Fergus-Elora District Soccer P.O. Box 112, Fergus, Ontario, N1M 2W7 Phone: 519-843-3360 Email: fergussoccer@bellnet.ca FEDS Soccer – OUTDOOR Registration Form 2016 PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY Player Info: [ ] Male [ ] Female Date of Birth: DD/MM/YYYY: ___ / ___ / ___ Name: ________________________________ Home Phone: ________________ Work: ________________ Address: ________________________________ Player’s Emergency Contact Name: _________________________ Town: ________________________________ Emergency Phone No.: Postal Code: __________ Years of Soccer Experience _____ Division/League – House League Under 4 - 2012 Only Under 6 Boys - 2011, 2010 Under 6 Girls - 2011, 2010 Under 8 Boys - 2009, 2008 Under 8 Girls - 2009, 2008 NEW Under 11 Boys - 2007, 2006, 2005 NEW Under 11 Girls - 2007, 2006, 2005 U14 Mixed - 2004, 2003, 2002 U17 Mixed - 2001, 2000, 1999 Men’s - 1998 Special Needs Fee $160 $165 $165 $165 $165 $185 $185 $215 $220 $235 $150 [X ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Email: ________________________________ ______________________________________ Division/League - Travel Girls U11 - 2005 Girls U12 - 2004 Girls U13 - 2003 Girls U14 - 2002 Girls U15 - 2001 Boys U9 - 2007 Boys U10 – 2006 Boys U11 - 2005 Boys U12 - 2004 Boys U13 - 2003 Boys U17 Fee $265 $280 $285 $295 $295 $255 $260 $265 $280 $285 $320 [ X ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Refunds & Family Discounts: Applications for refunds must be made emailed to the FEDS office by the parent/guardian or player No refunds will be given after the fourth week of the season, refunds before the fourth week will be reduced by the $30 insurance fee paid to SRWSA/OSA Family Discount – 3 or more players get a $10 discount per player Notes: Cheques are payable to FEDS. We must charge $25.00 for NSF cheques. Any and All outstanding fees or debts must be settled prior to registration I hereby grant Fergus Elora District Soccer the unqualified rights to take pictures (still/video) of the above players and to use them for publicity (Newspaper, TV, etc.) and posting of said pictures on our website Players will only play on the team that they have been assigned I hereby release FEDS from all claims for damages arising from any accident or injury caused by or arising from participation of the player during any program or in any facility where the program is being held NOTICE OF WARNING: There is a potential risk in training and participation in any sport and we have tried to create a safe environment. The coach has established rules for participation and proper conduct on or about the playing field must be followed AGREEMENT: I have read and understand the NOTICE OF WARNING on this form. I have read and understand the registration rules. I agree to abide by the following registration rules and also the Published Rules of the Ontario Soccer Association (South West Regional Soccer Association) I understand as a registrant of the Ontario Soccer Association, my District Association, my League and my Club that I may receive information from time to time related to soccer events, programs and services * Divisions are subject to change based on registration numbers Games will not be rescheduled due to inclement weather By providing your e-mail address to FEDS, you are consenting to join the FEDS e-mail list, which circulates important league/club information * [ ] Please check this box if you prefer to be excluded from receiving this information Volunteer Positions Name of Volunteer: _________________________________ Phone: ________________________ Email: __________________________________________ Volunteer Positions: [ ] Coach [ ] Assistant Coach [ ] Convenor Comment: _________________________________________________________________ For coaches and assistant coaches: Training is provided, police checks and interviews are mandatory as per Ontario Soccer Association Proof of Age [ ] All 2015/16 registrations must be accompanied by proof of age, unless provided previously for either Indoor or Outdoor registration. CONSENT FOR USE OF PERSONAL INFORMATION I authorize the Canadian Soccer Association, the Ontario Soccer Association, South West Regional Soccer Association and FergusElora District Soccer to collect and use personal information about my child/ward for the purpose of receiving communications from the Canadian Soccer Association, the Ontario Soccer, District, League and Club I understand that I may withdraw such consent related to receiving communications at any time by contacting the OSA privacy officer at OSAPrivacyOfficer@soccer.on.ca or by mail to: Attention: OSA Privacy Officer, Ontario Soccer Association, 7601 Martin Grove Road, Vaughan ON L4L 9E4. The Privacy Officer will advise the implications of such withdrawal. *We do not sell or distribute your personal information to any other third party not listed herein* ACCEPTANCE OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS In consideration of the acceptance of my membership in the Ontario Soccer Association, District Association and Club, I, the parent/guardian of the player, agree as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. I understand that my child/ward cannot play in any sanctioned soccer game until after this registration form has been validated and the registration data has been entered in the Ontario Soccer Association’s computerized registration system. I have reviewed the waiver/participation agreement attached and my signature affixed hereto indicates my agreement with such waiver/participation agreement I am aware that the Ontario Soccer Association, South West Regional Soccer Association, Fergus Elora District Soccer and League bylaws, policies, rules and regulations and agree to abide by them and to be bound by them. I accept sole responsibility for my child/ward’s personal possessions and athletic equipment. I accept all liability for any damage to the playing equipment caused by my child/ward’s careless, negligent and/or improper handling. TRAVEL ONLY: $50 deposit required by January 23rd , 2015. I acknowledge that I have read this registration agreement in its entirety and that I have executed this registration agreement voluntarily. By signing this form, you agree that you are the parent or legal guardian of the player being registered and to be bound by this Legal Agreement even if you have not read the agreement. Payment [ ] Cash [ ] Cheque [ ] Credit Card Parent/Player Name (Print): ___________________________________ Registration Fee ____________ Received by: ___________________________________ Family Discount ____________ Date: ___________________________________ Total ____________ Parent/Guardian/Player Signature: ____________________________________________________________ Receipt Given: [ ] Yes [ ] No Date Receipt Given: ______________________ Method: [ ] Mail [ ] In Person FEDS Authorized Signature: ______________________________________________________________ Travel Team Deposit Paid [ ]