Eight Keys

ITB Eight Keys
ITB Eight Keys, Who wrote the story Eight Keys?: Suzanne LaFleur
ITB Eight Keys, What do Elise and Franklin play in the woods?: Knights (3)
ITB Eight Keys, What do Elise and Franklin battle when they play knights?: Ghosts (4)
ITB Eight Keys, With whom does Elise live?: Uncle Hughes and Aunt Bessie
ITB Eight Keys, What does Diana always wear?: Cat shirts (7)
ITB Eight Keys, Who is Elise’s locker mate?: Amanda Betterman (9)
ITB Eight Keys, Why does Amanda make fun of Elise on the first day of school?:
She has scabs on her knee; she plays knights with Franklin. (9)
8. ITB Eight Keys, What do Elise and Franklin put on their list to do on the Saturday after the first
day of school?: Catch frogs, help Uncle Hugh in the workshop, make ice cream, and look at slides
under the microscope (12)
9. ITB Eight Keys, To what is Franklin allergic?: Milk (12)
10. ITB Eight Keys, What is Aunt Bessie’s job?: Catering business (12)
11. ITB Eight Keys, What is Uncle Hugh’s job?: Craftsman (12)
12. ITB Eight Keys, How many doors are upstairs in the barn?: Eight (14)
13. ITB Eight Keys, What is Elise’s nickname?: Cricket (15)
14. ITB Eight Keys, Where are Elise’s parents?: They died when she was little. (18)
15. ITB Eight Keys, How did Elise’s father die?: Cancer (18)
16. ITB Eight Keys, When Elise’s father knew he was going to die, what did he decide to do for
Elise’s birthdays?: He wrote her letters (18)
17. ITB Eight Keys, What does Amanda call Elise?: Scabular (25)
18. ITB Eight Keys, How did Elise make a bad impression on the second day of school?: She did not
have her homework. (26)
19. ITB Eight Keys, Who was Elise’s dad’s best friend?: Leonard (26)
20. ITB Eight Keys, What did Elise find hanging in the barn?: A key with her name on it
21. ITB Eight Keys, How did Elise break her finger?: Franklin hit her with a hammer. (31)
22. ITB Eight Keys, Who comes to live with Elise and her family?: Annie and baby Ava (34)
23. ITB Eight Keys, How does Elise avoid going to school?: She misses the bus. (41)
24. ITB Eight Keys, Why does Franklin miss the bust?: He’s waiting on Elise (42)
25. ITB Eight Keys, How long is Elise’s hair?: Three feet (49)
26. ITB Eight Keys, What is Elise’s locker combination?: 15, 17, 7 (53)
27. ITB Eight Keys, What does Amanda do to Elise everyday?: She crushes her lunch. (56)
28. ITB Eight Keys, What gift does Uncle Hugh give Annie?: The blue rocker (63)
29. ITB Eight Keys, What does Franklin make Elise for her birthday?: A chocolate cupcake (at
school) (64) and a book of knot tying techniques at her party (67)
30. ITB Eight Keys, Why does Franklin wear a helmet to Elise’s birthday party?: Protection from her
cousins (64)
31. ITB Eight Keys, What does Elise always have for her birthday dinner?: Sloppy Joes (65)
32. ITB Eight Keys, What is Elise’s present from Leonard?: A day pass to anywhere (67)
33. ITB Eight Keys, Why doesn’t Elise like Franklin’s book about knot tying?: She thinks Amanda
will make fun of her more if she tries to tie up her lunch. (68)
34. ITB Eight Keys, What is special about Elise’s letter from her dad on her 12th birthday?: It’s the
last letter. (68)
35. ITB Eight Keys, What does Elise eat for breakfast the day after her birthday?: Cake and milk
36. ITB Eight Keys, Why doesn’t Elise want to play knights?: She’s afraid of getting more scabs. (74)
37. ITB Eight Keys, What is on the puzzle Franklin brings to Elise’s house?: A space shuttle orbiting
Earth. (74)
38. ITB Eight Keys, What does Franklin have in his locker?: Star Wars toys (76)
39. ITB Eight Keys, Caroline has a personality trait that annoys her friends. What is it?: She’s smart.
40. ITB Eight Keys, Where does Elise see the words “…discover and unlock when you are ready”?:
in her dad’s letter
41. ITB Eight Keys, What does Elise discover in the first room?: Pictures of her mom (88)
42. ITB Eight Keys, Besides her mom, who else does Elise meet in the first room?: Miles (89)
43. ITB Eight Keys, Who is Miles? He was her mom’s teddy bear (89)
44. ITB Eight Keys, When she was little, what stuffed animal did Elise love?: Bunny-Rabbit (89)
45. ITB Eight Keys, How long has Uncle Hugh had the key hanging in the barn with Elise’s name on
it?: Nine years (92)
46. ITB Eight Keys, Why is the chair in the room with Elise’s mom’s pictures?: It was her mom’s
favorite chair. (93)
47. ITB Eight Keys, Why doesn’t Caroline choose Amanda to be her lab partner?: She wants
Caroline to do all of the work. (95)
48. ITB Eight Keys, When Elise returns from the cemetery, Aunt Bess gives her what?: A necklace
with the first key on it. (100)
49. ITB Eight Keys, Besides smashing her lunch, what else does Amanda do to Elise at their locker?:
Amanda closes Elise’s fingers in the locker (105)
50. ITB Eight Keys, What does Elise find in the second room?: A library (109)
51. ITB Eight Keys, What did Elise’s father carry with him everywhere?: A book (113)
52. ITB Eight Keys, How many books does Franklin think Elise has in her dad’s library?: 3,000
53. ITB Eight Keys, Where does Elise find the third key?: In the library (115)
54. ITB Eight Keys, What is in the third room?: Nothing (115)
55. ITB Eight Keys, Elise and Caroline play in the yard like little kids by jumping in what?: They
jump in leaves (116)
56. ITB Eight Keys, What happens if Franklin drinks milk?: He gets a rash and diarrhea. (123)
57. ITB Eight Keys, Why doesn’t Franklin like Caroline?: She’s friends with Amanda. (126)
58. ITB Eight Keys, What does Elise find in the fourth room?: Pictures of herself with her Dad. (129)
59. ITB Eight Keys, What kind of book does Elise find in the fourth room?: A sketchbook with a
journal about her days with her dad. (130)
60. ITB Eight Keys, What does Uncle Hugh say “choose to live, choose to love” means?: Elise’s dad
could have been sad when her mom died and he got sick, but instead, he chose to be a father.
61. ITB Eight Keys, Where is Ava’s father?: He did not want children, and left Annie. (135)
62. ITB Eight Keys, Who picks Amanda up after school some days?: Her brother (138)
63. ITB Eight Keys, Where does Amanda’s brother pick her up?: Behind the soccer field (138)
64. ITB Eight Keys, How does Amanda’s brother treat her?: He calls her names and she’s afraid of
him. (140)
65. ITB Eight Keys, What does Amanda see as she drives away in her brother’s car?: Elise (141)
66. ITB Eight Keys, How does Amanda punish Elise for spying on her?: She rubs the sandwich on
the ground, writes scab sandwich, and puts the food on Elise’s shoes. (143)
67. ITB Eight Keys, How much older is Uncle Hugh than Elise’s dad?: 12 years (148)
68. ITB Eight Keys, How did Uncle Hugh teach Elise’s dad to swim?: He tossed him into the water.
69. ITB Eight Keys, When Elise’s dad said “Understand those you love”, who was he talking about?:
Uncle Hugh (149)
70. ITB Eight Keys, How do Elise and Franklin plan to punish Amanda for ruining Elise’s lunches?:
They are going to ruin hers. (152)
71. ITB Eight Keys, What are Elise and Franklin going to put in Amanda’s lunch?: Shaving cream
72. ITB Eight Keys, Who puts the shaving cream in Amanda’s lunch?: Franklin (153)
73. ITB Eight Keys, When Amanda’s shaving cream lunch explodes, how does Amanda react?: She
attacks Elise. (155)
74. ITB Eight Keys, What is Franklin’s punishment for putting the shaving cream in Amanda’s
lunch?: He gets suspended. (160)
75. ITB Eight Keys, How does the principal help Elise with her locker?: She reassigns her locker.
76. ITB Eight Keys, Why is Franklin upset with Elise after the shaving cream incident?: She doesn’t
accept any responsibility, and he gets suspended alone.
77. ITB Eight Keys, How did Caroline react when she discovered how mean Amanda had been being
to Elise?: She no longer hangs out with Amanda. (167)
78. ITB Eight Keys, Where does Elise find the fifth key?: Under her pillow (172)
79. ITB Eight Keys, What is in the fifth room?: Things her dad wanted Elise to know about him.
80. ITB Eight Keys, What did Elise’s dad want to do when he grew up?: An explorer (172)
81. ITB Eight Keys, Who is the fourth boy in Elise’s dad’s photos?: Uncle Leonard (173)
82. ITB Eight Keys, Does the lake change people?: Leonard says people change at the lake.
83. ITB Eight Keys, Where does Elise want Leonard to take her on their day trip?: The old lake
84. ITB Eight Keys, What does Elise find in the seventh room?: A mirror and books; things to
believe in (182)
85. ITB Eight Keys, How does Elise realize she was treating Franklin?: She has not been a good
friend; she calls Franklin names and is mean to him. (183)
86. ITB Eight Keys, What is Elise’s poem about that she reads in front of the class?: Hiding the real
you (185)
87. ITB Eight Keys, What is in the eighth room? Questions (186)
88. ITB Eight Keys, Who does Caroline’s mother ask to bring Caroline’s work when she’s absent?:
Elise (189)
89. ITB Eight Keys, Over what does Caroline live?: A deli (190)
90. ITB Eight Keys, Why does Caroline stay home from school?: She’s hiding a kitten in her
bedroom. (191)
91. ITB Eight Keys, To whom does Caroline give the kitten?: Diana (193)
92. ITB Eight Keys, What does Caroline name the kitten?: Tommy (193)
93. ITB Eight Keys, What does Franklin’s note from Elise say?: Ten Reasons Franklin is a Good
Friend (202)
94. ITB Eight Keys, What did Elise pick out for Ava at the Christmas tree farm?: An ornament (209)
95. ITB Eight Keys, Who helped Elise’s dad build the locked rooms?: Uncle Hugh and Leonard (211)
96. ITB Eight Keys, Who gave Elise the keys?: Uncle Hugh, Aunt Bessie, Leonard, and her dad (212)
97. ITB Eight Keys, What does Elise decide to do with the empty room?: She thinks her dad left it
empty so she can make it anything she decides. (214)
98. ITB Eight Keys, Name three things Elise puts into the empty room.: The keys, her knight’s
sword, a cookbook. Artwork, graded papers she is proud of (a science test and her peom), and
10 Reason I am Glad to be Elise Bertrand (214)