and have to hold it for at least 3 secs: One one thousand Two one thousand Three one thousand 10 min Random places between polyspots Look out for your friends Respect your friends – don’t go into their personal space Be safe – don’t run into anyone 3 12 x 2 rows of polyspots Task No. 4 Focus Activity Teaching Cues Introduce shapes, and sequence pathways and shapes Activity 4: Pathways and Shapes Students to move in pathways and stop on the whistle to do a shape according to teacher’s instructions: Small shape Wide shape Fat shape Long and thin shape Spiral pathway Zig zag pathway Sideways pathway Straight pathway Grouping by “X” and “O” Make an “X” Make an “O” 1 “X” and 1 “O” on the polyspot 1 “X” and 2 “O”s on the polyspot 2 “X”s and 1 “O” on the polyspot 5 Introduce sequences Activity 5: Sequence Teacher to introduce a sequence of a 2point balance (arabesque), pathway as specified and shape as specified. Shapes: Small Wide Fat Long and Thin X in one person Os are two people Look out for your friends Respect your friends’ personal space Be safe – don’t run into anyone Organisation (Space and Time) Random places between polyspots 12 x 2 rows of polyspots 4 students in each group Spiral pathway Zig zag pathway Sideways pathway Straight pathway 10 min Teacher to introduce beat count (1 – 8) Small shape Students to do balance, pathway, shape Wide shape as specified by teacher. Tall shape Teacher to stress on smooth transitions between movements. One-point balance Two-point balance Extension: Teacher to extend to a 1-point balance Make your sequence smooth. 4 Practice Time: 5 min 12 x 4 rows of polyspots Task No. Focus Activity Teaching Cues to pathway to shape Additional Task: Introduce the log roll. Additional Task: Log Roll (if time permits) Teacher to ask students what a log looks like and get them to show what they think it looks like. Teacher highlights key points and then shows them a log roll. Organisation (Space and Time) Polyspots to mark balance point and shape point in inner court (blue line) and outer court (red line) is wait zone. Long and straight Legs together Hands together Roll one round till you see the ceiling again and stop. Don’t roll until your partner comes back to the spot. Students to try to do a log roll. Two students at each spot taking turns. Closing (5 min) Teacher to administer survey on student learning and sum up the lesson for the day. 5 Practice Time: