International Journal of Business Management (IJBM) The Manuscript Title (Centre, Bold, 14 pt) First Authora, Second Authorb*, Third Authorc (Centre, Bold, 11 pt) a Department, University, Country (10 pt) Department, University, Country (10 pt) c Department, University, Country (10 pt) b Keyword (11 pt) First keyword Second keyword Third keyword (min.) Fourth keyword Fifth keyword Sixth keyword (max.) ABSTRACT (11 pt) The abstract should summarise the manuscript by highlighting at least the main issue(s)/objective(s), method(s), outcome(s) and implication(s) of the manuscript. An in-depth abstract analysis will enable IJBM readers to isolate the contents as a whole which corresponds to their interest. The abstract should not exceed 200 words in length. Do not include references, however if required, the author(s) and year should be cited. A maximum of 6 keywords is required. *Corresponding Author. Email address: xxx@xxx 1. INTRODUCTION (11 PT) This is the live-template that offers authors the formatting specifications in preparing manuscripts for the International Journal of Business Management (IJBM). In your submission(s), do keep the page margins (one inch on each side), column widths of the abstract and keyword, line spacing (1.5 spacing), and type styles of this manuscript template. The manuscript should be written in English with British spellings using MS Word, Times New Roman, 11 pt, and 1.5 spacing. Foreign words should be in italics, if any. The manuscript length should not between 5,000 words and 8,000 words, including tables and figures, footnotes (notes should be used sparingly), acknowledgement, appendices and references). You may visit for more information on the submission guidelines. The manuscript submitted to the IJBM must be entirely original, novel and at least 30% different from its originally-published/presented version(s) (journal/conference considerations) from the same authors. It is anticipated that all manuscriptss submitted should be written carefully without spelling and grammatical errors. In other words, the submission must have undergone a proofreading process. The Introduction is the first paragraph in the manuscript emphasising the research background and problem statement. It should inform the readers about the rationale behind the research and study, justifying the importance and essential components of the research in the field. The introduction should be written precisely to be understandable among a broad range of scientific disciplines. It is suggested that the empirical manuscript is presented in this structure: Introduction – Literature Review – Research Method – Results and Discussion – Conclusion. Other type of manuscript should be presented in a reasonable structure. Any manuscripts which do not follow the required format will be returned to the authors for revision before it is considered for review and publication. All manuscripts should be submitted electronically to the Managing Editor of IJBM at 2. LITERATURE REVIEW (11 PT) The theoretical analysis including the current knowledge that provides significant contributions to the selected reseach interest should be included. 3. RESEARCH METHOD (11 PT) Clear and concise explanation of the method used and the steps taken in certifying the reliability and validity of the methodology used in the analysis should be explained, alongside the sample and target population with justifications. Precisely explain the sequence of research steps including research design, procedures and data acquisition. All the research description should be supported with references to ensure its validity and accurate explaination. 4. RESULTS AND ANALYSIS (11 PT) It is expected that clear and comprehensive presentation of results in view of the proposed hypotheses are deliberated in this section. The use of tables, figures , graphs and others will enhance the understanding of readers on the analytical findings. Subsequent sub-chapters could be used to further explain the findings. All the table(s), figure(s) and graph(s) used should be referred to in the text with caption(s) being placed at the center with Arabic numerals. Table I. List of Listed Companies (10pt) Funds Trustee Company x ABC AAA z BCD CCC Current composition of S-REITS and C-REITS based on market capitalization(as at December XXX) (10pt) S-Reits 35% C-Reits 65% Figure I. Current composition of S-REITS and C-REITS based on market capitalization (as at December XXX) (10pt) 2 4.1. Sub-Analysis Bbbb 4.2. Sub-Analysis Bbbb 4.2.1 Sub-analysis Cccc 5. CONCLUSION (11 PT) The conclusion is the part that should provide the thoughtful end of the paper which sums up the author’s view and opinion on the subject matter of the manuscript. In addition, potential future development on the findings and suggestions for future studies may also be highlighted. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (11 PT) Acknowledgements (if appropriate) and information on research grant received should be provided. REFERENCES (11 PT) The reference used is based on the APA style. Without the help of reference manager(s), the author(s) should also list all references in alphabetical order. All acknowledged references mentioned in the paper should be cited with author’s last name followed by years in bracket, e.g. Jensen & Meckling (1976). For references with definite page or citation, the page number must be added, e.g. Jensen & Meckling (1976, p. 3). For references with three authors or more, the first author’s last name should be cited followed by et al. for subsequent appearances in the manuscript. Author(s) are referred to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th Edition) for more information, if necessary. 3