Organics Why they cost more

Organics Why they cost more
Is Organic Food Really Worth the Extra Cost?
Posted By Dr. Mercola | October 20 2010
Certified organic almost always comes with a higher price tag. But why?
As this video shows, the answer might not surprise you. One reason is that USDA rules can
make it more expensive.
But another reason is because organic systems rely on more expensive, natural ways of
producing foods with the nutrients you're looking for. Labor and transportation costs figure in
too. And of course, yields are not as high either.
In the end it's up to you to decide whether a higher price is worth it.
YouTube September 18, 2010
Dr. Mercola’s comments:
I think it’s important to realize that the “price” we pay for organic food is not just about the
price tag of the food itself, but also the long-term savings, in terms of reduced health care
Traditional farming practices used before the 20th century are generally recognized as being
organic. This was before the creation of pesticides, herbicides, irradiation, synthetic
fertilizers, and a host of other “progressive” farming “inputs”, used to control pests, decrease
farm labor and supposedly increase crop yields.
In other words, in the old days, farmers planted non-genetically altered seeds, rotated crops,
pulled weeds, and put in long hours to ensure their harvest was bountiful. Farm animals ate
grass and lived off the land.
The result was an organic food supply and much lower rates of heart disease, diabetes and
Fast forward to the 21st century, where farmers routinely spray their crops with poisons,
plant genetically altered seeds, and feed animals growth hormones, unnatural grain diets
and antibiotics. And the current rates of heart disease, diabetes and cancer (along with
Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and autism) have reached proportions never seen before in human
Proponents of “modern” farming will tell you that the scale of production has changed to
accomodate a worldwide population rapidly approaching ten billion, and that large-scale
farming requires chemical inputs to ensure a sustainable, steady supply of affordable food.
The truth is, organic farming, or doing things the old fashioned way, is just as sustainable, if
not more so, than “progressive” modern farming with its reliance on “inputs”.
And the question of whether using modern chemical farming inputs actually increases crop
yields is subject to much scientific debate. In fact, some scientists claim that the continued
insistence that chemical inputs increase crop yields is a myth.
But not subject to debate, and definitely not a myth, is the fact that any chemical designed to
kill bugs, mold or fungus can seriously damage your health.Likewise, it’s a well-known fact
that modern farming practices deplete the soils, which in turn produces less nutrient-rich
The Cost of Using Pesticides and Fertilizers
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) considers 60 percent of herbicides, 90 percent
of fungicides, and 30 percent of insecticides to be carcinogenic, and most are also damaging
to your nervous system as well. In fact, these powerful and dangerous chemicals have been
linked to numerous health problems such as:
Disruption of your endocrine system
Immune system suppression
Male infertility and reduced reproductive function
Parkinson's disease
Ironically, studies have shown that often less than 0.1 percent of an applied pesticide even
reaches the target pest, leaving 99.9 percent of the pesticide as an unintended pollutant in
the environment.
Synthetic fertilizers, meanwhile, which are used to both increase crop size and shorten
growth time, can lead to many negative consequences including toxic runoff into
groundwater and dead zones in the oceans!
The Cost of Not Using Pesticides and Fertilizers
What does a farmer gain by not using chemical inputs on crops?
Higher costs.
Without pesticides, farmers must use labor-intensive techniques like flame weeding. And
natural fertilizers, such as chicken manure, which cost more than synthetic fertilizers.
But restrictions on pesticides and synthetic fertilizer are only part of the higher cost of
organic food.
Organic farmers are also not subsidized by the federal government, putting them at further
economic disadvantage compared to conventional farmers. And the inequities don’t stop
The truth is, the USDA puts many tight restrictions on organic farmers, raising the cost for
them to produce organic food.
Why Organic Food is More Expensive
Organic farming practices are designed to encourage soil and water conservation and to
reduce pollution. They are not designed to save money.
To receive an organic food label from the USDA, farmers must follow different rules than
conventional farming. Organic farming CANNOT use:
Synthetic Fertilizers
Sewage sludge
Genetically modified organisms
Ionizing radiation
Growth Hormones
Organic food can also not use genetically modified organisms, which have been linked to
negative health consequences.
Right away you’ll notice most of the restrictions imposed by the USDA either lead to higher
food production costs, or put organic farmers at a disadvantage in the marketplace.
For instance, not using ionizing radiation means foods spoil faster. Not using antibiotics
means conditions that create sick animals must be avoided in the first place. Not using
growth hormones means animals grow slower and not as large.
All of these things can translate to lower profit margins. So in order for organic farms to
remain economically viable, they need to charge a premium for the products they produce.
The question is: is it worth the extra cost?
In my opinion, I believe the answer is a resounding YES, as organic food is more
nutritious and can dramatically improve your health, thereby reducing health care costs, and
is sustainable for the environment.
Organic Food Doesn’t Have to be Costly
There is a common misconception that all organic foods will cost you more money, but this
isn’t always the case. Some of the most nutritious foods actually cost less than $1.
One key to buying organically on a budget is to shop locally, and look for bargains. Local
growers often have items “in season” that are priced to sell. Buying items in season will also
ensure that the supply is greatest, usually leading to lower prices.
Another strategy for saving money on organic products is to buy in bulk when items go on
sale. If you are fortunate to live near a buyers club or a co-op, you may also be able to take
advantage of buying by the pound from bins, saving both you and the supplier the cost of
expensive packaging.
Other strategies to save money:
Grow your own organic foods whenever possible.
Buy generic organic items instead of brand names.
Check your grocery store circulars for current organic sales, and remember to clip
You can also save money by knowing which conventionally-grown foods are the safest,
allowing you to stretch your budget by only purchasing certain food items organic and
‘making do’ with certain conventionally-grown products.
Organic apples, beef, and spinach, for example, give you more bang for your buck than
other produce because their conventionally grown counterparts are heavily laden with
pesticides and other harmful additives. Seafood, cosmetics, and cleaning products, on the
other hand, can be labeled “organic” without meeting the same USDA requirements imposed
on vegetables and meats.
When it comes to produce, you’ll want to keep in mind the presence of pesticides. The
Environmental Working Group has done the work for you here. Their Guide to Pesticides,
lists the following twelve foods as having the lowest pesticide load when conventionally
grown. Consequently, they are the safest conventionally grown crops to consume:
Sweet peas (frozen)
Sweet corn (frozen)
Since animal products tend to bioaccumulate toxins, concentrating them to far higher
concentrations than are typically present in vegetables, it would make sense to make sure
your meat choices are organic.
When choosing organic beef however, you should also go the additional step and make
certain the cows are grass fed exclusively, especially the three months before they are
slaughtered, as this is when they are typically given grains to fatten them up.
For chickens, it would be important to make sure they are organic free-range chickens.
The truth of the matter is, your family could be eating organic food for the same cost as
processed food, or even less! All it really takes is educating yourself, and becoming a little
more diligent in your grocery purchases.
Why Organic Food is Better for You
Study after study shows that organic food has benefits over conventionally grown food, such
Higher nutrients
More effective at fighting diseases
Lower Nitrate content
Nitrate content in food is important because high nitrate content in food and drinking water
can be converted to nitrosamines that are carcinogens. Nitrates can impair the ability of your
blood to carry oxygen, and may pose a risk of methemoglobinemia – a disorder in which
your tissues are starved of oxygen.
Are There Different Categories of Organic Labeling?
The one label you can trust above all others when looking for organically grown foods is
the USDA Organic label. Foods with this label must meet the rules set by the USDA. Foods
produced in foreign countries will not carry this label, even if they claim to be organic.
However, the USDA recognizes three different categories of organic labeling and it can be
helpful to you to know the difference:
100 % Organic – 100% organic ingredients
Organic – 95% organic ingredients
Made with Organic Ingredients – at least 70% organic ingredients, with strict restrictions
on the remaining 30% of ingredients, including no GMOs.
The True Cost of Eating Organic Foods
The old saying “you get what you pay for” applies perfectly to the food supply in your 21st
century stores and supermarkets.
Processed foods are full of sugar, white flour, trans fats and hydrogenated oils, artificial
flavor enhancers, MSG, chemical colors and preservatives – none of which will improve your
Your grocery bill might be less if you purchase only these foods, along with conventionally
grown vegetables coated in pesticide residue with an artificially high nitrogen content, and
corn-fed beef, or irradiated chicken filled with growth hormones.
But although they may cost you less at the checkout, are these foods really less expensive
over time?
What about the cost to your health and quality of life from eating these foods?
What about the medical costs and complications related to diseases these foods have been
linked to, like diabetes and heart disease? Cancer and heart disease? Parkingson’s and
These costs don’t show up on your food bill. But they show up in medical bills and in your
quality of life.
I encourage you to educate yourself further on the true costs of NOT eating an organic diet.
Once you do the research for yourself I think you will agree with me that the best way to take
control of your health and your family’s health is to choose foods that promote your good
health, not foods that have been shown in study after study to poison you.