NATIONAL BLACK NURSES ASSOCIATION, INC. Call for Abstracts 43rd Annual Institute and Conference “Nursing: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Patient Centered Care" Wednesday, July 29 – Sunday, August 2, 2015 Atlanta Marriott Marquis, Atlanta, GA ** Deadline: Abstracts must be received on or before December 1, 2014 ** Abstracts must describe an original program, project or study created, developed or implemented with at least one of the objectives from the areas listed below. The focus of the program, project or study: 1. Must contribute to the advancement, extension and enhancement of the professional skills and scientific knowledge or technical skills of the registered nurse above the level required for licensure. 2 Must relate to the practice of nursing. 3. Must be relevant to both the educational needs of the registered nurse and relate to direct and/or indirect patient/client care. PRESENTATION TOPICS Preventive Health Services Women, Infant, Child or Adolescent Health Cancer Heart Disease and Stroke Men’s Health Management of Obesity Trauma/Disaster Nursing Genetics/Genomics Diabetes Comparative Effectiveness HIV/AIDS Professional Education Health Literacy Wound Care Medication Compliance Patient Safety / Provider Safety Mental Health Health Care for the Aging Infectious Diseases Environmental Health Degenerative Diseases Pain Management Assessment/Treatment Electronic Medical Record Transitions to Care Nursing Administration Diversity in Nursing CONFERENCE OBJECTIVES: The NBNA Continuing Educational Program is designed to: Identify technology and research-based health outcomes which improve practices and interventions; address clinical nurse best practices resulting in decreased mortality and morbidity; report strategies and processes that bolster the value of health screening and detection; and, identify health policy that impact nursing practice and share community improvement initiatives from the field. (Your presentation should reflect the theme of the conference wherever possible). WHO MAY SUBMIT: Abstract presenters should represent one of the following types of organizations: Academia (schools and universities), Advocacy/Public Interest, Business/Commercial, Corporate Wellness, Faith-Based Organizations, Government Health Agencies (Local, State or Federal), Health Care Organization, Hospital/Clinic, Managed Care Organizations, and NonProfit Groups. INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMISSION The 2014 NBNA Conference Committee invites you to submit an abstract to be considered for presentation at the 42 st Annual Institute and Conference. All submissions undergo peer-review. Please review carefully the following instructions as incomplete submissions will not be considered. All Submissions should be Emailed to Parts I and II of the Abstract Submission form must be completed. Abstracts must be typed on the Abstract Submission Forms, available from the NBNA Office or website PLEASE DO NOT SEND MATERIALS IN PDF FORMAT OR BY FAX. Submissions sent in these formats will be returned. PART I: THE ABSTRACT SUBMISSION FORM: No more than two people may present per abstract submission unless prior approval has been received. Provide all presenter and co-presenter information that is requested on each page. The Abstract text must fit in the abstract box provided (200 word limitation). Character size: (Times Roman 12 point). The body of the abstract must include a statement of objectives in measurable terms, a brief description of the project or program in the form of a method or design section, and findings with implications for nursing practice and needs of the consumer. Source(s) of funding or support for the project, program or document detailed in the abstract must be disclosed. All authors listed on an abstract must disclose information that may indicate potential conflict of interest (i.e., financial agreements, organizational affiliations) with the topic of the abstract. Individuals are allowed to submit only ONE abstract as primary author. If you would like to copy and paste your abstract from one document to the abstract box, please find the "notepad" icon in your Microsoft programs. Paste the text to the "notepad" then copy and paste inside the abstract box. DO NOT USE ALL CAPITAL letters in the abstract title. Do not bold or italicize any of the text in the abstract. A BIO and CV must be sent with each submission. OBJECTIVES AND CONTENT OUTLINE: Objectives: Objectives should contain ONE action or outcome that can be measured, demonstrated and achieved upon completion of the program. The objectives must be clearly stated; measurable; in the allotted time frame; related to the program, project or study described in the abstract; and, describe anticipated participants-oriented outcomes. The objectives should be specified and denote the measurable attributes observed in the participant. Examples of commonly used measurable behavioral verbs include: classify, compare, contrast, demonstrate, describe, develop, differentiate, discuss, explain, and indentify. Outline: The outline should include a brief, yet detailed description of the content proposed for presentation, which corresponds to each objective. The content should be evidence-based and enhance the scope of nursing practice. PART II: SPEAKER REGISTRATION AND HOUSING FORM This form must be completed by every speaker. Every effort will be made to notify speakers before the "Early Bird" conference rate expirers on March 31. NBNA will honor the "Early Bird" registration for any person who is not accepted to speak and receives notification after the "Early Bird" registration has ended. DO NOT use the online registration or the general registration materials if you have submitted an abstract or have been accepted as a speaker. Please note, refunds will be made by check. HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS Please read instructions carefully. NBNA will not be able to offer or pay for one complimentary night for rooms that are booked through third party entities. (Expedia, AARP, Orbitz, etc.) All requests for hotel accommodations must be submitted on the "Speaker Registration Form" which can be found in Part II of the Abstract package. PLEASE DONT RETURN THE PAGES ABOVE! Return original of Abstract Submission form with Disclosure Statement and Speaker Consent form to: Dianne Mance, Conference Services Coordinator NBNA, 8630 Fenton Street, Suite 330, Silver Spring, MD 20910, E-Mail to Abstract Submission Form 43rd Annual Institute and Conference “Nursing: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Patient Centered Care” Wednesday, July 29 – Sunday, August 2, 2015 Atlanta Marriott Marquis, Atlanta, GA ** Deadline: Abstracts must be received on or before December 1, 2014 ** Omission of this form will constitute an INCOMPLETE application and WILL NOT be submitted for review. Please type and E-Mail your completed form to Dianne Mance: Remember the way you submit your information is the way it will be presented in the final Program Book. Tips on completing this form: Place your cursor on the shaded area and begin typing. PRESENTER’S INFORMATION First Name Middle Initial Last Name AND Credentials Professional Title Department/Division Name of Institution/Organization Mailing Address: Please specify Business or Home Institution/Organization Address Suite/Floor City State Zip Code Business Phone Fax Email address MAILING ADDRESS IF DIFFERENT FROM ABOVE Address: Suite/Floor City Phone State Zip Code Fax Email address CO-PRESENTER’S INFORMATION First Name Middle Initial Last Name AND Credentials Professional Title Department/Division Name of Institution/Organization Mailing Address: Please specify Email Address: Business or Home Suite/Floor City State Zip Code Phone Fax Email address Return original of Abstract Submission form with Disclosure Statement and Speaker Consent form to: Dianne Mance, Conference Services Coordinator NBNA, 8630 Fenton Street, Suite 330, Silver Spring, MD 20910, E-Mail to Abstract Submission Form 43rd Annual Institute and Conference “Nursing: Multidisciplinary Approaches ” Wednesday, July 29 – Sunday, August 2, 2015 Atlanta Marriott Marquis, Atlanta, GA ** Deadline; Abstracts must be received on or before December 1, 2014 ** Omission of this form will constitute an INCOMPLETE application and WILL NOT be submitted for review. Presentation Topic: HIV/AIDS Cancer Information Technology Diabetes Environmental Health Genetics Health Care for the Aging Heart Disease and Stroke Injury Prevention/Occupational Health Men and Boy’s Health Infectious Diseases Mental Health Professional Education Trauma/Disaster Nursing Women, Infant, Child or Adolescent Health OTHER Abstract – 200 word limitation Please Note: The body of the abstract must include a statement of objectives, a brief description of the project or program in the form of a method or design section and findings with implications to nursing practice and the needs of consumers. Title of Presentation: Presenter Name: Presenter Name: Credentials: Credentials: Organization: Organization: ________________________________________________________________________________________ 200 Word limitation Start writing here: Return original of Abstract Submission form with Disclosure Statement and Speaker Consent form to: Dianne Mance, Conference Services Coordinator NBNA, 8630 Fenton Street, Suite 330, Silver Spring, MD 20910, E-Mail to Speaker/Presenter Objectives and Content Outline Omission of this form will constitute an INCOMPLETE application and WILL NOT be submitted for review. PLEASE PROVIDE THE NAMES AND CREDENTIALS FOR EVERYONE WHO IS PRESENTING Please type: Speaker/Presenter Name: Credentials: Speaker/Presenter Name: Type of Presentation: Oral Presentations ONLY: TITLE OF THIS PRESENTATION: Sharing bad news Return by email the Abstract Submission form with Disclosure Statement and Speaker Consent form to: Dianne Mance, Conference Services Manager; Email to Using the outline provided below, please provide the behavioral objectives and the content outline for this presentation. The behavioral objectives must be clearly stated; measurable; attainable in the allotted time frame; related to the program, project or study described in the abstract; and, describe anticipated participant-oriented outcomes. The behavioral objectives should be specific and denote the measurable attributes observable in the participant. Examples of commonly used measurable behavioral verbs include: classify, compare, contrast, demonstrate, describe, develop, differentiate, discuss, explain, and identify. The outline should include a brief yet detailed description of the content proposed for presentation which corresponds to each objective. The content should be evidence-based and enhance the scope of nursing practice. OBJECTIVES: At the conclusion of this presentation the nurse participants will be able to: I. 2. 3. CONTENT OUTLINE: You must provide an outline as specified above. I. A. B. II. A. B. III. A. B. NOTIFICATION: Authors will be notified by March 15 by mail or email as to the acceptance of their submission. Return by email the Abstract Submission form with Disclosure Statement and Speaker Consent form to: Dianne Mance, Conference Services Manager; Email to