coast steering committee


Minutes of Annual General Meeting 2015

18 th November 2015 at 7.30pm

Aberdeen Sports Village, Aquatics Centre

Present: Steve Turner – Cults Otter (CO), Gregor MacMillan - COAST, Jo Bonner - CO,

Sue Toothill – Bridge if Don (OD), Rhona Kennedy – Bucksburn (BB), Kenny Watson –

Aberdeen Dolphins (AD), Rob Bain - BB, Mary Agnew

– AD, Garry Fraser – Dyce (D),

Lesley Beveridge - BOD, Gillian Main - BOD, Sean Dawson - BOD, Sean Breen - D, Mike

MacCulloch - CO, Michelle Lindsay - CO, Mark Lindsay - CO, Heather MacDonald - BB,

Peter Jaffrey - CO, Martin Shaw - CO, Julie Thomson - BOD, Keith Thomson - BOD,

Karen Anderson - CO, Laura Bowie

–CO/COAST, Deborah Ritchie - CO, Deborah Evans -

AD, Gillian Simpson - BOD, Victoria Emslie - BOD, Cindy McIntosh - BOD, Audrey Deans

- BOD, Liz Kemp – CO, Liz Riley – CO, Mark Perry – BOD, Gareth Bristo – D, Richard Hall

- BOD, Duncan Sinclair

– Aberdeen Sports Village, Gayle Holland – Bon Accord (BA)

1. Welcome and apologies

Apologies from Garry Brown – BA, Donna McNally - BOD

The President, Steve Turner (ST) opened the AGM by thanking everyone for attending.

2. Review of Minutes from AGM November 2014

Due to the Secretary

’s unavoidable last minute absence, the minutes of the previous AGM were not avaliable. ST to follow up as 2014 AGM minutes could not be proposed or approved.

3. Chairman’s Report

President’s report for COAST AGM on 18 th November 2015

I will make this brief since there is a lot to say!

First things first, a huge thank you and congratulations to the swimmers and the coaching staff for their hard work which has made this a very successful short course season to date.

Many thanks also to the parents without whom COAST could not function, in particular to

Sue Tootill who has finished as meet secretary and will soon hand over her team manager role. Patrina Bain has kindly offered to take up one of the meet secretary posts; we are still looking for a second meet secretary. Nickie Scorgie, Laura Rattray and Lesley Beveridge

(apologies if I have missed anyone else) are currently going through the training for being team manager. Many thanks also to Jackie Fraser for filling the vacant Child Protection

Officer role. I am very grateful for the team at ASV for their behind the scenes support which, among many roles, includes auditing the finances. Finally (but by no means least), many thanks for my fellow committee members for their enthusiasm and support over the last year.

This is a useful time to reflect on the three specific aims for the 2015/6 season as discussed at the Start of Season meeting in August:

1. COAST review. This document is now available and the change to COAST first envisaged seem to be smaller in reality; the performance squad will sit above COAST

TAP and COAST is likely to carry on in the short term as a composite team, as it has been doing for 20 years. The Performance Coach post is expected to be advertised shortly with a closing date before Christmas and the appointee will determine many of the details for the new Performance squad and what may change with the COAST programme.

2. Web site. This is up and running, all swimmers are registered. Emails can be sent through the web site. The next steps are to arrange meets, follow payments and engage with sponsors through the web site. The monthly cost of the web site (~£100) will be fully justified by the heightened profile of COAST and the ease in administration.

3. Fund raising. This is affected by the uncertainties surrounding the COAST review, ie sponsors do not know whether the brand “COAST” will remain or change. Many thanks to Rob Bain and Les Hall for putting a strategy together to attract a regular income from sponsors.

One other point to mention is chaperones and team travel. I think we need a “squad” of chaperones and suggest that each parent should consider chaperoning at least once. The tem managers and chaperones need to take time from work and home but make team travel possible which is an important experience for the swimmers and saves all parents having to travel. PVG checks need to be completed before chaperoning.

The President, Steve Turner (ST) highlighted the main points in his report (above).

ST was optimistic that someone else would take up the Meet Secretary role along with

Patrina Bain (PB). Rob Bain (RB) highlighted that owing to club commitments PB could only cover a couple of hours maximum a week.

The need to have PVG clearance was highlighted for assisting with team travel. This can be done via constituent clubs (if voluntary then no charge). Sport Aberdeen have to pay processing fee for volunteers. There is no requirement for STO to have PVG clearance although Mike MacCulloch (MMC) has. Deborah Ritchie (DR) raised potential of parent volunteers which Gregor MacMillan (GMM) welcomed. No experience required need to be

PVG checked and able to use a stop watch.

ST highlighted COAST review, website and fundraising within his report. There was discussion around the COAST review and what it actually meant for the athletes. The

Performance coach would set the framework for the whole swimming development pathway, with the post funded via the University of Aberdeen. The Performance coach would leading the coaching for TAP (move to Performance) with the performance programme linked to AGP and JAG. It would be likely that the Head coach role within

Coast along with AGP and JAP would remain with joint working links to the Performance coach. Keith Thomson (KT) expressed concern that the Coast review and Scottish

Swimming Performance review should be separate

“did not sit together” as reference has been made to both in the COAST review without clarity. There would be an opportunity for all athletes to access the Performance from anywhere. MMC highlighted that the review did not affect current COAST swimmers. Sean Dawson (SD) confirmed that the review had been endorsed by the sponsors other than COAST. Governance arrangements were raised by RB with confirmation provided that the management group would include

Aberdeen University, Sport Aberdeen, COAST President (ST) and Scottish Swimming representative (SD). Julie Thomson (JT) asked if RGU had been involved owing to the funding from Aberdeen University. SD advised that a similar approach to that of Herriot

Watt was to be taken as Aberdeen University are not bothered if the athletes are studying at another institution. SD advised that RGU had been consulted initially on the

Performance Centre although they had no funding available.

The need for the Management Group to be in place quickly was shared by a number of attendees to look at the interim arrangements and endorse the recommendations collectively. ST confirmed that the Performance coach will have the main say on what needs to be done as such governance and detail will come with the appointment. GMM advised that Ali Whike will not be delivering to Performance athletes the responsibility being to develop the performance role. RB highlighted the need for communication now although ST advised that there will be very little change. Mark Lindsay (ML) raised that there were more coaches previously. SB commented on the high number of swimmers not of a high level currently in the programme. The potential increase in entry age couple with low numbers would ensure the best of the best. Michelle Lindsay felt that the programme was in “limbo”. Concerns were expressed around the high amount of swimmers for the last

6 months in the programme. Audrey Deans (AD) vocalised support for the coaches and programme highlighting that there were alternatives open to parents and from experience that things would change eventually. Support for coaches were echoed from other attendees. GMM confirmed that the Performance coach would initially sit within COAST and peel away Performance athletes. KT raised the need for rebranding in autumn as referenced in the COAST review to which GMM felt that this was something for the long term. It was felt by ST that until the appointment of the Performance coach it would be inappropriate to provide a “fait accompli”. More clarification was required especially owing to the amount of kit stock currently sitting in the accounts. KT acknowledged support for things to remain the same for COAST. MMC requested clarification on which squad the

Performance coach would take GMM confirmed that this would be the Performance

Squad. There was a vacancy in AGP for the Head coach as he was currently acting up.

Sue Toohill (STH) highlighted that there were a number of volunteers in coaching roles. KT consolidated that COAST entry would be restricted to constituent clubs where as the

Performance squad would be open to all area athletes. Kenny Watson (KW) confirmed that the pathway was changing from a two tier to a three tier framework

– Club, COAST and then Performance. Feedback from JT highlighted that the review had not focussed on how well the structure had worked. RB questioned this owing to the lack of information and asked for the governance arrangements to be set up sooner rather than later. Agreement was provided that they would meet prior to the end of the year. This action is with ST and

SD. ST confirmed that all clubs were given the same information and clarification that the new Performance coach would look after TAP would be provided.

4. Treasurer’s Report

Treasurers Report

Financial Year to 31st August 2015

Firstly, I should like to thank Ron Smith for holding the position of COAST Treasurer for the past few years. He has done a fantastic job of keeping the accounts and an eye on our financial position.

I took over from Ron in May 2015 and, along with the rest of the Committee, took the decision to start recording the accounts on an accounting package, SAGE, rather than spreadsheets.

The accounts hadn’t been audited the previous year, so I took the opportunity to enter the

2013-2014 as well as the 2014-2015 accounts onto SAGE. We now have an easier system for reporting, invoicing and credit control.

The accounts reported to the AGM last year were presented on a cash basis, whereas previous years had been audited using an accrual based system. This means the 2013-

2014 accounts hadn’t had adjustments for payments made and received in different

accounting periods e.g. money for the October camps being moved from 2013-2014 accounts, when the money was received, to the 2014-2015 accounts, when the event occurred. After making these adjustments, the actual surplus was £10,977.29 rather than the

£20,297.06 reported. This is an accounting exercise and does not affect the bank balance or budgeting.

After the low bank balance at the start of the previous year, we were in the fortunate position of having increased the balance to over

£27,000 at the start of the financial year. This meant we were able to support the swimmers more than during the previous year for kit, team travel and overseas trips.

The biggest impact on the accounts during this last year was the rebranding of the COAST kit. The discounts offered to swimmers and the large amount of kit bought resulted in a loss for the club. However, we have a large stock of kit, so expenses this year should be considerably down on last year.

Our fundraising during the last year has reduced to less than 20% of the previous year. This loss of income was offset by hosting a COAST Long Course swim meet, which netted the club nearly £9,500.

The surplus for the year has dropped considerably this year to £767.82. This is mostly due to the rebranding of kit, so further restrictions to spending should not be necessary.

I have prepared a summary Income and Expenditure report for the financial year, and a revised report for last year. These accounts have still to be fully audited but should provide all members the information required. If further analysis is required, please contact me. The report shows where we have raised funds this year and equally importantly where we have spent it.

The monthly admin fee paid by all swimmers raised a total of

£16,120 over the year, and this needs to be directed to support athletes as appropriate. Constituent Clubs contribute

£2,160 to the programme. This appears to be on the low side, but of course takes no account of the personal contributions made by parents and members giving up time to support the programme.

Jo Bonner

The Treasurer, Jo Bonner (JB) highlighted the main points in her report (above).

JB advised that the accounts were audited 2 years ago. Funds had reduced on the previous year owing to the lack of running a significant swimming event. SD raised cost relating to Development Camps to which JB explained that costs for (swimming caps and t-shirts were now back charged to ASV. KT confirmed that the balance sheet was showing a significant amount of branded Coast kit. JB explained that some kit has also been written off. ST highlighted the need to raise approximately £10,000 funds from the forthcoming

Development Meets and COAST Long Course. Potential sponsorship will try to be confirmed for the latter. JB indicated that £15 - 20,000 surplus is required going forward.

There was discussion of further exploring the website facility for meet entry and associated charges. There is function if meet fees have not been paid then a forthcoming meet cannot be entered.

5. Secretary’s Report

Secretary’s Report – AGM 2015

Whilst this year has been one of consolidation and progress for Coast in the pool, behind the scenes, whilst we have made visible progress with the introduction of the new website – a great thanks to all involved in its’ production and continued maintenance, there has been frustration with the delay in the production of the Coast review.

It remains to be seen what will occur as a consequence of the review but the changes that have been proposed to our current constitution I believe take account of the position as we are presently. Should we require to make any further amendments these will require to be considered by the calling of an EGM.

The Committee/steering group has now full participative membership from all constituent clubs and this means that a full balanced and healthy discussion can take place, there are a number of vacant positions which following ratification at the AGM should be filled.

Garry Brown

Coast Secretary

The President, (ST) in GB absence covered the report (above).

ST advised that perhaps another EGM (Extraordinary General meeting) would require to be called to incorporate potential constitutional changes in the proposed Coast review actions eg. Performance squad in the constitution. Understood that GB was happy to continue in the role. ST highlighted that athlete’s times for the last 2 years were now available on the website.

6. Team Manager’s Report

Team Manager Report – Season 2014 to present

Every year I start my report saying the last season has been the busiest to date….and last season was no exception……. with our athletes being entered into over 30 meets throughout the UK and Europe, together with representation at regional team level, regional and national training squads, Scottish Schools’ finals, UK School Games and

Scottish and British Universities. The role of Team Manager and Meet Secretary has grown immensely since I took over 4 years ago.

We have travelled as a team to over a third of these meets. Those athletes who utilise this option benefit from a positive, supportive team spirit and group support. They develop self-reliance and improve their personal and time management skills as a basic minimum

– they develop in many other ways and become an integral part of the team support network.

For most of last season we were fortunate to receive financial support from COAST and all athletes have had the opportunity to benefit from this. This support takes the form of coach and chaperone costs, subsidy for overnight accommodation and travel, relay team entries and meet entries for select meets

Last season we ran an overseas training camp, in October for Age Group athletes in

Loutraki, Greece. And this season we have recently returned from a week in

Fuerteventura. Both camps ran successfully and facilities provided were perfect for our needs.

Last year we were also fortunate to have several volunteers for Chaperone duties and without them, the level of team travel would not have been possible. Thankyou to all who have volunteered.

The 2015 – 16 season is already well underway with attendance at 8 meets so far. We have only organised team travel for 1 of those so far as we are struggling to get volunteer help this season.

Last season, for the first time in its history COAST hosted a national series event last weekend. Feedback has been very positive and we are building on this success by hosting an age group meet in May 2016.

Based on previous years’ experience and with planning forward from the National calendar

I estimate our costs for team travel will be in the region of £21,500 which will need to be raised to support our athletes throughout the coming season

It is with great sadness that I am resigning from my role as Team manager and Meet

Secretary and wish to thank all those who over the last four years have made my role so enjoyable. I have learned loads and have had some pretty amazing experiences. I am moving forward to take on new challenges and develop my own business ideas and am excited by this. I will be around to assist the new TM in their role as needed



The Team Manager, (STH) highlighted the main items in her report (above).

STH expressed great sadness that after 4 years this was her last. Last year had been the busiest season to date with over 30 meets attended equating to approximately 3 meets a month. Team travel had been organised for one third of the meets it was stressed that this is a great development opportunity both for athletes and parents. Thanks was given to

Chaperones who had helped during the season and others encouraged to support team travel. The warm weather camps in Greece last year and Fuerteventura this year had different positives for which Coast would consider going back. STH offered to assist with questions as part of her hand over. It was echoed that approximately £20,000 is needed to support athletes in addition to that provided via Scottish Swimming. RB enquired if with more athletes coming through would increase the demand. The number taking team travel has the potential to require higher subsiding although this has been limited this season.

From STH experience swimmers who travelled as a team tended to stay in swimming owing to the network in general terms. Going forward parents were encouraged to take the

Co-ordination role of the Team Manager and Chaperones. This requires completion of required training (level 2 required for overnight and overseas travel). Courses are currently being organised by SD (level 1 takes 3 hours and level 2 takes 4 hours). MMC highlighted the need for a recorder for Development Meets STH advised that this role needed to be filled by clubs.

7. Head Coach’s Report

Coaches Report (Gregor McMillan)

This year, in particular the last six months have been very busy for myself and the team.

Our continued improvement across the programme has seen great success across the year and our challenge going forward will be to maintain these developments.

Our athletes have continued to excel, by the end of season 2014/2015 we were 3rd at the

Scottish National Age Groups and 7th at the Scottish National Open. A strong performance considering that a number of senior athletes decided to finish their involvement with the sport.

We had a number of athletes compete at British Senior level with a group competing at the

British Open in April . We have had a record breaking start to this season with 80 COAST,

District and National records broken already. 39 records alone were taken at the weekend's ND Grand Prix. Last season we had 288 records set across all levels.

Personal Thanks

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Laura for her ongoing commitment and support as she continues to develop within the COAST family.

Thank you to Liz Kemp for her involvement with the CD squad, agreeing to go on camp with our age group athletes in October and her all round support of everything we do.

To the development coaches for their support of our weekly programme, Michael

Macdonald, Liz Riley, Sean Breen, Sabine Miksta, Phil Bunnett, Ailsa Main and Francis


A special thank you to Sue Tootill for her tireless support in the TM role, her work is immeasurably appreciated. I will adjust the words of Gordon Glasgow from last years AGM were he stated that "the programme cannot function without her hard work". To this, Sue is stepping down so our programme cannot function without her knowledge and wisdom being passed on to the next management team so please step forward to learn from her.

Finally, thank you to all parents, coaches and officials that have supported me during the last six months, it hasn't been easy but it has been personally very rewarding.


Our experience through the 2014/2015 season has shown that although we have coped with delivering to a large programme on interim basis we do require three coaches to fully support the programme and all of its functions. We need to continue to explore ways to revive the coaching group as well as increase the opportunity for assistants to work regularly with our athletes. We have had a number of support coaches complete their level

1 course and in the process of completing their level 2, Laura Bowie begins her level 3 during the spring of 2016.

We continue to deliver great camp opportunities, we have expanded and improved this part of our coaching delivery. We also continue to offer great on deck technical days with us holding six Saturday mornings to all (JS2/3) development level athletes. New initiatives will be introduced for club development into 2016 to bring our family closer together and improve delivery further.


Scottish Swimming's Programme review has been concluded and document circulated.

There are a number of long term developments that will take place, I see this positively and I hope athletes and parents do too. The biggest upcoming event will be the appointment of a new Performance Coach and a permanent Head coach, I expect this to be concluded through 2016.

Season ahead

The season ahead is an opportunity for us to continue to excite and motivate the community at large about swimming. This starts off at the entry level and we need to continue to cement the idea of the development pathway being part of the COAST family early into the psyche of the young athletes moving into the sport. There needs to be a focus on creating a wider feeling of COAST community so that all athletes can feel part of and proud of COAST and each of the development clubs as part of COAST.

We have athletes trying to qualify for the British Olympic trials and the European Junior

Championships this season. Longer term the Youth Commonwealth Games in 2017 and the full Games in the Gold Coast in 2018 are aims.

We need to celebrate our successes and be proud of the programme that has consistently provided athletes to national programmes since being established. You need to be proud to be part of COAST and be positive in spreading the opportunities and experiences being part of the programme provides.

We need to make sure that we seek out new ways to support and improve the programme in order that we can provide a world class environment for our athletes to strive, grow, thrive and excel in.

The Head Coach, (GMcM) highlighted the main items in his report (above).

GMcM thanked Laura, Liz, Sue and club development coaches for their commitment and continuing support of the Coast programme and Alan Paterson for producing the spreadsheets for records. LB will complete Level 2 coaching. The three Coast

Development camps were well supported. ST asked how someone becomes a volunteer coach. GMcM advised for example life guarding and possibly via ASV development programme. A small number of volunteer coaches assist in delivering the programme assistance from all clubs is required and would be appreciated. Parents would also be welcomed to assist on poolside – no qualifications required only how to work a stop watch.

There was a discussion around older swimmers whose parents do not assist at swimming meets and what can be done. GMcM will raise with the ND as perhaps with electronic timekeeping the need would mainly be Judges. It is thought that this may be potential issue with the Performance squad.

8. Proposed Amendments to the Constitution

Proposed amendments to City Of Aberdeen Swim Team Constitution and Bye-Laws

In accordance with section C5, clause 1.5, the following amendments are proposed to the constitution and bye-laws

Section 3.0 Membership

A new Clause C3.2 is inserted to read

“The constituent clubs are Aberdeen Dolphin ASC, Bon Accord Thistle ASC, Bridge of Don

ASC, Bucksburn ASC, Cults Otters ASC and Dyce ASC”

The previous clauses C3.2 to C3.12 are amended to now read C3.3 to C3.13

Clause C5.2.7 is amended to read

“Having received all nominations and proposed alterations, the Secretary shall arrange for this information to be displayed on the website at least 7 (seven) days before the meeting.”

Section BL 1.0 Management

Clause BL 1.2.2 is amended to read

“All Steering Committee members shall be in place for a term of up to three years.”

Clause BL 2.2.5 is amended to read

“Notice of the date, time and venue of each committee meeting shall be published on the team website at least 7 (seven) days prior to the meeting.”

Clause BL 4.1.1 is amended to read

“All Grievances, Complaints and Appeals, except for doping, child abuse or alleged criminal offences, shall be dealt with in accordance with Section 4.2 of the Team Bye-


The President, Steve Turner (ST) spoke through the changes detailed above. All proposals were agreed.

9. Motions

Nothing declared.

10. Election of Office Bearers

The President, Steve Turner (ST) spoke through proposed Office Bearers. Names were proposed (except Head coach position) by ST and seconded by Liz Kemp (LK). This was also collectively agreed by the attendees.

KW suggested a post of Media Officer to be linked to records.

Post Name email

President Steve Turner

Vice President



Kenny Watson

Garry Brown

Jo Bonner

Team manager Sue Tootill (outgoing) vacant

Meet Secretary Patrica Bain + another

Child protection officer

Swimming technical officials officer

Head Coach

Aberdeen Dolphins


Jackie Fraser

Mike McCulloch

Mary Agnew

Bon Accord Thistle


Gayle Holland

Bridge of Don Representative Lesley Beveridge

(deputy Nicki Scorgie)

Bucksburn Representative

Cults Otters Representative

Dyce Representative

Aberdeen Sports Village

Club Development Coordinator

Ex president

Web site co-ordinator


Rhona Kennedy

Deb Ritchie

Garry Fraser

Jan Griffiths



Liz Kemp

Steve Turner

Rob Bain

Development squad rep Mary Rogers

11. A.O.B.

Peter Jaffrey (PJ) raised that staying as Coast should assist with funding.

RB highlighted and stressed the need for a plan to be developed by the Management

Board to move the Coast review forward with appropriate governance arrangements.

ST thanked people for attendance and contribution closing the meeting at 21:00.
