Prof. Robert Collins ENGL 262G—The Art of Literature Paper #2 — Presentations ASSIGNMENT: You’ve all been assigned to groups, and each group has been assigned a certain theoretical essay. By now you should have at least dipped into your group’s essay, and I hope you’ve got a sense of what’s going on in that essay. What I’m asking you to do with your groups is this: you need to work together to produce a presentation of roughly ten minutes (longer is better than shorter) that summarizes your essay, and considers how it relates to The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time. After your presentation is over, you will also have to answer questions from the class about your essay. This also means that when your group is not presenting, you’ll need to pay careful attention and come up with questions! Every student must ask at least one question over the course of the presentations. Your presentations should cover at least these few things: Who wrote this essay? What field does it come from? What is the topic of the essay? That is, what is it about? What is the argument of this essay? That is, what is it asking us to believe about this topic? What kind of evidence is used to persuade us? How is the same topic treated in The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time? What would the author of your essay say about this novel? Those are the things that you should say in your presentation. Here’s what you should do: Have every group member contribute something (not necessarily speaking, but feel free to divide up speaking roles). Have some kind of visual aid — a PowerPoint, a poster board, someone writing on the board, a handout out for everyone, something like that. You should present for 8-12 minutes. You should be prepared! You might consider writing something in advance and reading it from a page, or you may simply wish to outline what you want to say on a notecard, or you may want to memorize your bit. If you’re very familiar with what your essay and what you’re saying about it, you can speak off the cuff, but you should definitely practice for. SCHEDULE: Wednesday, October 16: Group Workshop. This will be the only time I’ll force you to get together with your groups, but I certainly recommend finding time to meet outside of class. You’ll discuss your essay and plan your presentation for most of the class period. Monday, October 21 and Wednesday, October 23: Presentations! We’ll have three groups present on Monday and two on Wednesday. The order of presentations will be determined on group workshop day. AFTER THE PRESENTATIONS: When presentations are over you should begin thinking about your essay. A more detailed prompt for the essay is coming, but for now what you need to know is this. The essay is due Monday, November 4. It will be at least five full pages in length. After hearing everyone’s presentation about the essays, you will choose one of them – not necessarily your group’s! – and consider how its argument relates to The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time. We will not have class on Wednesday, October 30. Instead, you’ll be required to meet with me in my office that week for a ten-minute conference about your essay. A sign-up sheet is forthcoming. GRADE BREAKDOWN: Paper Two is, at the end of the day, worth 25% of your grade. There are a few components to this grade, which break down like this: The Essay Itself Group Presentation Did the Student Ask a Question? Did the Student Attend His/Her Conference with Me? — 10% — 10% — 3% — 2%