Goodbye, old friend.

Running head: GOODBYE, OLD FRIEND.
Goodbye, old friend:
Prevention of the unnecessary surrendering of companion animals among the elderly
Karen Davis, MSN, MBA, RN, CAPA
Background: Every day families are surrendering pets to animal shelters as their elderly owners
transition to new living arrangements or begin to have difficulty keeping up with the animal’s
care. Yet, for many seniors, their pets are their closest family members, the givers of love and
companionship, their confidants and even their reason to live. The loss of their pet can lead to
grief, despair, depression, hopelessness, loneliness and a decline in health for the elderly person.
Problem: Families may be prematurely surrendering these pets because they are unaware of
resources that may help keep an elderly person and their beloved pet together. Intervention:
This article explores potential resources that can be utilized and details the benefits derived by
the elderly when their pet is allowed to remain with them. Many programs exist all over the
country to assist the elderly in keeping their companion animals. Local SPCAs, humane
societies, senior centers, area senior programs, veterinary clinics, hospice groups and churches
provide assistance such as food, vet care, dog walking and emergency housing. Outcome: All
caregivers can become aware of what is available in their area and work with families to keep the
elderly and their companion animals together. The result will be improved health and happiness
for both the senior and their pet.
Key words: elderly, seniors, pets, companion animals, human-companion animal bond
Goodbye, old friend.
They stood side by side.
Two old dogs had just been surrendered. Their elderly owner had become too ill to care for them
and a family member had brought them to the animal shelter. The dogs stood shoulder to
shoulder, alert by the cage door, eagerly awaiting the return of their beloved owner. That is
when I spotted them; and my heart broke.
As a volunteer in a local humane society, I see it all too often - the
old dog or old cat sitting in a cage at an animal shelter after having been surrendered by a family
member. They look so hopeful at first, especially the dogs. They think every person walking in
the door might be their owner. Unfortunately, the truth starts to settle in as the days go by.
When I saw the old dogs again, they still waited by the door, but they did not stand quite
as tall. It was as if they were beginning to suspect the truth. Their best friend was not coming
for them. No one was coming for them. For whatever reason, their family could not see a way to
keep these loyal and loving companion animals within the family unit. Instead, they were
surrendered to terrifying and uncertain futures. Worse, this did not need to happen.
For these two old dogs, I could not help but mourn. According to the American Society
for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), approximately 5 to 7 million companion
animals enter shelters each year in the U.S. Of those, about 60% of dogs and 70% of cats are
euthanized (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, 2015). This is a fact, I
believe, that many surrendering family members do not realize or consider.
Additionally, older pets (especially cats with little socialization to anyone other than the
owner) will often not adjust well to the separation and may be deemed unadoptable. Mom or
Dad’s beloved cat or dog will likely NOT find another loving home, especially if they are senior
pets. More often than not, they will die alone and afraid.
I mourn as well for the dog’s elderly owner. It is highly likely that this person is grieving
deeply over the surrender of their pet. For many seniors, their pets are their closest family
members - the givers of love and companionship, their confidants, and even their reason to live
(Tunajek, 2009). For the elderly, their pets might be the only reason to get up in the morning.
In turn, their companion animal is devoted to them and wants nothing more than to be
fed and lovingly cared for throughout the day. They are a barrier against loneliness, depression
and hopelessness and can add years of health and happiness to an elderly person’s life (Tousley,
2014). When forced to give up their pets, the fate of their companion can become a major issue
for the senior. Often, the welfare of their “best friend” becomes a greater concern than their own
welfare (Duno, 2013).
The elderly face so much loss. The senior citizen’s declining health, the loss of their
independence, busy children, the death of friends, etc. can lead to isolation, loneliness and fear
(Tousley, 2014). It is no wonder that seniors develop such rich relationships with their pets.
Pets give elders a sense of being needed and a reason to keep active, while providing
companionship and unconditional love. Without their pets, there may be no one to talk to, to
sleep beside or provide for. Until we understand the significance of these relationships, we
cannot begin to measure the grief and despair experienced by the elderly when forced to give up
their pets (Tousley, 2014).
In fact, seniors are telling us they want their animals living with them. According to the
last Harris poll, 68% of people aged 66 and above reported that dogs should be allowed in
hospitals and 89% felt they should be allowed in long term care facilities (Harris Interactive,
2011). Knowing all of this, what can caregivers do to help maintain the relationship between the
elderly and their pets? The first thing we should do is educate ourselves on the incredible health
benefits of companion animals.
Of importance is a growing body of evidence that points to pet ownership as having a
positive effect on cardiovascular health, in addition to its socio-emotional benefits. Owning a pet
is associated with better one year survival rates after a heart attack, fewer health complaints and
fewer trips to the doctor (Fine, 2010). This is not new news! Twenty years ago, another study
found that elderly pet owners reported less distress and fewer doctor visits than those who did
not own pets (Siegel, 1990). In fact, in one study published as long ago as 1980, one year
survival rates after a heart attack showed that 28% of patients without pets died, while only 6%
of the patients with pets died (Friedmann, Katcher, Lynch, & Thomas, 1980).
There have even been several studies done on coronary care patients that show the
mortality rate of patients with a pet was one third of those who did not have pets. Blood pressure
and heart rates are lower when a pet is in the room and some patient’s blood pressures fall below
resting rates when they gently pet their animals. As loneliness is thought to be a major
contributor to heart disease, having a pet can contribute to better coronary health (Roy & Russell,
Pets may also buffer stress, with that benefit becoming especially apparent in a time of
illness (Staats, 2006).
Pet interaction has been found to lower stress hormone levels and boost
other chemicals that produce feelings of happiness. Excess stress contributes to skin diseases,
diseases of the respiratory tract and a decrease in immune function (Tunajek, 2009).
People may need pets most when they are in need themselves. While the role of pets is
recognized as hugely important to many people, pets have been shown to be most valued at times
of crisis, loss and adversity. During these times, companion animals provide social and
emotional support, an atmosphere for improved coping, and provide love and a feeling of
security (Cain, 1985). A 2011 study showed pet owners to have better self-esteem, exercise more
and suffer less loneliness than non-owners (McConnell, Brown, Shoda, Stayton, & Martin,
2011). This same study showed pets as having a similar positive effect as a best friend when a
person was faced with a social rejection, loneliness or isolation.
It is especially agonizing when there is a forced surrender of a valued pet. The loss of a
pet amid other losses, such as illness or displacement from the home, can have a cumulative
effect and grief can be especially strong (Walsh, 2009). Not only can the surrender of a pet be
bad for the health of the elderly person, but keeping companion animals is profoundly good for
their health.
Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing, was an early believer in the
importance of pets for the sick and suffering. In 1898 she wrote, “A small pet animal is often an
excellent companion for the sick, for long chronic cases especially. A pet bird in a cage is
sometimes the only pleasure of an invalid confined for years to the same room. If he can feed
and clean the animal himself, he ought always to be encouraged to do so (Florence Nightingale,
1898). Nurses have known for almost 120 years that it is important to maintain the humancompanion animal bond! As such, finding out how we as caregivers can help keep pets with
their seniors is the second thing we should be doing. All it takes is a little research.
Luckily, now more than ever, there are organizations and services to turn to for help. The
best place to start is your local humane society or other animal sheltering agency. My own local
shelter, the Dakin Humane Society in Springfield, MA, provides emergency temporary boarding
services which can be utilized for an elderly owner’s hospitalization or temporary rehabilitation.
It provides free food from its pet food bank for those unable to afford to feed their companion
animals. They are also a resource for the myriad problems that can arise with keeping an animal
in the home.
If your local Humane Society or SPCA can’t help, there are many other programs
available across the country. Check with your local senior center, area senior programs,
veterinary clinics, hospice groups, churches and the internet. Programs exist, but too few people
know about them.
For example, California boasts many programs to support the human-animal bond in the
elderly population. In Marin County, there is a website for sponsors to donate money towards a
senior’s pet care (Best Friends Animal Society, 2009). This allows the Marin Humane Society to
administer a program called SHARE that delivers pet care assistance to seniors, including pet
food delivery, transportation to the veterinarian, dog walking, litterbox maintenance and
emergency boarding (The Marin Humane Society, 2011). Farther south in California, a program
in Los Angeles called the PAWS/LA P.A.C.E. program is designed to help keep disenfranchised
seniors and their pets together and offers services similar to SHARE. The LA group services
over 1,700 animal guardians and their 2,000+ companion animals (Pioneers for Animal Welfare
Society, 2011).
In New York, the JASA PETS Project is dedicated to helping keep seniors and their
animal companions together. The organization pairs volunteers with elderly pet owners to meet
the needs of the specific person and pet. The volunteers are supervised by a social worker who
has specific pet care experience or training. Volunteers help with dog walking, litterbox cleaning,
veterinarian appointments, pet food shopping, and pet sitting, among other things. The
organization is even able to provide medication administration for pets and help with providing
for pets in the event of the death of the client (Jewish Association Serving the Aging, 2015).
PetPALS of Southern New Jersey, formed in 1995, is dedicated to helping pets and their
owners stay together for “as long as practical” (PetPALS of Southern New Jersey, 2010). They
offer in-home pet care, pet food and supplies, veterinary care, grooming, transportation, foster
care, and adoption assistance when an owner dies or is unable to maintain his pet (Drake, 2014).
Not far away, a Long Island group named PAWS runs a similar program called SWAP (Seniors
With Animals Project) (Pioneers for Animal Welfare Society (PAWS/LI), 2011).
In Texas, the Seniors Pet Assistance Network provides low-income seniors with
veterinary assistance and pet food. It is a volunteer resource to Dallas area senior organizations
and will provide help with basic veterinary care such as shots and flea medication. Additionally,
they will deliver a month’s worth of pet food at a time to seniors (Seniors Pets Assistance
Network, 2012).
In Florida, the Pet Project for Pets is dedicated to preserving the human-animal bond for
people with debilitating or life threatening diseases.
They offer a pet food bank with home
delivery, discounted veterinary services, transportation and temporary foster care, among other
services. This is a completely volunteer driven organization servicing the South Florida area
(The Pet Project, 2015).
On a national level, the Banfield Charitable Trust has been addressing the growing need
to keep pets and families together since 2004. Working with a wide array of organizations, they
are able to offer a variety of programs to help struggling pet owners (Banfield Charitable Trust,
2013). In addition to providing for emergency vet care and food, Banfield administers a program
called Pet Peace of Mind for pet owners in hospice. They provide a wide range of services to
help keep a companion animal in the home during its owners last days, working with hospice
providers across the country (Banfield Charitable Trust, 2013).
Finally, the Humane Society of the United States administers a program called Pets for
Life. It is a program dedicated to keeping pets in the homes they already have. While not
specifically for elders, they partner with local welfare agencies to provide free dog training,
vaccinations, pet supplies and general wellness care (Humane Society of the United States,
The ASPCA reminds us to encourage seniors to plan for the future of their companion
animals while they are still able to do so. The ASPCA website has an excellent guide to
planning for the ongoing care of beloved companion animals. It provides guidance in setting up
a pet trust as well as making both formal and informal arrangements for the future care of pets
(American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, 2015).
I will never know what happened to those two old dogs. But I do know this – all across
the country, these programs and many others, help to keep pets and seniors together. More are
popping up every day all around us. It’s just a matter of spending a little time to see what is
available in your area!! Education is the important first step! We must educate those we care for
and their families on the benefits of keeping companion animals with their senior owners (or at
least within the family). We must let them know there are resources available to help a senior
keep an animal in their home if the elder can still provide basic care. We must let them know the
harsh realities of surrendering companion animals, both for the elderly and for the pet. Let’s
work together to help keep the elderly and their “best friends” together! As Florence Nightingale
said, “A small pet animal is often an excellent companion (Florence
Nightingale, 1898).
American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. (2015). Pet Care. [Planning for your
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Duno, S. (2013, April 2). Pet separation and elder care suppport. a Place for Mom. Retrieved
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Siegel, M. (1990). Stressful life events and use of physician services among the elderly: the
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