Call to Order 5:32pm Approval of November 18th, 2014, General

Call to Order 5:32pm
Approval of November 18th, 2014, General Meeting Minutes motioned and passed.
President’s Report
Mission Statement: The Parent Teacher Organization will support the student,
teacher, and parent community to enhance our children’s educational experience.
Guest Speaker from Bell Studios
There are multiple options for having a yearbook made through Bell Studios. Some
samples and program details were presented by Charlene Andrews from Bell
Studios. Prices range from $8 - $10 - $12 per book, depending on number of pages
as well as whether or not we design the collage pages or Bell Studios designs them.
Kalama Elementary is also considering having a spring school picture event which
would include a group class picture (as opposed to a composite).
Treasurer’s Report
We will be signing up with Fred Meyer’s new program to earn money for our school,
as well as an Amazon program. Informational flyers will be coming home.
We will be moving money from checking to savings to lower the balance of
checking to $10,000.
Committee Reports
Penny Drive, chaired by Sara Jackson – 4 families received gifts and Ms. Dolan’s
and Ms. Dehart’s classes won the contest for most money collected, earning a
popcorn and movie party.
Staff Appreciation December Event - chaired by Kalisha Storedahl, went very
Boxtops/Labels for Education – We just sent in 10,000 points to Labels for
New Business
Imagination Fair – Katie Froslie
Staff Appreciation January Event – Kalisha is planning a Yogurt Bar in the staff
lounge for January 20th.
‘Backpack’ Flyer Policy
All PTO flyers must have board approval and must be screened by Debbie
before being copied and put in staff mailboxes for distribution.
Selling the Freezer
The freezer has been placed on Craig’s List for sale.
Missoula Children’s Theater Flowers – Sara Jackson 7th of March
Open Board Positions – Vice President, Volunteer Coordinator, Fundraising Chair
Vice President – fills in when the President is unavailable, and is a voting
member of the PTO board.
Volunteer Coordinator – will make contact with teachers and determine if
each class has a room parent, a PTO parent, and a boxtops parent, and
develop a contact list for these volunteers. This position is a voting position
on the PTO board.
Fundraising Chair – will help plan fundraising events and organize chairs for
the events. This person does not have to chair every fundraising event!
This position is a voting member of the PTO board.
Once a month student store is being suggested by some of the school community.
Set Next Meeting
February 10th at 3:30pm
 Motion to Adjourn at 6:32pm