Ph.D., Principal Investigator
Rm 438 & 439, School of Life Sciences, Peking University
No. 5 Yiheyuan Rd, Haidian District, Beijing 100871, China
Phone: +86-10-62753901
Mobile: +86-18600081469
Email: canxie@pku.edu.cn
Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of
Sciences, Beijing, China, 2001
Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Molecular biology
Advisor: Dr. Shouyi Chen
Hunan Normal University, Changsha, China, 1995
B.S. in Biological Sciences
Advisor: Dr. Youhui Shen (Zoology)
School of Life Sciences, Peking University, Beijing, China, 2009Principal Investigator: My lab at Peking University focuses on receptor biology, and
is pursuing research in three major directions: (I) Human Innate Immune
Receptors (with an emphasis on Host-Pathogen Interaction), (II) Animal sensory
system (Sensory Receptors), and (III) Plant Hormone Receptors. We are also
interested in developing novel eukaryotic expression systems for structural
biology studies and pharmaceutical industry, which has been serving as the base
and our technology platform.
Immune Disease Institute (formerly known as CBR Institute for Biomedical
Research), Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, 2001-2009
Research Fellow: Research focuses on integrin structure and function in immune
system with Dr. Timothy A. Springer
Biology Department and National Synchrotron Light Source, Brookhaven
National Laboratory, 2006
RapiData 2006: Rapid Data Collection and Structure Solving: A Practical Course in
Macromolecular X-Ray Diffraction Measurement
Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of
Sciences, Beijing, China, 1996-2001
Graduate student in Biochemistry and Molecular biology, research on the molecular
cloning, spatial and temporal expression pattern, signal transduction, biochemical
characterization a transmembrane receptor kinase (NTHK1) with Dr. Shouyi Chen
and Dr. Jinsong Zhang.
Institute of Biological Sciences, Hunan Province, Changsha, China, 1992-1995
Research assistant in Vertebrate Zoology Laboratory, research on zoology and
ecology with Prof. Youhui Shen.
Principal Investigator: Peking University, School of Life Sciences, Beijing, 2009present
Member of Executive Committee of Protein Core, Peking University
Member of the Technical Advisory Committee of National Center for Protein
Sciences at Shanghai (NCPSS)
The Protein Society
The American Crystallographic Association
The Chinese Crystallographic Society
Xie C, Zhu J, Chen X, Mi L, Nishida N, Springer TA. Structure of an integrin with
EMBO J, 2010 , 29(3): 666-679.
integrin structure.)
Nishida N*, Xie C*, Shimaoka M, Cheng Y, Walz T, Springer TA, Activation of
leukocyte β2 integrins by conversion from bent to extended conformation.
Immunity, 2006, 583-594. (* : co-first author)
(It is the first EM structure of aI Integrins. It also provided structural basis of
integrin activation.)
Xie C, Shimaoka M, Xiao T, Schwab P, Klickstein LB, Springer TA. The integrin α
subunit leg extends at a Ca2+-dependent epitope in the thigh/genu interface
upon activation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 2004 101: 15422-15427.
Xie C, Zhang JS, Zhou HL, Li J, Zhang ZG, Wang DW, Chen SY, Serine/threonine
kinase activity in the putative histidine kinase-like ethylene receptor NTHK1
from tobacco. Plant J. 2003 Jan;33(2):385-393.
(It is the first report of Ser/Thr kinase activity, but not Histidine kinase activity
of plant ethylene receptor, which overturned a previously proposed mechanism
for ethylene signaling based on histidine kinase activity of the receptors.)
Xie C, Zhang ZG, Zhang JS, He XJ, Cao WH, He SJ, Chen SY, Spatial expression and
characterization of a putative ethylene receptor protein NTHK1 in tobacco.
Plant Cell Physiol. 2002 Jul;43(7):810-815.
Zhang JS *, Xie C *, Shen YG, Chen SY, A two-component gene (NTHK1)
encoding a putative ethylene receptor homolog is both developmently- and
stress-regulated in tobacco. Thero. Appl. Genet., 2001, 102 (6/7): 815-824 (* :
co-first author)
Xie C, Zhang JS, Chen SY, Tobacco floral homeotic gene NFBP6 is specifically
expressed during pollen and ovule development, Science in China (Series C),
1999, 42(5),481-484.
Chen X, Xie C, Nishida N, Li Z, Walz T, Springer TA. Requirement of open
headpiece conformation for activation of leukocyte integrin αXβ2. Proc. Natl.
Acad. Sci. USA , 2010 , 107: 14727-32
Vorup-Jensen, T, Chi, L, Gjelstrup, LC, Jensen, UB, Jewett CA, Xie, C, Shimaoka M,
Linhardt RJ, Springer TA, Binding between the integrin αXβ2 (CD11c/CD18) and
heparin. J. Biol. Chem. 2007, 282:30869-77.
10. Cao W, Liu J, Chen T, Cao Y, He X, Mu R, Zhou H, Xie C, Chen S, Zhang J. 2007.
Ethylene receptor signaling and plant salt-stress responses. Advances in Plant
Ethylene Research: 333-339.
11. Chen JF, Takagi J, Xie C, Xiao T, Luo BH, Springer TA. 2004. The relative
influence of metal ion binding sites in the I-like domain and the interface with
the hybrid domain on rolling and firm adhesion by integrin α4β7. J. Biol. Chem.
279: 55556-55561.
12. Zhang JS, Xie C, Wu XL, Du BX, Chen SY, Tobacco two-component gene NTHK2,
Chinese Science Bulletin, 2001, 46(7): 574-577.
13. Wang WM, Zhu LH, Xie R, Xie C, Jin L, Morphological and anatomical analysis of
a floral organ mutant in rice, Acta Botanica Sinica, 2000, 42(4): 379-382.
14. Zhang JS, Xie C, Li ZY, Chen SY, Expression of the plasma membrane H+-ATPase
gene in response to salt stress in a rice salt-tolerance mutant and its original
variety, Theor Appl Genet (1999), 99, (6), 1006-1011.
15. Zhang JS, Xie C, Liu F, Liu FH, Chen SY, A novel tobacco gene coding for a
product similar to bacterial two-component regulators, Chinese Science
Bulletin, 1999, 44(11), 1025-1029.
16. Xie C, Zhang JS, Chen SY, Protein Phosphorylation and two-component system.
Progress in Biotechnology. 2001, 21(6), 9-14. (in Chinese)
Xie C, et. al, Stabilized Low Affinity Conformation of Integrins for Drug
Discovery. (Pending)
Application: 61/141,145
NP Ref: 033393-063940-P