TITLE OF THE PAPER (STYLE: PAPER TITLE CCSH15) Author’s name and surname1 (style: Authors) Academic title, Institution, Address, e-mail (style: Author data) Author’s name and surname Academic title, Institution, Address, e-mail Author’s name and surname Academic title, Institution, Address, e-mail ABSTRACT (STYLE: ABSTRACT HEADING) Text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text,... (style: Abstract text) (max. 300 words) Keywords: Keyword 1, Keyword 2, Keyword 3, etc. (max 5 words) (style: Keywords text) INTRODUCTION (STYLE: PARAGRAPH TITLE) The Cultema Laboratory Network and Graz University of Technology will hold a first international academic conference on Climate Change and Sustainable Heritage in Graz, Austria on 18- 20 of February, 2015. The aim of the conference is to bring together scholars, researchers, professionals and students from a variety of fields to reach a transdisciplinary dialogue for resilient and sustainable planning. The goal is to develop strategies and principles, which are related to the impact of climate change on disaster management, adaptation and mitigation.…(style: Paragraph text) TITLE OF THE PARAGRAPH (STYLE: PARAGRAPH TITLE) The economy in a globalized world is an arena for competing cities and regions. Today, cities are drivers of social and cultural development, and as such they have the power to stimulate themselves, regions and states to grow and develop. To achieve a better position in a system determined by a network of global cities, they must be capable to strongly attract the best organizations, professionals. Each of the mentioned components of the city as a product represents individual levels of the overall experience and perception of a city. The social space of the city is the frame... (style: Paragraph text) 1 Corresponding author 1 Title of the sub-paragraph (style: Sub-Paragraph Title) The aim of the conference is to bring together scholars, researchers, professionals and students from a variety of fields to reach a transdisciplinary dialogue for resilient and sustainable planning... (style: Paragraph text) Table 1: Table title (style: Caption, Table title) Title of the row Title of the row Title of the row Title of the column text/value text/value text/value Title of the column text/value text/value text/value Title of the sub-paragraph (style: Sub-Paragraph Title) The aim of the conference is to bring together scholars, researchers, professionals and students from a variety of fields to reach a transdisciplinary dialogue for resilient and sustainable planning... (style: Paragraph text) Figure 1: Figure title (style: Figure title) - Authors are requested to respect the copyrights of sources that have been taken from other authors or organizations. Figure size 300dpi CONCLUSIONS (STYLE: PARAGRAPH TITLE) As drivers of social and cultural development, cities stimulate themselves, regions and states to grow and develop. To achieve a better position within the system of the network of global cities, cities are orienting toward entrepreneurial activities with the goal to find ... (style: Paragraph text) REFERENCES (STYLE: PARAGRAPH TITLE) Barkham, P.G.D. and Soudack, A.C. (1969), An extension to the method of Krylov and Bogoliubov, International Journal of Control, 10, 377-392. (TNR, 9pt, 0.64cm) Barkham, P.G.D. and Soudack, A.C.(1970), Approximate solutions of nonlinear, non-autonomous second-order differential equations, International Journal of Control, 11, 763-767. Coppola, V.T. and Rand, R.H. (1990), Averaging using elliptic functions: Approximation of limit cycle, Acta Mechanica, 81, 125-142. Duffing, G. (1918), Erzwunge Schweingungen bei veranderlicher eigenfrequenz. Braunschweig: F. Viewig u. Sohn. 2 Fatou, P. (1928), Sur le mouvement d’un systeme soumis `a des forces a courte periode, Bull. Soc. Math. 56, 98–139 Garcia-Margallo J. and Bejarano, J.D. 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Please note that: - The list of references should be arranged alphabetically. - The paper should be named as follows: CCSH15_Surname of the first author. Full papers should be submitted by sending the MS word file to the official conference e-mail: ccsh15@tugraz.at - There is no formal limit for the length of a paper, but the editors may recommend condensation when appropriate. Authors are asked to respect and use the established styles in the paper template. 3