Mark-Liao - Socialinformatics 2015

Title: Tactics Analysis on NBA Broadcast Videos
Mark Liao
Insitute of Information Science
Basketball video analysis has many commercial applications and has attracted great
attention in recent years. With the assistance of advanced object-detection and
tracking techniques developed in the past few years, efficient and effective player
tracking and identification have become a reality. Under these circumstances, to
develop a fully automatic basketball video analysis system that can analyze the
interaction among players or the scoring process becomes possible. An automatic
basketball video analysis system has many potential applications. For example, it
can provide better services by automatically generating some video segments that
highlight star players. In addition, the coaching staff of a team can employ such
techniques to calculate the statistics of players, to analyze the strength and weakness
of competitors, and to review the team itself. In this talk, I will introduce the
developed system in details, from player detection and tracking, to tactics analysis
based on the spatio-temporal trajectories of the five offensive players.
Mark Liao received his Ph.D degree in electrical engineering from Northwestern
University in 1990. In July 1991, he joined the Institute of Information Science,
Academia Sinica, Taiwan and currently, is a Distinguished Research Fellow. He has
worked in the fields of multimedia signal processing, image processing, computer
vision, pattern recognition, video forensics, and multimedia protection for more than
25 years. During 2009-2012, he was jointly appointed as the Multimedia
Information Chair Professor of National Chung Hsing University. Since August 2010,
he has been appointed as an Adjunct Chair Professor of Chung Yuan Christian
University. Since August 2014, he has been appointed as an Honorary Chair
Professor of National Sun Yat-sen University. He received the Young Investigators'
Award from Academia Sinica in 1998; the Distinguished Research Award from the
National Science Council of Taiwan in 2003, 2010 and 2013; the National Invention
Award of Taiwan in 2004; the Distinguished Scholar Research Project Award from
National Science Council of Taiwan in 2008; and the Academia Sinica Investigator
Award in 2010. His professional activities include: Co-Chair, 2004 International
Conference on Multimedia and Exposition (ICME); Technical Co-chair, 2007 ICME;
General Co-Chair, 17th International Conference on Multimedia Modeling; President,
Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Society of Taiwan (2006-08); Editorial
Board Member, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine (2010-13); Associate Editor, IEEE
Transactions on Image Processing (2009-13), IEEE Transactions on Information
Forensics and Security (2009-12) and IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (1998-2001).
He has been a Fellow of the IEEE since 2013 for contributions to image and video
forensics and security. Currently, he also serves as IEEE Signal Processing Society
Region 10 Director (Asia-Pacific Region).