THE ORIGIN OF CALCAREOUS SINTER FROM POKRZYWIANKA GÓRNA (HOLY CROSS MTS, POLAND) BASED ON THE CHEMISTRY OF ROCK AND PRESENT WATERS. Sabina Dołęgowska, Joanna Masternak, Artur Michalik Institute of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematical and Natural Sciences Pedagogical University, 5 Chęcińska Str., 25-020 Kielce. ABSTRACT The calcareous sinter, spring and stream waters from Pokrzywianka Górna (Holy Cross Mts) were analyzed to explain the origin of calcareous sinter (travertine). The concentrations of selected metals, i.e. Cu, Cd, Fe, Ni, Mn, Pb and Zn, were determined in the rock and waters using flame atomic absorption spectrometry (PU 9100 X UNICAM). In addition, pH, conductivity, alkalinity and concentrations of selected ions (SO42-, Cl-, NO2-, NO3-, NH4+, PO43-, Fetotal, Mn2+) in water samples were measured using a portable spectrophotometer SLANDI LF205 and field ELMETRON pH- and conductivity-meters. The results revealed a substantial enrichment of rock in Mn and other metals, which can support the hypothesis on the hydrothermal origin of calcareous sinter from Pokrzywianka Górna. The chemistry of present waters is not affected by the sinter outcrop. The high alkalinity of waters seems to be associated with a widespread thick cover of loesses that contain about 12% of calcium carbonate. INTRODUCTION At the western boundary of the Pokrzywianka Górna village located northeast of Nowa Słupia (northeastern part of the Holy Cross Mountains), a unique calcareous sinter outcrop of about 9 x 2 m occurs. About 50 m west of it there is a cased spring (well) and a flowing northward small stream charged by some nearby seeps and the spring (fig. 1). The sinter (travertine) is a chemical sedimentary rock that consists primarily of calcite (CaCO3) or silica (SiO2). It forms by precipitating chemical compounds from spring water as a result of the rapid changes in physicochemical conditions (temperature, pressure etc.), e.g. appearance of geochemical barriers [1,2]. Silica and calcareous sinters are being formed now around hot springs, the best examples of which are contemporary hydrotherms of Yellowstone National Park [3]. The calcareous sinter from Pokrzywianka Górna originated in the Holocene, about several thousand years ago [4]. The field observations indicated that the sinter small dome occurs within a tectonic fault zone separating the Pokrzywianka elevation from Chełmowa Mount. The principal objective of this study was to find any chemical relationships between the sinter outcrop and nearby waters. EXPERIMENTAL The rock and water samples were collected from the sinter outcrop on May 5th of 2005. The pH and conductivity of waters were measured directly in the field with a portable ELMETRON pH- and conductivity-meters. The collected samples were transported to the Geochemistry and Environment Division Laboratory of Pedagogical University in Kielce on the same day. The waters were analyzed without sample preservation. This paper also encompasses the results derived from the previous analyses of spring waters (January and April of 2005). The sampling design and localization of the study area are shown in figure 1. Fig. 1. Localization of investigation sites within the study area. The determinations of alkalinity and concentrations of selected ions (i.e. sulfate, phosphate, chloride, iron, manganese, zinc, nitrite, nitrate, ammonium) were performed with a portable SLANDI LF205 spectrophotometer. The sets of reagents that were used for these analyses have been supplied by SLANDI. The detection limits for this method are presented in tables 2 and 3 contained in the next section. The concentrations of Cu, Cd, Zn, Ni, Mn, Fe and Pb were determined in the rock and spring water samples with an Atomic Absorption Spectrometer PU 9100 X UNICAM. The rock sample (2.932 g) was digested with aqua regia. The water samples were evaporated to obtain a tenfold concentrate. The detection limits for the described method are presented in tables 1 and 2 of the next section. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The results of rock and water analyses from Pokrzywianka Górna are shown in tables 1 through 3. The chemical analyses of calcareous sinter reveal a considerable enrichment of this rock in Mn (16323.8 mg kg-1d.w.). It should be stressed that the remaining metals (Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni and Fe) also show raised levels. The pH values of the water analyzed were in the range of 6.26 - 7.44, which is typical for surface waters (6.5-8.5) [5]. The conductivity was relatively high and reached 694 mS cm -1 in the spring water. The concentrations of Cd, Ni, Mn and Fe did not exceed 10 mg dm - 3, whereas Pb - 30 mg dm-3. Only the spring water was highlighted by a higher concentration of Cu (39 mg dm-3) and Zn (45 mg dm-3). The waters examined also revealed high alkalinity (260 - 334 mg CaCO3 dm-3), which is unique for surface waters yielding a typical range of 60 - 90 mg CaCO3 dm-3 [5]. In author's opinion, the high alkalinity of these waters can be explained by a presence of thick loess cover in this part of the Holy Cross Mts. The loesses contain a substantial amount of scattered calcium carbonate (averaging 12%), which can be easily washed out by rain, thus enriching surface and underground waters in Ca(HCO3)2. Table 1. Concentrations of selected elements in calcareous sinter Element Detection limit Concentrations mg kg-1 (d.w.) Cd 3.4 13.1 Cu 3.4 9.4 Fe 3.4 141.6 Mn 3.4 16323.8 Ni 3.4 11.8 Pb 30.0 28.2 Zn 3.4 42.4 Table 2. The chemical analyses of spring water Element Unit Analytical method Detection limits Results Cd 10 <10 Cu 10 39 Fe 30 <10 Atomic absorption spectrometry 10 <10 Ni 10 <10 Pb 10 <30 Zn 10 45 - 1.) 6.57a 2.) 6.26b 3.) 7.44c - 1.) 683a 2.) 694b 3.) 558c 0-500 1.) 334a 2.) 282c 10-1000 1.) 32a 2.) 37b 3.) 33c μg dm-3 Mn pH - Conductivity μS cm Electrochemical -1 Alkalinity mgMgCO3 dm-3 2- -3 Electrochemical Spectrophotometric SO4 mg dm Cl- 2-100 14.6 0.1-2.0 <0.1 0.5-50.0 6.8 0.02-1.00 0.07 NH4+ 0.1-3.0 0.2 Fetotal 0.05-6.0 <0.05 2+ 0.05-2.0 0.22 PO4 3- NO3NO2 - Mn NOTE: dates of analyses: a - January 12th of 2005; b - April 1st of 2005; c - May 5th of 2005 The physicochemical and chemical parameters of the examined spring water differ depending on the season of sampling. The seasonal variability is probably connected with different climatic factors (snowmelt, precipitation, temperature), and should be further studied. Table 3. The results of spring and stream analyses Parameter Unit pH - Conductivity μS cm Alkalinity SO4 Detection limits Results -1 2- 3- NO3- 7.85 - 626 mgMgCO3 dm-3 0-500 ClPO4 - mg dm-3 260 10-1000 57 2-100 26 0.1-2.0 <0.1 0.5-50.0 11.3 NO2 - 0.02-1.00 0.07 NH4 + 0.1-3.0 0.1 CONCLUSIONS The analyses of the sinter, spring and stream waters from Pokrzywianka Górna allow us to conclude that: 1.The calcareous sinter shows raised concentrations of metals, especially Mn. 2.The analyzed spring and stream waters are depleted in metals and show high alkalinity that can be linked to the presence of thick loess cover within the study area. The results indicate that there is no genetic relationship between the examined waters and the sinter formation. 3.The calcareous sinter from Pokrzywianka Górna is a remnant deposit of a hot spring linked to the fault zone which was reactivated in Holocene time. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would like to thank Prof. Zdzisław M. Migaszewski and Dr. Agnieszka Gałuszka of the Pedagogical University in Kielce for reviewing this article and valuable remarks. REFERENCES [1] W. Ryka, A. Maliszewska, Słownik petrograficzny. Wyd. Geol. Warszawa. 1991. [2] Z. Migaszewski, A. Gałuszka, Zarys Geochemii Środowiska. Wyd. Akademii Świętokrzyskiej. Kielce. 2003. [3] A.G. Harris, E. Tuttle, Geology of National Parks. Kendall/Huet Publishing Co. Iowa. U.S.A. 1990. [4] E. Stupnicka, M. Stempień-Sałek, Poznajemy Góry Świętokrzyskie. Wycieczki geologiczne. Wyd. Nauk. PWN. Warszawa. 2001. [5] J. Dojlido, Fizyczno-chemiczne badanie wody i ścieków. "Arkady". Warszawa. 1999.