Things needed in PLAAFPS 1. Student’s current eligibility for services 2. Current Academic Setting 3. Current classroom accommodations 4. Statement about ability: ______________(child’s name) can _____________at _________ grade level as measured by________________ 5. Need a statement for each skill in each academic area: a. Reading Comprehension b. Reading Fluency c. Basic Reading d. Math Problem Solving e. Math Calculation f. Writing g. Grammar and Spelling 6. Prior to Annual, it is good practice to measure skills and list the assessment measure in your PLAAFPS statement 7. Identify academic/behavior/functional area of need and how it is being supported Example 1 (Elementary) Reading Max is a 3rd grade student with a Specific Learning Disability in Basic Reading and Reading Fluency. He currently receives in class support and his classroom accommodations are: oral administration of tests, reading assistance, preferential seating, and extra time to turn in assignments. Decoding Max can decode words at a second grade level as measured by the Texas second grade sight word list. On his recent benchmark, Max identified 95% of the words. Fluency Max’s oral reading rate was 25 words per minute, which was at a second grade level, as measured by a curriculum based reading assessment. Comprehension With reading assistance, Max is able to answer comprehension questions on grade level as measured by curriculum based reading passages. Areas of need: Decoding: Max is currently working on decoding third grade sight words using ABC Mouse activities and small group flash card activities. His progress is being measured using a third grade word list. Fluency: Max continues to work on increasing his reading rate using ABC Mouse activities and curriculum-based activities. His progress is measured using curriculum-based assessments. Reading Comprehension Max is working on independently reading passages and answering questions using ABC Mouse and curriculum based activities. His progress is measured using weekly reading comprehension assessments. Additional Information: Current DRA level: Current I-Station Information: TPRI-2 Data: Example #2 (Secondary) Luke is an 8th grade student with a Specific Learning Disability in Math Calculation and Math Problem Solving. He is currently in a resource classroom with IEP’s addressing his math difficulties. His current classroom accommodations are: use of a calculator, math journal, extra time on assignments, and preferential seating. Math Calculations Using his calculator, Luke is able to solve addition, subtraction, multiplication and division problems as measured by weekly curriculum based assessments. Math Problem Solving Using his calculator, Luke can solve one to two step word problems at a fifth grade level as measured by 2014 STAAR released problems. Area of Need Math Calculations Luke is currently working on solving fractions and algebraic equations. His supports include math tutorials and access to CM in the AM. His progress is measured using curriculum-based assessments. Math Problem Solving Luke is currently working on solving six grade word problems. His support is math tutorials and access to CM in the AM. His progress is measured using 2013 released STAAR problems. Additional Data: STAAR benchmark score: Current Average: Example #3 (Functional) Steven is a fifth grade student with Autism and an Intellectual Disability. He is currently in the Life Skills classroom working on functional academic and living skills IEP’s Basic Reading Steven currently can identify all of his letters and sounds as measured by the benchmark assessment on the UNIQUE curriculum. Reading Fluency Due to the severity of his disability, Steven’s reading fluency cannot be accurately measured. He is able to blend some sounds together to produce words a-t=at. His progress is measured using the UNIQUE curriculum benchmarks. Reading Comprehension Steven can follow along with a story on the computer and using pictures can answer basic questions about the story. His progress is measured using the UNIQUE curriculum benchmarks. Math Calculations Using manipulatives, Steven is able to sort items by amount up to 10. He is able to count to 30 and identifies numbers up to 15. His progress is measured using the UNIQUE curriculum benchmarks. Math Problem Solving Using pictures, Steven is able to match a number with the correct amount of items up to 8 items (matches the number 8 to 8 dogs). Using visuals, Steven is able to take “one” away and add “one” to a group. His progress is measured using the UNIQUE curriculum benchmarks. Spelling Using visuals, Steven can match two identically spelled words. Steven can orally spell two letter words such as “an, be, to, and he” His progress is measured using the UNIQUE curriculum benchmarks. Writing Steven can copy his first name, address, and phone number. His progress is measured using teacher create assessments. Functional With assistance and visual supports, Steven can inform the staff when he needs to use the restroom and can attends to his toileting needs independently. At lunch, with visual supports, Steven can request preferred items in the lunch line. With support, Steven can complete classroom chores such as wiping tables, organizing stations, and stacking the chairs at the end of the day. His progress is measured using the UNIQUE curriculum benchmarks. Behavior With visual prompts and reminders, Steven can stay focused on a group activity for 10 minutes With visual supports and reminders, Steven remains in his classroom line when navigating the school building. At recess, with visual supports, Steven attempts to engage his peers in play His progress is measured using the UNIQUE curriculum benchmarks. Area of Need Basic Reading With assistance and using the UNIQUE curriculum, Steven is working on identifying 2 to 3 letter words off the kindergarten word list. His progress will be measured using the UNIQUE curriculum benchmarks. Reading Fluency With assistance and using the UNIQUE curriculum, Steven is working on blending sound patterns together to create words. His progress will be measured using the UNIQUE curriculum benchmarks. Reading Comprehension With assistance and using the UNIQUE curriculum, Steven is working on listening to a story and answering basic questions while fading the visual supports. His progress will be measured using the UNIQUE curriculum benchmarks. Math Calculations Using manipulatives, Steven is working on sorting items by amounts up to 25. He is working on counting to 60 and identifying numbers up to 40. His progress will be measured using the UNIQUE curriculum benchmarks. Math Problem Solving Using pictures, Steven is working on matching a number with the correct amount of items up to 16 items (matches the number 16 to 16 dogs). Using visuals, Steven is able to take “5” away and add “5” to a group. His progress is measured using the UNIQUE curriculum benchmarks. Spelling Using visuals, Steven is working on circling the correctly spelled words in a group of three. Steven is working on spelling three letter words such as “two, had, fan, and sad”. His progress is measured using the UNIQUE curriculum benchmarks. Writing Steven is working on independently writing his first name and orally telling the staff his address and phone number. His progress is measured using teacher create assessments. Functional With assistance and visual supports, Steven is working on letting staff know his wants and needs such as wanting a drink of water, wanting a particular game or toy, and wanting to use the computer. With assistance and visual supports, Steven is working on telling the staff what task he is engaged in and using his schedule, telling them what task will be next. Behavior With visual prompts and reminders, Steven is working on staying focused on a group activity for 20 minutes Using his visual supports, Steven is working on initiating conversations with his peers in the classroom. His progress is measured using the UNIQUE curriculum benchmarks.