SEQUENCE OF INSTRUCTION The Sequence of Instruction is a planning guide only; actual delivery of content may vary with circumstances. Students will be notified in writing of changes that involve the addition or deletion of content, learning outcomes, or evaluation prior to changes being implemented. Week 1 Learning Objectives Introduction of Course Outline and expectations Introduction to Research Paper and Outline Unit 1: THE PAEDODONTIC CLIENT 1.Define Paediatric Dentistry 2.Briefly review the history of Paediatric Dentistry 3. Describe the appearance and setting of a paediatric dental office 4. Describe age appropriate skills and behaviours of children. Resources and References Course Outline Rubric : Research Paper Outline and Research Paper assignment APA format handout MDA Ch. 57 Hand out WEB CT Centre for Academic and Faculty Enrichment, Durham College Est. Class Hours .5 Learning Outcomes References 1,3,4 Learning and Feedback Activities Icebreaker Activity Review subject outline Guided discussion of Assignment expectations 1.5 PP, lecture, discussion Pair and share activity Homework - Kiddie questions handout Evaluation and Weighting SEQUENCE OF INSTRUCTION The Sequence of Instruction is a planning guide only; actual delivery of content may vary with circumstances. Students will be notified in writing of changes that involve the addition or deletion of content, learning outcomes, or evaluation prior to changes being implemented. 2 Unit 1: THE PAEDODONTIC CLIENT Continued MDA Ch. 57 Hand out WEB CT 5. Discuss specific behaviour techniques that work as positive reinforcement when treating children. (Including Attention deficit disorder and other behavioural conditions). 6. Describe what is involved in the diagnosis and treatment planning of a paediatric client. 7.Discuss the importance of preventive dentistry in paediatrics Introduction to Public Health Rotation .5 1,3,4 PP, lecture, discussion 1.5 Kiddie question activity Feedback: Do I like Kids questionnaire? Guided discussion of assignment expectations Rubric: Public Health Rotation Reflection Field Trip Insurance Form Signup sheet : dates Prev 1501 notes Centre for Academic and Faculty Enrichment, Durham College SEQUENCE OF INSTRUCTION The Sequence of Instruction is a planning guide only; actual delivery of content may vary with circumstances. Students will be notified in writing of changes that involve the addition or deletion of content, learning outcomes, or evaluation prior to changes being implemented. 3 Unit 1: THE PAEDODONTIC CLIENT Continued MDA Ch. 57 Hand out 8. Discuss the types of procedures performed for the paediatric client compared with those performed to treat clients with permanent teeth 9. Assess the oral health needs of the paedodontic and older child. WEB CT 2 1,3,4 PP, lecture, discussion Case study Introduction to Community Assignment Feedback: HomeworkCase study : Jake at the Dental Office Community Assignment Rubric Group signup sheet Centre for Academic and Faculty Enrichment, Durham College Guided discussion of assignment expectations SEQUENCE OF INSTRUCTION The Sequence of Instruction is a planning guide only; actual delivery of content may vary with circumstances. Students will be notified in writing of changes that involve the addition or deletion of content, learning outcomes, or evaluation prior to changes being implemented. 4 UNIT 2: THE ADOLESCENT CLIENT 1. Relate effectively with adolescents in the dental environment. 2. Describe the reasons for increased dental caries and periodontal disease at this age. 3. Discuss the following adolescent health concerns and the dental implications of each. a. Cigarette smoking Handout WEB CT b. Teenage pregnancy c. Suicide d. Drug and alcohol use and abuse 4. Identify behavioural changes in the adolescent. Centre for Academic and Faculty Enrichment, Durham College 2 1,3,4 PP, lecture, discussion Pair and Share activity Story telling activity Role playing activity Feedback: Five most popular illegal drug search SEQUENCE OF INSTRUCTION The Sequence of Instruction is a planning guide only; actual delivery of content may vary with circumstances. Students will be notified in writing of changes that involve the addition or deletion of content, learning outcomes, or evaluation prior to changes being implemented. 5 Unit 3 COMMUNITY AND DENTAL Hand out PUBLIC HEALTH WEB CT 1. Define public health and dental 2 5, 6 Guest Speaker TBA Feedback: Homework questions public health 2. Discuss dental disease as a 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. public health problem Define the role of the dental assistant within the public health system Discuss strategies for delivering dental education to various target groups within the community Discuss the dental assistants role of advocacy for high risk populations in the community Distinguish between mandatory and discretionary programs offered through public health Discuss CINOT Centre for Academic and Faculty Enrichment, Durham College http://www.region.durha epartments/health/healthi nside.htm Formal Assessment Special Needs: Research Paper Outline due 5% SEQUENCE OF INSTRUCTION The Sequence of Instruction is a planning guide only; actual delivery of content may vary with circumstances. Students will be notified in writing of changes that involve the addition or deletion of content, learning outcomes, or evaluation prior to changes being implemented. 6 Unit 4: THE FEARFUL CLIENT Handout 1. Recognize and assess the fearful client. 2. Select appropriate strategies when working with the fearful client. 3. Recognize and assess the client with anxiety disorder. 4. Select appropriate strategies when providing treatment to a client with an anxiety disorder WEB CT Centre for Academic and Faculty Enrichment, Durham College 2 1, 3, 4 PP, lecture, discussion Jonathon’s story: Case study Feedback: 1. Dental Anxiety self test : /phobia/ami.html 2. Homework: bring in an article regarding some form of racism for next class. Formal Assessment Test #1 Units 13: multiple choice and short answer To be written outside of class time in the test center (date TBA) 25% SEQUENCE OF INSTRUCTION The Sequence of Instruction is a planning guide only; actual delivery of content may vary with circumstances. Students will be notified in writing of changes that involve the addition or deletion of content, learning outcomes, or evaluation prior to changes being implemented. 7 Unit 5: CULTURAL DIVERSITY Handout 1. Discuss the concept of cultural identity and values 2. Discuss the terms culture, multiculturalism, race, racism, ethnicity and stereotyping 3. Explain the relationship between values and behaviour 4. Discuss one’s own culture and the possible influence on behaviour and attitude 5. Examine the current trends of multiculturalism in Ontario 6. Discuss how cultural sensitivity must be considered during dental treatment WEB CT Newspaper article sharing activity Formal Assessment: Public Health Rotation Racism reborn Part 1 & 2 /watch?v=plQpLPy1eao /watch?v=KgHelRCSxQ w&feature=related Utube Video discussion 5% Centre for Academic and Faculty Enrichment, Durham College 2 1, 3, 4 PP, lecture, discussion Feedback: Selfassessment : cultural IQ test SEQUENCE OF INSTRUCTION The Sequence of Instruction is a planning guide only; actual delivery of content may vary with circumstances. Students will be notified in writing of changes that involve the addition or deletion of content, learning outcomes, or evaluation prior to changes being implemented. 8 9 UNIT 7: THE GERIATRIC CLIENT Handout 1. Compare the different factors that have formed our aging population (such as the baby boom, immigration, etc.) 2. Discuss the different theories of Aging. (Disengagement, activity, and continuity theory). 3. Discuss common medical and oral problems of the elderly. 4. Discuss management techniques for the Alzheimer’s client and family in a dental setting WEB CT Unit 7 CONTINUED 5. Decide how dental offices can remove barriers to care, and can be made more accessible and safe for the elderly. 6. Determine factors that contribute to adverse drug reactions in the elderly. 7. Identify social issues such as loneliness, suicide, and alcoholism in the elderly and elder abuse 2 1,3,4 Group activity: where do your parents/grandparents fit? Video: /watch?v=KIBcrmhmsb A&feature=response_w atch Alzheimer’s Society of Ontario http://alzheimerontario. org/english/home/defaul t.asp?s=1 Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse Handout WEB CT Centre for Academic and Faculty Enrichment, Durham College PP, lecture, discussion Utube video: Social Care: Living with Alzheimer’s 2 1,2,3,4,5,6, 7,8,9,10 PP, lecture, discussion Formal Assessment Flip chart activity: Identify Special Needs Research Paper Barriers to care in the due 10% following areas: socioeconomic, Physical, Personal, Other SEQUENCE OF INSTRUCTION The Sequence of Instruction is a planning guide only; actual delivery of content may vary with circumstances. Students will be notified in writing of changes that involve the addition or deletion of content, learning outcomes, or evaluation prior to changes being implemented. 10 Unit 8 CHILD ABUSE 1. Define Child Abuse 2. Identify physical and behavioural indicators of different types of abuse 3. Describe the dental team’s role in the prevention, identification and treatment child abuse/neglect 4. Identify community resources available to children and families to support families in crisis 5. Discuss ways to respond promptly and effectively to suspected cases of child abuse by providing appropriate documentation and following established reporting procedures 6. Establish a protocol form for reporting child abuse using community link information from your community MDA ch. 57 Pg. 934 Handout WEB CT Article: Dentistry’s Responsibility to Child Abuse By Roman Holowaty, CD, DDS and Frank M. Stechey, BA, DDS Website: http://www.oacas. org/childwelfare/report.h tm CFSA handout Centre for Academic and Faculty Enrichment, Durham College 2 1, 3, 4 Guest Speaker Presentation Formal Assessment Test #2 Multiple Choice Unit 4-6 To be written outside of class time in the test center (date TBA) 25% SEQUENCE OF INSTRUCTION The Sequence of Instruction is a planning guide only; actual delivery of content may vary with circumstances. Students will be notified in writing of changes that involve the addition or deletion of content, learning outcomes, or evaluation prior to changes being implemented. 11 UNIT 8: THE SPECIAL NEEDS CLIENT 1. Distinguish between the term handicapped and disabled. 2.Recognize a barrier-free environment 3. Describe proper wheelchair transfer techniques. 4. Select various client positions and stabilization techniques. 5. Determine appropriate clinical procedures and client education for all special needs individuals. Handout WEB CT Video introduction: question and answer period MDA Ch. 57 pg. 9231025 PP and guided discussion Video: /watch?v=zUW_f0dQNt Y&feature=related Down Syndrome Association of Ontario: Ontario Association on Developmental Disabilities s/regional.htm CNIB Centre for Academic and Faculty Enrichment, Durham College 2 1,2,3,4,5,6, 7,8,9,10 Feedback: What is an Intellectual Disability? h/aboutus/definitions.htm l SEQUENCE OF INSTRUCTION The Sequence of Instruction is a planning guide only; actual delivery of content may vary with circumstances. Students will be notified in writing of changes that involve the addition or deletion of content, learning outcomes, or evaluation prior to changes being implemented. 12 UNIT 8: THE SPECIAL NEEDS CLIENT CONT”D Handout Formal Assessment Community Assignment 5% 6. Describe the dental implications of various impairments, disabilities, or handicaps. 13 Topics will include: a. Developmental Disabilities b. Sensory Disabilities c. Orthopaedic, C.N.S., and Muscular Disorders d. Parkinson’s Disease Unit 8-Objective 6 continued: .Describe the dental implications of various impairments, disabilities, or handicaps (continued) Handout WEB CT Topics will include: e. Respiratory Disease f. Arthritis g. Cancer – Oral and Leukemia h. Bleeding Disorders i. Mental illness Centre for Academic and Faculty Enrichment, Durham College 2 1,2,3,4,5,6, 7,8,9,10 PP, lecture, Feedback: Homework: make up 10 multiple choice review questions SEQUENCE OF INSTRUCTION The Sequence of Instruction is a planning guide only; actual delivery of content may vary with circumstances. Students will be notified in writing of changes that involve the addition or deletion of content, learning outcomes, or evaluation prior to changes being implemented. 14 Final Test Centre for Academic and Faculty Enrichment, Durham College Formal Assessment: Test # 3 Units 7& 8 To be written in the test center (date TBA) 25% SEQUENCE OF INSTRUCTION The Sequence of Instruction is a planning guide only; actual delivery of content may vary with circumstances. Students will be notified in writing of changes that involve the addition or deletion of content, learning outcomes, or evaluation prior to changes being implemented. Course Specific Policies and Expectations: 1. It is strongly recommended that students attend all lectures. If absence is unavoidable, notify the appropriate professor before 8:00 a.m. in order to be eligible to write missed tests, obtain handouts, or to get extra support for missed classes. In case of illness, a medical certificate may be required. 2. A 50% grade will provide a passing mark in this course. Assignments must be completed on or before the due date. Late assignments will be penalized 10% per day late. No assignments will be accepted 2 days past the due date. An automatic (0) will be assigned to late assignments if the student has not contacted the professor before 8:00 A.M on the day the assignment is due. One half mark per spelling error will be deducted to a total of 10% of the overall grade. 3. Refer to the Dental Assisting Program Guide for policies regarding missed tests. Students are expected to write all quizzes and tests. All tests will be closed book. There will be three (3) tests held during the term. All test marks will stand. There will be no re-writes. For all tests, quizzes and assignments, a deduction of ½ mark per error will be made for incorrect spelling of terminology, to a maximum of 10%. 4. Students are expected to utilize WEB CT regularly for homework assignments, course announcements, and to review PP presentations. 5. An integral part of this course involves field trips into the community. In order to be successful in this course, participation in all field trips is mandatory. Centre for Academic and Faculty Enrichment, Durham College