UNIVERSIDAD CENTRAL DEL CARIBE APPLICATION FOR PROTOCOL APPROVAL INVOLVING LABORATORY ANIMAL USE Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee Instructions for Filling out this Form 1. This application should be completed and submitted to the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) in order to obtain authorization: for all use of vertebrate animals and/ or to obtain tissues and cells from vertebrate animals, procured and sacrificed solely and specifically for research and teaching purposes. 2. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) require that funded grant applications including the use of vertebrates animals must have an approved IACUC protocol before funds are released to the Principal Investigator (PI) and affiliated institution. 3. All animal use protocols will require an annual update and must be re-submitted for reevaluation every three years. 4. The electronic form of this application is available at (under construction) and has to be submitted via e-mail to at least one month before our scheduled meetings of IACUC. IACUC approval needs to be obtained prior to beginning the research project. Hardcopy applications will not be processed. 5. Applications submitted by postdoctoral fellows, graduate and undergraduate students should be accompanied by the name and contact information of his/her academic advisor on the certification section of this application. 6. All personnel included in the Application are required to have current animal handling procedure training. 7. Protocols involving an animal’s exposure to radioisotopes, biological and/or, chemical hazardous agents and tumor lines/body, and use of the rodent breeding must be accompanied with the appropriate attachments #1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. 1 Form: UCC/APAILAU-2014-06-02 UNIVERSIDAD CENTRAL DEL CARIBE APPLICATION FOR PROTOCOL APPROVAL INVOLVING LABORATORY ANIMAL USE INSTITUTIONAL ANIMAL CARE AND USE COMMITTEE FOR OFFICIAL USE Identification Number: A. INVESTIGATOR/PERSONNEL INFORMATION Principal Investigator 1 Principal Investigator/PI Name: (Last name, first name) 2 Department 3 E-mail 4 Emergency Phone extension Research Staff (List all individuals handling live/dead animals or animal tissue, including PI). NAME ROLE IN THE PROJECT ANIMAL TRAINING Date Month/year General Content E-MAIL Specie (s) 2 B. PROJECT INFORMATION 5 Title of Project 6 Type of Application Research Training Pilot Primary ( ) ( ) ( ) Additiona l ( ) ( ) ( ) 7 From (mm/dd/yy): ___________ C. Protocol Period Other (specify) To (mm/dd/yy):_______________ FUNDING SOURCES Source 1 8 Name of source 9 Title grant Source 2 Source 3 Institutional Department Director Signature _________________ 10 Grant # 11 Start date 3 E. ANIMAL MODEL 12. Description of Animal to be used: Animals must be obtained from Animal Resources Center approved sources/vendors only. Quarantine before entering UCC Animal House is required for certain animals based on their origin. Refer to the Handbook for the Use of Laboratory Animal or contact the Animal Resources Center administrative office 787-798-3001, ext. 2096 or betzaida.torres@uccaribe.edu for further information. Note that protocol approval does not guarantee that the desired space for housing animals will be available. Sources Species Strain Age Weight Sex ♀ ♂ Projected numbers # # Animals Animal /month /week If rodent breeding is included in the study, Investigators who plan to breed rodents refer to Mice Breeding Protocol, as part of their study must complete the Rodent Breeding and Weaning Supplemental (Attachment #5). 4 E. CAGING AND HOUSING 13. Housing/ Identification of animals Strain Sex Weight (age) * Housing Location (Animal Facility) Maximum # of Animals Housed at One Time 1 year 2 year 3 year If an identification method in addition to a cage card is used (tattoo, ear clip, punch method, etc.). Describe Below* *For Satellite Animal Housing (holding animal’s outside for more than 12 hours) Request Policy on Satellite Animal Facilities. General Specifications (mark with an X) 14 Is special caging required for holding animals more than 12 hours? ( )YES ( ) NO 15 Does caging deviate from the standards specified in either the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (GUIDE) or the Animal Welfare Act? ( )YES ( ) NO 16 Will special husbandry requirements be needed to accomplish this protocol (e.g. individual housing, special diets, water or feed restrictions, treatments in feed or water, etc.)? ( )YES ( ) NO If yes, provide the following: please describe details and scientific justifications below: 5 Specifications for Rodents 17 The standard caging (microisolator caging is standard in this facilities) ( )YES ( ) NO 18 Special microisolators are needed since animals are immunocompromised and/or would be exposed to biohazards ( )YES ( ) NO Wire bottoms cages are required for this protocol. (Rat weight should not exceed 500 grams and cannot be housed for more 9 months) ( )YES ( ) NO ( )YES ( ) NO ( The research requires species specific environmental cage enrichment devices and techniques? If you answered “yes, please describe and scientifically justify below: )YES ( ) NO 19 20 F. Indicate any other special cages that are required in addition to the ones mention above. (Provide justification below) ANIMAL ENRICHMENT 21 Behavioral Testing Facilities support required. Coordinator must sign. G. USE SITES AND TRANSPORTATION METHODS 22 Will animals be transported out from the Animal Resources Center? (If you marked YES, provide justification, below) ( )YES ( ) NO Justification Description of animal transportation route(s) and mechanism 23 Will live animals be returned after handling procedures outside the Animal Resources Center? ( )YES ( ) NO 6 Will vertebrate animals be housed in these alternate locations for more than 12 hours? (If yes, fill and attach special section, Satellite Animal Facilities to this application) 24 ( )YES ( ) NO Indicate laboratory sites where hazardous tissue (e.g. animal tissues from studies involving radioisotopes, hazardous chemicals, or BSL-2 or higher) will be collected and stored. Note that if the tissue (s) being transferred will be handled by investigators not listed on this protocol, you are required to inform that person (s) of any inherent danger associated with the tissues. 25 H. PROCEDURE NARRATIVE 26 Concisely describe in non-technical language the procedures to which animals will be exposed (in their sequential order) for duration of the project. Procedure # Procedure Name # of animals required Description of the Procedure 1 2 3 4 5 7 27 I. Provide, whenever possible, flow charts/tables, illustrating experimental design and numbers of animals required for each procedure. OFFICE OF LABORATORY ANIMAL WELFARE (OLAW) REQUIRED INFORMATION If this protocol is duplicated, by LAW (PUBLIC LAW 99-158 ANIMAL RESEARCH SEC. 495 (http://grants.nih.gov/grants/olaw/olaw.htm) you must consider alternatives. In the following section, check which of the following databases and other sources have been searched to assure that the proposed experiments do not unnecessarily duplicate, that previous experiments do not cause undue distress or pain, and that alternative species or alternative methods have been considered and are not available. The search should include “refining” by using less stressful procedures, “replacing” the species selected, with one lower on the phylogenetic scale, and “reducing” the number of animals you are requesting. The search should have been conducted within the last 3 months. 28 Does this research duplicate any previous work? (If you marked YES, please explain below) ( )YES ( ) NO What is the scientific justification for the number of animals to be used (i.e. statistical validity, previous experience, etc.)? Please be aware of the following when planning your experiments: Limit animal involvement by using the minimum number required to obtain reliable results. Use non-animal methods, such as mathematical models, computer simulation, or in vitro 8 29 30 31 32 33 biological systems if possible. Use appropriate sedation, analgesia, or anesthesia when your procedures will cause more than momentary pain or distress. Do not perform surgical or other painful procedures on non-anesthetized animals. In addition, include information such as the number of control and experimental groups, number of animals per group or other reasoning. Justify the rationale for animal use, including why non-animal models cannot be used. Justify the selected model and why phylogenetically lower species were not selected. Justification for total numbers of animal model. Approach for determination Sample No prior information is available to determine the numbers of animals required for completing the experiments. (The IACUC accepts requests to perform pilot studies to collect preliminary data to fulfill this purpose, <10 animals total) ( ) ( ) Previous experience by this PI ( ) Previous literature size Describe power analysis to determine sample size 9 J. DRUG ADMINISTRATION For all drugs used please note: Animals must be treated exactly as indicated in this protocol with regards to drug dose and duration of the treatment. Changes in type of drug, dose, etc. must be approved via protocol amendment. If a veterinary recommendation results in a permanent change to the protocol, the investigator should submit an amendment of protocol to obtain IACUC approval. Include clinical, laboratory or other parameters used to determine length of treatment. Investigators are required to maintain treatment records on all animals. (Refer to Post Procedure Care of Mice and Rats in Research: Reducing and Distress) For anesthesia, analgesia, tranquilizing and paralytic drugs specify dosage in mg/kg (provide justifications below and/or provide information and/or data that demonstrate the proposed) 34 NON-SURGICAL Species Strain Drug Dose Route (I.V., I.P, I.D.) Administration Frequency 35 Duration and Monitoring Supply duration and method of monitoring treatment efficacy for drug listed above. Drug Duration Drug Efficacy Monitoring 10 36 Drugs administered for therapeutic purposes (excluding anesthetics, analgesics, and tranquilizers). ROUTE SPECIES AGENT DOSE EFFECT (I.V., I.P, Strain I.D.) Describe any adverse effects associated with the administration of these agents and a detailed plan for monitoring and alleviating these effects if applicable: If you are using aquatics (e.g., frogs or fish), rats, and mice. 37 Are *non-pharmaceutical agents to be introduced into Animal Welfare Act (AWA) non- regulated species (rats, mice, birds, or aquatics) for the purpose of veterinary medical care or to relieve pain and distress (e.g. anesthetics, analgesics, sedatives, antibiotics, or paralytics)? ( ) YES ( ) NO Please note: As per Universidad Central del Caribe IACUC approved policy all compounds used in aquatics, rats, or mice for veterinary medical care or to relieve pain and distress (e.g. anesthetics, analgesics, sedatives, antibiotics or paralytics) must be pharmaceutical grade (when available) unless scientifically justified. Cost savings alone are not considered by the IACUC an adequate justification for using non-pharmaceutical grade drug for veterinary medical care or to relieve pain and distress in these species. *Non- pharmaceutical agent: An agent that was not specifically prepared for injection into animal or human in its purchased form. If Yes, provide the scientific rationale for their use, source, proposed sterilization technique, sterile packaging, labeling and expiration information along with proposed methods to determine efficacy. 11 K. PROCEDURE DETAILS Non-Surgical Animal Handling Rationale 38 Will blood sampling be conducted? If yes provide rationale, method, site, volume frequency. Rationale Method Site ( Volume (ml) 39 Will food scheduling or restriction (other than standard preoperative fasting) be conducted? If yes provide rationale, frequency and duration. Rationale ( ) NO Frequency ( Frequency ) YES ( ) NO Duration Will water scheduling or restriction (other than standard preoperative fasting) be conducted? If yes provide rationale, frequency and duration. Rationale Frequency ( 41 Will restraint methods be utilized? If yes provide rationale, frequency and duration. Rationale Frequency ( 40 ) YES ) YES ( ) NO Duration ) YES ( ) NO Duration 12 42 SURGICAL Route Species Strain Drug Dose (I.V., I.P, I.D.) Administration Frequency 43 Duration and Monitoring Supply duration and method of monitoring treatment efficacy for drug listed above. Drug Duration Drug Efficacy Monitoring Postoperative Plan (Methods to assess/alleviate pain/distress, recovery criteria, monitoring criteria. 44 Will two or more of these survival surgeries involve major procedures (defined as a surgical intervention that penetrates and exposes a body cavity or any procedures that produce substantial or permanent impairment of physical or physiological function? ( ) YES ( ) NO Federal guidelines specify that no animals are to be used in more than one major survival operative procedure except in cases of scientific necessity or to provide adequate veterinary care. 13 J. ANIMAL EXPOSURE: These sections will be compared to applicable safety committee (s) regulations and should be consistent between documents. 45 Radioisotopes (Prior to any study involving the administration of radioisotopes to animals, the Radiation Safety Office must review and approve the use). ( ) YES ( ) NO Will radioisotopes substance be administered in live animal? If you marked YES, complete attachment # 1 and provide the next information. Species Isotope Activity Dose Location of Use Strain 46 Biological Agents (Introduction of any genetically modified tissues, cells, viruses, or vectors into animals requires approval from the Institutional Biosafety Committee). Will biological agents be used in living hold or animal tissue? ( ) YES ( ) NO If you marked YES, complete attachment #2 and provide the next information. Species Biological Dose Route Effect Strain agent Describe any adverse effect associated with the administration of these agents and a detailed plan for monitoring and alleviating these effects if applicable: 47 Chemical Hazardous Agents (Do not include drugs used for therapeutic purpose) (Prior to any study involving the administration of chemical agents to animals, approval from the Institutional Chemical Committee is required). Will chemical agents be introduced to the living animals? If you marked YES, complete attachment #3 Species Chemical agent Dose ( ) YES ( ) NO and provide the next information. Route Effect 14 Describe any adverse effect associated with the administration of these chemicals and a detailed plan for monitoring and alleviating these effects if applicable: 48 Tumor Lines/Body (Introduction of any genetically modified tissues, cells, viruses, or vectors into animals require approval from the Institutional Biosafety Committee). Will tumor lines or body fluids be introduced to the live animals? ( ) YES ( ) NO If you marked YES, complete attachment #4 and provide the next information. Species Agent Dose Route Effect K. EUTHANASIA 49 Will animals be euthanized 50 If YES, provide details of euthanasia procedure. ( ) YES ( ) NO See http://www.avma.org/issues/animal_welfare/euthanasia.pdf for approved euthanasia methods AVMA Guidelines 2007 15 L. LITERATURE SEARCH Instructions: Provide at least 2 keywords and delimiters used to search the literature for reference on the background and experimental procedures addressed in this protocol. Check (X) keywords and Database Date Search Years Covered delimiters Performed Medline Highwire.org Schoolar.google.com Current Research Information (CRIS) EMBASE Other M. PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR CERTIFICATION. Your electronic signature or e-mail response on this protocol form certifies your agreement to the following terms. I certify that the research proposed herein does not unnecessarily duplicate any previous investigations. I confirm that the IACUC will be notified before initiating any changes in this protocol. I certify that IACUC will be informed of any unexpected results that impact animals in use. Any unanticipated pain, distress, morbidity or mortality will be reported to the attending veterinarian. I understand that in the event that I cannot be contacted, any animal that shows evidence of distress, illness or pain, emergency care, including euthanasia if necessary, will be taken care by the veterinary medical staff. I ensure that I will inform any recipient (not listed on section A) of any hazard associated with the use animal body fluids or tissue, derived from the studies described in this protocol. I certify that I will hand copy of the approved protocol to personnel identified in the section A and will assure that they become familiar with details contained in this protocol. Today’s Date (mm/dd/yy) Signature 16 N. CHECKLIST (Please respond by placing an X in the appropriate box). General Sections (required) X Attachments Include X Investigator/Personnel Information Radioisotopes Use #1 Project Information Biological Hazard #2 Funding Sources Chemical Agents #3 Animal Model Tumor Lines/Body #4 Rodent Breeding and Weaning Supplement #5 Caging and Housing Animal Enrichment Use Sites and Transportation Methods Procedure Narrative Animal Welfare Act Required Information Drug Administration Procedure Details Animal Exposure Euthanasia Literature Search Certification 17 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY COMMITTEE MEMBER NAME COMMITTEE MEMBER SIGNATURE COMMENTS 1. Dr. Pedro Ferchmin 2. Dr. Krishna Baksi 3. Dr. Priscilla Sanabria 4. Dr. Legier Rojas 5. Dr. Juan Amieiro Veterinarian Consulting 6. Dr. Misty Eaton 7. Dr. Thomas Schikorski 8. Mrs. Vivian Valiente, Community Member 9- Dr. Luis Cubano 10- Lic. Betzaida Torres, Supervisor Animal Resource Center 11. Gerardo Torres Student Representative (Class 2016) ACTION Approved Prof. Zilka Ríos President of UCC/IACUC ( ) Approved with modifications ( ) Disapproved ( ) Date (mm/dd/yy) 18 IACUC Attachment 1 Form: UCC/IACUC/URAAS-2012 USE OF RADIOISOTOPES ACTIVITY IN ANIMAL STUDIES Approval must be obtained from the IACUC before this study may be performed. Prior to any study involving the administration of radioisotopes to animals, the Radiation Safety Office must review and approve the use. This form will be forwarded to the Radiation Safety office by the IACUC. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 e-mail Principal Investigator Title of Project Strain Radionuclide/ compound # of animals /study # of animals experiment/study Dose Project start date Period of time over which experiments will be performed Location where Room# Building administration will occur: Location where radio- Laboratory Animal facility room labeled animals will be housed Period of time before animal will be sacrificed ( ) YES Are pathogenic/infectious agents to be administered also? Route ( ) NO REQUIREMENTS: UNLESS AN EXEMPTION IS GRANTED BY THE RADIATION SAFETY OFFICE, THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS ARE MANDATORY: 1. In the Animal Resource Center, all cages with animals must be labeled with a “Caution Radioactive Material” label stating the isotope and amount per animal, the date of administration, and the authorized user name. 2. Animal cages must be properly surveyed for contamination before being returned to the Animal Resource Center washer. 3. Animal carcasses that are disposed of as radioactive waste must be packaged separately. Do not include any other material such as pads, tubing, needle, instruments, etc. with the carcass. Signature of Investigator Date(mm/dd/yy) Reviewed by Date(mm/dd/yy) Special Conditions and Requirements 19 IACUC Attachment #2 Form: UCC/IACUC/ UBAA -2012 USE OF BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY IN ANIMAL STUDIES Approval must be obtained from the IACUC before this study may be performed. Prior to any study involving the administration of biological to animals, the Biohazard Committee must review and approve the use. This form will be forwarded to the Biohazard Safety representative by the IACUC. 1 Principal Investigator 2 Title of Project Species Strain 3 4 5 6 7 8 Pathogen e-mail # of animals /study # of animals experiment/study Project start date Period of time over which experiments will be performed Location where administration will Room# occur: Location where pathogen-labeled Laboratory animals will be housed Dose Route Building Animal facility room Period of time before animal will be sacrificed REQUIREMENTS: UNLESS AN EXEMPTION IS GRANTED BY THE BIOSAFETY SAFETY COMMITTEE, THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS ARE MANDATORY: 1. In the Animal Resource Center, all cages with animals must be labeled with a “Caution Biosafety Material” label stating the pathogen and amount per animal, the date of administration, and the authorized user name. 2. Animal cages must be properly surveyed for contamination before being returned to the Animal Resource Center washer. 3. Animal carcasses that are disposed of as radioactive waste must be packaged separately. Do not include any other material such as pads, tubing, needle, instruments, etc. with the carcass. Signature of Investigator Date(mm/dd/yy) Reviewed by Date(mm/dd/yy) Special Conditions and Requirements 20 IACUC Attachment # 3 Form: UCC/IACUC/UCAAS-2013-12-12 USE OF HAZARDOUS CHEMICAL AGENTS IN ANIMAL STUDIES Approval must be obtained from the IACUC before this study may be performed. Prior to any study involving the administration of hazardous chemical hazardous to animals, the Chemical Committee must review and approve the use. This form will be forwarded to the Chemical Committee representative by the IACUC. 1 Authorized User Name e-mail 2 Title of Project 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Strain Hazardous Chemical Agent/compound # of animals/study # of animal experiments/study Dose Project start date Period of time over which experiments will be performed Location where Room# Building administration will occur: Location where chemical Lab.: Animal facility room agent animals will be housed Period of time before animal will be sacrificed ( ) YES Are pathogenic/infectious agents to be administered also? Route ( ) NO REQUIREMENTS: UNLESS AN EXEMPTION IS GRANTED BY THE CHEMICAL COMMITTEE, THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS ARE MANDATORY: 1. In the Animal Resource Center, all cages with animals must be labeled with a “Caution Chemical Agent” label stating the chemical and the date of administration, and the authorized user name. 2. Animal cages must be properly surveyed for contamination before being returned to the Animal Resource Center washer. 3. Animal carcasses that are disposed of as chemical agent should be packaged separately in special containers. Do not include any other material such as pads, tubing, needles, instruments, etc. with the carcass. Submitted by Date(mm/dd/yy) Reviewed by Date(mm/dd/yy) Special Conditions and Requirements 21 IACUC Attachment # 4 Form: UCC/IACUC/UCTAS-2012 REQUEST TO INTRODUCE CELL LINES, TRANSPLANTABLE TUMORS, BODY FLUIDS, SERUM, TISSUES, AND ANTIBODIES INTO ANIMALS. Due to the risk of human or animal cell lines, transplantable tumors, body fluids, serum, tissues, and antibodies being contaminated with rodent viruses, which can cause disease outbreaks within the rodent’s colony or adversely affect research, the IACUC requires testing of all such material that is deemed to be at risk. Required testing is for pathogens to which the colony of recipient species is Specific Pathogen Free (SPF). See the “Cell Line Usage and Rodents Biological” policy on the IACUC web site for more details. Failure to complete any required testing prior to use in animal is considered a noncompliance issue and puts the whole program at risk. An investigator wishing to introduce any of the above biological into animal, must have an approved protocol that describes the use of these biological and receive written permission from the university consulting veterinarian or their designee before any animals may be ordered. To ensure rodent biosecurity, previously tested materials may be required to be retested depending on how the materials have been handled and stored since testing and if the original testing still meets the current policy standards. The need to retest previously tested biological materials will be reviewed as part of the standard three year IACUC protocol renewal process and upon submission of IACUC protocol modification. Introduction of any genetically modified tissues, cells, viruses, or vectors into animals require approval from the Institutional Biosafety Committee. 1 Principal Investigator 2 Title of Project List the category of the biological (cell line, transplantable tumor, body fluid, serum, tissue or antibody): 3 4 5 Designation (i.e. ID#, name, description) Species cell lines, # of animals Strain etc. /study e-mail # animals experiment/stu dy Dose Route 22 Description of Biological Indicate the category of the biological (cell line, 6 transplantable tumor, body fluid, serum, tissue or antibody): 7 Designation (i.e. ID#, name, description) 8 Histological type of material introduced 9 Species of origin of material introduced 10 Provide the name and contact information of the source (institution and/or individual) providing the biological. 11 Has this material been PCR, MAP or RAP tested for viral pathogens? Is yes, send test result to IACUC 12 Please describe how the biological is stored or propagated in you laboratory. In the case of a cell line please include the following information in your description: Is culture medium containing rodent serum or rodent-derived feeder cells used during in vitro ( ) YES ( ) NO propagation? Is the cell line incubated in the same incubator ( ) YES ( ) NO with other rodent or human cell lines? Is the cell line ever manipulated at the same time in the same biosafety cabinet as other ( ) YES ( ) NO rodent cell lines? Is the cell line frozen as a stock and used as ( ) YES ( ) NO needed or is it propagated in vivo or in vitro? REQUIREMENTS: UNLESS AN EXEMPTION IS GRANTED BY THE BIOSAFETY SAFETY COMMITTEE, THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS ARE MANDATORY: 1. In the Animal Resource Center, all cages with animals must be labeled with a “Caution Biosafety Material” label stating the pathogen and amount per animal, the date of administration, and the authorized user name. 2. Animal cages must be properly surveyed for contamination before being returned to the Animal Resource Center washer. Animal carcasses that are disposed of as radioactive waste must be packaged separately. Do not include any other material such as pads, tubing, needle, instruments, etc. with the carcass. Signature of Investigator Date(mm/dd/yy) Reviewed by Date(mm/dd/yy) Special Conditions and Requirements 23 IACUC Attachment # 5 Form: UCC/RBWS-2013-12-12 RODENT BREEDING AND WEANING SUPPLEMENT A. Individual(s) Responsible for Colony Maintenance 1 P.I Name Department Emergency Phone (after hours) # 2 Work Phone # 3 E-Mail 4 Other Individuals Involved in Colony Maintenance (Must Also be Listed in Application for Protocol Approval Involving Laboratory Animal Use, section A) 5 Describe training and experience of these individuals as it relates to colony maintenance & breeding of animals: B. Breeding Colony Justification 6 What strains will be bred? Provide a justification for establishing and maintaining a breeding colony of animals at the Universidad Central del Caribe. 24 C. Housing and Husbandry Issues 7 Building 8 Are there any special husbandry requirements needed for the maintenance of the colony? ( )Yes ( ) No If you answered yes, please describe the needs (e.g., special diets, special housing, immunocompromized strains, etc.). D. Colony Management Information (Please provide the following information below. Request the Mice Breeding Protocol for additional instruction) 9 Breeding Scheme ( ) ( ) ( ) Timed (hand) Mating ( ) Other- Describe and provide a justification: 10 Pair Breeding (monogamous) If this method is selected, describe how you will ensure that multiple litters do not occur within once cage? Weaning Plan (no greater than one litter is to be kept in a cage. The Investigator is responsible for weaning unless otherwise contracted). ( ) ( ) 11 Harem Mating (polygamous) Principal Animal will be weaned at 21-28 days. The breeding requires additional time for weaning (beyond 28 days). Please describe and justify below. You must include in your response how you will ensure that the density of animals does not exceed the Guidelines for Animal Care and Use. Phenotype Information Are there any health concerns associated with the development ( ) Yes ( ) No 25 of the phenotypes for the strains described? If YES, please describe the health concern (e.g., behavioral, anatomical and/or physiological) and describe how the health of these animals will be managed. E. Genotyping and Other Colony Management Procedures The goal of this section is to identify techniques and procedures used to manage your colony. 12 Genetic Identification ( ) Tail Clip- If clipping is done on animals over 28 days of age, local or general anesthesia is required. If this is the case what anesthetic method (s) will be used? (Specify to the right) ( ) Blood sample-describe procedure: ( ) Anesthesia method (if applicable): ( ) Other, (e.g., ear notch, buccal swab). Specify: 13 the collection Age of animals for genotyping ( ) 0-21 days (anesthesia is recommended) ( ) 21-23 days (anesthesia is highly recommended) ( ) 21-28 days (anesthesia is strongly recommended) ( ) >28 days and older (adult post-weaning-anesthesia is mandatory) 14 What method of animal identification will be used? ( ) Ear notch ( ) Ear tag 26 ( ) Tattoo ( ) Microchip implant ( ) Cage card identification only 15 Euthanasia Will animals that cannot be utilized be euthanized in the same ( )Yes manner as described in the IACUC Protocol Application? ( ) No IF no, please describe the alternate euthanasia method planned F. Estimated Number of Animals to Establish and Maintain the Colony A mechanism for tracking colony management should be employed to allow review during semiannual IACUC inspections. If you need assistance in estimating numbers, please refer to ILAR Guidelines for the Care and Use of Mammals in Neuroscience and Behavioral Research (2003): http://www.nap.edu/books/0309089034/html 17 Enter Estimates Estimated number of weaned and adult animals to be subject to experimental manipulations. (Please specify number of animals by: week, month or per year). Estimated number of suckling animals to be subject to experimental manipulations. (Please specify number of animals by: week, month or per year). Estimated number of breeder held but not subject to experimental manipulations. (Please specify number of animals by: week, month or per year). Estimated number of suckling animals to be euthanized at or prior to weaning, and not subject to experimental manipulation. (Please specify number of animals by: week, month or per year). TOTAL ESTIMATED (Please specify number of animals by: week, month or per year): 27 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY COMMITTEE MEMBER NAME COMMITTEE MEMBER SIGNATURE COMMENTS 1. Dr. Pedro Ferchmin 2. Dr. Krishna Baksi 3. Dr. Priscilla Sanabria 4. Dr. Legier Rojas 5. Dr. Juan Amieiro Veterinarian Consulting 6. Dr. Misty Eaton 7. Thomas Schikorski 8. Mrs. Vivian Valiente , Community Member 9- Dr. Luis Cubano 10- Lic. Betzaida Torres, Supervisor Animal Resource Center 11- Gerardo Torres Student Representative (Class 2016) ACTION Approved Prof. Zilka Ríos President of UCC/IACUC ( ) Approved with modifications ( ) Disapproved ( ) Date (mm/dd/yy) 28 29