1 Appendix A 2 Table A1: Results of our literature review, showing only the studies that explicitly 3 compared seed or plant abundance and/or diversity between linear gaps (LG) and 4 adjacent habitats (AH). Study Alexander et al. (2009) Arévalo et al. (2010) Plant origin Native & Exotic Native & Exotic LG type AH type Gravel road Agricultural fields & forest Scrubland & pine forest Agricultural fields & forest Road Abundance Diversity LG > AH LG > AH Azcárate et al. (2013) Native Road LG > AH Baltzinger et al. (2011) Native Road, patch & tractor rut Mixed forest LG > AH LG > AH Native & Exotic Native & Exotic Road Pine forest Haul road & skid trail Campos et al. (2011) Native Trail LG > AH Catling and Kostiuk (2011) Christen and Matlack (2009) Native Exotic Davies et al. (2013) Exotic Sagebrush LG > AH Dickens et al. (2005) Dong et al. (2008) Exotic Exotic Native & Exotic Trail Road Unpaved road Trail Road Deciduous forest Field & open woodland Boreal forest Oak forest Bergès et al. (2013) Buckley et al. (2003) Dubé et al. (2011) Power line Flory and Clay (2006) Exotic Road Fowler et al. (2008) Exotic Road Gabbard and Fowler (2007) Exotic Road Gelbard and Belnap (2003) Exotic Road & 4WD track Hall and Kuss (1989) Native Hansen and Clevenger (2005) Exotic Hewitt and Miyanishi (1997) Native & Exotic Trail Transport corridors Trails Heymann et al. (2014) Native Trails Hoffmann et al. (2004) Exotic Road Hovd and Skogen (2005) Native Road LG > AH LG > AH LG > AH Mixed forest Mixed forest LG > AH Bog & fen LG > AH Deciduous forest Pine forest Mixed forest & grassland Grassland, scrubland & forest Oak forest Mixed forest LG > AH LG > AH LG > AH LG > AH LG > AH LG > AH LG > AH Marshland Tropical rainforest Tropical forest Agricultural land LG > AH LG > AH LG > AH LG > AH Native & Exotic Exotic Trail Urban parks LG > AH Road LG > AH Maheu-Giroux and De Blois (2007) Exotic Road Pine forest Agricultural land, urban land & forest Manier et al. (2014) Exotic Highways, roads, power lines Grassland LG > AH LaPaix et al. (2012) Lu and Ma (2006) LG > AH LG > AH LG > AH LG > AH & railways Marcantonio et al. (2013) Native Road Meekins and McCarthy (2001) Exotic Forest road Mortensen et al. (2009) Exotic Road Native Native & Exotic Native & Exotic Road Mixed forest Deciduous forest Deciduous forest Open forest Road Rangeland Norton and Smith (1999) O'Farrell and Milton (2006) Pauchard and Alaback (2006) Ribeiro et al. (2014) Rotholz and Mandelik (2013) Stroh and Struckhoff (2009) Not specified Native & Exotic Suárez-Esteban et al. (2013) Native Tiébré et al. (2008) Exotic Tyser and Worley (1992) Vasconcelos et al. (2014) Veldman and Putz (2010) Wagner et al. (2014) Zeng et al. (2011) Zielińska et al. (2013) Baret and Strasberg (2005) Craig et al. (2010) Gieselman et al. (2013) Exotic Native & Exotic Exotic Native & Exotic Native & Exotic Native Exotic Native & Exotic Native & Exotic Trails & firebreaks Road Scrubland Unpaved road Road & railway Road Grassland & riparian forest Mediterranean scrubland Agricultural & urban land Grassland Road Cerrado forest Horse trail Forest road Power line Road Road Forest trail Dry tropical forest Deciduous forest Oil field & grassland Forest Tropical rainforest Road Scrubland Road Grassland Irl et al. (2014) Native Schramm and Ehrenfeld (2012) Exotic Trail Not specified Not specified Road & ditch Laurel & Pine forests Deciduous forest Agricultural land Road Not specified Freemark et al. (2002) Native & Exotic Road & ditch Gorchov et al. (1993) Native Gorchov et al. (2013) Native Guariguata and Dupuy (1997) Native Tang et al. (2014) Zhou et al. (2009)* Kemper and MacDonald (2009) Larson (2003) Lee et al. (2012) Tikka et al. (2000) Vasconcelos et al. 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