THE CONSTITUTION OF INDONESIAN VARSITIES ENGLISH DEBATING COUNCIL Resulted in IVED Council Meeting The 14th Indonesian Varsities English Debate (IVED) Championship 2011 Sunday, January 23rd, 2011 Universitas Hasanuddin Makassar THE CONSTITUTION OF INDONESIAN VARSITIES ENGLISH DEBATING COUNCIL Resulted on the 10th IVED PREAMBLE We, representing the interests of debating societies in the country of Indonesia form a body that will promote and proliferate the activity of corn competitive debating and the values inherent in it, represent Indonesia in any international debating council and help run a national debating championship tournament, hereby establish the Constitution. CHAPTER ONE: THE ESTABLISHMENT Article 1: The Name That the body shall be named the Indonesian Varsities English Debate Council. Article 2 : The Establishment That the Indonesian Varsities English Debating council is hereby established. (Hereinafter referred to in this constitution as the Council) CHAPTER TWO: THE COUNCILS COMPETITION Article 3: The Name of the Competition That there shall be a competition, which for the purposes of this Constitution, shall be named the Indonesian Varsities English Debate, hereafter referred to as the “IVED”. Article 4: The Procedure of the Competition That IVED shall be conducted in a procedure as follows: 4.1. It shall be held on the first semester in each calendar year. 4.2. The language of the competition shall be English. Article 5: The Participants of the Competition That participant of IVED comes from universities and/or tertiary level institutions in Indonesia. A university shall be defined as a single tertiary educational body. CHAPTER THREE: THE OBJECTIVES AND PURPOSES Article 6: The Purposes of the Competition That the purposes of the competition are as follows: 6.1 The free exchange of ideas in a forum comprising participants from Indonesian universities. 6.2 The encouragement and support of the values of debating, freedom of speech and critical thinking among Indonesian universities. 6.3 The encouragement and support of inter-varsity contact and cooperation in Indonesia. Article 7: The Objectives of the Competition That the objectives of the competition are as follows: 7.1 The promotion expansion and support of debating in English in Indonesia. 7.2 The projection of Indonesian debaters into all levels of international debating. CHAPTER FOUR: THE MECHANICS OF THE COUNCIL Article 8: Arrangements of Council The council is required to meet at least once, during the period of each IVED competition. The convener of IVED in progress is required to provide the proper time and venue for the council meeting. Article 9: Functions of Council The functions of the Council shall be as follows: 9.1 To appoint a host of each annual championship competition. 9.2 To determine the sanctions, suspensions or other conditions, as deemed appropriate. 9.3 To discuss matters concerning the proliferation and a promotion of parliamentarystyle debating in Indonesia. 9.4 To deal with all matters required by the delegates that have direct connection with the competition and the running of the debating council. 9.5 To perform the duties and responsibilities conferred upon it by the constitution. CHAPTER FIVE: THE SANCTIONS Article 10: Cause of Sanctions The sanctions shall be prescribed by the council subsequent to the following events: 10.1 That the Host University or organization fails significantly in complying with the terms of its bid as accepted by the council in the year preceding its hosting of the IVED. 10.2 That a debater, adjudicator or other representative of a university or institution, commits or behaves in a manner likely lo endanger the competition, the running of the competition, or the good name and property of the host university or institution. 10.3 That a participating university or institution, or individual(s) representing the university or institution, break rules regarding qualification, eligibility, decorum or preparation for a debate. Article 11: Form of Sanctions Sanctions may be range from verbal warnings, through letters of complaint from council and addressed to societies and/or institution represented by offenders, to disqualification (from rounds/competitions) or bans over number of years. These are the discretion of council. CHAPTER SIX: COMPOSITION OF THE COUNCIL Article 12: Council Members The council shall consist of the following members: The Chair, the Deputy chair, the Delegates and the Secretary. Article 13: The Chair 13.1 The Chair is the convener of the championships. 13.2 The convener is elected or appointed by the organization representing the Host University, or institution. 13.3 The convener must be a student and registered member of the debating institution of the host university, 13.4 The Chair takes office from the moment of the closing ceremony of the preceding competition until the time of handing over to the next host convener at the conclusion of the competition he/she convenes. Article 14: The Deputy Chair 14.1 The Deputy Chair shall take over the powers and tasks of the Chair whenever the council discusses matters directly concerning the responsibilities of the Chair as an individual and convener in-progress. 14.2 The Deputy Chair is appointed or elected by the delegates immediately after the council meeting begins its sessions. 14.3 The Deputy Chair must be a student and registered member of the debating institution of a participating university. 14.4 The Deputy Chair takes office from the moment he/she is elected until the end of the council meeting(s) during the competition in progress. Article 15: The Delegates 15.1 The Delegates consists at least one and the most three from each university represented at the competition during which the council meeting is convened. 15.2 A Delegate must be a student and/or registered member of the debating institution of the university represented who must be able to demonstrate their bonafides if called upon to do so by the council. 15.3 In absence of such a body in a university, a delegate can be a student representative recognized by the university’s student government and must be able to demonstrate their bone fides if called upon to do so by the council. Article 16: The Secretary 16.1 A secretary is appointed by the Chair or by the organizing committee that the chair represents. 16.2 A secretary must be a student of and registered member of the debating institution of a participating university. CHAPTER SEVEN: MEETINGS OF COUNCIL Article 17: Functions of Meetings Functions of a Council Meeting are as follows: 17.1 To convene, at least once during an IVED competition and gather representatives of every participating university at one table. 17.2 To read and discuss matters arising there from and pass minutes of council meeting(s) held during the previous round of the competition. 17.3 To appoint a host institution for the next round of the competition. 17.4 To decide on matters pertaining fling to the competition in progress. 17.5 to pursue matters pertaining to the expansion, support and facilitation of debating in Indonesia. 17.6 to perform all other functions determined and conferred upon it by the terms of this constitution. Article 18: Decision of Council Every substantive motion placed before the Council shall be decided by simple majority vote among the members present at the meeting, unless this motion represents a challenge to or change in this constitution Article 19: Vote of Chair The Chair shall not vote on any substantive motion placed before the Council. If the decision can not be reached, the Chair can use his/her casting vote to carry or reject the motion. Article 20: Decision of Amendment Where there is placed before the Council a substantive motion which proposes an amendment to this Constitution, such a motion shall not be carried unless it gains the support of at least ½n + 1 of delegates/institutions represented during the current council meeting. Article 21: Quorum of Meeting 21.1 Quorum of meetings of council should constitute at least two-thirds of universities represented during the current round. 21.2 If the quorum is not met, the meeting is to be adjourned and rescheduled to another time within 24 hours of the scheduled start of the first meeting. If at this second meeting the quorum is still not met, the meeting shall proceed without a quorum. 21.3 in such a case described in 21.2, no amendments to the Constitution may be discussed. CHAPTER EIGHT: MATTERS OF CHAIR Article 22: The Roles of the Chair The Roles of Chair of the Council are as follows: 22.1 To ensure that the respective round of the IVED runs during his/her term of office. 22.2 To ensure a fair and equable dissemination of information to all interested parties, regarding the round of the competition which the chair’s institution is responsible for hosting. 22.3 To convene additional meetings of the council, as are deemed necessary by council, or as required under ‘extraordinary’ proceedings (see article 11) Article 23: The Chair Handover Within two months of the end of the championship, the Outgoing Chair shall forward to the Incoming Chair a report summarizing his/her experience in the administration tournament. These shall include: A complete mailing list used by the Chair during the course of the round. A complete list of the teams which participated in the Round, which list shall include the names of the competitors. Records of all rounds of the competition (Preliminaries to Grand Final) and records of any other formal competition (e.g. Individual Speaker, Adjudicator) run during that round CHAPTER NINE: MATTERS OF THE SECRETARY Article 24: Role of Secretary 24.1 The Secretary is required to take minutes properly during all meetings of council. 24.2 The Secretary is also in charge of collecting all important personal information of the council members (name, position, address, numbers, etc) Article 25: Distribution of Minutes and Members Information After minutes and member information are properly taken, the secretary in cooperation with the host must ensure that written copies of these are passed to: The Chair under which said Secretary has served. The incoming Chair and Secretary, within one calendar month of the finals of the competition in-progress. Any delegates requesting a copy of the minutes after one calendar month has passed, following the finals of the competition. CHAPTER TEN: MATTERS OF DELEGATES Article 26: Appointment of De1egates 26.1 Every university represented at the current Round of the Championships shall be entitled to send a delegate to the meeting of the Council (ICM) convened during that Championship. 26.2 For those university/institution who do not send their representative on IVED Council Meeting, they will be punished with the mechanism below: Apologize to all participants at Debaters Hall due to their absent at the ICM, surely with the reasonable reason Article 27: Voting Power of Delegates Every institution/university through its chief delegate to the council shall be entitled to cast one vote on every substantive motion placed before the Council. CHAPTER ELEVEN: THE ELIGIBILITY OF THE COMPETITORS Article 28: Status of Competitor 28.1 Competitors are students enrolled on a bona fide program and attend classes or pursue research in the University which they represent, on the last day of the competition in which they want to participate. 28.2 Competitors who have graduated less than 6 months before the day of tournament can be also eligible to participate, counted since graduation date written on certificate 28.3 Competitors may compete in a team for a maximum or three IVEDs. Article 29: Recognition of Competitor Competitors shall be recognized by the University Debating Society or equivalent, or in the absence of such a body, by the University administration and must be able to demonstrate their bona fides if called upon to so by a member of the host organization. Article 30: Composite Teams 30.1 A ‘composite team’ shall be defined for the purpose of this Constitution as meaning, any team consisting of individuals not all attending the same university 30.2 A Composite teams may be created by the hosts out of individual participants as deemed necessary and appropriate. 30.3 A composite team shall be considered as a swing team which does not have the privilege to break into the elimination round of a competition. Changed in IVED UNHAS 2011 30.4 Members of composite team should remain constant troughout the competition. 30.5 Any change of members of composite team must be approved by the adjudication core. Article 31: Competitors from the Host University 31.1 Teams or individuals from the host university will be permitted to debate only if the host has proven its impartiality to these teams or individuals. 31.2 To demonstrate impartiality a the host must perform acts as follow: The host university must fairly distribute the list of prospective motions to all participants, which has to be received by all participants one month prior to the first day of competition. The host must not employ or involve any participant or prospective participant coming from the host university in the running of the committee from comment to dismissal. 31.3 Failure to comply to the rules stated in article 31.2 shall lead to the disqualification of teams or individuals representing the host university. Article 32: In eligible Teams Host institution may accept the registration and participation of teams from unqualified education bodies, but such teams will not be permitted to break into the elimination round or to be considered in any award decision. Article 32: Team Caps The number of teams representing a university or institution may or may not be ‘capped’/limited by the host institution. CHAPTER TWELVE: EXTRA-ORDINARY GENERAL MEETINGS Article 33: Request for Extra-Ordinary General Meetings Delegates to the Council can request Extra-ordinary General Meetings of the Council by giving a written request for such a meeting to the Secretary. Article 34: Requirements of Request The request stated in the previous article must hold: The signatures of the representatives from five Universities. The person(s) for the meeting being called. The proposed agenda of the requested meeting. CHAPTER THIRTEEN: NON-COMPETITION DURATION COUNCIL Article 35: Members in between Competitions Between successive Rounds of IVED, the Council shall comprise representation of all those universities which were present at the previously completed Round. Article 36: Chair in between Competition The Chair of the next Round of the Championship shall be the Chair of the Council in the interim period, and shall take charge from the Outgoing Chair immediately the current championship is declared formally closed. CHAPTER FOURTEEN: BIDS FOR THE NEXT ROUND Article 37: Eligibility to bid Only universities which have joined IVED at least once, have the right to bid to be the next host of IVED Article 38 Time of Bid At the Council meeting held during a round of the Championships, the Council shall consider bids to host the next Round of the Championship. Article 39: Content of Bid: 40.1 One notice of intents to bid should be submitted in writing 40.2 a bid shall state the University which intends to host the round, the dates of the round, the estimated cost of registration and any other information deemed appropriate. Article 40 Alternative in case of no bidders In the case where there is no university in the Council meeting willing to bid for the next IVED, the Council shall use the following mechanism to choose the next host of the next IVED: 1. List the cities of the IVED participants represented during the Council Meeting 2. (The delegates attending the Council meeting shall) Vote which city to host the next IVED 3. The chosen city is then obliged to host the next IVED; the debating unions of the universities in the chosen city shall determine how they would conduct the event CHAPTER FIFTEEN: RULES OF COMPETITION Article 41: Rules of Competition 41.1 Rules of the competition are based on the General Rules of the Australian Parliamentary Debating Style. 41.2 Modifications to the rules of the Australian Parliamentary Debating Style are added by the Council to suit the existing customs in Indonesia without altering the basics of the style. 41.3 The tabulation for the preliminary rounds will apply the break-and-slide power pairing, of which the details are attached to this Constitution. Changed in IVED UNHAS 2011 41.4 Breaking teams consist of Main Breaking teams and Novice Breaking teams. The requirements for Novice Teams is attached in the regulations. 41.5Further detailed Rules of the Competition will be prescribed to the rules attached to this Constitution. Article 42: Amendments to Rules of the Competition Procedures for amendments to the Rules are identical to the procedure for amendments to this Constitution. CHAPTER SIXTEEN: CHIEF ADJUDICATORS AND DEPUTY CHIEFS Article 43: Appointment of Chief Adjudicator 43.1 The Chief Adjudicator of a competition is appointed by the host university. 43.2 The Chief Adjudicator may/or may not come from the host university. 43.3 The Chief Adjudicator must have debated or adjudicated in a previous IVED. Changed in IVED UI 2015 43.4 The Chief Adjudicator/s must have broken both as debater and adjudicator in national event limited to IVED/JOVED/ALSA UI E-Comp for maximum 2 (two) years prior to the tournament with a minimum accreditation result of B. 43.5 The Chief Adjudicator must be well-versed in the rules of the competition. Article 44: Responsibilities of Chief Adjudicator The responsibilities of the Chief Adjudicator of a competition are as follows: 44.1 To provide enough number of adjudicators for a competition as significantly sizeable as IVED. Single adjudicator for a debate are not recommended but is still an option. Dealing with such a matter the Chief Adjudicator must only assign notably experienced adjudicators to become single adjudicator. 44.2 To train novice adjudicators from Host University prior to the commencement of the competition. 44.3 To handle any complaint coming from the participants on matters of adjudication, using the rules of competition as the manual. 44.4 To supervise the practice run of the tabulation system and ensure that the data entry of each element of adjudication is conducted correctly and properly. 44.5 To allocate adjudicators for debaters as fair as possible during the competition. 44.6 To maintain the quality, decorum, and reputation of the adjudicators chamber throughout the competition. Article 45: Appointment of Deputy Chief Adjudicator 45.1 There shall be three Deputy Chief Adjudicators from universities other than that of the hosting university appointed to assist the Chief Adjudicator. 45.2 The Deputy Chief Adjudicator/s shall be appointed by the host university at least six months prior to that competition. Changed in IVED UNHAS 2011 45.3 The Deputy Chief Adjudicator/s must have adjudicated in the elimination rounds of lVED/JOVED/ISDC minimum two years prior to the tournament with a minimum accreditation result of B. 45.4 The Deputy Chief Adjudicator/s must be well-known as an adjudicator of superior knowledge in the rules of the competition and the tabulation system. 45.5 The bidding university should attach list of prospective Deputy Chief Adjudicators in its bid. The Council may suggest a name/s if the host is incapable of doing so. 45.6 All reasonable transportation, accommodation and food expenses of the Deputy Chief Adjudicator should be covered by the competition budget. 45.7 One institute may not be represented by more than one Deputy Chief Adjudicator. CHAPTER SEVENTEEN: DISCLAIMER Article 46: Disclaimer Anything said by any debater in the course of a debate does not necessarily represent the debater’s personal beliefs, those of his/her university/institution, and those of his/her nation. Declared on IVED COUNCIL MEETING Sunday, January 23rd, 2011 Hasanuddin University, Makassar Signed by: Muh. Mahazir Thamrin (Convener of the 14th IVED Championship 2011) Amalia F. Darwis (Tournament Director of the 14th IVED Championship 2011)