Risks of Surgery - Fabulous Flying Birds

There are risks associated with any surgery and if you are considering a surgical procedure,
you should be aware of these risks.
All medical and health conditions should be fully disclosed to the surgeon, prior to surgery.
These can be noted on the Health & Medical History Form and discussed in more detail at
your consultation with the surgeon.
You will be given a Consent form to sign by your surgeon at the consultation.
If you are in doubt or do not agree with any of the risks involved, please do not proceed with
the surgery.
The following conditions may promote risks for surgery patients.
Risk Conditions
 Smoking
 Patients over 50 years
 Dependency on alcohol
 Dependency on drugs
 BMI (body mass index) is under or over the normal range
 Taking medications that could interfere with recovery and healing
 General allergies
 Allergies to medication
 Blood pressure disorders
 Heart and vascular problems
 Poor circulation
 Lung conditions including asthma and tuberculosis
 Degenerative conditions to the brain, eye, bone and joints
 Muscle conditions
 Nerve conditions
 Fibrous scarring problems
 Joint conditions including arthritis
 Bone marrow conditions
 Eye conditions including glaucoma
 Liver conditions including cirrhosis and hepatitis
 Renal conditions
 Urinary conditions
 Diabetes and thyroid disease
 Gastrointestinal conditions including peptic ulcers
 Uterine conditions
 Systemic conditions including cancer
 HIV positive conditions
*SMOKING may delay recovery and healing and increase the risk of infection. It is strongly
recommended that you stop smoking for one (1) month before and one (1) month after
*ASPIRIN may cause the risk of excessive bleeding. Any type of aspirin or medicines
containing aspirin or anti-inflammatory medicines may not be taken 10 days before surgery.
Risks of All Surgery
 Bruising and swelling usually settles after 1-2 weeks but may take a little longer
 Possible surgical scarring but this will usually disappear
 There may be bleeding and infection that requires treatment with antibiotics
 Some wounds may take longer to heal
 A sore throat may develop from breathing with a breathing tube during anesthesia
 A chest infection may develop after anesthesia
 On a rare occasion, a blood clot may develop
Reducing Risks
Pre-surgery Consultation
The pre-surgery consultation is the time to ask all the questions about the surgery and what
to expect. If you have any doubts or feel unsure about any procedure, you should not go
ahead with the surgery.
Post Care
You will be required to visit the surgeon a few times in the week after surgery so he can
administer post care procedures and monitor the progress of your recovery. One of our Staff
will be in daily contact and accompany you for all checkups and procedures at the Clinic.
Nursing Care
Special nursing care is not usually required but this can be discussed with the surgeon prior
to surgery. All post care procedures will be performed in the Clinic.
It is important that you rest and relax after surgery so that you recover and heal quickly. Your
departure date should be flexible in case you require more time. Your surgeon will advise
you when it is safe for you to travel home.
Healthy Diet
A healthy diet will assist in a speedy recovery as well as drinking lots of water as your body
may be dehydrated. Vitamin C is recommended for recovery but taking Vitamin E is not
Sun Care
Yours wounds must be kept out of the sun completely and you must wear a hat and use sun
block with a factor 50. It is not recommended to swim in a public swimming pool for at least
10-14 days after surgery.
In a tropical climate it is not unusual to require extra antibiotics to assist with the healing
process. Please ask the surgeon for his advice if your wounds are taking longer than usual to
After you return home, you should continue to rest and relax. Work or social commitments
should only begin at least 1-2 weeks after your return. In some cases, you will be asked not
to do heavy lifting or strenuous exercise for at least 6 weeks. For your safety and a risk free
recovery, please follow your surgeon’s advice.
Please inform us if you have any complications from surgery after you return home, such as
acute pain, acute swelling or infection. In case of any complications you should:
Seek immediate medical assistance from a licensed medical practitioner
Obtain medical reports and statements and photos regarding the diagnosis, treatment
provided and costs incurred and send a copy to Fabulous Flying Birds
The surgeon who performed your surgery will review the evidence and make a
determination which will be sent to you for review