Pool Chemical Safety Quiz

Pool Safety
Pool Safety Quiz
1. Which of the following is not something you learned about in the course?
a. The proper concentration for pool chemicals
b. Where to find out information about pool chemicals
c. Proper storage and handling procedures to minimize risk of incidents
d. What to do in the event of an emergency
e. How to protect yourself using PPE
2. Where are the SDS’s found for the pool chemicals?
a. At the front desk
b. In a drawer in the pool office
c. In KB’s office
d. On the wall outside the storage rooms
3. Which of these are potential routes of chemical exposure found in the pool
area? (select all that apply)
a. Eye or Skin contact and absorption
b. Ingestion
c. Inhalation of dry chemical dust/powders and/or vapors
d. Cross contamination to food, clothes or other non-lab materials
e. All of the above
4. Put the following steps for exposure to chemicals via inhalation in the correct
a. Stay with them until you are sure they are ok
b. Remove person to fresh air
c. Report the incident to your supervisor
d. If symptoms persist, call 911 or campus police x3111
5. You don’t have to use chemicals in order to operate a commercial pool. (true
or false)
6. The only personal protective equipment you need to use when adding
chemicals to the pool is gloves. (true or false)
7. You should wash your hands
a. Before you go in the sanitation room
b. With your gloves on
c. When you leave the pool area
d. When you finish with any pool chemical
8. Which of the following is not true?
a. Read product labels and directions before each use
b. Use only pool chemicals in original labeled containers
c. Add pool chemicals to water, not the reverse
d. You can mix new and old chemicals as long as it’s the same chemical
Pool Safety Quiz– February 2013
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Pool Safety
9. Ways to prevent inadvertent contact of water with pool chemicals include
a. Closing containers properly and tightly
b. Putting damaged packaging into waterproof containers
c. Storing chemicals on the floor
d. Both a and b
10. If you are unsure about the contents of a container you can dip your finger in it
and taste it and smell it to determine its contents (true or false)
11. If you have a little bit of chemical left, you can just dump it down the drain
because that’s where the pool water goes anyways (true or false)
12. Under the new GHS system, all of the following are required to be on the label
a. Pictograms denoting hazard class
b. Signal words
c. Hazard Statements
d. Precautionary Statements
e. Disposal Procedures
13. If someone gets splashed in their eyes or on their skin, what is the minimum
length of time they should rinse under water
a. 5 minutes
b. 25 minutes
c. 20 minutes
d. 15 minutes
14. The maximum amount of calcium hypochlorite briquettes (pulsar briquettes)
that can be stored in the sanitization room is
a. 50 lbs
b. 100 lbs
c. 200 lbs
d. 250 lbs
15. Pool chemicals should be kept dry while in storage; otherwise they may
produce an unwanted chemical reaction and release a toxic gas. (true or
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Pool Safety Quiz– February 2013
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