1.-Information-Pack - Centre for Public Appointments

Veterinary Products Committee
Appointment of Five Members
Information pack for applicants
The closing date for the receipt of applications for these roles is:
Friday, 09 October 2015 at Noon
Ref: PAPPT 007/15
Information packs are available in other formats such as larger
font and Braille.
If you need a different format please contact us.
Email: publicappts@defra.gsi.gov.uk
To ensure our public bodies better represent the communities we serve, we positively
welcome applicants from all walks of life. All public appointments are made on merit
following a fair and open competition as regulated by the Office of the Commissioner for
Public Appointments.
Equal opportunities
UK government has a policy of equality of opportunity. We aim to promote equal
opportunity policies whereby no one suffers unfair discrimination either directly or
indirectly, or harassment, on grounds such as race, colour, ethnic or national origin, sex,
gender identity, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, religious beliefs or age.
Defra will be operating an interview access scheme for disabled people (as defined by
the Equalities Act 2010) who meet the minimum criteria for this appointment as
published in these notes. If you wish to apply for consideration under this scheme,
please notify the Department when you return your application. In addition, if you
require any special arrangements at interview stage, please give details in a covering
letter to enable us to make the appropriate arrangements if necessary. Furthermore,
adjustments will be made in the event of a successful application.
The Veterinary Products Committee (VPC)..................................................................... 4
What is the Veterinary Products Committee
Further information
The Role.......................................................................................................................... 4
Description of the roles available
Essential criteria
Essential criteria (1 to 3) for all roles
Role-specific essential criteria
Terms of appointment
Period of appointment
Remuneration and allowances
Annual Appraisal
Conflicts of Interest
Applying for a role ........................................................................................................... 7
The Commissioner for Public Appointments
How to respond
Selection Process
Short listing
Interviews & Selection Panel
How we will handle your application
Data protection
Annex A........................................................................................................................... 9
The Seven Principles of Public Life
Annex B......................................................................................................................... 10
VPC terms of reference
Annex C ........................................................................................................................ 10
Current Membership
Annex D ........................................................................................................................ 12
A code of practice for members of the Veterinary Products Committee
Different Types of Interest ............................................................................................. 12
Declaration of interests during the meeting and implications
VPC member's declaration of interests in the pharmaceutical industry
The Veterinary Products Committee (VPC)
The Veterinary Products Committee was originally established in 1970. The current
provision providing for its continued existence is regulation 28 of the Veterinary
Medicines Regulations 2013 (SI 2013/2033).
Members of the VPC are appointed by the Department for Environment Food and
Rural Affairs (Defra). We need to appoint five new members for terms of office ending
on 31 December 2019. Members are required to abide by the Nolan principles of
public service, (Annex A). The appointments are not for full-time employment.
What is the Veterinary Products Committee
The VPC is a scientific advisory committee consulted by the Veterinary Medicines
Directorate (VMD) when it requires advice on specific scientific issues relating to the
authorisation of veterinary medicines and it considers reports of suspected adverse
events relating to veterinary medicines. The VPC also considers appeals when the
VMD intends to suspend a Marketing Authorisation (MA) on the grounds of safety,
quality or efficacy, or to refuse to grant a MA or an Animal Test Certificate, grant one
that is different from that which was applied for, vary it other than on the application of
the holder, refuse to grant a variation applied for by the holder, or revoke it. The VPC’s
terms of reference are given at Annex B.
Members of the VPC are independent experts in their particular specialisms who
contribute by their individual expertise and judgement to the advice given by the VPC
to the VMD. A list of current members is given at Annex C.
The majority of documents for VPC meetings are distributed electronically two weeks
before a meeting with a second distribution one week before the meeting. Documents
are also made available on the VPC members’ website forum. It is expected that
Members will have access to the internet and will use their laptops at meeting to
access documents.
Further information
For further information on the work of the VPC either
contact Lea Stott, VPC Secretariat, Veterinary Medicines Directorate, Woodham
New Haw,
(email: l.stott@vmd.defra.gsi.gov.uk or tel: 01932 338490)
or go to GOV.UK.
The Role
Description of the roles available
Members of the VPC are independent experts in their particular specialisms. As a
member of the VPC you will contribute by your individual expertise and judgement to
the advice given by the VPC to the VMD.
Essential criteria
Essential criteria (1 to 3) for all roles
Essential 1: An ability to communicate effectively with a range of stakeholders.
Essential 2: A strong record of achievement in applying your specialist
knowledge to influence decision making.
Essential 3: Experience in successfully arriving at sound, balanced, and timely
decisions independently and with others (e.g. in committee).
Role-specific essential criteria
VPC Role 8: Clinical Toxicologist
Essential 4: You will be medically qualified and have current or recent
experience in clinical toxicology.
VPC Role 9: Toxicologist
Essential 4: You will be knowledgeable in the application of toxicology to the
development of new medicines and/or pesticides.
Essential 5: You will have current experience in the investigation of adverse
events and in the assessment of safety to animals and humans.
VPC Role 10: Working Farmer
Essential 4: You will have first-hand knowledge of the on-farm use of veterinary
medicines in a range of farm animals.
Essential 5: You will be familiar with UK agricultural practices.
VPC Role 11: Veterinary surgeon (large animal)
Essential 4: You will be a practising veterinary surgeon and have an interest or
specialism in large animal medicine.
VPC Role 12: Environmental Scientist
Essential 4: You will be an environmental scientist knowledgeable about the
fate and effects of pharmacological active substances in the
environment, and how to assess the overall risk to the environment
from exposure to chemicals and risk management options.
For further information on these roles please contact Lea Stott, VPC Secretariat,
Veterinary Medicines Directorate, Woodham Lane, New Haw, Addlestone Surrey
KT15 3LS (email: l.stott@vmd.defra.gsi.gov.uk or tel: 01932 338490).
Terms of appointment
Period of appointment
These appointments are for terms of office beginning on 1 January 2016 and are
normally for four years.
Members may resign at any time by notice in writing to the Minister. The Minister may
terminate the appointment under certain conditions, which will be notified to the
successful candidate on appointment.
Remuneration and allowances
The Committee holds regular meetings, usually in January, May and September, at
the offices of the VMD, Woodham Lane, New Haw, Addlestone, Surrey KT15 3LS and
it may, occasionally, be necessary to hold ad hoc meetings. Meetings begin at 09:45
and generally finish mid-afternoon. Members are expected to make every attempt to
attend meetings. Where appropriate, the VPC secretariat will arrange overnight
accommodation at a local hotel for those members who find it more convenient to
travel the day before a meeting and will arrange for taxis to meet members at local
railway stations or Heathrow/Gatwick.
In addition to attendance at meetings, members need to allow sufficient time to
prepare for the meeting by familiarising themselves with the agenda and supporting
documents, which, in most cases, should take no longer than a day and, quite often,
much less. However, if a member is asked to lead the discussion on, for example, an
application for a marketing authorisation, the amount of data to consider could be
quite substantial, although the specific issues to be addressed will be made clear in an
accompanying paper.
The VPC also holds an open meeting, usually in the autumn, which provides an
opportunity for interested parties to discuss with the Committee the advice it has given
to the VMD over the preceding year. Members may be asked to make presentations
on different aspects of the Committee’s work.
Members receive £148 for each meeting attended and an additional £76 for
preparation time spent reading the papers prior to the meeting. The role is not
Members will be reimbursed the full cost of travel as a consequence of attendance at
committee meetings but are asked to use the most economical method of transport
available. Claims must always be supported by original tickets or receipts (not
photocopies or travel agents’ invoices). Members will also be reimbursed for any
legitimate costs, not covered by other allowances, which are incurred as a
consequence of attending VPC meetings. These may include, amongst other things,
the cost of a locum, additional childcare etc. Original receipts/invoices that clearly
outline the nature of the cost incurred must support these claims. Gratuities to porters,
stewards, taxi drivers etc. cannot be reimbursed from public funds. Further advice on
claiming expenses will be provided by the committee's secretariat.
Annual Appraisal
The VPC Chair will carry out an annual evaluation of each VPC member.
The VMD's directors will carry out an annual evaluation of the VPC Chair.
Conflicts of Interest
Members of the VPC are required to follow a code of conduct on relations with the
pharmaceutical industry and, upon appointment, you will be required to complete the
declaration shown at Annex D. It is also a requirement for members to make a
declaration of their interests at each meeting and to withdraw from discussions on any
items where these may be deemed to influence their contribution. All the interests of
members are recorded in the VPC annual report, published on GOV.UK.
Members must not engage in specific political activities on matters directly affecting
the work of the VPC or its sub-committees.
Applying for a role
The Commissioner for Public Appointments
This appointment is regulated by the Commissioner for Public Appointments, to
ensure that it is made on merit after fair and open competition. More information about
the role of the Commissioner and their Code of Practice is available from
For full details of the complaints process for public appointments, please click on the
following link which will take you to the Commissioner for Public Appointments website
Alternatively please contact the Commissioner’s office on 0207 271 0831 for a printed
How to respond
All candidates are required to complete the following forms:
 Political Activity Questionnaire
 Diversity Monitoring Questionnaire
 Conflicts of interest Questionnaire
 Advertising Questionnaire
Candidates should submit their CV with education, professional qualifications and
employment history and the names and contact details for two referees, together with
their statement of suitability. The statement of suitability should give evidence of strength
and depth of your ability to meet essential criteria for this role. Please provide specific
examples to demonstrate how you meet each of the criteria (max two pages please).
Your CV and statement should be returned to the following address by the closing date:
Noon. Email to publicappts@defra.gsi.gov.uk quoting reference PAPPT 007/15.
Selection Process
Short listing
This appointment is being made in accordance with the guidance laid down by the
Office of the Commissioner for Public Appointments (OCPA). The candidates who
demonstrate that they meet all of the essential criteria will be invited to interview. It is
therefore essential for your statement to give full but concise information relevant to
the appointment. The short listing Panel will comprise Paul Green (VMD Director of
Operations) and will include the VPC Chair, Professor Bill Reilly, and Julia Drown
(Non-executive Director, VMD).
Interviews & Selection Panel
Interviews will take place between 16, 17 and 25 November at the VMD, Woodham
Lane, New Haw, Addlestone, Surrey, KT15 3LS. The selection panel for all roles will
be chaired by Paul Green (VMD Director of Operations) and will include the VPC
Chair, Professor Bill Reilly, and Julia Drown (Non-executive Director, VMD). If you are
invited for interview you will receive a local map with directions to the VMD from the
M25. If you are travelling by train to West Byfleet station and advise Lea Stott, VMD
(01932 338490 or email l.stott@vmd.defra.gsi.gov.uk) of your estimated time of arrival
she can arrange for a taxi to meet you. She can also make a similar arrangement if
you are coming via Heathrow or Gatwick airports.
The interview will last about 45 minutes and candidates will be asked questions to
assess whether they can demonstrate that they meet the essential criteria. All
interviewees will be advised in writing of the outcome of the interview.
Candidates will be able to claim reasonable expenses incurred travelling to and from
the interview (please note you may be asked to justify travelling costs if the
Department consider the claims unnecessarily excessive). Please let Lea Stott know
beforehand if you are likely to claim and costs if known.
For queries about your application or the recruitment process, please email the Public
Appointment Team publicappts@defra.gsi.gov.uk.
How we will handle your application
Defra will acknowledge receipt of CVs and your statement. Candidates will be
contacted again after the closing date and once the panel have considered all the
Data protection
Defra is committed to protect your privacy and to process your personal information in
a manner which meets the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998.
Annex A
The Seven Principles of Public Life
Holders of public office should act solely in terms of the public interest.
Holders of public office must avoid placing themselves under any obligation to people
or organisations that might try inappropriately to influence them in their work. They
should not act or take decisions in order to gain financial or other material benefits for
themselves, their family, or their friends. They must declare and resolve any interests
and relationships.
Holders of public office must act and take decisions impartially, fairly and on merit,
using the best evidence and without discrimination or bias.
Holders of public office are accountable to the public for their decisions and actions
and must submit themselves to the scrutiny necessary to ensure this.
Holders of public office should act and take decisions in an open and transparent
manner. Information should not be withheld from the public unless there are clear and
lawful reasons for so doing.
Holders of public office should be truthful.
Holders of public office should exhibit these principles in their own behaviour. They
should actively promote and robustly support the principles and be willing to challenge
poor behaviour wherever it occurs.
Annex B
VPC terms of reference
The VPC’s terms of reference are to:
provide the Secretary of State with scientific1 advice on any aspect of veterinary
medicinal products and specified feed additives;
hear representations on decisions relating to the granting, refusal, variation,
suspension or revocation of a marketing authorisation for a veterinary medicinal
product or an animal test certificate;
promote the collection of information relating to suspected adverse reactions for
the purpose of enabling the advice at i) above to be given.
Each year the Veterinary Products Committee will publish a report of its activities
and those of its sub-committees.
¹Scientific advice means all aspects, including risk/benefit analysis, of the safety, quality and efficacy of a veterinary
medicinal product apart from regulatory issues.
Annex C
Current Membership
Professor Bill Reilly
Mrs Margaret Chambers
Lay member
Mrs Nicola Ackerman
Veterinary nursing
Dr Chris Collins
Food safety/risk assessment
Mr Rory Bell
Veterinary surgeon (small animal)
Ms Sally Harmer
Suitably Qualified Person (large animal)
Professor Malcolm Bennett
Virology/infectious diseases
Dr Robert Jefferson
Clinical toxicology
Dr Tanya Bleiker
Dr Elizabeth Kubiak
Medical microbiology
Professor Clare Bryant
Mr Stephen Lister
Veterinary surgeon (poultry)
Professor Francis Burke
Hand surgery
Dr Tim Marrs OBE
Professor David Cavanagh
Molecular biology/genetics
Professor Jacqui Matthews
Mr Robert Morris
Mr Peter Scott
Veterinary surgeon (fish)
Mr Declan O’Rourke
Risk analysis
Mr John Sherington
Professor Andrew Peters
Veterinary immunology
Mr Keith Siddorn
Working farmer
Mr Andrew Praill
Veterinary surgeon (large animal)
Environmental science
Professor Colin Robertson
Physician (A & E)
Veterinary surgeon (public health)
Annex D
A code of practice for members of the Veterinary Products
Conflicts of interest
The Veterinary Products Committee's advice concerns matters which are connected
with the pharmaceuticals industry and it is therefore desirable that members should
have a good understanding of the work of the industry. It is also desirable that some
members should have practical experience of the scientific problems of product
development. The pharmaceuticals industry relies heavily on the advice of doctors,
veterinarians and pharmacists outside the industry in, for example, the universities.
To avoid any public concern that commercial interests might affect the Committee's
advice, ministers have decided that the arrangements which govern relationships
between members and the pharmaceuticals industry and information on significant
and relevant interests should be on public record.
You will therefore comply with the following Code of Practice which describes the
circumstances in which you should declare an interest in the pharmaceuticals
In this Code of Practice ‘pharmaceuticals industry’ means:
companies, partnerships or individuals who are involved with the manufacture,
sale or supply of veterinary medicinal products (including veterinary
homoeopathic products)
trade associations representing companies involved with such products
companies, partnerships or individuals who are directly concerned with
research, development or marketing of a veterinary medicinal product
(including a veterinary homoeopathic product) which is being considered by the
References to 'the pharmaceuticals industry' include cases involving a single
In this Code of Practice ‘the secretariat’ means the secretariat of the Veterinary
Products Committee.
Different Types of Interest
The following is intended as a guide to the kinds of interests which should be
declared. If you are uncertain whether an interest should be declared you should
consult the secretariat or, if it concerns a particular product which is to be considered
at a meeting, the Chairman at that meeting. If you have an interest not specified in
these notes but which you believe could be regarded as influencing your advice you
should declare it. However, you do not need to search out links between one
company and another, for example where a company with which you are connected
has an interest in a pharmaceutical company of which you are not aware and could
not reasonably be expected to be aware.
Personal Interests
A personal interest involves payment to you personally. The main examples
any consultancy, directorship, position in or work for the pharmaceutical
industry, which attracts regular or occasional payments in cash or kind
any work commissioned by the pharmaceutical industry for which you are
paid in cash or kind
any shareholding in or other beneficial interest in shares of the
pharmaceutical industry but excluding shareholdings through unit trusts or
similar arrangements where you have no influence on financial
Non-personal Interests
A non-personal interest involves payment which benefits a department for
which you are responsible, but you do not receive personally. The main
examples are:
the holding of a fellowship endowed by the pharmaceutical industry
any payment, other support or sponsorship by the pharmaceutical industry
which does not convey any pecuniary or material benefit to you personally
but which does benefit your position or department e.g.
a grant from a company for the running of a unit or department for which
you are responsible
a grant or fellowship or other payment to sponsor a post or a member of
staff in the unit for which you are responsible but excluding financial
assistance for students
the commissioning of research or other work by, or advice from, staff who
work in a unit for which you are responsible.
You are under no obligation to seek out knowledge of work done for, or on
behalf of, the pharmaceutical industry in departments for which you are
responsible if you would not normally expect to be informed.
Declaration of interests during the meeting and implications
You have at any time worked
on the product under
consideration and have
personally received payment
for that work from the
You should take no part in
the proceedings as they
relate to that product and
would normally be asked to
leave the room for the
duration of the discussion.
Lapsed Personal Specific
As above but the interest is
no longer current.
You can take part in
Personal non-specific
Current personal interest in
the pharmaceutical company
concerned which does not
relate specifically to the
product under discussion.
You should take no part in
the proceedings as they
relate to that product, except
at the Chairman's discretion
to answer questions from
other members.
Current Personal
Either in the pharmaceutical
company concerned which
does not relate specifically to
the product under discussion
in a company marketing a
rival product.
You should take no part in
the proceedings as they
relate to that product, except
at the Chairman's discretion
to answer questions from
other members.
Non-Personal Specific
You are aware that the
department for which you are
responsible has at any time
worked on the product under
You may take part in the
proceedings unless you have
personal knowledge of the
product through your own
work or the supervision of
others in which case, you
should take no part in the
proceedings as they relate to
that product, except at the
Chairman's discretion to
answer questions from other
Non-Personal, NonSpecific
You are aware that the
department for which you are
responsible is currently
receiving payment from the
company which does not
relate to the product under
You may take part in the
proceedings unless the
Chairman rules otherwise.
Personal Specific
VPC member's declaration of interests in the pharmaceutical
Name: ...................................................................................................................
Under the Guidance of the Code of Practice on Declarations of Interest, I wish to
declare to the Veterinary Medicines Directorate that
I have no interests in the pharmaceutical industry:
Please go to Section 3.
my interests1 in the pharmaceutical industry are declared below:
Please complete sections 1 – 3 as necessary and Section 4.
Section 1
Current personal interests
Name of company
Nature of interest (e.g. Shares, fees,
consultancy, salary, grants etc.)
Please state if your interest is limited to a particular product or group of products
Section 2
Non-personal interests
Name of company
Nature of interest
Yes or no
Section 3
Additional information:
Please include here any information which, whilst not strictly a personal or nonpersonal interest within the definitions of the Code, may nevertheless cause a
conflict of interest. (For example a partner or close member of your family has an
influential post in a pharmaceutical company.) If none, please state 'None'. Then go
to Section 4.
Section 4
I will advise the Veterinary Medicines Directorate of any changes to this information.
Date: .......................................
Signature: .........................................................................
Please return this document to the VPC Secretary at the Veterinary Medicines
Directorate, Woodham Lane, New Haw, Addlestone, Surrey, KT15 3LS.