VCAL 2016 Guidelines - Victorian Curriculum and Assessment

Victorian Certificate of
Applied Learning 2016
Guidelines for new providers
All Notification of Intent applications must be submitted to:
Adam Whitbread
VCAL Manager
Level 1, 2 Lonsdale Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
Phone: (03) 9032 1727
Mobile: 0448 311 393
Fax: (03) 9032 1799
Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning 2016 – Guidelines for new providers
Authorised and published by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority
Level 1, 2 Lonsdale Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
© 2015
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Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning 2016 – Guidelines for new providers
1. Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 1
2. VCAL accreditation .................................................................................................................. 1
3. VCAL design ............................................................................................................................. 1
VCAL curriculum strands ............................................................................................................ 1
Strand 1 – Literacy and Numeracy Skills (LNS) ....................................................................... 1
Strand 2 – Industry Specific Skills (ISS) ................................................................................... 2
Strand 3 – Work Related Skills (WRS) ..................................................................................... 2
Strand 4 – Personal Development Skills (PDS)........................................................................ 2
Individual student learning programs .......................................................................................... 2
Assessment................................................................................................................................ 2
Certification ................................................................................................................................ 2
Credit between VCAL and VCE qualifications ............................................................................ 3
Quality assurance....................................................................................................................... 3
Student enrolment ...................................................................................................................... 3
VCAL course requirements......................................................................................................... 3
Pathways for students ................................................................................................................ 4
Themed VCAL ............................................................................................................................ 4
Local and regional partnerships.................................................................................................. 4
4. VCAL implementation in 2016 ................................................................................................. 5
Funding for implementation of VCAL .......................................................................................... 5
VCAL implementation support .................................................................................................... 5
Other support ............................................................................................................................. 6
International and interstate students ........................................................................................... 6
Contact at the VCAA .................................................................................................................. 6
Submission of Notification of Intent............................................................................................. 6
Timelines .................................................................................................................................... 7
Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning 2016 – Guidelines for new providers
1. Introduction
These guidelines have been prepared to inform providers that may wish to enrol students in VCAL
in 2016. This document details the qualification design, resources available, partnerships, selection
criteria and timelines.
2. VCAL accreditation
The Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) commenced as an accredited Senior
Secondary qualification in 2002.
The Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA) re-accredited the Victorian
Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) as an Australian Senior Secondary Certificate of Education
qualification in 2013.
The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) is the registered awarding body for
the VCAL qualification, and owns the intellectual property associated with the VCAL.
3. VCAL design
The Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning is accredited at three levels:
 Foundation
 Intermediate
 Senior.
The three levels will ensure that there are achievable learning targets for a range of Year 11 and
12 students.
VCAL curriculum strands
A VCAL learning program comprises four compulsory curriculum strands. The four strands are:
Literacy and Numeracy Skills
Work Related Skills
Industry Specific Skills
Personal Development Skills.
The units and modules selected in each curriculum strand must comprise accredited elements
such as VCAL units, VCE units, Vocational Education and Training (VET), and Further Education
modules. The units and modules chosen by each provider will allow student career and pathway
needs to be met and existing partnerships with TAFE, registered training organisations (RTO),
Learn Local organisations, employers and other organisations to be built on.
Strand 1 – Literacy and Numeracy Skills (LNS)
This may include, for example, the VCAL Literacy Skills and VCAL Numeracy Skills units, selected
literacy and numeracy units/modules from the appropriate Certificate of General Education for
Adults, or VCE English and VCE Mathematics units.
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Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning 2016 – Guidelines for new providers
Strand 2 – Industry Specific Skills (ISS)
In the VCAL Intermediate and Senior levels this strand must include accredited VET curriculum,
units/modules from VET programs or VET in Schools programs. At the VCAL Foundation level,
students can include selected VCE units.
Strand 3 – Work Related Skills (WRS)
This may include VCAL Work Related Skills units and VET or selected Further Education units.
Appropriate VCE units may also be included in this strand. Part-time work, school-based
apprenticeships and traineeships, and structured workplace learning placements may be
undertaken to credit towards the learning outcomes in the Work Related Skills units.
Strand 4 – Personal Development Skills (PDS)
A VCAL program must include a VCAL Personal Development Skills unit. The PDS unit could
incorporate local and community-based projects, personal development, health and wellbeing,
family, education programs, voluntary work or structured activities to help develop self-confidence,
teamwork and other skills important for life, employment and active citizenship.
For further information refer to page 15 of the 2015 VCE and VCAL Administrative Handbook.
Individual student learning programs
VCAL students will be required to develop a learning program in consultation with their teachers
and counsellors. The learning program must be based on the student’s current skills and aptitudes
and cover all four curriculum strands. The learning program must allow the student to achieve the
outcomes and required credits for the chosen VCAL level and enable them to receive the
appropriate level of certificate.
The learning program must also provide opportunities in which the students can develop and apply
personal, social and work-related skills to foster a commitment to learning and to prepare them for
the world of work.
VCAL providers must design assessment that provides evidence the student has met the learning
outcomes to the required standard for each unit or module in the student’s learning program.
Assessment guidelines for the VCAL units are outlined in the Victorian Certificate of Applied
Learning Curriculum Planning Guides. Assessment of VET, Further Education and VCE
components will be assessed in the manner prescribed for these programs.
Assessment must be designed so that students are able to demonstrate that they can apply and
integrate the knowledge and skills developed in their VCAL learning program.
VCAL units in the Literacy and Numeracy Skills, Personal Development Skills and Work Related
Skills strands have learning outcomes and elements designed to demonstrate application and
integration of knowledge and skills, using approaches such as portfolios of evidence, projects and
The VCAL will be awarded at the appropriate level to students who have successfully completed
the course requirements. These certificates will be issued and the certification process will be
managed by the VCAA.
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The student will receive:
 a VCAL certificate
 a Statement of Results.
VCAL certificates and Statement of Results are available at midyear and at the end of a year of
study as students complete their qualification.
Additional Statements of Attainment or certificates will be provided (by the RTO) for successful
completion of VET or further education curriculum. Students who begin the VCAL learning program
but do not complete it will still receive a Statement of Results at the completion of each year of
Credit between VCAL and VCE qualifications
Full details of transfer of credits into the VCE are contained in the 2015 VCE and VCAL
Administrative Handbook.
Quality assurance
Schools must ensure that the delivery of accredited courses or unit of competency other than VCE
or VCAL:
 is through an RTO with those courses or units of competency on its Scope of Registration. The
Australian Quality Training Framework (AQTF) allows for an RTO to enter into partnership
arrangements with other organisations (such as schools) to deliver training on its behalf
 adheres to all requisites of certificates or units of competency as specified in the curriculum
documentation or Training Package.
Schools must ensure that the delivery of VCAL and VCE units complies with the assessment and
quality assurance strategy managed by the VCAA. Further information on the quality assurance
process for VCAL units can be found on the VCAA website.
Student enrolment
Registered VCAL providers are required to enter details of their VCAL students on the Victorian
Assessment Software System (VASS). VCAL enrolments on VASS will be undertaken in a similar
manner to VCE enrolments. The VCAA will provide VASS training for authorised VCAL providers
and will manage the enrolment process.
VCAL course requirements
To be awarded the VCAL, students must successfully complete a learning program that contains a
minimum of 10 credits.
The VCAL program must include:
 curriculum components to the value of at least one credit, each of which can be justified against
the purpose statement for each of the four VCAL curriculum strands
 a minimum of two VCAL units
 one credit for numeracy
 curriculum components to the value of six credits at the level of the VCAL award (or above), of
which one must be for literacy and one credit must be for a VCAL Personal Development Skills
At the VCAL Intermediate and Senior levels, the learning program must also include accredited
Vocational Education and Training (VET) curriculum components to the value of a minimum of one
credit in the Industry Specific Skills Strand.
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The VCAL program may also contain curriculum components drawn from Further Education
accredited curriculum. One credit is awarded on successful completion of 90 nominal hours of
accredited curriculum.
Pathways for students
The VCAL is designed to develop and improve pathway options for young people into
apprenticeships, traineeships, employment, further education and training. Successful completion
of the VCAL will enable students to extend their areas of learning through enrolment in further VET
certificates and/or qualifications based on Training Packages.
Providers enrolling students in the VCAL must actively negotiate and facilitate the development of
these student pathways with local employers and providers. Students must also be provided with
accurate and timely advice so that they can be informed of their course and career options in order
to make effective decisions.
Themed VCAL
Themed VCAL is for students seeking a range of experience within a particular industry sector to
inform choices for future pathways and to develop employability skills. A Themed VCAL will
provide a learning program focus that is linked to priority areas in the labour market and/or to job
opportunities. The program should assist students to choose future pathways such as
apprenticeships, VET qualifications or employment.
A Themed VCAL learning program is not intended to develop occupational competence for a single
job but lead to informed choices about a broad range of occupations in the particular industry
A Themed VCAL learning program designed to meet the Themed VCAL requirements must be
submitted to the VCAA. On approval of this program, VCAL providers will be required to enrol
students in Themed VCAL through VASS.
Students in a Themed VCAL program must be enrolled in either the Intermediate or Senior level of
VCAL with an additional industry theme specific appellation. This industry theme appellation will be
included on VASS enrolment screens and on the student’s certificate of completion.
For further information including the additional requirements of a Themed VCAL program, schools
must consult the 2015 VCE and VCAL Administration Handbook.
Local and regional partnerships
A key feature of the delivery of the VCAL is the breadth and quality of local and regional
partnerships and networks that are established. Registered VCAL providers may form partnerships
with other organisations for the delivery of the VCAL. These often include TAFE institutes, other
RTOs, Learn Local providers, local employers and/or community organisations.
Schools requiring information regarding a government school’s accountabilities when entering into
partnerships with and the purchase of curriculum from external providers for the delivery of VCAL
can refer to the Guidelines for Purchasing Senior Secondary Education and Training from External
Some schools structure a senior secondary re-engagement program around VCAL, which is then
delivered in partnership with an external provider. For providers doing this for the first time, an
introductory guide has been developed to assist them in developing viable programs.
Local Learning and Employment Networks (LLENs) are available to assist with the facilitation of
these local networks and partnerships. Providers are encouraged to contact their local LLEN to
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Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning 2016 – Guidelines for new providers
discuss their VCAL proposal and to benefit from relevant aspects of the LLENs strategic plan and
other knowledge.
The LLENs can provide support to VCAL providers including:
linking with industry and employers
supporting partnerships and network arrangements
providing advice and information about post-compulsory initiatives
access to local planning information and data
providing support for collaborative planning and delivery arrangements.
4. VCAL implementation in 2016
The Notification of Intent application requires providers to respond to the following selection
Understanding of the need for and/or experience in developing and implementing individual
applied learning programs and assessment approaches with a focus on employability,
community involvement and vocational outcomes
Existing and/or proposed action to establish partnerships required to deliver the VCAL e.g.
partnerships with RTOs, Local Learning and Employment Networks (LLENS), community
A process for selecting VCAL students that takes into account their strengths and interests
and preferred learning style
iv. The number of students to be enrolled in the VCAL in 2016
Action proposed to integrate VCAL into whole-of-school policy and practice, other post
compulsory pathway initiatives, school priorities, learning programs and resources of the
schools e.g. Managed Individual Pathways and VET in Schools.
Funding for implementation of VCAL
For information on VCAL implementation funding providers should contact their sector for further
VCAL implementation support
A range of VCAL implementation support measures are available to assist VCAL providers. These
 participation in various VCAL professional development activities for VCAL coordinators and
 participation in a VCAA Induction Workshop for new VCAL providers and coordinators in
 access to training on VASS for VCAL specific enrolment, result and certification matters
 participation in the VCAL quality assurance process for VCAL units
 access to VCAL First, a resource for new VCAL teachers, on the Victorian Applied Learning
Association website
 access to the 2015 VCE and VCAL Administrative Handbook, VCAL Curriculum Planning
Guides – Personal Development Skills Strand, Industry Specific Skills Strand and Work Related
Skills Strand and Literacy and Numeracy Skills Strands and Skills for Further Study and VCAL
promotional materials
 participation in the VCAL Achievement Awards program and any other promotional events.
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Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning 2016 – Guidelines for new providers
Other support
Other resources to support VCAL implementation include the following:
 The Victorian Careers Curriculum Framework (CCF) is an online resource that provides a
scaffold for a career development program for all government and non-government school
students and for young learners with VET providers and in the Learn Local adult community
education sector. It includes Career Action Plan templates for each age group and cohort.
 For information on legislative requirements and guidelines for Structured Workplace Learning,
see the Workplace Learning Toolbox, a suite of resources to enhance the quality of workplace
learning for students undertaking structured workplace learning and school-based
apprenticeships and traineeships
 Workplace Learning Coordinators (WLCs) are available in each LLEN area to facilitate
workplace-based learning experiences for students. WLCs provide coordination between
industry, secondary schools (both government and non-government), RTOs and Learn Local
adult community education providers, to identify workplace learning placements, particularly
structured workplace learning and school based apprenticeships in industry areas with strong
vocational outcomes.
 Note: The CCF and WLCs have been developed under the National Partnership on Youth
Attainment and Transitions, a joint initiative of the State and Territory and Commonwealth
International and interstate students
The VCAL qualification is designed to meet the needs of Victorian students. Providers intending to
offer the VCAL qualification to international students will need to obtain approval from the VRQA.
Interstate providers should contact the VCAA for further information.
Contact at the VCAA
Providers can contact Adam Whitbread, VCAL Manager on (03) 9032 1727 at the VCAA with any
concerns regarding the Notification of Intent application.
The VCAA website contains copies of all VCAL documents referred to in these guidelines as well
as key contact details.
Submission of Notification of Intent
The VCAL 2016 Notification of Intent application must be completed in full, signed by the school
Principal/Director and submitted to the VCAA, Level 1, 2 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, VIC 3000 by
close of business on Friday 31 July 2015. The form can also be faxed to the VCAA on (03) 9032
1727 or emailed to
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Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning 2016 – Guidelines for new providers
Friday 31 July 2015
Closing date for Notification of Intent application
from providers.
August/September 2015
Notification of results of Notification of Intent
Note: VCAA authorisation of a VCAL provider
will only occur after the VRQA has registered
the provider as a senior secondary provider.
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