Requirements for Graduation Review Form Program: Greenfield Community College Office of the Registrar MATH-SCIENCE (LMO) Satisfies Mass Transfer Block Student’s Name: Student Number: Matriculation Date: Course Catalog Date: 2015-16 Cumulative GPA: Title Second Degree: Credits Completed English Composition/Writing ENG 101, 103, or 105 English Composition I 3 ENG 112, 114, or 116 English Composition II 3 Behavioral and Social Sciences (9 credits) Select two of the following courses ANT 104, ECO 101 or 102, EVS 101, POL 101, PSY 101, or SOC 101 Select one 3 credit course coded ANT, ECO, EVS, HSV, POL, PSJ, PSY, or SOC Humanities and Fine Arts (9 credits) One three-credit course from each of the following categories History: any course coded HIS Remaining 3 3 3 3 Literature: Any 200-level course coded ENG 3 One 3 or 4 credit course coded AHS, ART, ASL, DAN, ENG, FRE, GGY, HIS, HUM, LAT, MUS, PCS, PHI, SPA, or THE other than developmental, English Composition I and English Composition II 3-4 PCS 101 or 141 Current 3 Natural or Physical Science (16 credits) Select two 4-credit courses from any two of the following codes BIO, CHE, GEO, PHY, SCI, or MAT 201 or higher 4 4 4 4 Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning (8 credits) two of the following: MAT 107, 108, 201, 202 4 4 Option Electives (11 credits) Any 11 credits of courses coded BIO, CHE, CIS 200-level programming courses, EGR, EGT 112, GEO, MAT 107 or higher, PHY, REE, SCI excluding REE 114, REE 131, REE 132, REE 133, REE 135, REE, 136, REE 221, REE 228, SCI 114, SCI 131, SCI 132, SCI 133, SCI 135, SCI 136, SCI 221 and SCI 228 Total Credits Required for Program: 62-63 Program Credits Earned by the end of the Current Semester: Notes: Reviewed by: updated 05/26/2015 Date: