CPE / T. Miller Macbeth Introduction Introduction The Tragedy of Macbeth is one of William Shakespeare's most intriguing plays, filled with many intricate characters, each motivated by his or her own fears and desires. This Webquest is to introduce you to the main characters, so you will be familiar with each one as we begin to read the play. Task Your task is to conduct research on the main characters of Macbeth by reading brief descriptions from several sources and synthesizing them into a concise description in your own words. Begin by skimming through a few of the links, to get a general idea about all the characters. Once you have a general idea of the characters, pick three that you are going to search more in-depth and write descriptions for. When you have finished writing your descriptions, pick your favorite character and represent him or her visually. You may draw a picture of the character; create a collage of various (6+) images of the character; create a collage of words, phrases, and pictures that represent the character; or use some other medium that will give viewers an idea of the characteristics of that character. Process Skim descriptions of each of the following characters: Duncan Macduff Macbeth Lady Macduff Lady Macbeth Malcom Banquo Donalbain The Three Witches Begin with the web sites provided to help you learn about the characters in the play. Once you have read about the characters in at least three different sources, decide which three you will write complete more research about and write a summary of each character, being sure to use in-text citation and include a Works Cited page at the end. Finally, pick your favorite character and on a separate sheet of paper, visually represent him or her. Resources http://library.thinkquest.org Library > Books & Literature > Plays & Drama > An Indepth Analysis of MacBeth http://absoluteshakespeare.com HOME > Macbeth Study Guide > Macbeth Characters http://www.sparknotes.com Home > SparkNotes > Shakespeare Study Guides > Macbeth > Character List Evaluation Rubric 4 3 2 1 Description Accurately and thoughtfully described three characters, citing two sources per character, using at least three sources overall, in the writers' own words. Minimum 200 words each paragraph. Described three characters with few inaccuracies, citing two sources per character, using at least two sources overall, somewhat in the writers' own words. Described one or two characters, citing one source per character. Mostly copied from the source. Described one or no characters, did not cite sources, copied from source. Mechanics Works Cited page and in-text citations are properly formatted. Finished product is neat and orderly and contains few, if any, spelling and grammar mistakes. Minimum 3 sources. Works cited page and citations contain a few mistakes. Finished product is neat but spelling and grammar mistakes begin to interfere with reading. Works cited page and/or citations are missing. Finished product is hard to read, due to sloppiness, spelling, and grammar mistakes. Works cited page and/or citations are missing. Finished product is hard to read, due to sloppiness, spelling, and grammar mistakes. Visual representation of character is creative, thoughtful, and neat. Effort is evident. Visual representation of character creative, thoughtful, or neat. Visual representation of character is sloppy, simple, and effort is not evident. Visual representation is missing or unclear. Visual