TVRN – First Rehabilitation Prescription Demographics Patient General Practitioner Name Name Home address: Address: Telephone Telephone (mobile & other) Email Contact person NHS no: Trauma Centre or Unit Trauma Centre or Unit Address Web-page Rehabilitation coordinator Coordinator’s telephone Coordinator’s email: Accident Date and time Place Circumstances Mode of transfer to Centre Wards and departments Date Place Comment Transfer to: Ward and Hospital Date (and time) Method This prescription: Date completed: Completed by: TVRN – First Rehabilitation Prescription. Injuries and significant complications (with dates): Major treatment and interventions (with dates): Page 2 TVRN – First Rehabilitation Prescription. Item Functional Performance - 1 Barthel ADL Index Score Bowels 0 Incontinent of faeces (or is given enemas) 1 Occasional accident (less than 1x/24 hours) 2 Continent Bladder 0 Incontinent, or catheterised/convene drain and unable to manage it him/herself 1 Occasional accident (maximum 1x/24 hours) 2 Continent (for last seven days) Grooming 0 Needs help (supervision, prompts, or practical help) 1 Independent in washing face, doing teeth, shaving or putting on make-up, brushing hair Toilet use 0 Dependent, unable to wipe self 1 Needs help, but can wipe self 2 Independent in transfers and managing clothes off/on Feeding 0 Unable; is fed, has gastrostomy, or feeds self minimally 1 Needs help cutting food, spreading butter, prompts/supervision etc 2 Independent with food provided/selected Transfers 0 Unable; hoisted and/or unable to sit in wheelchair 1 Major help; one or two people, much physical effort 2 Minor help; one person, prompts/supervision or minor physical effort 3 Independent bed-chair Mobility 0 Immobile; unable to get from bedroom to dining area 1 Wheelchair independent (electric or self-propelled) at least bedroom to dining area 2 Walks with help of one person (physical, or prompts/supervision) from bedroom to dining area 3 Independent. May use stick, rollator etc if necessary Dressing 0 Dependent 1 Needs help, but does about half (e.g. top or bottom independently, or minor prompts and/or physical help) 2 Independent, including shoes, laces, buttons etc Stairs 0 Unable 1 Needs help, physical or supervision/prompts or carrying equipment 2 Independent up and down stairs (any means, including stair lift) Bathing 0 Dependent 1 Independent (bath or shower) including getting in and out, washing, and drying and hair Total Page 3 Comment TVRN – First Rehabilitation Prescription. Page 4 Functional Performance – 2 Please answer each question yes or no giving evidence or examples in the comment column. Question Answer (yes/no) Comment Is the patient able to follow a three stage command? E.g. Pick up the cup, drink from it, and then give it to me. Is the patient able to describe an object such that you understand it? E.g. Describe this to me? [holding up a coloured mug with fluid in it] Does the patient know where he/she is, and the month and year? Is the patient experiencing significant emotional distress? Does the patient’s behaviour pose a risk to him/herself or to others? Does the patient’s behaviour cause others embarrassment, or fear, or harm? Can the patient see to read? Can the patient hear? Is the patient in a state of low awareness, including coma? Give Glasgow Coma Scale score (Eyes, Motor, Verbal) Current Care Plan You may attach any printed care plan provided the domains are covered. Domain Respiration Circulation Nutrition, swallow Diet Skin care Urinary excretion Bowel excretion Use/provision of any specialist equipment. Family support Care plan TVRN – First Rehabilitation Prescription. Page 5 TVRN – First Rehabilitation Prescription. Page 6 Current areas of concern or ongoing activity. Free text description of any major issues; especially risks and Mental Capacity Rehabilitation – prognosis Outline any prognostic information both specific and general, indicating levels of uncertainty Rehabilitation – prescription Outline as appropriate (a) specific actions/activities needed and (b) general thrust of rehabilitation programme needed. TVRN – First Rehabilitation Prescription. Page 7 Drugs and other accompanying material List all equipment supplied/transferred Equipment Reason and how to use Comment List all drugs supplied (or attach discharge list) Drug Dose, frequency End date Comment Follow up, and future actions You should have a full, formal review of this prescription by (date), or at the time of discharge if that is sooner. The following planned follow up appointments have been made: Date/time, and place Who with Distribution Copies have been distributed to: General Practitioner With you to next service (and by fax in advance) Your Rehabilitation Prescription Folder Thames Valley Rehabilitation Network Rehabilitation Coordinator Trauma team Why?