Cross Country note - Griffith North Public School

Griffith North Public School
2-14 Boonah Street Griffith NSW 2680
Phone: 02 69621043; 0269641404
Fax: 0269641453
Dear Parents/Guardians,
The Griffith North Public School’s annual cross country carnival will be held at the Lake Wyangan Picnic Area,
on Thursday, 19th March, 2015. Events will commence at approximately 12:00pm.
On that day it is expected that all students in Years 3-6, including children who are unable to participate in the events,
will travel by bus to Lake Wyangan. It is requested that a reason be given in writing where children are unable to
From each age division a squad of the first eight competitors finished in each age division will go on to the Griffith
Zone Carnival to be held on Thursday 21st May, 2015 at the Lake Wyangan Picnic Area.
Children will need to be suitably attired in running shoes and sports clothing for the school Cross Country event.
They may dress in their house colours for the day. Please ensure a hat is worn, sunscreen is used and all children are
urged to bring adequate drinks with them. If for some reason, children are unable to bring a drink, the school will have
large water containers available. If children would like to use these, please bring their own cup or drink container.
Ensure that any medication your child requires, especially asthma medication, is with them at the lake.
Travel to the Lake Wyangan Picnic Area will be by bus at a cost of $2.50 per student. Departure from school will be
at 11:15 a.m., returning approximately 3:05 p.m.
Parking - Spectators who are travelling to Lake Wyangan, please park vehicles in the ‘camping area’.
Food - Students will have an early lunch at school. They may wish to take ‘recess’ to eat later in the day.
For your child to participate in the school cross country carnival, it is necessary to complete the permission note
below. Please return this note and money to the class teacher as soon as possible.
We would welcome the assistance of any parents who could help on the course during the day. If you are able to do
so, would you please indicate on the permission note below? Help would mainly involve sitting at a check point!
Anne-Maree Young (Cross Country Co-ordinator 2015)
Susan Bourne
2015 GNPS Cross Country Carnival
I give permission for my son/daughter/ward named……………………………………. of class: …………
to attend the School Cross Country carnival on Thursday, 19th March, 2015. Travel will be by bus to the
Lake Wyangan Picnic Area. The cost is $2.50.
I ____________________ am able to assist with the School Cross Country on Thursday, 19th March, 2015.
Special needs of my child which the school should be aware of:
Signed: ……………………………………………………..
Griffith North Public School
2-14 Boonah Street Griffith NSW 2680
Phone: 02 69621043; 0269641404
Fax: 0269641453
Dear Parents/Guardians,
The Griffith North Public School’s annual cross country carnival will be held at the Lake Wyangan Picnic Area,
on Thursday, 19th March, 2015. Events will commence at approximately 12:00pm.
On that day it is expected that all students in Years 3-6, including children who are unable to participate in the events,
will travel by bus to Lake Wyangan. It is requested that a reason be given in writing where children are unable to
From each age division a squad of the first eight competitors finished in each age division will go on to the Griffith
Zone Carnival to be held on Thursday 21st May, 2015 at the Lake Wyangan Picnic Area.
Children will need to be suitably attired in running shoes and sports clothing for the school Cross Country event.
They may dress in their house colours for the day. Please ensure a hat is worn, sunscreen is used and all children are
urged to bring adequate drinks with them. If for some reason, children are unable to bring a drink, the school will have
large water containers available. If children would like to use these, please bring their own cup or drink container.
Ensure that any medication your child requires, especially asthma medication, is with them at the lake.
Travel to the Lake Wyangan Picnic Area will be by bus at a cost of $2.50 per student. Departure from school will be
at 11:15 a.m., returning approximately 3:05 p.m.
Parking - Spectators who are travelling to Lake Wyangan, please park vehicles in the ‘camping area’.
Food - Students will have an early lunch at school. They may wish to take ‘recess’ to eat later in the day.
For your child to participate in the school cross country carnival, it is necessary to complete the permission note
below. Please return this note and money to the class teacher as soon as possible.
We would welcome the assistance of any parents who could help on the course during the day. If you are able to do
so, would you please indicate on the permission note below? Help would mainly involve sitting at a check point!
Anne-Maree Young (Cross Country Co-ordinator 2015)
Susan Bourne
2015 GNPS Cross Country Carnival
I give permission for my son/daughter/ward named……………………………………. of class: …………
to attend the School Cross Country carnival on Thursday, 19th March, 2015. Travel will be by bus to the
Lake Wyangan Picnic Area. The cost is $2.50.
I ____________________ am able to assist with the School Cross Country on Thursday, 19th March, 2015.
Special needs of my child which the school should be aware of:
Signed: ……………………………………………………..