Extended Essay (IB) Course Outline - St. Albert Public Schools

Curriculum Coordinator Meetings
Aligning Locally Developed Courses with
Inspiring Education: A Dialogue with Albertans and
Framework for Student Learning: Competencies for Engaged Thinkers and
Ethical Citizens with an Entrepreneurial Spirit
Exemplar: Revised Course Outline
Extended Essay (I.B.) 35-3
St. Albert Public School District No. 5565
Changes created with permission: © St. Albert Public School District No. 5565 All Rights Reserved
Course Description
The Extended Essay is a major process and project that involves a 4000-word, in-depth study in
a specific International Baccalaureate (IB) subject, but is not restricted to one of the students’
examination subjects
The Extended Essay is a major process and project which involves an in-depth study in a specific
International Baccalaureate (IB) subject, but is not restricted to one of the students’ examination
subjects. Students will benefit from involvement in the process and culminating paper in the
following ways:
by thinking critically and making discoveries on a topic of their choice
by developing skills in research
by investigating, organizing and communicating their work
by achieving their goals through hard work, perseverance and discipline
by preparing for university expectations and requirements
The Extended Essay is a required component for awarding the International Baccalaureate (IB)
Diploma, along with the Theory of Knowledge (TOK) and Creativity, Action and Service (CAS)
component. International Baccalaureate Diploma students are those students who make a
commitment to complete the three requirements noted above in addition to one subject in each of
the six subject groups. At least three of the courses must be taken at the higher level (HL) while
the remaining courses are taken at the standard level (SL). This approach aims to provide
students with an opportunity to explore some subjects in greater depth and study others more
broadly, but is a deliberate compromise between the early specialization preferred in some
national systems and the breadth found in others.
The Extended Essay is a 4000 word, in-depth study in a specific International Baccalaureate
subject, but not restricted to one of the students' examination subjects.
Extended Essay Recommended Course Outline 1
Learner Outcomes
General Outcomes
1. The aims of the Extended Essay are to provide students with the opportunity to:
 pursue independent research on a focused topic
 develop research and communication skills
 develop the skills of creative and critical thinking
 engage in a systematic process of research appropriate to the subject
 experience the excitement of intellectual discovery
Specific Learner Outcomes
In working on the Extended Essay, students are expected to:
1.1 Plan and pursue a research project with intellectual initiative and insight
1.2 Formulate a precise research question
1.3 Gather and interpret material from
sources appropriate to the research question
1.4 Structure a reasoned argument in response to the research question on the basis of the
material gathered
1.5 Present their Extended Essay in a format appropriate to the subject
1.6 Acknowledge sources in one of the established academic ways
1.7 Use the terminology and language appropriate to the subject with skill and understanding
1.8 Apply analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the subject, with an
understanding of the implications and context of their research
Note: 'material' has different meanings in different subjects. It may be data or information; it may
be arguments or evidence
Extended Essay Recommended Course Outline 2